Out of the 3 most famous playable tech demos (hb2, ryse, order) this was the less dogshit one, but still pretty shitty.
When you have plotholes and meh writing even in a 4 hours game with barely any gameplay, you know you fucked up.
They didn't "fuck it up" due to the plotholes or even the "terrible writing" (c'mon man), they fucked up 'cause they tried to sell a 6-7 hours game with ZERO replay value at full MSRP, that's it, that's the reason why the game bombed.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this game only needed a couple more things to succeed :
- 4 to 5 extra gameplay hours
- a co-op mode
- a horde mode
- less QTE bullshit
- some type of replayability in the form of higher difficulties, a few unlockables...something, anything compared to what we got.
I really don't get the bitching about the story/plotholes/what have you, I don't see people complaining about gears of war's story being bullshit (it is), difference being, the gears quadrology (at that point) had actual, meaningful gameplay compared to something like the order.
When you try to sell/pass an almost interactive movie as a videogame... That's when you fucked it up, and you know what ?
It's a freaking shame since the game had some really good foundations for an eventual sequel (ie, aiming feeling/sensitivity, good shooting feeling, nice, "oomphy" weapons, and some motherfucking cool setpieces).
I get it, If I had splurged €60 for this I'd probably belong in the camp that hates it, thing is, I rented it, played it slowly as to savour it and took it back - for the seven to eight hours that it lasted, and for that €10 that I spent I enjoyed it very much.
To go on raving though that the game is "shit", is "badly written" or that it doesn't have any player agency but, at the same time you give an interactive, press forward for awesome® moviegame like Hellblade 2 a 9/10 like our resident hateful shitposter bumbleguy tuna or whatever is just a friggin' joke.
PS: I also liked Ryse and think that it's yet another misunderstood game that had some good potential for an improved sequel, shame then that it also bombed...