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New Weight Loss Before/After thread! Pics ahoy!


Crossed the -100 lb mark this week...

To celebrate, I am bringing back the "bed head" look from 12 years ago.

I mean, who can resist?

Hahahah, definitely tempting.

Also congratulations!


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I've no before/after pictures since I'm terrible at planning, and haven't come close to hitting my goal yet, but over the last couple of months (I guess since the start of the year) I've dropped from 109kg to 98kg (which for you yanks is 240lb -> 216lb). While I've still got a long way to go, I'm proud as punch, as it's been a big change for me. Toning, getting rid of the gut and muffin top are still necessary and I figure they wont disappear for another good few months, but I feel better.

Funny thing is with all the weighing and mirror gazing it's the little things that really accentuate the notion of "hey, I'm not as fat as I was". Going shirt shopping and realising you don't need the XXL. Trying on that XL and going "oh wow, even this is too big", and fitting snug into a L. Clothing measurements are shockingly inconsistent, but it's been years since I've been able to put an L shirt on and have it fit perfectly.

The other thing is compliments. Over the last week I've met two friends, one of which hadn't seen me in about three weeks, the other in maybe a month and a half, and both immediately said "Wow! You have lost weight!". There's days where you feel like you haven't really lost much or toned up or anything, and this validation from friends is very welcome.

I'm doing keto, reshaped my diet for the better, and introduced a borderline daily exercise regime focused mainly on cardio. I spent too many years being a lazy git and it fucked my body. This is the road to fixing it.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Yeah, I'm about where you are though I dropped from 127-130ish and hit below 100 last week though I fluctuate a bit, mostly water I hope and not a Cappa putting on 2kg.

Clothe sizes are dump as shit. Target and Big W seem to have different ideas of what 2xl is, I'd go XL but then people will think I'm just giving out free tickets to the gun show or something.


February was -12lbs for me, currently 257-258lbs, -172lbs from when I started.

250 was always some mental milestone for me as I didn't know what my lean weight would be. Probably can imagine going down to 230 but I would like to take it slow. All of my weightlifting friends are recommending eating TDEE - 20% as a max cut for not losing any more muscle mass. That currently comes out to 2300kcal a day which is a bit daunting at the moment, but I slowly been able to make myself eat up from 1300-1500kcal a day to almost 2000. Having the extra energy has been great, especially with any weight training.

Also my knee seems to be tolerating repeat incidents of mild cardio now so I am going to resume that as well on days I am not doing anything with weights. I dont know what to say about that except some targeted bodyweight exercises(1 legged squats) and just the stabilizing from the mild weight training has helped it out over time.


Still doing really well. I have to say the nicest thing is how less bloated I am. My jeans fit a lot better and my workouts haven't suffered. Eating around 2400 calories a day, usually 180g of protein, 200g of carbs and the rest is fat

My wife is killing it. She has a fairly visible 4 pack now.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I've been having some issues losing weight. I'm not really that big (if you saw me you wouldn't even think overweight, unless I had my shirt off) but I need to lose a good 20lbs.

Currently I'm doing P90X 5 days a week. I typically eat very healthy during the week, and on weekends I am a bit worse at it. The odd thing is, even doing 5+ hours a week exercising (P90X has weight training and cardio) and eating well 80% of the time, I still just always seem to maintain my weight (I'm 6' and 220lbs).

I'm not sure how to jump start the weight loss. Currently I'm only on week 2 of P90X, but last I did it (a few years back) I lost 20lbs on it. Before starting it again I was doing elliptical for 45 min a few days a week, then some random P90X cardio the other days, so I have been exercising for a long time.

Maybe it's just food?
I've been having some issues losing weight. I'm not really that big (if you saw me you wouldn't even think overweight, unless I had my shirt off) but I need to lose a good 20lbs.

Currently I'm doing P90X 5 days a week. I typically eat very healthy during the week, and on weekends I am a bit worse at it. The odd thing is, even doing 5+ hours a week exercising (P90X has weight training and cardio) and eating well 80% of the time, I still just always seem to maintain my weight (I'm 6' and 220lbs).

I'm not sure how to jump start the weight loss. Currently I'm only on week 2 of P90X, but last I did it (a few years back) I lost 20lbs on it. Before starting it again I was doing elliptical for 45 min a few days a week, then some random P90X cardio the other days, so I have been exercising for a long time.

Maybe it's just food?

Are you sure you aren't gaining muscle weight that is masking your fat reduction?


I've been having some issues losing weight. I'm not really that big (if you saw me you wouldn't even think overweight, unless I had my shirt off) but I need to lose a good 20lbs.

Currently I'm doing P90X 5 days a week. I typically eat very healthy during the week, and on weekends I am a bit worse at it. The odd thing is, even doing 5+ hours a week exercising (P90X has weight training and cardio) and eating well 80% of the time, I still just always seem to maintain my weight (I'm 6' and 220lbs).

I'm not sure how to jump start the weight loss. Currently I'm only on week 2 of P90X, but last I did it (a few years back) I lost 20lbs on it. Before starting it again I was doing elliptical for 45 min a few days a week, then some random P90X cardio the other days, so I have been exercising for a long time.

Maybe it's just food?
Almost certainly. Eating well =! weight loss. Eating less = weight loss.

Reduce your calories for a few weeks and see how it goes.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Are you sure you aren't gaining muscle weight that is masking your fat reduction?

It's possible. I just didn't lose much the past month or two where I'd been doing primarily cardio either.

Almost certainly. Eating well =! weight loss. Eating less = weight loss.

Reduce your calories for a few weeks and see how it goes.

Thing is, I am doing that. The only trouble times are weekends, and I don't go that much over. During the week I eat around 1500 calories a day (a bit more depending on the intensity of my workout) and I've just been maintaining weight, which confuses me. I'm ending the week at a calorie deficit, yet not losing really.


Are you sure you aren't gaining muscle weight that is masking your fat reduction?

Thats most likely not it. Gaining muscle is VERY difficult, unless you're a beginner. Losing fat is pretty easy. I'd be pretty happy to gain 10lbs of muscle in a year, but if I only lost 10lbs in a year of fat that would be pretty pathetic.

It's possible. I just didn't lose much the past month or two where I'd been doing primarily cardio either.

Thing is, I am doing that. The only trouble times are weekends, and I don't go that much over. During the week I eat around 1500 calories a day (a bit more depending on the intensity of my workout) and I've just been maintaining weight, which confuses me. I'm ending the week at a calorie deficit, yet not losing really.

Are you weighing and measuring EVERYTHING you eat?

If you are, whats your average caloric intake per day (factor the weekends in here. If you eat without tracking on the weekends thats probably your first mistake). If you're eating 1500 during the week and 2500-2800 on the weekends, you're probably better off just eating 1800 every day.

After you get this number, lower it by 50-100 calories for 2 weeks and see what the results are.


1500 calories on average, physically active, and not losing weight at 220lbs? That's off.

Also, weight loss isn't exactly linear. It's possible to go weeks without seeing the weight drop, only to wake up one day and notice you're five to ten pounds lighter. And it could even be water retention masking any weight loss. If it stays, you may want to consider a smaller calorie deficit or cutting back on your workout frequency. Too much of both can be counterproductive, I believe.

EDIT: Maintenance for 220lbs should be ~3000-3500 calories. 1500 is at least a 50% deficit, maybe tone it down to 30%.


1500 calories on average, physically active, and not losing weight at 220lbs? That's off.

Also, weight loss isn't exactly linear. It's possible to go weeks with seeing the weight drop, only to wake up one day and notice you're five to ten pounds lighter. And it could even be water retention masking any weight loss. If it stays, you may want to consider a smaller calorie deficit or cutting back on your workout frequency. Too much of both can be counterproductive, I believe.

EDIT: Maintenance for 220lbs should be ~3000-3500 calories. 1500 is at least a 50% deficit, maybe tone it down to 30%.

I agree something is off. However, not everyone is the same. For example, the maintenance calculation you brought up isn't bulletproof. The best thing you can do is track your calories to the EXACT amount (as exact as one can be with this stuff) and get an idea of what maintains weight. Then go through 3 months of fat loss at 1-2 pounds loss a week, then a month of maintenance, and then either weight gain for mass or loss if you want to keep losing more.


Always nice seeing this thread bumped. On 03/11 I will post my 2 month progress in detail. Nearing 40 lbs lost and it is so good to be on the final stretch. See you guys then.


I've been having some issues losing weight. I'm not really that big (if you saw me you wouldn't even think overweight, unless I had my shirt off) but I need to lose a good 20lbs.

Currently I'm doing P90X 5 days a week. I typically eat very healthy during the week, and on weekends I am a bit worse at it. The odd thing is, even doing 5+ hours a week exercising (P90X has weight training and cardio) and eating well 80% of the time, I still just always seem to maintain my weight (I'm 6' and 220lbs).

I'm not sure how to jump start the weight loss. Currently I'm only on week 2 of P90X, but last I did it (a few years back) I lost 20lbs on it. Before starting it again I was doing elliptical for 45 min a few days a week, then some random P90X cardio the other days, so I have been exercising for a long time.

Maybe it's just food?

Stalls just happen.

I know people that by all accounts were just as crazy active and keeping true to their calorie goals stall for a month before they broke it.

Might have something to do with the sudden resuming of p90x, body retaining water in muscles. Water weight has to do with that, with dehydration, and your sodium levels.

My current morning weight is a # I saw on the scale about 3 weeks ago. Its kinda just been chilling there since then, at least its stationary I guess. I find it hard to believe I am at maintenance. I need to start being extra meticulous on tracking as I know Ive been letting little things like condiments not get logged. I have kinda started exercising more recently so Im guessing its the above reason I gave you.

Calorically I dont know whats going on either. 2300kCal is BMR for my height and the scale hasnt moved since 2/18


14x-16x your bodyweight calorically seems like a ridiculous amount of food to me for maintenance. Maybe if I was 10% bf.

10x for resting is about right with Benedict Harris for BMR but that one overshoots if you are overweight in a non-lean way.


Not been all that good with food this week. Still only a 7 pound loss from when I started so sitting at around 284 - 285. Will get back to it on Sunday as I have a night out on this Saturday. Would like to be under 280 by the end of this month.


14x-16x your bodyweight calorically seems like a ridiculous amount of food to me for maintenance. Maybe if I was 10% bf.

10x for resting is about right with Benedict Harris for BMR but that one overshoots if you are overweight in a non-lean way.

Right. And like I mentioned, they're all estimates. Track your weight at least 3 times a week at the same time (usually in the morning, after going to the bathroom) and track everything extremely close. Allow for a 2% change for water weight fluctuation. When your weight is stable, thats sort of like your bodies "set point" Then slowly, decrease 50-100 calories every 2 weeks.

What's really important is to not just go crazy on weight loss. 3 months, take a month of stability, then 3 more months. You don't want to mess that set point up.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Are you weighing and measuring EVERYTHING you eat?

If you are, whats your average caloric intake per day (factor the weekends in here. If you eat without tracking on the weekends thats probably your first mistake). If you're eating 1500 during the week and 2500-2800 on the weekends, you're probably better off just eating 1800 every day.

After you get this number, lower it by 50-100 calories for 2 weeks and see what the results are.

Yeah, weekends I'm probably around what you say. During the week I measure and record (using MyFitnessPal) everything I eat. Weekends I usually slip a bit because I like food too much, and enjoy a few cheat meals.

1500 calories on average, physically active, and not losing weight at 220lbs? That's off.

Also, weight loss isn't exactly linear. It's possible to go weeks without seeing the weight drop, only to wake up one day and notice you're five to ten pounds lighter. And it could even be water retention masking any weight loss. If it stays, you may want to consider a smaller calorie deficit or cutting back on your workout frequency. Too much of both can be counterproductive, I believe.

EDIT: Maintenance for 220lbs should be ~3000-3500 calories. 1500 is at least a 50% deficit, maybe tone it down to 30%.

Yeah that's my point, something has always seemed off to me. Only thing I can think of is I take after my grandpa, who was a bit huskier at my age and is now overweight by a lot. Like I said, I'm 220 but you'd likely guess way less if you saw me. I don't have a gut hanging out or anything. I have a tire around my midsection that won't go away, including some love handles, but that's really it. It's weird to me.

I know I eat 1500 because I track it, so doing that since Jan 1st or so and losing only 3-4lbs is weird. Last year I was around 217 all year, even with running and random workouts. I just can't seem to jump start it.

I guess weekends could be the cause, but I'm doing everything right 80-85% of the time, so it confuses me to think a cheat meal or two on weekends is ruining everything. Heck, I don't even drink much beer anymore and barely any soda!

I'll change some things up and see what I can do. Maybe I see where I'm at halfway through P90X.


Yeah, weekends I'm probably around what you say. During the week I measure and record (using MyFitnessPal) everything I eat. Weekends I usually slip a bit because I like food too much, and enjoy a few cheat meals.

Yeah that's my point, something has always seemed off to me. Only thing I can think of is I take after my grandpa, who was a bit huskier at my age and is now overweight by a lot. Like I said, I'm 220 but you'd likely guess way less if you saw me. I don't have a gut hanging out or anything. I have a tire around my midsection that won't go away, including some love handles, but that's really it. It's weird to me.

I know I eat 1500 because I track it, so doing that since Jan 1st or so and losing only 3-4lbs is weird. Last year I was around 217 all year, even with running and random workouts. I just can't seem to jump start it.

I guess weekends could be the cause, but I'm doing everything right 80-85% of the time, so it confuses me to think a cheat meal or two on weekends is ruining everything. Heck, I don't even drink much beer anymore and barely any soda!

I'll change some things up and see what I can do. Maybe I see where I'm at halfway through P90X.

Honestly, I wouldn't change a thing, have a couple normal weekends and track what you normally eat. You'll be very surprised how it adds up having a couple cheat meals.


October 2013:

January 2015:

I'm about 10 lbs lighter than that second pic now.
That must feel good. :)

I finally got back down to 200 today. Started at 220 at the beginning of the year. Next goal is 180 by June 1st. Then 160-170 depending on where I'm at by then. My strength is down a ton from the last time I lifted weights so I might spend a bit of time after I hit my 180 mark and up the calories a bit to get some strength back(but not bulk). Will slow down the weight loss, but I should continue to lean out.

Am keeping pictures and everything. Hopefully in 4-6 months, I should have some pretty good progress to show off.
Obviously, different things work for different people... but I just wanted to say that I think you are setting yourself up for a bad result. You're just trading extreme over eating for extreme denial.
20kg lighter (from ~120kg to 99kg. I'd hope to hit 90 when June starts but gotta see if I hit a wall or something) now so I must be doing something right :). Surprisingly fast but the change has indeed been radical. No problems at all adapting to healtier food.

Of course it will probably slow down drastically from now on. At least the ice over here has pretty much melted and I can start the biking season for real.


20kg lighter (from ~120kg to 99kg. I'd hope to hit 90 when June starts but gotta see if I hit a wall or something) now so I must be doing something right :). Surprisingly fast but the change has indeed been radical. No problems at all adapting to healtier food.

Of course it will probably slow down drastically from now on. At least the ice over here has pretty much melted and I can start the biking season for real.

At least try to eat your BMR in calories. Your body will eventually cut back your metabolism hormonally to prevent weight loss and you can end up stuck until you start eating more.

You want to lose weight as slow as you can afford to. My decision not to do that is biting me in the ass right now.
March Update: I'm currently at 328.6 lbs and lost 6 lbs last month. Couldn't really start to do my daily walks until yesterday (Ice and snow is finally melting, it was too dangerous to walk).

Started in June at 456lbs and have lost a total of 127.4 now in March, plus next Tuesday I have to talk to my surgeon for weight loss surgery as my insurance pre-approved the surgery.


You still are going to go ahead with the surgery with that kind of progress?

Not in the sense that it wouldn't help but any surgery is a risk and you are already doing so well.
March Update: I'm currently at 328.6 lbs and lost 6 lbs last month. Couldn't really start to do my daily walks until yesterday (Ice and snow is finally melting, it was too dangerous to walk).

Started in June at 456lbs and have lost a total of 127.4 now in March, plus next Tuesday I have to talk to my surgeon for weight loss surgery as my insurance pre-approved the surgery.

328 and you're getting surgery?


So here is my 2 month progress report if anyone is interested:

Started on: 01/11
Starting weight: 102 kgs/ 225 lbs
Bodyfat: 30%+ (estimated)

Finished yesterday with:
Weight: 85.7 kgs/ 193 lbs
Bodyfat: around 13% I think. (still estimated, but I will have an evaluation later today and I will probably update this post with the actual bf.)

total of 16,3 kgs / 36 lbs lost in 2 months.

If anyone cares, I can post specifics of what I´ve done.

Also had some bloodwork done last week, so here are some of the most relevant results: (first number is mine, second is the reference)
cholesterol: 169 / 200 or less
cholesterol (the good one): 46 /40 or more
triglicerides: 65 / 150 or less
testosterone (also known as the reason why you do these things): 539 / 220 to 819

Everything else was fine as well.


Great to see so much progress being made in this thread!

My progress over the last month is another 4kg (~9lb), which is about 1kg a week, which is what I have MFP and Fitbit set to, so that's pretty encouraging even if sometimes it feels like it's slow going.

Overall progress is 17kg (37.5lb)

Current routine is 3/4 days a week at the gym (usually 20-30mins on the bike then a full body strength workout on the machines), +1 day hill walking for a couple of hours. Not worrying about what I eat as long as it's within my calorie goals (even allowed myself a krispy cream yesterday)

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Last two months have been crappy, only -6lbs when I'm eating the calories for 2lbs loss a week, so it should be closer to -16lbs. I'm struggling but still losing I guess, it's just starting to really drag on.


Last two months have been crappy, only -6lbs when I'm eating the calories for 2lbs loss a week, so it should be closer to -16lbs. I'm struggling but still losing I guess, it's just starting to really drag on.

I had to start eating more. My weekly calorie average for the last 7 months was 1400. I stalled out in the middle of February.

I feel like I'm force feeding myself to eat 2000 but I still get hunger during the day and the losing resumed. Trying to hit 2300kcal which should be 20% less than my TDEE.
So I'm about 6 pounds shy of the middle of the ideal BMI of someone my height, which is my goal, but weight loss has slowed to an absolute crawl over the past few weeks. Guess I need to step up the cardio.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Last two months have been crappy, only -6lbs when I'm eating the calories for 2lbs loss a week, so it should be closer to -16lbs. I'm struggling but still losing I guess, it's just starting to really drag on.

That's because the whole calories thing is bullshit as you have actively demonstrated.


Those are good #s!

I want specifics.

Did very low carb all the way through. Low calories as well but this time I did not count anything, it was all by feel. Had the occasional refeed (I just cannot avoid Japanese food) but nothing strict. It was rough at the beginning because your damn body keeps asking "where is all that delicious disgusting food you were eating like a crazy person, bro?" but after 4 or 5 days I was fully adapted, I think.

Exercise wise I decided to start with some light cardio because I was not feeling comfortable enough to lift weights (which is probably a mistake, don´t do it). After I´ve got rid of that bloatness and some fat I started a strength program and dropped the cardio little by little. Nowadays I lift weights and cardio is just for fun. (Like biking)

One thing that helped a lot was the EC stack (ephedrine + caffeine). Helped burning some fat as intended but the main thing that helped was in regulating my appetite. It really helps you to eat not much at all. I definitely recommend it and I can give more details, but for the love of god, start with the lowest dosage available, this thing is no joke.

I expected good results with the blood work because I always get them when I´m watching my weight but the testosterone surprised me. I´ve always tested in the low 200´s and seeing that 500+ this time was unexpected, especially after losing all that weight. Can´t complain about that though. :)

Feel free to ask anything.
328 and you're getting surgery?

Yes. Why do you ask? I'm pretty much tired of feeling hungry all time even after eating normal-sized means. Ever since I was in elementary school, I've had a big stomach.

I don't have any doubts that with surgery and with my healthier eating habbits, I'll be better off than people who just want surgery as a quick-fix and think they can eat whatever they want (and not gain weight).


Last two months have been crappy, only -6lbs when I'm eating the calories for 2lbs loss a week, so it should be closer to -16lbs. I'm struggling but still losing I guess, it's just starting to really drag on.

Zig-zag your caloric intake.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
1lb loss this week, 63lbs total. I might adjust my calories to 1.5lbs a week instead of 2lbs, because I haven't lost 2lbs in a week in ages while sticking to the allotted calories.


1lb loss this week, 63lbs total. I might adjust my calories to 1.5lbs a week instead of 2lbs, because I haven't lost 2lbs in a week in ages while sticking to the allotted calories.

Where are you at now weight wise, and what is your height again?

I think for me at this point I would like to keep doing -1lb a week. Feel better eating more with more exercise than just attempting to sit through the loss.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Where are you at now weight wise, and what is your height again?

I think for me at this point I would like to keep doing -1lb a week. Feel better eating more with more exercise than just attempting to sit through the loss.

I'm 6ft 3" and 16st 10lbs (234lbs) with my goal being 15st (210lbs). I will attach my progress from my app (excuse the cut job):



I'm 6ft 3" and 16st 10lbs (234lbs) with my goal being 15st (210lbs). I will attach my progress from my app (excuse the cut job):

So you are pretty close now, about the same left to lose as me(6'5", currently 256, want to be 230).

Its probably unreasonable to think that the lbs lost estimation will be accurate if you are close to a lean weight. Your body has been in a hormonal state of loss for a long time and it does metabolically adapt to that after a while.

I have gradually to eating TDEE - 20% (~2300) which was about 700-800 more calories than I used to eat. I also picked up exercising on a daily basis(4 days a week doing weights, 5-7 doing cardio). Its much nicer than being tired all the time and my brain works much better at work too. Ironically I actually do feel hungry again now despite eating more.

That is what I did and I think generally I had to get over that crazy 20lbs/month loss rate I was going at last summer/fall. If I lose a lb a week while making progress on weights and cycling that's a happy me. Just a matter of developing patience for me.

Good luck bud you are almost there.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
So you are pretty close now, about the same left to lose as me(6'5", currently 256, want to be 230).

Its probably unreasonable to think that the lbs lost estimation will be accurate if you are close to a lean weight. Your body has been in a hormonal state of loss for a long time and it does metabolically adapt to that after a while.

I have gradually to eating TDEE - 20% (~2300) which was about 700-800 more calories than I used to eat. I also picked up exercising on a daily basis(4 days a week doing weights, 5-7 doing cardio). Its much nicer than being tired all the time and my brain works much better at work too. Ironically I actually do feel hungry again now despite eating more.

That is what I did and I think generally I had to get over that crazy 20lbs/month loss rate I was going at last summer/fall. If I lose a lb a week while making progress on weights and cycling that's a happy me. Just a matter of developing patience for me.

Good luck bud you are almost there.

Thanks man, good luck to you too. I don't know about you but I'm looking forward to summer for the first time ever, usually it's me being hot and uncomfortable with 3 fans on me at all times. Hopefully removing these fat sweaters will make a big difference.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
We've gone over it before.

Convincing you wasn't my reason for posting that.

Yes, and it was bullshit then just as it has always been bullshit.

Not to say the idea of requiring some kind of energy deficit for fat loss is not necessary. It's just that treating all foods as the same (i.e. calories), ignoring things like hormones and nutrient timing, etc. makes the idea of calories in > calories out a bunch of bullshit. It's demonstrably false, especially if you're falling into the trap of expecting that a 3,500 caloric deficit (as if you could ever measure that accurately) means a pound of fat loss.

It's a fine unit of measurement as a very broad reference point, but a piece of food having a certain energy density when measured using a calorimeter does not say a single thing about how the food will be processed and used by the human body once consumed.
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