What kind of experience are you looking for? I work for one of the Big 4 and we have an expansive IT consulting service line (mix between development and business). PM me with your resume and info if you want me to pass it along.
Oh wow, that's really nice of you! That'd be awesome. I'm looking for just about anything where I get to work on real code for eight months and earn just enough to make it financially viable for me, somewhere where I can actually have an impact, however small, while at the same time learning a lot.
I'm more interested in computer software/phone applications than web programming, but then again that's because I haven't done much web programming, who knows, maybe I'll love it! In terms of industry, I'm looking at pretty much everything. I'm most interested in companies that actually do software as their main business, but I've also applied to ad agencies, companies in the financial sector, to the media, etc. I am very open minded about what I want to do since I haven't done a lot yet -- I don't know what I don't like yet, if that makes sense.
I'll PM you my resume, thanks a ton!
Have you networked within the startup community? The startup scene here is devouring programmers and software engineers.
Find the NYC Tech meet-up on meetup.com and start from there.
I've been looking at a ton of startups, the scene is giant, I feel like I'm discovering ten new companies every day haha. I don't want to do anything too small (like less than 10 people), but I must admit I'm more tempted by smaller companies (<200) than the giants (
this popped up in my FB feed recently, describes exactly what I feel).
My biggest problem is that I'm currently across the Atlantic, so it's tough to actually meet people. I have a friend at UPenn who will start working at NYC this September, and he's given me some very useful links/contacts, but it's not the same as being there myself of course.
Thanks for the answers guys!