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New 'Revenge of the Sith' pics; (pretty big spoilage)

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My turn:

Awesome pic of Ian Mc Diarmid... Who finally looks like he did 20 years ago:


Now I recognize the real emperor.

More pics:

Commander Cody I guess



here ya go.


They also have been scoring ROTS over the last few days:

For Episode III, the music appears for the baby Skywalker, played tenderly, fittingly for an early moment in Luke's life. And not far behind is the warm and inspirational sound of the Force theme, the music most associated with the guiding influence of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

This was heard in a cue that will no doubt evoke tears from those prone to such displays ... as it did today in the recording studio.


Special Guest Today: Anthony Daniels stopped by at the scoring session today. He pointed out to me a worthy point of trivia:
the character with the last line of dialogue in Episode III is the very same that has the first line of dialogue in Episode IV.Yes, it's C-3PO... in the same set, nonetheless. How's that for bridging?


Man it sucks that they gave Palpatine a saber. Totaly ruins the character in my eyes. He's the mastermind who uses his brains not a weapon. If he's such a swordsman, why didn't he have a saber on him when Vader chunked him down the reactor core.


ShadowRed said:
Man it sucks that they gave Palpatine a saber. Totaly ruins the character in my eyes. He's the mastermind who uses his brains not a weapon. If he's such a swordsman, why didn't he have a saber on him when Vader chunked him down the reactor core.

That's not the problem. If Palpatine's vision of the future was so good, he would've had a parachute on him when Vader tossed him down the saft. Besides, how do you know he didn't have a saber in his robes? It's not like he had time to pull it out when his own Force lightening was zapping him in the face.

He's a Sith Lord. He's supposed to have a saber.


ShadowRed said:
Man it sucks that they gave Palpatine a saber. Totaly ruins the character in my eyes. He's the mastermind who uses his brains not a weapon. If he's such a swordsman, why didn't he have a saber on him when Vader chunked him down the reactor core.

I tend to agree. The reason Palpatine was such an excellent villain was because he had the Rebels at every turn, right up until the end, not because he could fight with a lightsaber.

That said, I want to know how they're going to handle the trasition of Palpatine from normal looking man to the Emp we all know and love. If it's a sudden, drastic change, I will be very disappointed. I was left to assume through all the dialoge about 'turning' to the Dark Side, that Palpatine's look was due to being a Sith for a long time.


kumanoki said:
I tend to agree. The reason Palpatine was such an excellent villain was because he had the Rebels at every turn, right up until the end, not because he could fight with a lightsaber.

That said, I want to know how they're going to handle the trasition of Palpatine from normal looking man to the Emp we all know and love. If it's a sudden, drastic change, I will be very disappointed. I was left to assume through all the dialoge about 'turning' to the Dark Side, that Palpatine's look was due to being a Sith for a long time.

He was basically using the Dark Side to disguise himself. He goes from young Palpatine to evil Sidious when
Force lightening is reflected back at him.


What's this report I hear about Sidious actually
losing to Mace Windu?

Can you explain it Mana? All I heard was someone mention it, didn't find any topic on it at the TFN boards...


mattx5 said:
What's this report I hear about Sidious actually
losing to Mace Windu?

Can you explain it Mana? All I heard was someone mention it, didn't find any topic on it at the TFN boards...

Mace Windu and four other Jedi go and confront Sidious. Sidious kills the other three and duels Mace. Sidious pretends to back down to Mace when Anakin shows up to make it looks like the Jedi are evil and trying to kill him.

Anakin wants Mace to not kill Palpatine because Anakin needs him to teach him to keep people from dying as Anakin has been having dreams of Padme dying in childbirth. When Mace refuses to back down, Anakin chops off Mace's saber arm and Sidious Force pushes Mace out of his office window killing him.

Immediately after this, Anakin kneels before Sidious and is named Darth Vader. The "Lord Vader RIIIISE" line in the trailer is this scene, but with Hayden's voice modified to sound like the suited Vader.


^ that pic is of Obi-wan seeing a recording of the
Sith-knighting of Anakin into Vader


AH, that's what I figured, but
from the way the poster explained it, he made it sound as if Sidious ACTUALLY lost to Mace. He said it was from some Insider report and that McCallum himself mentioned that everybody who wields a lightsaber in the film will lose at least one battle.


mattx5 said:
AH, that's what I figured, but
from the way the poster explained it, he made it sound as if Sidious ACTUALLY lost to Mace. He said it was from some Insider report and that McCallum himself mentioned that everybody who wields a lightsaber in the film will lose at least one battle.

Well, he lose part of the battle against Yoda, when the lightning is reflected back at him.But the Mace part is just more of Palpatine's seduction of Anakin.

Never trust what McCallum says.
mattx5 said:
AH, that's what I figured, but
from the way the poster explained it, he made it sound as if Sidious ACTUALLY lost to Mace. He said it was from some Insider report and that McCallum himself mentioned that everybody who wields a lightsaber in the film will lose at least one battle.

Yeah pretty much the way it works out is
The four boys come in, Palps says turns on an audio recorder capturing the whole "arrest" by the Jedi, and he feigns ignorance shouting things like "murder! Treason!" He then destroys the recorder, and proceeds to go ape-shit against the other 3 Jedi. AFAIK, Mace and Sidious fight a little and Anakin gets there, and then Sidious does the whole thing as Mana described.

An interesting point is that Anakin, when he first finds out about Palpatine being a Sith, faces him both verbally and (according to latest sources) draws his saber and threatens him. He then decides to tell the Jedi Council to arrest him, but Mace, seeing as how Palpatine is very much in control of everything and would probably find some way to walk out scott-free decides to kill him, which is one of the reasons why Anakin intervenes (in addition to Sids, the long life/Padme thing.)

edit: there we go


I have a very good feeling about this movie. Its going to rock :D

Then again, i thought Episode 1 and 2 kicked ass also.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Prine said:
I have a very good feeling about this movie. Its going to rock :D

Then again, i thought Episode 1 and 2 kicked ass also.

You suck at movies.


Prine said:
i dont care. Im enjoying the movies, tahts all that matters

Go Lucas!

Good for you!

While I hated a lot of the different aspects of the prequels, as a whole, I enjoyed both of them quite a bit.

Oh, and I'm starting to hate this thread. So far I'm resisting the black text, but I can't resist those pictures!


Comics Continuum posted preview pages from the first issue of the comic:

The comic and all books come out on April 2nd. The Art of Episode III is also out on that day and it includes the full script (just like the Art of Episode II did).


You know you guys should read the new Star Wars book that came out; it's the Labyrinth of Evil by James Luceno. It's a great story and it sets up how Grievous catches Palpatine and ends right before Episode three starts. The author worked with Lucas on the story so I guess you can consider it Episode 2.5.


Dram said:
You know you guys should read the new Star Wars book that came out; it's the Labyrinth of Evil by James Luceno. It's a great story and it sets up how Grievous catches Palpatine and ends right before Episode three starts. The author worked with Lucas on the story so I guess you can consider it Episode 2.5.

Yea, I am picking up Labyrinth of Evil today. I wasn't going to, but then I heard it'll be the first book in a trilogy with Luceno doing a third book that starts with the end of ROTS.


ManaByte said:
Yea, I am picking up Labyrinth of Evil today. I wasn't going to, but then I heard it'll be the first book in a trilogy with Luceno doing a third book that starts with the end of ROTS.

Get it from the library. It is not very good, but it does have some interesting insight into Sidious/Dooku/Grievous. Basically Star Wars nerds will like it, others probably would not.

It also answers the Sifo Dyas questions.


shantyman said:
Get it from the library. It is not very good, but it does have some interesting insight into Sidious/Dooku/Grievous. Basically Star Wars nerds will like it, others probably would not.

It also answers the Sifo Dyas questions.

But I thought this would be answered, according to Lucas' audio commentary on Episode II, in "the next one." aka Episode III ? Who was it....was it Dooku?


shantyman said:
Get it from the library. It is not very good, but it does have some interesting insight into Sidious/Dooku/Grievous. Basically Star Wars nerds will like it, others probably would not.

It also answers the Sifo Dyas questions.

Already on the waiting list, 14 of 25. Now, if they'd get their copies processed I could get started with it.

Also, just a quick note. Coming in April is the start of the Darth Vader series of novels showing how he becomes so feared throughout the galaxy. It chronicles events that occur from the end of Ep3 through to the start of Ep4.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
ManaByte said:
Yea, I am picking up Labyrinth of Evil today. I wasn't going to, but then I heard it'll be the first book in a trilogy with Luceno doing a third book that starts with the end of ROTS.
I don't think that's entirely accurate. It's not part of any explicit trilogy. Luceno's next book begins a few weeks after ROTS ends. The only new prequel novel (besides ROTS itself) scheduled between now and Luceno's next on is Outbound Flight by Timothy Zahn. Luceno's duo are just two books that link closely with the events of Revenge of the Sith.


Dan said:
I don't think that's entirely accurate. It's not part of any explicit trilogy. Luceno's next book begins a few weeks after ROTS ends. The only new prequel novel (besides ROTS itself) scheduled between now and Luceno's next on is Outbound Flight by Timothy Zahn. Luceno's duo are just two books that link closely with the events of Revenge of the Sith.

Actually I've heard his next book overlaps with ROTS as it starts with the final few moments of ROTS. So it'll be a third book in a trilogy following Labyrinth of Evil and ROTS. It's not an official trilogy, sure, but the three books lead into each other.

Edit: The title of the book is "Dark Lord". There's apparently an bit about it in the new Insider. Luceno himself says it forms a trilogy with LOE and ROTS.

Spike said:
Also, just a quick note. Coming in April is the start of the Darth Vader series of novels showing how he becomes so feared throughout the galaxy. It chronicles events that occur from the end of Ep3 through to the start of Ep4.

It's not a series of novels. It's one book, titled "Dark Lord", and it won't be out until February 2006. It takes place right where ROTS ends.


Post Notes: Finale
February 10, 2005

I'm no musician, so I'm certain there are nuances to each performance and recording session that breeze past my amateur ears. Nonetheless, there are feats I suspect would impress me no matter what level of knowledge I possesed. I am continually amazed by the level of skill exhibited by the London Symphony Orchestra, particularly when the players perform a piece for the first time. I don't know what I assumed exactly, but I figured there'd be a more involved rehearsal. That the musicians wouldn't be tasked to play a piece cold, at first look, not having been previously acquainted with the sheet music.

There's no lengthy rehearsal. Upon turning to a new cue, the orchestra plays it once, without a click track, without video playback. Composer John Williams and Scoring Engineer Shawn Murphy listen for trouble spots. Williams revisits any troublesome measures with words of guidance or necessary modifications -- oftentimes, the music sounds different with all 110 musicians assembled within the studio space, necessitating a tweak here and there. And then, a take is recorded.

For the first cue of today, there was perhaps more familiarity with the music than with other pieces. "Good morning, people," says John Williams to the orchestra members. "We'll start with 7M8: the end credits."

As all Star Wars fans know, the end credits sequence follows a very specific structure. With the iris out of the last frame of the film, there's a triple-attack of brassy fanfare that kicks the music into the main title theme. The up-tempo rendition of the Star Wars theme -- Luke Skywalker's theme -- continues until it is overtaken by a new theme. Then what follows is a reprise of the main themes of the film, before fading out or ending triumphantly.

With the end of Episode III serving double-duty as a finale to the entire saga, but also the end of the first trilogy, the end credits are slightly different this time around. They contain a major piece of music that otherwise has no place in Episode III.

After the fanfare of the main theme dies down, the glide of a harp segues into Princess Leia's theme, now indelibly associated with peacefulness of Alderaan, one of the closing worlds of Revenge of the Sith. It is, perhaps, the most passionate and emotional cue in all of the Star Wars saga. In the recording session, when it builds to its final crescendo, Williams finishes to a rousing applause and cheers of appreciation from the orchestra.

"It'll be another 25 years before we do this again," jokes Williams.

"That's my goosebump fix for the session," says Scoring Assistant Andrew Dudman.

As the end credits are always a montage of multiple themes, this cue is not recorded as one piece. Rather, Williams isolates the sections. He picks up the piece around measure 58, where the new "Revenge of the Sith" dueling theme appears. This then segues into a surprise, and not an unwelcome one.

The stately "Throne Room" from Episode IV, the music that accompanies the Yavin 4 awards ceremony, appears in the End Credits. It's the unedited version of the piece, that is different from what appears in A New Hope. It's been recorded as a concert piece this way: instead of the iris out to Episode IV's end credits, it goes into a reprise of Princess Leia's theme.

"We haven't recorded it in this configuration here with this orchestra since the very first film," says Supervising Music Editor Ken Wannberg.

With each cue running over six minutes, Shawn Murphy describes the next two pieces as "monster cues."

"In the old days, when we were using those little reels, each one would have taken up a reel," points out George Lucas.

The first of the two, "Scenes and Dreams" starts off sweetly, with a violin playing during a tender exchange between Anakin and Padmé. It is night on Coruscant. She has changed into her nightgown and stands on the balcony of her apartment, while Anakin leans against the curving wall, admiring the beauty of his beloved wife. The "Across the Stars" love theme plays, and unlike some of the other Padmé and Anakin scenes, there's no nebulous threat lurking in the lower registers, no undercurrent of uncertainty.

This makes the contrast to the music's next turn all the more pronounced. Anakin experiences a chilling nightmare, played with shrill strings in an increasing crescendo that peaks with his sudden awakening. He leaves his shared bed with Padmé, dons a robe and heads outside, to the airy verandah to stew over his unsettling vision.

Padmé soon joins him, and the music brings up Anakin's innocent boyhood theme from Episode I. Very fitting as he notices the token of affection he gave her all those many years ago, the japor snippet Padmé wears around her neck. There's a fragile twinkle of bells to accompany the shot of the jewelry. The music is moody as Anakin explains his fears to Padmé.

These somber tones continue as Anakin next confers with Yoda about his vision. There's slight intonations of the Force theme on a bassoon as the discussion turns philosophical. An interjection of brass moves us away from the moody introspection to more objective issues, as Anakin arrives late to the Jedi briefing room, and then the cue ends.

The next lengthy cue, which ends the day's recording session, is named simply enough "Moving Things Along." It isn't very thematic -- mostly background music to establish mood, with flourishes to accompany establishing shots. With the visual introduction of fiery Mustafar, we're given a bellicose, percussive passage with blasts of hard brass. The camera glides in to the mountainside processing facility, soaring past platform-riding Mustafarians skimming the molten rivers for precious ores, past the flea-riding aliens that walk along the hardened surface of the lava flows.

The music gets more atmospheric and smoky as we cut inside the facility, and see Darth Sidious holographically communicating to the Separatist leaders.

Before the cue's end, we'll hear Darth Vader's theme and the Emperor's theme -- which is truly appropriate as it accompanies Palpatine's formal declaration of a New Order.

It's a satisfying finale for this leg of my personal Episode III journey. The scoring sessions will continue for another week -- including isolated percussion and choir sessions, but I am returning to the U.S. after today. Expect Post Notes to return to their ILM focus, with perhaps a look at the mix preparation at Skywalker Sound.

As I write this, there are less than 100 days before the world gets to experience Revenge of the Sith.

Let Peter Cavanna's once-in-a-lifetime experience prove the maxim: it never hurts to ask. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained," he beams. "I've done that all my life: I've always asked for things that were sort of impossible."

During Rick McCallum's online chat on February 8th, a Hyperspace member with the screen name GazelleUK boldly ventured the following query:

Rick, I live just a few miles from those studios. Any chance of me coming down now and having a prevue???

The answer was classic McCallum, a shoot-from-the-hip, take-everyone-by-surprise response:

It's too late for today. But if you're here at 10:30 tomorrow, I'll let you have a little peek. Ask for John Singh. But if you tell anyone else, I will have you terminated.

Now, I typed that for Rick, and I wasn't a hundred percent sure if he was serious. John Singh, (LFL International Publicity) and I exchanged an incredulous look before asking Rick if this was for real. "Yeah, let's do it," he said. So, John made it happen by sending GazelleUK (a.k.a Peter) an email inviting him to the studios.

"I thought he was just joking," says Peter. "You can't just do that! Not on a forum, where everyone can read that. I mean, who knows who else will show up?"

As he recounts it, Peter wasn't entirely willing to believe it was real until he showed up at Abbey Road studios this morning. "I didn't tell my girlfriend or anyone anything about it, because I thought it wasn't going to be true."

John Singh met Peter, and took him upstairs to briefly meet Rick. From the Producer's Lounge, Peter got a bird's-eye-view of the orchestra as they performed the End Credits sequence for Revenge of the Sith. "I'll admit I was a little bit confused. I was trying to think how that particular music would fit in. In my head, I thought this a very familiar tune that will appear in a very unfamiliar place," he says.

"My eyes were watering just listening to that music," he continues. "Not only is this Star Wars, but they're great musicians as well and it just sounds fantastic. I thought, these people aren't making movies; they're making magic. And it was absolutely magic."

Post-Notes Image:

New Before The Helmet:
AniHawk said:
If the actual movie's as good as what I'm reading, this should be up there with OT.

Most likely the movie will just as "good" as episode 1 and 2.


I hope the movie surprises me cause I enjoyed the previous trilogy.....but really having hope for this movie is pretty dumb considering what came before.


Kabuki Waq said:
Most likely the movie will just as "good" as episode 1 and 2.


I hope the movie surprises me cause I enjoyed the previous trilogy.....but really having hope for this movie is pretty dumb considering what came before.

III, IV, and V will be looked back on as the good ones while I, II, and VI are the bad ones.
Kabuki Waq said:
I hope the movie surprises me cause I enjoyed the previous trilogy

I think a lot of people are gonna be surprised by this one, that is those that are willing to give it a chance. People (and I have a friend like this) that have already made up their minds and decided to hate it are probably gonna remain pretty stubborn in their vitriole, rather than begrudgingly admit that it was good.

I've gone into this whole anticipation with a cautious optimism. Cautious because of the stuff that went wrong with the previous 2 prequels, but optimistic because I DID like a lot of parts of EP:2, and this is the one where everything absolutely goes to hell. Whether or not it's as good, or even better than any of the OT (i.e. Empire) remains to be seen, but the dark tone from the pics and the info that's out there, makes it sound like Empire'll seem like an episode of Spongebob in comparison.


ManaByte said:
III, IV, and V will be looked back on as the good ones while I, II, and VI are the bad ones.

The more of your posts I read the more fitting I find your tag. No offense of course.


Return of the Jedi is worse than Attack of the Clones. This is a fact.

50 Reasons why Jedi Sucks

1. Ewoks, Ewoks, Ewoks
One of the miracles of the Star Wars Trilogy is that Lucas' bizarre and ever-present fascination with little people didn't hurt the first two films. The Jawas were cool. The Ugnaughts were cool. Kenny Baker as Artoo was cool. But George had to push his luck. The Ewoks are not cool. Period. In circles of die-hard Star Wars fans, to say you hate the Ewoks is like saying you enjoy breathing air. The Ewoks are the primary example of many of the points on this list: their unapologetic cuddliness is uncharacteristic and unwelcome; they look fake; they engage in constant physical comedy; their teddy bear design is wholly uninteresting; they live in boring surroundings; several of the film's dumbest scenes revolve around them; they were originally supposed to have been Wookies and they sing that damn song at the end.

But aside from what we see onscreen, the Ewoks are miserable little creatures for a completely different reason: they are the single clearest example of Lucas' willingness to compromise the integrity of his Trilogy in favor of merchandising dollars. How intensely were the Ewoks marketed? Consider this: "Ewok" is a household word, despite the fact that it's never once spoken in the film.


ManaByte said:
Return of the Jedi is worse than Attack of the Clones. This is a fact.

50 Reasons why Jedi Sucks

I don't know, I haven't seen the original films for a few years but I always thought Lucas made the decisions he did, like with the ewoks, because it was his goal to make star wars a family-oriented story. I can't really see how it's all marketing since you can see his little touches of child appealing humor throughout all the movies he did, with the possible exception of A New Hope.
Maybe it's just me but it seems like he tried to change the tone of the series around ROTJ-- in star wars you have luke flying down the into the deathstar with that dramatic build-up where he's using the force and then fires off the torpedoes. Then in episode one we have anakin accidently fly off into space and then accidently blow up some huge space station. It seems like a discrepancy to me.

Anyway-- I still like ROTJ, the quality between the first 3 movies isn't monumental. I just wish the special editions never came around-- the new dancing scene at jabba's palace is always painful to watch.
Return of the Jedi >>>>>>>>>>> Attack of the Clones

I think AOTC is just the worst Star Wars movie hands down. The worst acting, the worst villains, the most awkward on-screen chemistry, and a cop-out ending ... the whole movie is about Anakin/Obi-Wan/Padme and then they take a backseat for the last 30 minutes, its ridiculous.

I just did not like the whole Ray Haryhusen "arena battle" sequence with all the flying CGI bugs and what not, it was just way too B-movie-ish. At some point it really wasn't grounded in any type of reality for me, it was a total cartoon. The CGI overwhlemed this film.

Jedi is a weaker film than ESB and ANH not neccessarily because of the Ewoks, but because of its first act. The whole thing in Jabba's Palace is the only time the OT drifts way off course and the Muppet creatures are just too wacky/silly there for my liking (a precursor for things to come in the prequels).

The Ewoks at least fufil a thematic point, (the David versus Goliath thing). But the Vader/Luke/Emperor scenes, far better acting/dialouge, and the spectacular space battle at the end still make ROTJ a good (maybe not great) film.


ROTJ is entertaining, and has an awesome finale(ORIGINAL CUT).
AOTC is an unwatchable piece of crap with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.



jett said:
ROTJ is entertaining, and has an awesome finale(ORIGINAL CUT).

From that list that no one seems to look at:
11. Music
The soundtrack to Wars is a unquestioned classic. Empire's soundtrack gave us the Trilogy's best piece of music: The Imperial March. What does Jedi have to offer? Some playful "Peter and the Wolf"-esque Ewok tunes and Jabba's foam-and-latex band. The song "Lapti Nek" was translated into English for an MTV video, and we learned that "Lapti Nek" actually means "workin' out." That whole Flashdance craze was certainly popular back in '83, but now it's just embarrassing. Jabba's band is a pale imitation of Wars' cantina musicians. The Muppets look fake, and the music they play is truly wretched. (Yet one of the scenes being added to this spring's "updated" Jedi release is another song by the band!)

Even more insipid, though, is the Ewoks' celebratory "Yub-yub" number at the end (cut from the Special Edition), which sounds suspiciously as if it's sung not by Ewoks, but by humans. The theme to the Alien Nation TV show sounded more authentic.

Jedi is the result of cramming what would've been a sequel trilogy into one movie.

15. Surprise! They're Brother and Sister!
After Jedi came out, Lucas would routinely go on record stating that in his mind, Star Wars was always first and foremost a story about a brother and a sister. Does anybody really buy this? Wars and Empire both had sexually charged scenes that play significantly creepier when watched with the knowledge that Luke and Leia are siblings. It seems unlikely that Lucas would have included those scenes if he knew that one day people would be seeing them from such a different perspective. What seems likely, however, is that when Jedi came around, Lucas was grasping at straws, searching desperately for a plot revelation to equal Empire's classic father/son moment. Oh, well-even if Lucas is telling the truth (Yoda did, after all, say in Empire that there was "another"), the issue could have been handled in a less clumsy fashion. Having Luke and Leia learn about their relationship through means other than spur-of-the-moment (albeit Force-guided) guesses would have been a start.

Leia was never meant to be Luke's sister. The original end to Episode VI was Leia being crowned queen and Luke looking on knowing the he's lost her forever. The Skywalker sister wasn't meant to show up until Episode VII.

The whole fall of the Empire was originally meant to be Episode IX and at the very end it was going to be revealed that the entire nine-part saga was being played back from the memory banks of R2.
I never felt like Jedi felt "cramped".

Infact I feel now that the whole first act in Jabba's Palace goes on for waaaaaaaay too long because Lucas didn't have enough stuff to fill up the movie with.

Lots of stuff from Lucas' early notes/drafts eventually got filtered and changed.

A New Hope is not supposed to have the Death Star in it at all, that's supposed to only be in ROTJ, but Lucas needed some kind of action climax for the first film so he used that in ANH (and then again in ROTJ).

Also the end of ESB seems to already hint pretty clearly that Luke and Leia have some kind of connection, so the brother-sister thing isn't really that shocking.
Jedi is a very boring movie compared to all the other Star Wars films. It has a very slow pace. By the time the 3rd story point is reached A New Hope or Empire would be on their 15th.

Even compared to Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones jedi is just tedious. It has also aged the worst of all the films. The haircuts and lighting are terrible.
I dunno, I still think the Princess Leia metal bikini thing holds up pretty good today :)

AOTC has a slooooooow middle act.

ROTJ has a slow first act.

A New Hope is generally the slowest of the bunch though, I think.


Warm Machine said:
Jedi is a very boring movie compared to all the other Star Wars films. It has a very slow pace. By the time the 3rd story point is reached A New Hope or Empire would be on their 15th.

Even compared to Phantom Menace or Attack of the Clones jedi is just tedious. It has also aged the worst of all the films. The haircuts and lighting are terrible.

Speaking of The Phantom Menace, the Digital Bits once printed a reason why even Episode I is better than Jedi. Rastafarian Salamader Commandos > Teddy Bears.

The only things I like in Jedi is Obi-Wan's stuff on Dagobah as it connects the two trilogies and the Emperor/Vader/Luke stuff.
There are other things I do like about Jedi

1.) Leia's above mentioned metal bikini

2.) The Emperor rules. The entire sequence with him/Vader are very well done.

3.) Great funeral pyre shot for Vader. Little moments like these where the story is allowed to "breathe" puts the OT at a level way beyond the prequels.

4.) Best space battle in a movie. Ever.

5.) Speeder bikes.

6.) Mark Hamil's acting in this one is actually pretty good. You've failed ... I am a Jedi, like my father before me (TAKE THAT PALPATINE! TAKE IT AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR SITH ASS! :lol ).

7.) The Ewoks are more "tribal" than teddy bears. If Lucas had made them regular height, no one would've complained. The Gungans on the other hand are annoying and speak Full House jibberish (How Wude!).

For me I'd rate the movies as such ...

1.) Empire
2.) New Hope
3.) Jedi


4.) Phantom Menace
5.) Clones


1) Sith
2) Empire
3) ANH
4) Clones
5) Phantom
6) Jedi

The last half of Sith makes Empire look like The Care Bears Movie in comparison.
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