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New Tekken 5 Screenshots

xsarien said:
What the fuck is this thing?

I'm not into fighting games at all, but Tekken has some pretty fucking stupid character designs.


First of all, it's a robot. Second of all, it's a robot that's supposed to look like it's been assembled from junk, more or less (at least one of the Jack's are, not sure if this is the one). And third, it seems like you can customize the appearence of your character in Tekken 5, which is probably why he's wearing some sort of rocket launcher strapped to his leg, the rifle and the helmet.


This game is looking great..
Far better than the plastic dolls that are in the Dead or Alive games.

Much closer to Tekken Tag this time. *thumbs up*
Kiriku said:
First of all, it's a robot. Second of all, it's a robot that's supposed to look like it's been assembled from junk, more or less (at least one of the Jack's are, not sure if this is the one). And third, it seems like you can customize the appearence of your character in Tekken 5, which is probably why he's wearing some sort of rocket launcher strapped to his leg, the rifle and the helmet.

That's still no excuse for Jack.

Not all Tekken characters were created equal. Kazuya, Christie, and Craig all rock. You can toss the rest in the trash. ^_^


The Take Out Bandit said:
That's still no excuse for Jack.

Not all Tekken characters were created equal. Kazuya, Christie, and Craig all rock. You can toss the rest in the trash. ^_^

Sorry, you just offended Heihachi. Here, let me CRACK YOUR SPINE. :D


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
This sums it up well:

Man I can't stand Tekken. It's one of the dumbest, slowest, and relentlessly boring fighters I've ever had the misfortune of playing. Take this character for example:


Wow, great design assholes. Was Lampshade man already taken? I wouldn't even mind so much if the controls didn't feel like you were playing with boxing gloves on. Of course, you might as well play with gloves on because the combos never amount to anything more than tapping out pre-defined mashing patterns, some of which inflict over 60% damage so that the entire match lasts fewer than 15 seconds and you end up having to commit vehicular homicide on your way home to vent your anger.


Hitman said:
This sums it up well:

Yeah, that sums up how frustrated beginners play Tekken. But I guess that sum-up isn't to be taken seriously anyway, so don't mind me. :p
Kiriku said:
First of all, it's a robot. Second of all, it's a robot that's supposed to look like it's been assembled from junk, more or less (at least one of the Jack's are, not sure if this is the one). And third, it seems like you can customize the appearence of your character in Tekken 5, which is probably why he's wearing some sort of rocket launcher strapped to his leg, the rifle and the helmet.
Oh okay, so they were forced by the Japanese government to create a robotic character assembled from junk less they were willing to face the penalty of death then. God bless these brave designers for creating so much within such narrow guidelines!

I don't care if it's the most photorealistic retarded robot assembled from junk ever created. THEY WERE STILL THE ONES WHO DECIDED TO MAKE ONE OF THEIR FIGHTERS TO BE A RETARDED ROBOT ASSEMBLED FROM JUNK

I'm not even going to get started on character with a tiger for a head.
Well... the tiger guy (King, I believe, it's been awhile) is wearing a mask, but I can't say that I've ever liked his design anyway lol.

Other than Yoshimitsu, I've never been too interested in the characters,


Kiriku said:
Yeah, that sums up how frustrated beginners play Tekken. But I guess that sum-up isn't to be taken seriously anyway, so don't mind me. :p

Yep, I can't stand all the people who diss on Tekken because they never bothered to learn how to properly play the game. Especially the people who think it has stiff controls and character movement, or the game moves slow. Try watching two high level Korean Mishima players go at in Tag. Soon that slow and robotic gameplay becomes one of the fasted-paced fighting games on the market.

Also... how can anyone diss on Tekken's character creativity when almost every fighting game out there is pretty lacking in that department.

BTW... Jack-5 (the robot) is not made of junk, but that's a customized version in the picture to show what you can do with your customization options. The hat, gun, and rocket launchers are not the default settings.


Mike Works said:
I'm not even going to get started on character with a tiger for a head.

That's a (leopard) mask. King and his boss counterpart are luchadores.

I have to agree with you on Jack being stupid looking, but then again, all fighters have their "dumb looking" characters so you can't fault Tekken for that alone.

And anyone who says tekken is all about the strings clearly can't play it. Try doing 10 hit air juggles off of a wall before complaining about canned combos.
GhaleonEB said:
The more realistic the graphics get, the more retarded the character designs look.

I disagree.

Tekken and the likes have always had retarded looking characters.

I know, because I used to take a lot of shit for flaming the hotrod character designs of Tekken back in the day.

You know, when Virtua Fighter wasn't on the Playstation line of console, so fuckers would defend Tekken to their dying breath. :p

For every Kazuya, there's a Jack, P.Jack, Kunimitsu, etc. etc. BLARGH!

At the very least, I never got the impression there was ever any pretense of cool with the VF characters. :) Until recently.

Anyhow, I think it's worth noting that any game with billboards for BEEF SHAKE is definitely GOTY material!
I've always liked Tekkens designs. Sure they're trying to be cool but it works alot of the time. The Mishima's have always looked cool, and it's nice that the characters actually age in the series. Plus Hwoarang rocks aside from his heroin addict form in T4.
DrDogg said:
Where did you see that info? I've been on and off of TZ for the past few days between updates and I've seen nothing about the single player aspect. In fact, all of the reports indicate that there was a rather long wait and only one machine playable. I haven't heard of anyone playing the single player mode.
duk2000 said so


I doubt you'd like pimp pretty is you were tossed from a cliff and a volcano. Why doesn't VF4: Evo ever get crap for trying to emulate Tekken's style?
Serafitia said:
I doubt you'd like pimp pretty is you were tossed from a cliff and a volcano. Why doesn't VF4: Evo ever get crap for trying to emulate Tekken's style?

Both Goh and Brad were bashed quite a bit when they were unveiled for looking too much like Tekken characters, especially Goh.


Trucker Sexologist
I think the Tekken series has been going downhill since 3. Tekken 3 was fast, great looking (for it's time) and you could actually find decent competition for it at the arcades. Tekken Tag was okay, but it felt more like an add-on than a new game. When Tekken 4 was released arcades were on life-support and there were much better looking games out on the consoles. On top of that, the 8-way run felt strange and awkward, and it was near impossible to duck.

Virtua Fighter 4 on the other hand looks great and plays better. It's also the most balanced fighter out right now, and if you don't believe me, try playing against Nightmare or Raphael in Soul Calibur II. The only reason Tekken is balanced is because everyone is equally cheap.

Tekken needs to re-think the gameplay. It won't be as deep as VF (where a few whiffed moves can lose you the game) so it should be faster and flashier. The old jerky combos should be redone or sped up, so the punch, punch, block gameplay doesn't look so robotic. Moves should flow together better and juggles should be easier. If the new Tekken can match the speed of the Matrix fight scenes then at least the fights will be visually exciting.

The movie I saw of the game just looked like Tekken 4 with new characters. It's not done so I'll give them the benifit of the doubt.


SapientWolf said:
I think the Tekken series has been going downhill since 3. Tekken 3 was fast, great looking (for it's time) and you could actually find decent competition for it at the arcades. Tekken Tag was okay, but it felt more like an add-on than a new game. When Tekken 4 was released arcades were on life-support and there were much better looking games out on the consoles. On top of that, the 8-way run felt strange and awkward, and it was near impossible to duck.

Virtua Fighter 4 on the other hand looks great and plays better. It's also the most balanced fighter out right now, and if you don't believe me, try playing against Nightmare or Raphael in Soul Calibur II. The only reason Tekken is balanced is because everyone is equally cheap.

Tekken needs to re-think the gameplay. It won't be as deep as VF (where a few whiffed moves can lose you the game) so it should be faster and flashier. The old jerky combos should be redone or sped up, so the punch, punch, block gameplay doesn't look so robotic. Moves should flow together better and juggles should be easier. If the new Tekken can match the speed of the Matrix fight scenes then at least the fights will be visually exciting.

The movie I saw of the game just looked like Tekken 4 with new characters. It's not done so I'll give them the benifit of the doubt.

Wow... just wow. Where do I begin?

First off, there's no 8-way run in Tekken 4. That's Soul Calibur. Tekken has a sidestep and a 4-way walk. And in no way was it strange an awkward, it worked very well, actually too well since it was easier to avoid attacks in Tekken 4 than in any previous Tekken. And I'm sorry, but if you can't hit DB to duck, don't blame the game.

VF4 is the deeper game, and in some ways I think it's better looking than Tekken 4, and definitely more balanced. I agree with all of that. However, Tekken 4 is not balanced, and everyone is not cheap. Jin, Nina, and to some extent Steve are overpowered. Everyone else is just fine for the most part, and with Nina and Steve you have to be high level to fully abuse their strengths. Nina and Steve played at average levels really aren't that much better than almost any other character.

And when did depth become how fast you die off whiffed attacks? Because you can punish just as well in Tekken as you can in VF. I don't think I've seen any decent Tekken match that consisted of punch, punch, block... or slow-paced in general.

Juggling should be easier? Why, so scrubs who don't want to learn how to play the game can attempt to compete? Sounds to me like you want DOA, not Tekken or VF.

And just so you know... Tekken 5 is shaping up to have very little in common with Tekken 4. Please do some reasearch and learn how to play the damn game before you go off ranting about it's faults. Tekken 4 was certainly worse than Tekken 3 and TTT, but not for many of the reasons you've attempted to point out.


I can't wait for this to hit the PS2. I didn't care how broken and stale Tekken 4 was, I still enjoyed it. We need more pics!

Edit: I love this pic.


Edit 2: Ok, I'm tired but this thread has got me thinking about Tekken. If it turned out this game was just Tekken 4 with the new characters, I'd still have fun with it. However, it'd be ace if they went beyond that and tweaked every fighter so they play only vaguely similar to their older counterparts. I'd like to see a bunch of new moves for every character, and signature moves tweaked significantly (I hate that the stupid rising punch Kaz and Ol' Diaper have still look and function exactly the same). Also, I hope the new Kazama lady plays nothing like Jun or some past character from earlier in the series. I have a bad feeling she will, though. Actually, I don't think they'll do much to the old characters, either, but I hope they prove me wrong. I pray and I yearn. And now I sleep.


Well, that "rising punch" that Kazuya and Heihachi have was significantly tweeked i Tekken 4. Instead of hitting special-mid and launching no matter what, it hit high and only launched on counter-hit. That slight changed was enough to move both characters from top tier status in Tekken Tag to mid-tier or lower in Tekken 4. Jin had the same attack in Tekken 3 and TTT, but it was completely changed in Tekken 4 as well.

Also... Asuka is a clone of Jun but she does have new moves as well. However, based on reports from the first location test, Tekken 5 plays very little like Tekken 4. You've also got Anna, Bruce and a Sumo wreslter coming back, plus 5-6 more unknown characters that could be returning, or could be all new.

Lastly... thos photos are from the private showing play test. That was the one that wasn't open to the public. FYI.
Wow, people still hate on Tekken wow that's wild. How long has this been going on 10 years or so. And they still have the same excuses. Hmmmm.
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