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New York City |OT| GAF's Guide to the Greatest City in the World - Meetup on 18th

GAF, I need a hotel for 3 nights next month. Never been to NY so I don't know where, something not too pricey, but comfortable, no hostels etc. Will be doing tourist stuff.

Specific hotels or general area, it all helps.



bob page

Finally found a new apartment! Signing the lease this Saturday- hopefully nothing bad happens this time around.

It's in Brooklyn Heights, one block from the promenade & bridge. I finally came to terms with the fact that I will never find a place as big as my current one in a good neighborhood.


Finally found a new apartment! Signing the lease this Saturday- hopefully nothing bad happens this time around.

It's in Brooklyn Heights, one block from the promenade & bridge. I finally came to terms with the fact that I will never find a place as big as my current one in a good neighborhood.

Oh god, dream neighborhood >_< Nice!
GAF, I need a hotel for 3 nights next month. Never been to NY so I don't know where, something not too pricey, but comfortable, no hostels etc. Will be doing tourist stuff.

Specific hotels or general area, it all helps.

I'm staying at a DoubleTree at 569 Lexington. Pretty close to everything you want to be close to. It's just under $200 a night.


Finally found a new apartment! Signing the lease this Saturday- hopefully nothing bad happens this time around.

It's in Brooklyn Heights, one block from the promenade & bridge. I finally came to terms with the fact that I will never find a place as big as my current one in a good neighborhood.

Congrats! Celebrate by drinking with gaffers that night!
Hi guys!

I visited NYC over the last week and I just wanted to say I loved it. Absolutely loved the City and I can't wait to go back. Everything about the place is just perfect. I live in London so I wasn't overwhelmed by the size and scale of everything but it was still incredible to be there and to walk the streets and take in the bright lights.

Alot of people had said New Yorkers were very rude but that wasn't my experience at all. Everyone I spoke to and met were thoroughly polite and helpful. Everyone just seemed happy. It was awesome. There is so much more I want to do in NYC, and alot of it just involved walking about and soaking the place in.

You guys got a great city. I'll try to post some of my pictures over the next few days. I've uploaded a fair few onto my instagram where you can follow me @farhatraza if you should wish to.

Thanks guys! This thread helped alot with my trip and you guys make your city awesome!
Alot of people had said New Yorkers were very rude but that wasn't my experience at all. Everyone I spoke to and met were thoroughly polite and helpful. Everyone just seemed happy. It was awesome. There is so much more I want to do in NYC, and alot of it just involved walking about and soaking the place in.
I don't know where the "Rude New Yorker" stereotype came from... the assumption makes some sense being how crowded and fast-paced the city is, you might expect people to be on edge or not have enough time for manners - but in reality people in New York are just as nice as anywhere else. If you're in the touristy parts of town especially. Thing is people meet one rude person and they automatically associate it to, and reinforce, the stereotype.

I've lived here a couple years now and the people are definitely nicer here then they were in South Florida where I used to live (Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, etc).


I don't know where the "Rude New Yorker" stereotype came from... the assumption makes some sense being how crowded and fast-paced the city is, you might expect people to be on edge or not have enough time for manners - but in reality people in New York are just as nice as anywhere else. If you're in the touristy parts of town especially. Thing is people meet one rude person and they automatically associate it to, and reinforce, the stereotype.

I've lived here a couple years now and the people are definitely nicer here then they were in South Florida where I used to live (Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, etc).

Having lived here all my life, I can attest to that. While people may have a grumpy, tired look on their face, New Yorkers all willing to help tourists out all the time. It's rare to see someone deny a tourist help especially in the subway. I think The Simpsons episode where Homer comes to New York played a part in helping form the "rude New Yorker" stereotype as well as several images in the media.

bob page

Has anyone been to the reopened McCarren Pool? It looks great but I've heard it's attracting filth from some of the other neighborhoods who are causing fights, throwing trash everywhere, and tagging buildings. Looks like the Williamsburg area wasn't properly prepared for something like this.


Has anyone been to the reopened McCarren Pool? It looks great but I've heard it's attracting filth from some of the other neighborhoods who are causing fights, throwing trash everywhere, and tagging buildings. Looks like the Williamsburg area wasn't properly prepared for something like this.

Nah, I wouldn't go so far out to Brooklyn to go a pool any way. It sounds similar to the Highbridge pool in my neighborhood. Scuffles erupt from time to time; they get contained quickly. But it used to be much worse before the time block rule got implemented about 5-6 years ago or so. But I personally like to pony up a dollar and go to the Riverbank State Park pool; it has its share annoying people for sure. But then again, which public pool doesn't?

I would suggest you go to the pool (in the company of your S/O and friends for the most fun experience) and pass judgment yourself; it's probably not as bad as it seems. Also you have to keep in mind that public pools attract all kinds of people, not just the residents in that area; exclusivity doesn't exist in public pools but I understand your sentiment.

On another note, I have a question for you all: Should we have a July meet up this month or should we take a month off and leave it for next month? I'm all for it myself. But since people have been pretty quiet lately, I wanted to see what's up and check if anyone is still interested in this great Eat Up (I made that word up) that we discussed in the last meet up thread.


I went to Sleepy Hollow for a day hike recently. This time of the year it doesn't have the lovely autumn foliage however I wanted to see what it look like in the summer.

In order to get there early to avoid the sun I had to take Metro North Railroad in part.

I took the subway to Marble Hill/225 st and took the railway to Philipse Manor Station. Costed mt 4.5 dollars. From there I use a hiking guide I found here and combine with a trail map I found here and combine the two trail into a 7 mile hike.

Here is a complete waypoint history for people who are interested in the trail:
Sleepy Hollow Rockerfellar Park


The only hard part was to recognize the point where I could climb from the  Route 9 highway to the  Old Croton Aqueduct trail.  There was a hidden path I easily spotted with the aid of a smartphone that could pinpoint my location.  If you have an Android phone, I really recommend this free app called Custom Maps.  You can import trail map jpg files and assign latitude and longitude by aligning it with google maps.  And this is very important because you get much more detail trail map than the google terrain map and more importantly you have an offline map.

It took me about 3 hours to get to Rockefeller Reserve Park, which I have been to a couple times by car. This is really a lovely place during the two weeks in the fall when every leaf turn into different shade of red. I took some wedding photos there.

Instead of walking the usual west bank of Swan Lake I decided to take the east bank. It was completely enclosed by the trees so I didn't take many photos. Here is a picture of a duck family.

After getting to the Visitor Center, I decided it was too much for me to take the trail route back so I just walked back along highway bike lane. It was very fast to get back to where I started. Here is a poor fellow I spotted on the side of the road.

Now here is the fun part. It was 12:10pm and I decided to take the bus all the way back to Bronx. Yes you can use monthly MetroCard on Westchester and Long Island Nassau bus for free. It just take a lot of time.

There was only one Beeline Bus (13) stop at the hospital, once per hour. So I got some meal in the hospital cafeteria, filled up my water bottle and waited for the bus. I could have transfer to the 1W bus and get to Van Cortlandt Park but I decided to take the 13 bus all the way to White Plain and transfer to the Beeline 20/21 bus all the way to Norwood/Bronx Botanical Garden. From there I took D train back to Brooklyn. Long bus ride is great time to sleep. I also brought plenty of spear battery with me to keep me entertain. By the time I got out of the subway in Brooklyn it was almost 6pm. Don't think I will do "that" again.


^^Fantastic pictures as always Timo; I didn't know there were coyotes up there. Keep up the good the work.

So I was walking downtown yesterday when this bus on 77th street caught my attention. So naturally, I just had to take a 360 degree picture of it since it's not something that one sees every day in NYC. Unfortunately, I didn't have any change despite my wanting to donate. I have to say, I love the positive messages that it has written all over it in various languages. Funny thing is that passerby's would take a picture of it but not donate; go figure.





Translation of this message: Happiness in is in your hands:





A view from the corner of 77th street for reference:


Do you guys remember a few years ago there was an old old cab with all kind of graffiti park around midtown? I think it was 15 years ago.


Do you guys remember a few years ago there was an old old cab with all kind of graffiti park around midtown? I think it was 15 years ago.
Nah man, I was too young to notice (9). I didn't go to Midtown all that much unless I was accompanied by an adult. Are there any pictures of it?


Apologies for the DP but is anyone gonna go watch the Manhattanhenge phenomenon in about 20 some odd minutes? I should've gotten my ass downtown ages ago; I'm definitely not gonna make it.


I saw this last year on accident.. We went to the MoMA PS1 party, took a bunch of mushrooms, had some fun and then went back to the city. We live on 9th Ave in Hells Kitchen, as we walked down 45th across 6th Avenue it strucks us all what was happening. it's a truly beautiful sight to behold.


NYC GAF, Jay-Z will be having an "Opening Night concert at Barclays Center in Brooklyn". That is the new Nets center. I have never been to any type of concert so I might go to this one. Tickets will be $30. Considering Jay-Z seems to always put on better show than most that seems like an amazing deal.


Oh wow, will consider going! It's also crazy that the Barclays Center is almost done. I used to live downtown and I remember when that space was completely empty.


Here's a pic I took:
That looks amazing. I saw the lunar eclipse last year at around 3AM. It freakin' windy as sin but it so worth it because it was easily one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen in my life.
NYC GAF, Jay-Z will be having an "Opening Night concert at Barclays Center in Brooklyn". That is the new Nets center. I have never been to any type of concert so I might go to this one. Tickets will be $30. Considering Jay-Z seems to always put on better show than most that seems like an amazing deal.


Is that tomorrow? If so, then that's a pretty damn good deal considering the fact that over 7,000 performances are going to be under 30 bucks. It's too bad I'm not a fan of Jay-Z. On a related the note, the City Parks Foundation Summer Stage Series is well under way with music for everyone. I'm looking forward to watching some live Latin music performances myself.

Also, NY Comic Comic Con passes are currently on sale for anyone who definitely plans on going and wants their passes in advance.

Or if you don't want to pay and want to work there (like I did last year), here's the link (the application is not up yet). Unfortunately as of this year, applicants have to be over 21 for some odd reason. Last year it was open to everyone; several of my co-workers were under 21. I guess it's because of alcohol related reasons. It was pretty fun working behind the scenes and meeting people despite it being physically taxing on the feet so I plan on returning to work there this year again. It's also good work experience.

Also I'll ask this question one last time it's gone unnoticed, then I won't bring it up again until early next month. Is anyone interested in meeting this month or should we should we take a month off and have one (or multiple ala Chicago GAF) in August? If so for either, I'm willing to make the thread since there aren't any willing participants. Regardless of the month, we all agreed that will be absolutely no bar hopping. If August, then I propose doing a multiple part meet up where we can cater to everyone's tastes.

Any way, I hope you guys are having a good summer, staying cool, and enjoying the nice weather. Don't be surprised I bump into any of you in Manhattan since it's a small world.


Also, NY Comic Comic Con passes are currently on sale for anyone who definitely plans on going and wants their passes in advance.

Ooooooo, my friends are planning to go so we'll take advantage of this!

Or if you don't want to pay and want to work there (like I did last year), here's the link (the application is not up yet).

Whoa wut. I should--

Unfortunately as of this year, applicants have to be over 21 for some odd reason.

FFFFFffffff, wow.

Also I'll ask this question one last time it's gone unnoticed, then I won't bring it up again until early next month. Is anyone interested in meeting this month or should we should we take a month off and have one (or multiple ala Chicago GAF) in August? If so for either, I'm willing to make the thread since there aren't any willing participants. Regardless of the month, we all agreed that will be absolutely no bar hopping. If August, then I propose doing a multiple part meet up where we can cater to everyone's tastes.

Will consider going if it's in August. Preferably after the 18th-20th since it'll be right after Ramadan (and it'll be easier for me to hang out/eat out, lol).


Buying tickets to the jay z concert and comic con. I hope to meet up with some of you dudes at comic con because I have no friends irl who would go with me.


Went to the 42th St NY Public Library (you know, the Lions Building) yesterday. I feel like such an idiot for no checking out that place sooner. I definitely will put it on the "must see" list for visitors.

This has to be the best self study/work public place in NY, somebody has a better candidate?


I have seriously been all over the world and i have never seen so much food diversity as i have in NY. that is the ONE reason that i love going back ever year. Eat 30 different varieties of food in one day.


New York p/o here I don't udnerstand why people make such a big deal out of New York in general...I guess since I live/work here I take it for granted, but I'd rather live somewhere in the midwest.


Went to the 42th St NY Public Library (you know, the Lions Building) yesterday. I feel like such an idiot for no checking out that place sooner. I definitely will put it on the "must see" list for visitors.

This has to be the best self study/work public place in NY, somebody has a better candidate?
Yeah, that building is huge! I went inside there myself for the first time a couple of months ago with one of my art classes. It feels like you're in another era when you're in there.
New York p/o here I don't udnerstand why people make such a big deal out of New York in general...I guess since I live/work here I take it for granted, but I'd rather live somewhere in the midwest.
You live in NY?! GTFO. You should come out to a GAF meet up one of these months; it's good fun.

I take a lot of things for granted too as a New Yorker; Times Square is massively overrated because it's all just a massive advertisement laden strip. But the Earth Cam does make for some good antics. I guess it's because it's pretty liberal, multi-ethnic, Broadway shows, Wall street, and the Statue of Liberty. One of these days I'm gonna get on a tourist bus just so I could see NY through the eyes of a tourist.

When people outside of the U.S. think of the U.S., they automatically think of NY because they see movies that take place in NYC all the time. Even in the Dominican Republic, all people see are images of New York and want to come over here as a result.

Regarding the next GAF meet up, August it is then. The only idea I really have is eating at an authentic Korean restaurant in Korea Way as a massive group. If anyone disagrees, let me know or post in this thread. I have a good amount of free time until August 27th (I think I'm gonna start doing a work-study job next week though plus volunteer somewhere in the weekends whenever I feel up to it). I understand that Emily Chu is always at bar somewhere near W 4th street (I need to look up the name and edit my post) every Tuesday at 6, so that's one idea.


Gaf i am scared. I will hopefully be moving next month for my college. But i am worried i will be overwhelmed by the cultural shock and hugeness of NYC. Its not like i have never been in a big metropolitan city before, its just that i feel i will have a hard time fitting in and making friends. I hope i make some friends if i do come to the next meet.


Gaf i am scared. I will hopefully be moving next month for my college. But i am worried i will be overwhelmed by the cultural shock and hugeness of NYC. Its not like i have never been in a big metropolitan city before, its just that i feel i will have a hard time fitting in and making friends. I hope i make some friends if i do come to the next meet.

What college are you going to attend btw? And no worries, NYC isn't that big and scary. You will love it and meet many amazing people, including us hopefully ;)

bob page

New York p/o here I don't udnerstand why people make such a big deal out of New York in general...I guess since I live/work here I take it for granted, but I'd rather live somewhere in the midwest.

You'd rather live in the midwest? Surely this must be a joke post.


Huh? Who is Emily Chu?

My memory from February is pretty fuzzy, but I think he was there. He's an Asian dude who trades stocks all day.

This was taken from the June meet up thread regarding where he hangs out at every Tuesday (assuming he still does it):
been on a bit of a meetup frenzy lately

"Weekly meetup at Peculiar"

145 Bleecker St (at Thompson), New York, NY





worth checking out if your in the metro area

best beer selection in the entire city

anyone is welcome, a bunch of nice, chilled laid back folks, discussing thing all things internet and cracking jokes, hanging out and what not

met a couple of Gaffers there too

plus best of all it's a weekly thing

every tuesdays @ 6pm


so if your a local come on in

of course I'm still loyal to the NYC GAF meetups but this is weekly

r/nyc meetup every tuesdays @ 6:00pm

no planning no nothing just a good time every Tuesdays @ 6pm from now until forever, same time same place

so fucking awesome

but lets face it most of the GAF threads are direct from Reddit

so jipan or junior (ahem #47) or whomever, come on down shit is cash

Rutgers,newark...might switch to some SUNY or CUNY college later

Cool, you're in for a treat. New York isn't that big once you figure out how the transit system works and which trains take you to different boroughs. Manhattan itself isn't that big. Brooklyn, The Bronx and Queens on the other hand are huge; particularly Brooklyn and Queens. If you want to meet friends instantly, then I highly encourage you to come a GAF meet up.

Rutgers is a pretty damn good school. CUNY schools are pretty affordable; each college has its prestigious majors. What are you planning on studying? Also, what country or state are you coming from?

I don't know what kind of culture shock you're expecting other than the fact that people have to consume alcohol inside a paper bag (which is a stupid antiquated law that's a remnant from the Prohibition Era) when they drink out in public (except for in stadiums). Also the fact that you have to be 21 to legally consume and buy alcohol and be able to access and enjoy most of the city's night life. And also the fact that NY's a pretty liberal state.


I think I see Bob page's girlfriend in the first picture. :p I saw them and the other pictures; they're pretty nice. You should consider taking up photography as a profession if you haven't so already (I know you're big Instagram fan and all) as in using a DSLR camera.

By the way, you should tell a mod to get rid of the "Meetup on 18th" so people won't get confused; it's been there for ages.

I'll make the August meet up thread some time around next week once I make a proper banner for it. I'm not planning on making super huge OP like I did for the May Meet up. I'm still considering making it multiple part meet up (one day say Dave and Busters, next day/one weekend later, a meet and eat) but I'll consult some people for suggestions beforehand.

Two last things and I'm gone. First, for anyone who's Hispanic/Latino or for anyone who's interested checking out one of these festival this visually unappealing website has all the year's parades and festivals. I look at it every year. I'm for sure going to the Brazilian festival with my brother to check it out (also my brother knows some Portuguese which is a total babe magnet ;p). I went to it about 3 years ago and it was pretty fascinating.

Lastly, for anyone who's over 21 and wants to work at NY Comic Con, the application will be up on the link that I provided this coming week. I don't know what day specifically, but it was confirmed by a Reed Pop (the company that runs all the gaming and anime conventions in the US)staffer.


Cool, you're in for a treat. New York isn't that big once you figure out how the transit system works and which trains take you to different boroughs. Manhattan itself isn't that big. Brooklyn, The Bronx and Queens on the other hand are huge; particularly Brooklyn and Queens. If you want to meet friends instantly, then I highly encourage you to come a GAF meet up.

Rutgers is a pretty damn good school. CUNY schools are pretty affordable; each college has its prestigious majors. What are you planning on studying? Also, what country or state are you coming from?

I don't know what kind of culture shock you're expecting other than the fact that people have to consume alcohol inside a paper bag (which is a stupid antiquated law that's a remnant from the Prohibition Era) when they drink out in public (except for in stadiums). Also the fact that you have to be 21 to legally consume and buy alcohol and be able to access and enjoy most of the city's night life. And also the fact that NY's a pretty liberal state.

I will be doing a computer science major,switching to Cuny or suny is obviously because of financial reasons as 26k an year is a bit steep considering i am an international student so no FA and low chances of scholarship..I planned to enroll directly into Suny stony brook as its cheaper but its out of question now( dat daily 100km drive back and forth) my brother reckons i should go for hunter college now...

i am from pakistan btw,world's good ol wild west

Cultural shock as in it's a whole different environment and big change for me.It shouldn't be that hard to adjust to multiculturalism or western culture in general thanks to internet, but i can be pretty awkward around people like any average internet dude. Plus it would be embarrassing if i do something that is generally frowned upon locally unlike back home, that realization could make me very self conscious. Or may be i am just fretting and it would be smooth sailin.

I would surely come to august meet if i make it in time and now how the transit system works by than.


I will be doing a computer science major,switching to Cuny or suny is obviously because of financial reasons as 26k an year is a bit steep considering i am an international student so no FA and low chances of scholarship..I planned to enroll directly into Suny stony brook as its cheaper but its out of question now( dat daily 100km drive back and forth) my brother reckons i should go for hunter college now...

i am from pakistan btw,world's good ol wild west

Cultural shock as in it's a whole different environment and big change for me.It shouldn't be that hard to adjust to multiculturalism or western culture in general thanks to internet, but i can be pretty awkward around people like any average internet dude. Plus it would be embarrassing if i do something that is generally frowned upon locally unlike back home, that realization could make me very self conscious. Or may be i am just fretting and it would be smooth sailin.

I would surely come to august meet if i make it in time and now how the transit system works by than.
Stony Brook is extremely good. I know a couple of people who I used to go to high school with that graduated from there.

It's funny that you mention Hunter College , because I go to Hunter College myself. :D The Computer Science program at Hunter is o.k. The department is pretty small. But Hunter's most prevalent programs are Art, Nursing, Social Work, Biology, Physics, Math, and English. If you were to double major in Computer Science and Media; specifically, the Emerging Media concentration umbrella that has a Game Design concentration or a Web Design one, it'd be complementary to the ComSci major. It's a pretty small school once you learn the ins and outs like the city. The best thing about Hunter though is the fact that the school is connected to the subway station and it's literally outside the station, so that's why I love it.

But if you really want a really good Computer Science program, you should consider going to City College because it has a much better program. Plus if you don't feel like Computer Science, then you can always switch to their Engineering which is extremely good. The only downside is that tuition is going to increase in the fall. On the plus side though, a smoking ban outside all the CUNY school grounds is going into effect starting this fall, so if you're the type of person that can't stand second hand smoke (like me), know that you'll be able to breathe a lot easier.

If you decide to go Hunter, let me know. I'll see if I help you make your way around the school, show you around some of the best spots to do specific things in the school (e.g. study, etc.), and do my best to introduce you to the few people that I know. I think there's a Middle Eastern Students Association club at the school so that would be a very good place for you start meeting people at.

I'm sure you won't have much of a hard time integrating into the city. But then again, I take it for granted because I was born and raised here. I understand it's a much different experience for people who live outside the U.S. You're definitely in for a treat though I'll tell you that much.

As for GAF meet ups, we've had Gaffers from Sweden and Australia that were in town visiting. They felt at ease with us. We're a fun bunch, so if you can make it, then that would be great.
If you're planning to move to New York, what would be the best time of year? Weather wise, i'm definitely aiming at post February, but for work & rent, is there a good time to come in?

Also, does anyone work in the music or film industry over there from here? I'll be looking at directing & doing music production, continuing on from here in Australia, and i'm just looking into where to go over there.

bob page

If you're planning to move to New York, what would be the best time of year? Weather wise, i'm definitely aiming at post February, but for work & rent, is there a good time to come in?

Also, does anyone work in the music or film industry over there from here? I'll be looking at directing & doing music production, continuing on from here in Australia, and i'm just looking into where to go over there.
I probably wouldn't move in the winter because if it snows, you'll be in for a huge hassle. April, May and September are probably your best bets, as the weather will be better, won't be too warm, and you'll avoid the rush of students and new hires looking for a place.


Anyone down for a meetup sometime in August? I'm itching to see some of you guys before we all go back to school/work/life.


Anyone down for a meetup sometime in August? I'm itching to see some of you guys before we all go back to school/work/life.

You've read my mind; I was thinking about it myself. Kisaya's down after August 20th. This fabled eat up must happen. I can't think of a place other than Korea Way that would be good for a massive group as well as what to do afterwards. I was thinking about making it a two part meet up (2 days/weekends).

I'm going back to school on August 27th myself. I wouldn't mind doing a September meet up as well given if school work won't be too much of a burden provided I get everything out the way early.
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