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New Rumble Roses screens (56k no)


Wow :B















I dunno. This batch of shots look kinda scary, detail-wise...and not in a good way, IMO. Those people in the background in that last shot must be time travellers from some 1999 Dreamcast game. Some of the costumes are pretty interesting, though.


MightyHedgehog said:
I dunno. This batch of shots look kinda scary, detail-wise...and not in a good way, IMO. Those people in the background in that last shot must be time travellers from some 1999 Dreamcast game. Some of the costumes are pretty interesting, though.

I agree that some of the details are a little off (what's with that one girl's upper lip?). I don't understand why people are so obsessed with things like how background characters look in titles like this, though. It's not like anyone's going to be doing more than giving them a quick glance when the game's actually in motion--all eyes are going to be focused on the girl-on-girl action in the foreground. Allocating any more polys to crowd characters than you see in that pic would just be a waste. Better to spend those resources on the playermodels where they're needed.


The lighting sucks :\ It's not really a good thing when you can see every last polygon egde, is it?
Tellaerin said:
I don't understand why people are so obsessed with things like how background characters look in titles like this, though. It's not like anyone's going to be doing more than giving them a quick glance when the game's actually in motion--all eyes are going to be focused on the girl-on-girl action in the foreground. Allocating any more polys to crowd characters than you see in that pic would just be a waste. Better to spend those resources on the playermodels where they're needed.

I'm not dishing the entire game because of the lego-people in some of those shots. I just laughed out loud when I noticed them...hard to not notice them in that shot, IMO. Still, this round of shots makes the game look far less impressive than any of the other ones I've seen. If the wrestling's fun and actually contains some decent depth, I'm sure it'll be a worthy rental.
XS+ said:
The lighting sucks :\ It's not really a good thing when you can see every last polygon egde, is it?

Look at the specular/oily-skin shields they have. The slow blade penetrates the shield. /Gurney Halleck


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Sho Nuff said:
THQ is currently shitting a brick the size of Cleveland over this game. :)

So true... anyone who thinks this won't appeal to the Smackdown buying crowd is crazy.....

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Hahaha, it tries to be sexy but it's just not. DoA:XBV doesn't have much to worry about IMO.
Er, so what you're saying is that you think DOAXBV is actually sexy?? You're one scary man mr. Koshiro.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I like all the little Konami game banners in the background. Like Gradius V, MGS3, Neo Contra, and Castlevania. :p

Looks good to me, but the main issue is if it plays good.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Grizzlyjin said:
I like all the little Konami game banners in the background. Like Gradius V, MGS3, Neo Contra, and Castlevania. :p

Looks good to me, but the main issue is if it plays good.

Well define good.... last I hear Yukes was using a modified Smackdown engine so.....
SolidSnakex said:
I'm sure Konami will settle with having an actual good game. :)

Who said it is going to play good. Konami has made bad games before. Maybe it is me but the game does not look that good to me.
sonic4ever said:
Who said it is going to play good. Konami has made bad games before. Maybe it is me but the game does not look that good to me.

Well most of the impressions have said it's a good game despite the heavy focus on sex appeal. Alot of people were surprised by it at E3 because they expected it to be just another DoAVB type game.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
well, they are no team ninja, thats for sure.
Team Ninja didn't really make anything good looking on the PS2, even though they tried. Surely you don't think DOA2 HC looks better than most of Konami's games.


Yeah, this game played surprisingly well at E3. I picked it up just because it was so campy and I had to give it a go, but some of the moves my opponent and I were pulling off were CRAZY. Tons of incredibly technical stuff -- it was like watching Dean Malenko or something.
Goodness this thread is borderline worksafe...I should've know better than to view at my desk. I just don't even want to try to explain these pics to my female co-workers....

I'm curious as to what Itagaki thinks about this game..........


FinFan said:
These screens make me happy I own an xbox

And comments like these make me ashamed to own an xbox. Anyway, this definitely is sexier than DOAX, due to better jiggly physics and the fact that the girls actually have asses in this game.
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