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New Weight Loss Before/After thread! Pics ahoy!


lol yeah, having to sit on my (all of a sudden) "bony ass" (so to speak) was pretty disconcerting and uncomfortable for a while.

I need to start making a list of "Things I hadn't considered about weight loss"!

Weigh in this morning was at 131.6, so down about another kilo from last time. It's been a slow week for it though due to a few restaurant meals and a pub lunch (although I did manage to burn 7000 calories on the day of the pub lunch after a 2 hour hill walk and a 2 hour gym session). Definitely need to tighten up on eating out...


December: 185 lb
Today: 178 lb

Haven't been to the gym that much but have been focusing on improving my diet.

Ideally I want to lost fat without losing too much muscle, is the best way to go about that to carry on slowly reducing calories while going back to lifting weights?
Yes. And eat lots of protein. Maybe look into getting some protein powder to supplement.
GAF I'm getting closer to my goal. On Dec 31 I was at 240 and now I am at 221. Going to keep going strong and hopefully I reach my goal in march.


the feeling on sitting directly on the pelvic bones is odd to say the least.
One of the side effects of me going from 300->170ish was that my tailbone hurt like crazy due to me sitting like I still had padding back there. I kid you not, it felt like it was bruised 24/7 for the first year after weight loss, to the point where it was really painful to stand up from sitting.

Also, today is a good day. I fit back into my skinny jeans after I went a little crazy this fall through the Holidays. Just in time for Valentines Day.


One of the side effects of me going from 300->170ish was that my tailbone hurt like crazy due to me sitting like I still had padding back there. I kid you not, it felt like it was bruised 24/7 for the first year after weight loss, to the point where it was really painful to stand up from sitting.

Also, today is a good day. I fit back into my skinny jeans after I went a little crazy this fall through the Holidays. Just in time for Valentines Day.

Yes Yes Yes I have the tailbone issue and I'm mortified that its my pilonidal cyst returning as I have managed to escape surgery on that and I plan to till I die.

Good news for me this week is that I dropped another pants size and the Endocrinologist gave me clean bill of health this morning.


IANAD, but it took a solid 12+ months of learning how to sit differently, with the weight more in the high thigh to low butt area before it went away. I wouldn't worry about it!

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Shit, I've been having the same problem. Whenever I'm gaming on the PC my tailbone hurts a lot after an hour or so.


Thanks man. I really regret not documenting this shit better. Started on 01/11 with 225 lbs and today I´m 197 lbs. The pics would probably show some cool progress. I always forget to take them.
Holy crap, that's some crazy progress in just a month. When you said you lost 22lbs in a month, I was figuring you were much larger than that. Are you quite short?

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Just ordered this pillow for my tailbone woes, who would have thought losing weight would cause MORE pain?


So I was wondering - for MFP users, if/when you eat out or eat at a friend's or something, how do you input the food? Do you look for similar dishes in the database, or try and "deconstruct" the meal and enter ingredients? The wife and I eat out maybe once a week or so, and if it's a chain with nutritional info that's great, but otherwise it can be a bit tricky. In addition to the takeaway work provides on a Friday for overtime workers, we also get free catered meals on weekday evenings that I sometimes struggle to add up. (I'm actually probably going to fire off an email to the catering company next to see if they could provide any nutritional info).

Another question - what do you do on days where you just seem to be constantly hungry? I'm having one of them today and I'm at 2400 calories with no exercise, and I'm still hungry. I feel like I'm coming down with a cold/flu so is it maybe just my body using more energy to fight it?

On the topic of fitbit again, if anyone wants to add me my profile is here

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Oh God, the hungry days are the worst. For some reason I've been really hungry the last two days and it has been a struggle. I'm on a measly 1680 calories right now, which for a 6ft 3 man isn't much at all, but that's what I need to hit for 2lbs a week loss. At some point I will need to lower it to 1.5lbs/week as it's getting too hard.
So I was wondering - for MFP users, if/when you eat out or eat at a friend's or something, how do you input the food? Do you look for similar dishes in the database, or try and "deconstruct" the meal and enter ingredients? The wife and I eat out maybe once a week or so, and if it's a chain with nutritional info that's great, but otherwise it can be a bit tricky. In addition to the takeaway work provides on a Friday for overtime workers, we also get free catered meals on weekday evenings that I sometimes struggle to add up. (I'm actually probably going to fire off an email to the catering company next to see if they could provide any nutritional info).

Another question - what do you do on days where you just seem to be constantly hungry? I'm having one of them today and I'm at 2400 calories with no exercise, and I'm still hungry. I feel like I'm coming down with a cold/flu so is it maybe just my body using more energy to fight it?

On the topic of fitbit again, if anyone wants to add me my profile is here

When I used to track my meals I just tried to find something that would be close to what I ate. The point of it was just to get an estimate of what I was putting into my body so if I was off by a little bit it wouldn't make too much of a difference. I think if I tried to add up the individual ingredients every time I'd go a bit crazy.

As for your second question my advice would be to load up on healthy snacks. If you're hungry you shouldn't be afraid to eat something as long as it's not junk food.


I deconstruct the meal if its easy to do that or I just put in something like fast food equivalent that is the worst case scenario calorically.

St3v3, you can eat if you are starving buddy. You are burning up muscle that you may want to put back on later.

I find if I'm hungry a bunch light exercise does help a bit to stop that. If I eat higher carb I will always be a bit more hungry despite equal calories.


Weighed in at an even 130kg this morning, and just had my first "Have you lost weight?" comment at work. Sorta feels like a little milestone :)

Emailed work's catering company and they got back saying they'll look at including nutritional info when they make up next month's menus, and in the meantime to just email them with any specific meal queries and they'll be happy to give me a rough calorie estimate. So that seems like a decent result.
Another question - what do you do on days where you just seem to be constantly hungry? I'm having one of them today and I'm at 2400 calories with no exercise, and I'm still hungry. I feel like I'm coming down with a cold/flu so is it maybe just my body using more energy to fight it?

On the topic of fitbit again, if anyone wants to add me my profile is here

Do you eat nuts? Raw walnuts are high in calories, but studies have shown they help people feel satiated longer. Raw almonds are good as well, there is some scientific belief that the magnesium in them helps control hunger.

In general though, make sure the calories you eat contain plenty of protein.


To be honest, I don't really eat nuts, no. I tend to find that I can't just have a few, and they generally seem to come in bags of around 100g which is obviously a hell of a lot of calories (and "snack sized" things tend to be more expensive). I lack self control once a product is opened so individually wrapped things are better for me. I do have a stash of nature valley nut bars in my desk at work though, so they're usually my go-to snack at ~150 calories. I also have a box of quest bars I splashed out on just to see if they were as good as people say.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
So for the past week I've been hungry all the time which has made me moody and has caused me to overeat, only by about 100 calories a day over my 2lbs/week loss limit but somehow that has translated into a 3lb gain which I'm super pissed about. I'm just really struggling lately, I lose, gain, lose etc, the first 50lbs I was consistent. I have about 30lbs to go and it just seems so far away, I'm in desperate need of a second wind.


So for the past week I've been hungry all the time which has made me moody and has caused me to overeat, only by about 100 calories a day over my 2lbs/week loss limit but somehow that has translated into a 3lb gain which I'm super pissed about. I'm just really struggling lately, I lose, gain, lose etc, the first 50lbs I was consistent. I have about 30lbs to go and it just seems so far away, I'm in desperate need of a second wind.

Look at it logically, you did not gain anything significant by eating 700 calories(7 days x 100 calories over).

Also I lose weight like that, over a bit longer timescale( a few weeks vs every week) its a net loss.

If you feel the scale is starting to mess with you then just spread out your weigh ins. Think of how far you have come already doing it this way. Its not like the method stops working once you hit some arbitrary # on the scale.

Also eat more food if you are hungry all the time and its interfering with your daily activity. Part of losing weight is not letting food control you on the overeating end but its just as easy to fall into it on the other side. I know you are trying to lose as fast as possible but you have time to lose it.

You need to remember that you are going to have to reverse the taper on the calorie/day when you get lower toward your goal. You will not be able to just suddenly take in 1000 more calories per day, your brain wont let you because you have been programming yourself to eat less and your stomach likely is going to tell you its full all day.

I'll be the first to admit patience is much harder than self control.

You got this, come too far now

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I did actually think about not weighing weekly and go back to monthly because I get so depressed when I gain weight or stay the same. I just don't understand how it's physically possible to gain 3lbs when I'm starving myself, or at least it feels like I am. I weigh everything, log everything and I'm on between 1700 - 1800 calories a day, which is nothing and up until I'd say a few weeks ago this worked perfectly and I was losing weight every week without fail. I haven't changed a single thing but my body has just stopped responding how I'd like.


I would keep doing what you are doing, and just abandon the scale for 2 weeks.

Personally I go the opposite tack - weigh every day (after first piss) but chart it - that way you realise that periodic upswings go with the territory.

This is me from 2013.



That's the other way to go about it.

I usually weigh myself about 2x a day. It just doesn't bother me anymore because I know what I am doing will work. Also because I am just taking up exercising again so I have been trying to increase my calories so I don't lose too fast. I probably should have recorded it like you have but I didn't and its too late to start now as my amount left to lose is insignificant compared to what I have lost.


Personally I go the opposite tack - weigh every day (after first piss) but chart it - that way you realise that periodic upswings go with the territory.
That's how I do it. In the morning, empty system, no clothes. You want to reduce as many variables as possible.

I feel like if you weigh too infrequently, there's a chance you'll catch yourself on an bloated day and set yourself up for disappointment. It also helps to understand what can cause slight variations.
I agree with weighing yourself everyday in the morning. It'll make you realize that a swing of a few pounds in either direction isn't something to get too worked up about.


Yup I also weigh myself everyday. I have too much fluctuation in my weight so I like to see the trend.

I'll probably be posting here a little more often. I'm not s believer in cuts and bulks. However, I've put on a little excessive weight so I'm going to be tracking a it closer and not eating so freely anymore.

Also incorporating some conditioning with uphill brisk walking and farmer walks.

I'm 226 now.


I still weigh myself several times a day, including first thing in the morning after peeing. Used to track it as well, stopped when I saw I was staying more or less stable. This is me last year.


Crossed the -100 lb mark this week...

To celebrate, I am bringing back the "bed head" look from 12 years ago.

I mean, who can resist?



No pics, but moving slowly towards my goal of 160lbs:

Start - 265.2lbs (January 11th)
Current - 242lbs (February 26th)

Only thing slowing me down now is this horrible cold.


So lost about 7 pounds in my first 3 weeks. Think it would be more but finding it hard to cut out the soda. Hard going from about 2 liters of soda a day to cutting it right out. Trying to limit myself to one glass a day then hopefully cut it completely out.


Is it sugar-free/diet soda? I switched to diet initially, then gradually cut my consumption of that too. I still have it, but I've drastically cut down on the amount. Another trick would be to get sparkling water and add sugar-free squash to it, or even just drink the sparkling water. I found that was enough to satisfy my want for fizzy drinks.


Is it sugar-free/diet soda? I switched to diet initially, then gradually cut my consumption of that too. I still have it, but I've drastically cut down on the amount. Another trick would be to get sparkling water and add sugar-free squash to it, or even just drink the sparkling water. I found that was enough to satisfy my want for fizzy drinks.

Don't really like diet soda. See I drink water fine all day at work its just when I am home I end up having soda and I would stop buying it in but my mum buys it for other people so it always going to be there. I will just try and slowly cut down and then replace it with water I hope lol.


One of the toughest challenges I've had is that I get terrible food cravings after doing anything with weights. I don't do much lifting. I do bench, lats, legs 2 or 3 times a week. Like 4 sets of 8 reps each. But I still get serious cravings. I live across the street from a great burger joint and a Baja Fresh. The temptation to get burritos and burgers is the woooooorst on those days.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Well after last week's 3lb gain I managed to lose 4lbs this week, so I undid last week and lost 1lb on top of that which makes 61lbs total. I've started having 30g of flaked almonds in my cereal and it really helps curb the hunger pains, plus the fibre has really helped in the #2 department.


Neo Member
New to this thread, but just started counting calories and working out and doing cardio 4 days a week (with my brother as help and motivation) and I'm down 10 lbs in 2 weeks!

Really thinking of upping cardio to 6-7 days a week and still lifting 4.

Extremely ready to start this tough journey
New to this thread, but just started counting calories and working out and doing cardio 4 days a week (with my brother as help and motivation) and I'm down 10 lbs in 2 weeks!

Really thinking of upping cardio to 6-7 days a week and still lifting 4.

Extremely ready to start this tough journey

Don't over exert yourself too early. 10lbs in two weeks is basically too much, though huge losses early on are common.

If you do too much exercise too early on, it's counter productive.

My progress:
Started at: 285
Goal: 160
Current: 189

Almost there lol.


Neo Member
Don't over exert yourself too early. 10lbs in two weeks is basically too much, though huge losses early on are common.

If you do too much exercise too early on, it's counter productive.

My progress:
Started at: 285
Goal: 160
Current: 189

Almost there lol.

Thanks for the tips! I'll just stick to 4 days a week then.

The 10 lbs in 2 weeks probably stems from just how unhealthy I was eating before and I also switched to drinking mostly water the last 2 weeks.

Started at 297 lbs
Sitting around 287 now
And goal is about 180
Drinking mostly water is a good start. That is probably where most of that weight loss is coming from. 0 calories and it gives you a full feeling. I recommend drinking coffee or tea too, if you want something with a bit of flavor. Just make sure you don't add anything like sugar or creamer.

It is amazing how fast calories add up when you're drinking them.


After years of trying I'm finally making some progress.

Starting Weight: 17 stone 2 / 240lbs / 108kg
Current Weight: 15 stone 13 / 223lbs / 101kg

My goal right now is to get below 14 stone. I've never been lighter than that as an adult. We'll see what happens after that.

I've not hit the gym yet but that will change on Monday.
Don't over exert yourself too early. 10lbs in two weeks is basically too much, though huge losses early on are common.

If you do too much exercise too early on, it's counter productive.

My progress:
Started at: 285
Goal: 160
Current: 189

Almost there lol.

Awesome! How long did it take you to drop that much?
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