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New Pokémon Sun & Moon trailer revealing the final starter evolutions & more


One other thing in regards to Wally: It's possible (unlikely, but possible) that Sun/Moon lets you swap out the Pokéball for a given Pokémon for the first time in series history. If that's the case, it'll be nice to change up a starter into a new ball so you don't have it in the standard one.

im crying

this is beautiful lmao

Glad you liked it!
I don't understand how you can NOT believe that there aren't multiple universes. I mean, it was confirmed in in-game text, which is the most official source there is. You can not like it, and I know many people don't, but there really isn't anywhere to argue against it.

And also, Pokémon has always been about alternate universes. That's how I always understood version differences. Not to mention that every save file is its own alternate universe, since the actions of one player are never equal to another one's actions.

What I'm saying is every game with a "player character" isn't a multiverse canon. There is a canon in the Pokémon universe that uses "defaults" for the players of that game (i.e. Red), and ORAS confirms multiverse Pokémon about as much as one side character supposing that idea aloud. If someone can point me to absolute definitive proof that either of the Gen VI games claimed that they take place in a literal alternate universe then I'll concede but I'm pretty sure there's no "yeah that's what's happening" moment.

I don't dislike the idea. But it's silly to say "oh wow see it explains Megas" or to try keeping track of each time you have to use the multiverse explanation for retcons. Literally how can RSY and GSC take place in the same universe when one of the biggest explanations for the multiverse thing is stuff like type changes and battle mechanics not existing (Fairy and Megas)?

Also this is all moot because Wally, Red, Green, Cynthia, and many other characters are clearly existing in the same universe in Gen VII. So yeah, there is a valid canon that seems to run uninterrupted from Kanto to Alola (though in varying orders of chronology) through all the games. So I guess one could go about sorting which games might have taken place in different timelines, but there is no evidence that it's true, and type retcons are not that. Red is about to have Pokémon using Z Moves and Megas, so I'm pretty sure they aren't committed to the multiverse idea and that bit of dialogue isn't some key into a secret layer of Pokémon lore.


Literally how can RSY and GSC take place in the same universe when one of the biggest explanations for the multiverse thing is stuff like type changes and battle mechanics not existing (Fairy and Megas)?

Actually, text in X/Y stated that Fairy Type and Mega Evolutions were a new discovery. With that in mind, X/Y can reasonably follow B2/W2. OR/AS is the odd one out, and also the one to introduce alternate dimensions as a possibility.

I can't say definitively but I don't remember any text in GSC that actually stated that Steel/Dark were new types, either.
Actually, text in X/Y stated that Fairy Type and Mega Evolutions were a new discovery. With that in mind, X/Y can reasonably follow B2/W2. OR/AS is the odd one out, and also the one to introduce alternate dimensions as a possibility.

I can't say definitively but I don't remember any text in GSC that actually stated that Steel/Dark were new types, either.
From Gold and Silver

Gym Guy: JASMINE uses the newly discovered steel-type. I don't know very much about it
Incineroar might not be Fire / Fighting type, but it might as well be. All Gamefreak had to do was make a panther with red stripes and they fucked it up. Toss it in the dumpster along with all the other Fire / Fighting starters not named Blaziken.

Decidueye and Primarina are great though. Grass / Ghost is a huge surprise and hella cool. Water / Fairy is cool.
Heh, my flatmate was just chatting with me and he's been kind of avoiding pokemon Sun and moon due to people he knows constantly poking him about it to the point where it annoys him.
I just told him the changes I mentioned in my last post and he said "well, I think you've just convinced me to buy a copy. Congrats: you managed what <friend> has been trying to do for months in just a single chat" :p


Incineroar might not be Fire / Fighting type, but it might as well be. All Gamefreak had to do was make a panther with red stripes and they fucked it up. Toss it in the dumpster along with all the other Fire / Fighting starters not named Blaziken.

Decidueye and Primarina are great though. Grass / Ghost is a huge surprise and hella cool. Water / Fairy is cool.

Haters will continue to hate


The Red and Green Blue reveal has had the side-effect of getting fanartists to design what the other protagonists will look like in their "Alolan" forms:




Granted it's been mostly focused on Leaf, but that's probably because she got done dirty again.


* It's the first game you can improve pokemon's 'IV's (Internal Values) in. When a pokemon is captured/hatched it has a secret set of values (that range from 0 to 15) that normally cannot change afterwards. These are added into the stat calculations to determine how it's final stats turn out (attack, special attack, hp, etc) and so having a pokemon with perfect IVs (all of them are 15) was something people would breed for manically. Now in Sun and Moon, however, you can improve an existing pokemon's IVs with 'super training' once they reach level 100 so you may be able to escape the crazy breeding timesink that has consumed a lot of people's time :p

Individual Values actually range from 0-31 in modern Pokemon. It was only 0-15 in RGBY and GSC, and we usually use the term DV instead for those games. They also behaved differently in a number of ways, one being that the HP DV was actually based on others rather than being rolled on its own. In Gen III, the modern stat system of IVs and EVs (previously a different system generally called stat experience) was introduced.

Also Super Training is the mechanic introduced in Gen VI for improving a Pokemon's EVs. Hyper Training is the new feature for manipulating IVs in Gen VII.
Individual Values actually range from 0-31 in modern Pokemon. It was only 0-15 in RGBY and GSC, and we usually use the term DV instead for those games. They also behaved differently in a number of ways, one being that HP didn't even actually have one and was instead based on others. In Gen III, the modern stat system of IVs and EVs (previously a different system generally called stat experience) was introduced.

Also Super Training is the mechanic introduced in Gen VI for improving a Pokemon's EVs. Hyper Training is the new feature for manipulating IVs in Gen VII.
Coolies, thanks for the corrections. I haven't played since XY and pokemon Go has messed with my memory on these things a bit so my knowledge is a lil rusty :3


I mean multiple universes means everyone's happy. Now people can rest easy characters like Crystal aren't retconned out of existence and the original plans of Team Magma and Aqua still exist just not in the ORAS universe.

What I'm saying is every game with a "player character" isn't a multiverse canon. There is a canon in the Pokémon universe that uses "defaults" for the players of that game (i.e. Red), and ORAS confirms multiverse Pokémon about as much as one side character supposing that idea aloud. If someone can point me to absolute definitive proof that either of the Gen VI games claimed that they take place in a literal alternate universe then I'll concede but I'm pretty sure there's no "yeah that's what's happening" moment.

I don't dislike the idea. But it's silly to say "oh wow see it explains Megas" or to try keeping track of each time you have to use the multiverse explanation for retcons. Literally how can RSY and GSC take place in the same universe when one of the biggest explanations for the multiverse thing is stuff like type changes and battle mechanics not existing (Fairy and Megas)?

Also this is all moot because Wally, Red, Green, Cynthia, and many other characters are clearly existing in the same universe in Gen VII. So yeah, there is a valid canon that seems to run uninterrupted from Kanto to Alola (though in varying orders of chronology) through all the games. So I guess one could go about sorting which games might have taken place in different timelines, but there is no evidence that it's true, and type retcons are not that. Red is about to have Pokémon using Z Moves and Megas, so I'm pretty sure they aren't committed to the multiverse idea and that bit of dialogue isn't some key into a secret layer of Pokémon lore.

Like a lot of alternate universes in fiction, things are mostly the same except for a few minor things so it's totally plausible for Red, Wally, and Cynthia to be entities in multiple universes as notable figure in most fiction typically do when alternate universes get introduced. And I'd consider Zinnia as more than a "side character" story-specific events specifically are prevented because of her. She was so convinced that there's an alternate universe that she prevents a weapon that could plausibly destroy the alternate version. If it was just some side joke than a story beat wouldn't have been emphasized this.


From Gold and Silver

Gym Guy: JASMINE uses the newly discovered steel-type. I don't know very much about it

Looking at the gym and the fact that Jasmine has an Ampharos, I don't think GF knew much about the newly discovered steel-type either!

So is Ghost Super Effective against Fairy now? It sort of ruins the typing triangle otherwise.


I just thought about how cool it would be if Red and Blue's Pokémon keep their level from the original games.

But that would mean Pikachu need to be lvl 83 and I don't think GameFreak is gonna put such a high-leveled monster in the main content lol.


Actually, text in X/Y stated that Fairy Type and Mega Evolutions were a new discovery. With that in mind, X/Y can reasonably follow B2/W2. OR/AS is the odd one out, and also the one to introduce alternate dimensions as a possibility.

I can't say definitively but I don't remember any text in GSC that actually stated that Steel/Dark were new types, either.

This is why X/Y can happen in both universes, and why S&M can happen in the original universe and still contain megas & Fairy type as long as it takes place during or after XY. In XY, it's stated that megastones didn't activate until recently and that people were still beginning to investigate them.

Zinnia introduces the possibility that there's a universe in which the events that caused megaevolution didn't have consequences yet. In the ORAS universe, megastones were activated ~18 years before XY. In the RZE universe, megastones were activated at least 10 years before XY. ORAS is the only one that is affected by the multiverse theory, as XY doesn't contradict any of the past titles. Staff at GF even tweeted that famous timeline picture that showed how XY belongs to the original timeline.

So, if S&M are confirmed to take place during/after XY, and there's nothing that contradict past titles, we can assume it can belong to both the ORAS universe and the RZE universe. The ORAS universe exclusive games could very well be limited to remakes that are forced to reincorporate fairy type and megastones before they were supposed to appear in the original timeline.


If Gold doesn't get a HOT (TM) redesign, I'll probably riot.

Looking at the gym and the fact that Jasmine has an Ampharos, I don't think GF knew much about the newly discovered steel-type either!

IIRC, she doesn't actually use Ampharos in GSC; she just nurses the one in the Olivine Lighthouse. In battle, it's just Magneton & Steelix. In fact, I remember explicitly never seeing an Ampharos in my Gold playthrough because no trainer had it and I hated Mareep too much try to evolve it.


Looking at the gym and the fact that Jasmine has an Ampharos, I don't think GF knew much about the newly discovered steel-type either!

So is Ghost Super Effective against Fairy now? It sort of ruins the typing triangle otherwise.

It was already ruined because Fairy's effectiveness against Dark is negated by Fire's resistance. It's not really a secondary triangle at all and it's best not to put much thought into it =p

But also no, judging from people poking around in the demo, the type chart is unchanged.


So, if S&M are confirmed to take place during/after XY, and there's nothing that contradict past titles, we can assume it can belong to both the ORAS universe and the RZE universe. The ORAS universe exclusive games could very well be limited to remakes that are forced to reincorporate fairy type and megastones before they were supposed to appear in the original timeline.

Something that could contradict past titles is that our knowledge of the original timeline involves the events of RSE occurring around RBG(or FRLG)'s time, however we have a much older Red and Green in Sun and Moon, and a Wally that looks like he stepped straight out of ORAS. The only way I have to explain that away (besides y'know, "it's a game", and since we're having a timeline conversation...) is that in this timeline, everything in ORAS happened later.
Looking at the gym and the fact that Jasmine has an Ampharos, I don't think GF knew much about the newly discovered steel-type either!

So is Ghost Super Effective against Fairy now? It sort of ruins the typing triangle otherwise.
Um, she never uses Amphy. Only Magnemites and Steelix. And in her rematches she adds a Skarmory, Empoleon, Bronzong and Metagross


Something that could contradict past titles is that our knowledge of the original timeline involves the events of RSE occurring around RBG(or FRLG)'s time, however we have a much older Red and Green in Sun and Moon, and a Wally that looks like he stepped straight out of ORAS. The only way I have to explain that away (besides y'know, "it's a game", and since we're having a timeline conversation...) is that in this timeline, everything in ORAS happened later.

There's a theory going around that the trainers at the Battle Tree are impostors, since little details about them seem off. Cynthia's Garchomp changed genders, Wally's model has differences with his ORAS one and his Pokémon use different balls. Red and Green would be the same characters we met in their games, though.


There's a theory going around that the trainers at the Battle Tree are impostors, since little details about them seem off. Cynthia's Garchomp changed genders, Wally's model has differences with his ORAS one and his Pokémon use different balls. Red and Green would be the same characters we met in their games, though.

Cynthia's Garchomp was able to be Male in the PWT, for the record. It's probably random here too lol. Don't think there's any more merit to "they're imposters" than "it's an alternate timeline".


I was tearing up when watching the last Train On trailer. What a beautiful series of advertisements. I wish Nintendo put this much effort into their marketing. Now cut those sons of bitches up into 30 second pieces and air them on tv, TPC.

Good, I wasn't the only one who got teary eyed. I'm not even sure what exactly started the waterworks, I was laughing at their "training" montage, otherwise yeah, the TRAIN ON thing was amazingly well done. They need to air it here in the US.

Me three.

This series gave me a mix of feels and Nostalgia, which is the fastest way to bring me to tears.
Kouhei's story reminded me a lot of my childhood q.q


If Gold doesn't get a HOT (TM) redesign, I'll probably riot.

IIRC, she doesn't actually use Ampharos in GSC; she just nurses the one in the Olivine Lighthouse. In battle, it's just Magneton & Steelix. In fact, I remember explicitly never seeing an Ampharos in my Gold playthrough because no trainer had it and I hated Mareep too much try to evolve it.

That's what I mean, plus it is sort of inferred that the Ampharos is hers, she just doesn't battle with it. Also she has two Magnemites with the exact same stats and movepool. But anyway, it's just one of several weird things that make me think GF sort of bit off a bit more than they could chew with GSC and were short on time.

It was already ruined because Fairy's effectiveness against Dark is negated by Fire's resistance. It's not really a secondary triangle at all and it's best not to put much thought into it =p

But also no, judging from people poking around in the demo, the type chart is unchanged.
Ah well, I thought Fairy could do with a third weakness since its only two weaknesses are to types that are rarely offensive and Ghost could probably do with a buff, though the various mini-nerfs to Dark may provide this.


Any word on the game having a substantial post game?

Well we know that the the Battle Tree is likely be post game.

That's what I mean, plus it is sort of inferred that the Ampharos is hers, she just doesn't battle with it. Also she has two Magnemites with the exact same stats and movepool. But anyway, it's just one of several weird things that make me think GF sort of bit off a bit more than they could chew with GSC and were short on time.

No they didn't, they stated that Jasmine is close to Olivine Lighthouse Ampharos.

And the reason why she has two Magnemite is because Game Freak did a terrible job in giving Johto gym leaders the right Pokémon and leaned to heavily with Kanto Pokémon.


And the reason why she has two Magnemite is because Game Freak did a terrible job in giving Johto gym leaders the right Pokémon and leaned to heavily with Kanto Pokémon.

Yeah, she really should've had a Scizor. Or at least Skarmory.

Man, I want the PWT back so bad.


That's just a maison tho.

That gives too much credit to the Maison. The Subway and Maison are just another Battle Tower, y'know, the thing that was ultimately turned into just one *part* of the Battle Frontiers... The boring part x.x

So the Battle Tree is looking to be another Tower (don't give Maison the credit for this =p), just with the bringing back old characters part of PWT thrown in.


Well we know that the the Battle Tree is likely be post game.

No they didn't, they stated that Jasmine is close to Olivine Lighthouse Ampharos.

And the reason why she has two Magnemite is because Game Freak did a terrible job in giving Johto gym leaders the right Pokémon and leaned to heavily with Kanto Pokémon.

Whichever, the point is that steel types feel like an afterthought in the game - only 2 new Steel type lines and one's a version exclusive and only three moves.
Taking a guess at stat spreads for the starters:


75 hp
105 attack
75 defense
90 special attack
75 special defense
110 speed


85 hp
115 attack
90 defense
75 special attack
80 special defense
85 speed


80 hp
75 attack
85 defense
115 special attack
100 special defense
75 speed


Taking a guess at stat spreads for the starters:


75 hp
105 attack
75 defense
90 special attack
75 special defense
110 speed

I'm not sure grass is going to be the fastest this gen for some reason, it's totally going to have its physical attack up pretty high like you've suggested though. Ghost physical attacker + grass moves and stab is such a badass concept in my head
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