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New 'Revenge of the Sith' pics; (pretty big spoilage)

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Obi Wan looks CG here.


SteveMeister said:
89, according to my countdown clock. As I type this: 89 days, 7 hours, 42 minutes, and 45 seconds :)

Those spyware Clockdown clocks are always wrong :)

The Clockdown clocks are counting down to 12:01 am on the Wednesday before ROTS opens. ROTS opens on Thursday the 19th, not a Wednesday.


Hang out with Steve.
ManaByte said:
Those spyware Clockdown clocks are always wrong :)

The Clockdown clocks are counting down to 12:01 am on the Wednesday before ROTS opens. ROTS opens on Thursday the 19th, not a Wednesday.

But, but, 89 is SOONER than 90!!!



No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
I believe it's confirmed to be attached to Robots on March 11th.

Shades of Return of the jedi?

Man is it me, or do I see many similarities between ROTS and ROTJ?

When Lucas says it's gotta flow together, like poetry, I see what he means.


^^That pic of Dooku blocking both Anakin and Obi Wan's blows is bad ass. He's doing it with one arm! Vader style!
Not a pic, but here's the full trailer description if anyone's interested:

LFL Logo, Fox logo etc.

A Theta-Class shuttle and three fighters fly by the camera towards Coruscant.

Coruscant, late afternoon, the Republic Executive Office appears for a brief moment.

Palpatine (close-up, speaking very slowly, deliberately, looking straight ahead, watching the ballet)

...The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... unnatural.

Anakin closeup (extremely focused on Palpatine's words)

Is this possible to learn those powers?"

Palpatine (close-up, matter-of-factly, facing Anakin)

Not from a Jedi.

A civilian shuttle turns over the Coruscant cityscape towards the Senate building.

Obi-Wan and Anakin are inside the Temple, walking down stairs.

The Council wants you to report on all the Chancellors dealings.

Magna Droids stand with two Battle Droids.

That's treason.

Palpatine standing up from his chair in his private office.

We are at war, Anakin.

The space battle and some explosion where clone-troopers die.

Anakin moves to take a seat in the Chancellor's private viewing box in Galaxies Opera. We see huge spheres of water levitating over stage with dancers inside them.

Mace (voice over, in a grim voice)

...Very dangerous putting them together...

Palpatine in his office, patting Anakin's shoulder.

I don't think the boy can handle it...

Mace & Obi in the gunship over Coruscant.

I don't trust him.

Tri droids blazing guns, Republic fighter exploding, debris flying by.

Palpatine in his office (concerned).

I need your help, son.

Palpatine walks away from Anakin:

I'm appointing you to be my personal representative on the Jedi Council.

Anakin standing in the middle of the Jedi Council room. We see him from behind. Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo-Koon appear holographic with other Jedi Masters present.

You're on this Council, but we do not grant you the rank of Master.

Kenobi looks away from Anakin's reaction.

ANAKIN (close-up, shocked)

In Padme's apartment - Bedroom.

ANAKIN ( to Padme, bitterly)
Obi-Wan and the Council don't trust me.

Huge gun with clone crew, large explosion aboard ship.

Palpatine (V.O)
Learn to know the dark side of the Force...

Anakin grim and focused, listening; then with Padme, at night on the balcony.

PALPATINE in his office (forcefully)
... And you'll achieve power greater than any Jedi.

Anakin briefly fighting Dooku and then the posse entering private office.

Music stops.

The Jedi ignite lightsabers.

You're under arrest, Chancellor.

Palpatine in his chair carefully controlling his anger.

Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"

Close up: lightsaber hilt snaps to Palpatine's hand with audible click.

From now on, 10 drum beats and no other sound - one for each short (second or two) scene

- Posse enter, but this time Sidious jumps in its direction from behind (over) the camera, we only see his back; then Mace in defensive pose;

- Ship (Grievous' fighter) flying away from a planet;

- Obi-Wan in huge control room on Utapau, totally surrounded by battle droids, MagnaGuards and Grievous;

- Capital ships fighting in close quarters, one of them falling down smoking heavily;

- Bail shouting in his speeder, with blaster shots flying by;

- Obi-Wan's fighter flying over Utapau;

- Anakin hanging in the elevator (turbolift) shaft;

- Camera flying down to Mustafar surface;

- Grievous versus Obi-Wan Kenobi duel; we see Grievous from behind only; his fighter and some rocks in the background.

- One-tracked vehicle (tank) speeding on and closing to the camera; Wookiees jump off it, one of them straight on the camera.

Longshot: pillar of smoke over Jedi Temple.

Music returns.

Emperor's voice from the OT

Every single Jedi is now an enemey of the Republic...

During this line brief scenes: Sidious not so pretty face, then Obi looking anxiously at droids closing on him, then Mace with saber and Palps' back (his hair indicates strong wind) and then Yoda with clones behind his back - they aim blasters at him.

Chewbacca close-up - roars.

Tantive IV flies by, toward a planet.

Do what must be done.

During this line: Anakin very dark and dangerous, in the hood, then leading ranks of troops (shot first from high above and then from ground level, closing to the camera).

Do not hesitate...

During this line: Aayla surrounded by clones who aim blasters at her....

Show no mercy..."

Ki-Adi-Mundi also surrounded by clones; they open fire and he tries to block shots with lightsaber.

Then: Anakin approaching the camera, probably in Mustafar bunker, then cutting down two folks.

OBI-WAN ( to Yoda inside the Temple):
Who could have done this?

Anakin cutting the Neimoidian.

Very Sith-like Anakin standing on the pillared balcony on Mustafar, in dark cloak and hood on.

YODA (to Obi-Wan)
Twisted by the dark side young Skywalker has become.

Anakin cutting another Neimoidian.

Threepio, leaving Padme on the balcony, Coruscant at night: "I feel so helpless..."

The following very brief shots

* battle over Coruscant
* Jedi starfighter incoming
* Padme crying!
* Anakin/Obi duel in large hall
* Coruscant battle again
* Kashyyk battle
* Obi-Anakin exchange lightsaber blows in narrow corridor, sparking on the walls
* Sidious shooting Force lightning at surprised Yoda
* Obi with hands outstretched like for Force push, determined and tight, like in a contest "who's stronger in the Force"
* 10 wheeled tank shooting rockets straight ahead
* space battle with R2 close-up
* Obi jumps back, down to the circuit or pipe hanging over lava river
* Anakin with lava in the background
* Obi with lava in the background, shouting very dramatically, almost through the tears:

You were the chosen one!

* space explosions
* Sidious throwing Senate pods with the Force
* Yoda avoiding them and rolling over - Senate chamber in the background
* Sidious with lightsaber close-up - verrrrrry sinister smile or laugh
* craft flying over water, possibly on Kashyyyyk; fountains of water arise
* huge wave of lava falls over the pipe on Mustafar
* Obi-Ani duel on the balcony (the same place where Anakin stood earlier, Sith-looking )
* Yoda looks up at the camera, close-up
* Mace swinging his saber and kicking or falling back
* space battle again
* Anakin and Obi exchange lightsaber blows in mid air, flying over lava on long cables....

"Episode III - Revenge of the Sith"


Shot from their left side, aboard the Star Destroyer: Vader folding arms on his chest and and Emperor staring straight ahead
Theres not enough Emperor in ESB. He's definately my favourite character now....

The Emperor said:
"You... want this don't you?"

The Emperor said:
"The alliance... will die. As will your friends. Good, I can feel your anger. I am unarmed. Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred and your journey towards the dark side will be complete."

The Emperor said:
"Everything that has transpired has done so according to my design. Your friends, up there on the sanctuary moon, are walking into a trap, as is your Rebel fleet."

The Emperor said:
"It was *Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* who allowed the Alliance to know the location of the shield generator."

The Emperor said:
"It is quite safe from your pitiful little band. An entire legion of my best troops awaits them."

The Emperor said:
"Oh, I'm afraid the deflector shield will be quite operational when your friends arrive."

What a smarmy evil git! I LOVE HIM!

The last half an hour or so of ROTJ are amazing because of him... I really think he's gonna be the star of ROTS too.


Hang out with Steve.
radioheadrule83 said:
Theres not enough Emperor in ESB. He's definately my favourite character now....

What a smarmy evil git! I LOVE HIM!

The last half an hour or so of ROTJ are amazing because of him... I really think he's gonna be the star of ROTS too.

Yep, Palpatine's my favorite character of the entire saga :)
Bah, all the Star Wars prequels have great trailers. The Episode I "tone poem" commercials still give me chills, Darth Maul has more dialouge in his 30-second commercial than he does in the entire movie :lol

In Padme's apartment - Bedroom.

ANAKIN ( to Padme, bitterly)
Obi-Wan and the Council don't trust me.

Some day I'll be the most powerful Jedi EVARRRR!!!!!!!! They never listen to my suggestions. Like making new Jedi outfits in all black! That's a good idea! I'll have the power to make everyone trust me

Anakin! No! Stop Talking Like That!

You're right. Its just that Obi-Wan sometimes makes me feel angry and mad. Not like ...

Not like ...

Not like ... you. You make me feel ... cool and reinvorated. Like fresh bantha poo-doo blowing in the Tatooine wind.

Oh Anakin. I am truly, deeply, madly, absolutely, positively in love with you, and I would trust you no matter what. Just don't ever randomly choke me ok?


evil ways said:

Any chance that trailer will leak in the next day or 2?

Hard to say. MF.com supposebly have a source that has had the trailer for a couple of weeks now (which is why they've been able to report a in depth breakdown of the trailer from it's dialogue to music). They were working on getting it and then posting a few clips before the thing officially hit the net but with them becoming more "public" as AICN and ComingSoon.net posting links to MF's board and site every week, I don't think they're taking the chance now.

Still, not long now until March 8th. :D


Simo said:
Hard to say. MF.com supposebly have a source that has had the trailer for a couple of weeks now (which is why they've been able to report a in depth breakdown of the trailer from it's dialogue to music). They were working on getting it and then posting a few clips before the thing officially hit the net but with them becoming more "public" as AICN and ComingSoon.net posting links to MF's board and site every week, I don't think they're taking the chance now.

Still, not long now until March 8th. :D

Some people may see it before then :D


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Mark my words.. I think MANY peoples' opinions about the prequel trilogy will change based on ROTS. If Lucas "Screwed up" on anything, it was making the prequel triolgy so intertwined, not only with itself but with the OT as well.. it has bitten him in the butt on public opinion for the past two movies, but all disappointments will be forgiven when people see how all six movies are tied together.

not to compare the quality to LOTR, but to compare the storytelling. Episode IV, V, and VI were all pretty self contained stories. I mean sure ESB eneded with a cliffhanger, but ROTJ didn't really do much to pick up on the cliffhanger. LOTR on the other hand.. well, each movie would have sucked (so to speak) without the other two movies in the saga. Each one was just as important in telling the story as the other one.

That's what I think is going to happen (or already has happened) here. We didn't get those self contained movies. I mean Episode I was pretty much self contained (or was it) and Episode II also seemed pretty contained (Again, or was it?) but I really think Episode III is going to come along and make us see all sorts of things in Episode I and II (and even the OT) that we didn't originally know was there.

Anyway, that's my guess. I really wouldn't call it so much a hope or build up though. I have completely enjoyed the PT so far and am sure I will love Ep3. I am just curious as to what the PT haters will think after Ep3 plays out. I know quite a few who have read the spoilers to a large degree who at the minimum are saying Ep3 is what they have been waiting for and a couple tsaying that Ep3 might actually redeem the PT..

we'll have to see I guess.


borghe said:
Anyway, that's my guess. I really wouldn't call it so much a hope or build up though. I have completely enjoyed the PT so far and am sure I will love Ep3. I am just curious as to what the PT haters will think after Ep3 plays out. I know quite a few who have read the spoilers to a large degree who at the minimum are saying Ep3 is what they have been waiting for and a couple tsaying that Ep3 might actually redeem the PT..

we'll have to see I guess.

They're already convinced it'll suck. And when someone already has their mind made up about something, their opinion won't change. They'll go into the movie convinced it sucks (or not see it at all) and stick to that no matter how good it is.


Chili Con Carnage!
ManaByte said:
They're already convinced it'll suck. And when someone already has their mind made up about something, their opinion won't change. They'll go into the movie convinced it sucks (or not see it at all) and stick to that no matter how good it is.

Exactly, i feel sorry for all the haters who wouldnt be able to enjoy Ep3 now even if it was the best out of the 6.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
ManaByte said:
They're already convinced it'll suck. And when someone already has their mind made up about something, their opinion won't change. They'll go into the movie convinced it sucks (or not see it at all) and stick to that no matter how good it is.
You're already convinced this movie is awesome and better than Empire Strikes Back. How is that any less retarded of an outlook? None of you have seen the film. There are people making a variety judgments about the film with a wide range of factual knowledge about the final product. I'm not sure how some of these judgments are better than others. You can be optimistic or pessimistic, sure, that's normal, but some of these final judgments being passed are just ridiculous no matter what they are.
If its a genuinely good movie (and that means decent-to-good writing, dialouge, AND acting in additoin to special effects and lightsabers), I'll be the first to give it a thumbs up.

Nobody wants the friggin' holy grail here, after all the bruhaha and hype why is it so unreasonable to expect at least one of the three movies to be a genuinely good movie?

But nada until then, because Ep. I and II have done nothing to inspire confidence. And both of those movie's had great looking trailers/commercials too.

Empire Strikes Back was 25 years ago, and had the least involvement from George Lucas, I mean I don't even think the current prequels are even comparable.


soundwave05 said:
If its a genuinely good movie (and that means decent-to-good writing, dialouge, AND acting in additoin to special effects and lightsabers), I'll be the first to give it a thumbs up.

Nobody wants the friggin' holy grail here, after all the bruhaha and hype why is it so unreasonable to expect at least one of the three movies to be a genuinely good movie?

But nada until then, because Ep. I and II have done nothing to inspire confidence. And both of those movie's had great looking trailers/commercials too.

Empire Strikes Back was 25 years ago, and had the least involvement from George Lucas, I mean I don't even think the current prequels are even comparable.

You speak the truth as I see it. I rarely find myself agreeing with every single line in a post, but I take my hat off to you sir, bow down and say "you are 100% correct".


borghe said:
but I really think Episode III is going to come along and make us see all sorts of things in Episode I and II (and even the OT) that we didn't originally know was there.

Yeah, how is the 3rd movie, even if it's brilliant in it's own right, going to change the previous movies from sucking? Short of making the 3rd movie 9 hours long and re-doing the first 2 movies inside of it, I can't for the life of me see how this is possible. Hypnotism maybe?


I hope this will be like George has made 2 mediocre movies (EPI + EPII) to build up for one awesome EPIII movie.

All the signs are pointing in the right direction and im really excited for this!


I've been trying to stay out of this thread, but I couldn't help myself anymore:lol

Everything looks and sounds great. Here's to hoping!


Screenboy said:
I hope this will be like George has made 2 mediocre movies (EPI + EPII) to build up for one awesome EPIII movie.

All the signs are pointing in the right direction and im really excited for this!

Yeah hopefully Ep 1 and 2 will just end up looking as a lead-in/build up for Episode 3 :)


God damn this is going to be up there with ESB!!

Its great to see the sets looking familiar to the original trilogy. Dirty future look :D
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