I mean, they're late game Pokemon. You get them in the early to mid thirties in b/w (besides litwick). Do they take a while to raise, sure, all Im saying is its not that big of a deal to get around the hurdleJust because you can grind away at them by bashing Audino heads in doesn't make those evolution levels reasonable. It's one of the things Gen V did wrong. Mienfoo, Pawniard, Litwick, Vullaby, etc... don't have the excuse Hydreigon does (it's Unova's pseudo). They're just average pokemon with ridiculous evolution levels.
It's one thing I'd wish they go back and revise.
Please stop giving me reasons to want to dismiss SuMo The Series outright before it's air date I'm trying very hard to give that the benefit of the (rather large) doubt.Pokemon threads get so weird and mean spirited, lol.
I think we can all agree that Ash's female friend is going to get a Poplio that evolves into and stays a Brionne for the rest of the show.
Team Rocket Meowth is gonna laugh his ass off when he sees Alolan Persian in the anime.
Old Red looks...kinda over the hillt
Old Red looks like he's been watching Steven Universe.Old Red Looks like Phoenix Wright somewhat.
i was wondering about this too, was on the impression that more or less all games with the exception of RBY took place simultaneously.
Considering Charjabug is my favorite Gen 7 Pokemon, this makes me really happy. I would hate to just use it for a couple of levels before evolving again.Charjabug evolves at 40?!
If XY takes place nearly two decades after ORAS, then why is Wally the same age? And Cynthia should be fourteen years older. Yet Red and Blue are in their twenties.Went and did some research since the last person asked to make sure I was right; this probably isn't the case. I think these two cover it quite well.
FRLG/E ---> 3 years ---> HGSS/DPPt ---> 11 years ---> BW ---> 2 years ---> BW2
FRLG/E taking place contemporaneously is confirmed in-game - FireRed seems to start a few months earlier or whatever, but the postgame Ruby and Sapphire events confirm it. HGSS confirm it has been 3 years since the last games - for example, Red's diary and so on. DPPt starts some time into HGSS - the start of DPPt coincides with when the HGSS protagonist defeats the shiny Gyarados.
The time between BW and HGSS/DPPt is unconfirmed, but it needs to be enough time for the Team Rocket member in HGSS Kanto to meet someone, get married, and have a young kid. The article I linked above argue that the games' chronology roughly follows IRL time (as in, GSC was released 3 years after FRLG; BW2 was released 2 years after BW), which would make it an 11 year gap - this seems pretty reasonable (although this is the most speculative part).
XY and ORAS take place in their own timeline as you find out in ORAS' Zinia sidequest, which seems to go:
ORAS --> 17 years --> XY
Presumably there are alt-timeline versions of what happened in Kanto and Johto and Sinnoh and Unova, the way ORAS is an alt version of RSE - I mean, there definitely has to be alt version of FRLG if we're seeing Red and Blue. One can't help but notice it gives Gamefreak a convenient excuse to remake everything again.
If XY takes place nearly two decades after ORAS, then why is Wally the same age? And Cynthia should be fourteen years older. Yet Red and Blue are in their twenties.
We're getting into some Zelda timeline shit, unless Game Freak just thought it would be cool to age up Red and Blue and used default versions of everyone else. The World Tournament in BW2 had the same approach, where it felt like you were basically fighting an avatar instead of the actual character.
Je ne sais pas. Red and Blue are about the right age. Cynthia might be one of those voodoo women who manages to inexplicably never look older, so that's fine. No idea about Wally, though.
Possibly Wally's appearance will be non-canon in some way? I don't know. Or maybe Sun/Moon takes place before XY, not after - it might fit inbetween ORAS and XY (although what that means for Zygarde?).
If XY takes place nearly two decades after ORAS, then why is Wally the same age? And Cynthia should be fourteen years older. Yet Red and Blue are in their twenties.
We're getting into some Zelda timeline shit, unless Game Freak just thought it would be cool to age up Red and Blue and used default versions of everyone else. The World Tournament in BW2 had the same approach, where it felt like you were basically fighting an avatar instead of the actual character.
Yeah us Popplio people gotta stick together. Good on ya, yupyupyup.Damn, you're starting to make me rethink my starter pick lol
But I have stand by my decision. I made it back when the starters were revealed for the first time, and I said I'm gonna stand by it!
Decidueye is a total trash name, because it doesn't read or speak well. I briefly considered picking this fellow when I saw the typing, but with that name? Not a chance.
Incineroar is a pretty great name (and a great translation of Gaogaen), but it sounds more like the name of a move than the name of a Pokemon. In a vacuum, I would have guessed something called "Incineroar" was a fire-type special variant of Dragon Tail. Y'know, since it's a combination of Incinerate and Roar.
Primarina is a great name full stop. I think the winner is clear!
Starters are already ruined by their abilities.
Starters are already ruined by their abilities.
What in Alpha Sapphire indicates that it takes place before Y?
I got the sense they occurred around the same time.
What in Alpha Sapphire indicates that it takes place before Y?
I got the sense they occurred around the same time.
That doesn't make sense.
Why would they do this.
Old Red looks...kinda over the hill
Blue remains the best
Yeah us Popplio people gotta stick together. Good on ya, yupyupyup.
Looker was also in r/b/y/fr/lgMr.Bonding being "born" in ORAS and Looker.
Edit: Never mind the picture explains everything lol.
Wally not aging in +17 years is a mess up, in my opinion. You can't age some characters and then recycle others. I know the timeline is not that important in Pokemon, but they have been pretty consistent up until ORAS. They never should have done split timelines and bring back past characters without consequences.
Its just another PWT situation where GF didn't bother to update the sprites, but Red and Green get special treatment on this occasion due to the 20th.
Its just another PWT situation where GF didn't bother to update the sprites, but Red and Green get special treatment on this occasion due to the 20th.