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New PS2 - comparison shots & PAL box

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
aparisi2274 said:
did they say anything about the HDD???

Where is that bitch going?????

There is HDD support in the new PS2. Sony sez you don't want it and gives the finger to Square ;)


go eat paint
Can you imagine how tiny a revamped GameCube would be? They could call it the GC mini. Heck, it'd tip over cuz the tension on the AC cord would be too strong.


Vad är det för sjuka kakor de har på en av bilderna egentligen? Är det ens kakor? Jag tyckte det såg ut som fläskkotletter, typ. Det var inte så värst lockande.


aku:jiki: Tunnbrödrullar med olika laxröror i (tror jag). Det var inte så många som var sugna på dem så de blev kvar. Manual-Martin tryckte ner några och tyckte det var helt okej. Tål inget sånt (gluten) så jag testade inte.

(It's just about the food that was served so you're not missing out, to those of you who don't know Swedish)


B E N K E said:
aku:jiki: Tunnbrödrullar med olika laxröror i (tror jag). Det var inte så många som var sugna på dem så de blev kvar. Manual-Martin tryckte ner några och tyckte det var helt okej. Tål inget sånt (gluten) så jag testade inte.

(It's just about the food that was served so you're not missing out, to those of you who don't know Swedish)

Ha! You're lying. It's about some tentacle-rape manga, isn't it? :p


Anyway, someone got info about that 64mb mem-card people say that is gonna come out next year? I really want to have some sort of confirmation.
Benke was at the event and took those very pictures, so if you don't believe him about the 64 meg memcard, who will you believe?


Hehe, ok..... I must've missed his remark about talkin to some representatives :p My bad...

Alright, so when is the press-release???


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Wrap it in carbon fibre, add a slot-loading drive (i.e. car in-dash type), and add support for a laptop-sized HD (or maybe integrate a 4GB Microdrive) and I'm sold. Of course, by sold I mean spending alot of money for all those additional features...but it'd be cool and you know it!
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