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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix



my daughter just turned 3 months! She just woke up so I'm feeding her as I type!

Being half Japanese she had bad jaundice as well, had to be on the lights at home but only for a couple of days after birth.

Time sure flies after the baby is born...

Cuteness overload.

hybrid-vigour ftw!

Anyway, we're early on. But we're very aware of how fast babies change. Something I like to keep in mind is that while they are all crying and clingy today, there will come a time (sooner than you'd like once it happens), that they won't be.

So while they're small and you're holding them, take a moment to really cherish it, because that chance will be fleeting.


Cuteness overload.

hybrid-vigour ftw!

Anyway, we're early on. But we're very aware of how fast babies change. Something I like to keep in mind is that while they are all crying and clingy today, there will come a time (sooner than you'd like once it happens), that they won't be.

So while they're small and you're holding them, take a moment to really cherish it, because that chance will be fleeting.

I know! I want her to stay tiny longer already! Blargh... So fleeting. How old is yours?


"Quaaaaiid... start... the... reactor. Free Mars!"

Joke (C) Ryan Davis

Nope, sorry Ryan can't claim that one. First thing everyone thinks of is Quatto. Heck, my sister said, hey she's like the baby in total recall!

And from day one, I was making those comparisons - it's the way babies move their hands and fingers (lol, kind of subconconsciously and mechanical like a puppet).

Distant mantra: heh, cute.

In other news, today I was doing my bit feeding baby some formula... And she smiled at me. Not one of those 'gas' response smiles, that you attribute some human connection to...na full on smile, where she was staring straight at me with lit-up eyes. And she just kept doing it. She paused during her sucking to make more. It melted my heart (truth be told I got a little emotional). She owns me, and I'm hers forever now.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future

Noisy, multi-colored toys have invaded our home. 5 months old this coming Thursday.
I swear the slot machine guys are in cahoots with the kids toy makers, my living room looks and sounds like a low rent Vegas sometimes with all the flashing lights and sounds.


My boy is due on 08/31 and we can't decide on a name!

The middle name is settled however....it will be.......

Hajime which is Japanese for start/beginning It was my mom's father's name

We've been toying around with a bunch of names but today it hit me....

Neo which means new...

Neo Hajime (new beginning)

Am I crazy?

Help me name my boy!
My boy is due on 08/31 and we can't decide on a name!

The middle name is settled however....it will be.......

Hajime which is Japanese for start/beginning It was my mom's father's name

We've been toying around with a bunch of names but today it hit me....

Neo which means new...

Neo Hajime (new beginning)

Am I crazy?

Help me name my boy!

As well as that meaning sounds good, always think about how he might be made fun of IMO. Neo to me sounds like something he could be teased about easily.


As well as that meaning sounds good, always think about how he might be made fun of IMO. Neo to me sounds like something he could be teased about easily.

True...also learned that Neo means gift in an African language. Which is pretty cool too.

Are kids gonna tease him because of the matrix? He'll just have to man up and say yup I'm the chosen one...
My boy is due on 08/31 and we can't decide on a name!

The middle name is settled however....it will be.......

Hajime which is Japanese for start/beginning It was my mom's father's name

We've been toying around with a bunch of names but today it hit me....

Neo which means new...

Neo Hajime (new beginning)

Am I crazy?

Help me name my boy!
Neo sounds cool to me. Even better with the meaning behind it. I'm not into everyday names like Joe, Tom or John so something different is always good in my book.

I wouldn't worry about kids picking on him. I have a unique name and nobody picked on me for it. If they want to pick, they will find something no matter what.
True...also learned that Neo means gift in an African language. Which is pretty cool too.

Are kids gonna tease him because of the matrix? He'll just have to man up and say yup I'm the chosen one...

Not just the Matrix, but Neo gets applied to lots of things. It's just something to consider is all I'm saying. I'm not advocating a plain name, but just at least consider what the kid might have to go through. One of the things we did when picking out the name was simply try to make fun of it. It was actually kind of fun doing that, but I see no reason to subject the kid to something like that; it's their life not ours.


Not just the Matrix, but Neo gets applied to lots of things. It's just something to consider is all I'm saying. I'm not advocating a plain name, but just at least consider what the kid might have to go through. One of the things we did when picking out the name was simply try to make fun of it. It was actually kind of fun doing that, but I see no reason to subject the kid to something like that; it's their life not ours.

Ok make fun of the name neo... :) Bring your experience of teasing children to the table. Hit me! :)


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I love how everything needs batteries too. Not even our automatic swing had a power cord option, just 6 DD batteries that we replaced every 2-3 weeks for years. Ugh.
They have AC powered ones now, but ours was battery powered also and we went through a ton of batteries before that thing was retired. The new ones also have a timer which is the one thing I disliked about our swing, it would just keep going and going.
Lots of cute babies being born up in here, we are 6 weeks and counting and finally got all our nursery furniture ordered for delivery this week. We ended up going for a set called Oeuf Robin. It was way more than I wanted to spend but we got some help from a baby shower gift certificate. Wifey is also pretty into sustainable design oriented stuff.

The strange thing about all these changes is baby gadgets, which I had never spent much (any?) time thinking about, are all of a sudden becoming super interesting.


They have AC powered ones now, but ours was battery powered also and we went through a ton of batteries before that thing was retired. The new ones also have a timer which is the one thing I disliked about our swing, it would just keep going and going.

It's almost next to impossible to find ones that are AC powered. When we had our "surprise" baby. My wife scoured consignment sales and the internet to get one.


Not just the Matrix, but Neo gets applied to lots of things. It's just something to consider is all I'm saying. I'm not advocating a plain name, but just at least consider what the kid might have to go through. One of the things we did when picking out the name was simply try to make fun of it. It was actually kind of fun doing that, but I see no reason to subject the kid to something like that; it's their life not ours.

Kids are generally resilient, and if it,s not their name made fun of, it's something else.

That said, I'm an advocate for simple elegant names. I generally don't like names to be too 'different', if you know what I mean. It probably has to do with me having a unique name (it's a name my Mum made up two other names), as well as a life time of trying to fit in as opposed to trying to stand out from the crowd.

My concerns when naming our baby was how it sounds with the family name, and initials.
I'm personally against naming a kid Neo. Just seems off. But, it's your kid, name him whatever you want.

In other news, my daughter already has five beer onesies.



First projectile spit-up, all over my iPad!

Also I never thought it was possible to find poop this fascinating.

Welcome to the club!

My iPad's volume buttons are a bit sticky now when pressed.

And yeah, poop. Is there enough of it, is the consistency right, is the colour right. You'll be glad after the addition of solid food when it hardens a bit, as it makes cleanup a lot easier.
Welcome to the club!

My iPad's volume buttons are a bit sticky now when pressed.

And yeah, poop. Is there enough of it, is the consistency right, is the colour right. You'll be glad after the addition of solid food when it hardens a bit, as it makes cleanup a lot easier.

And it also produces smells that you thought you'd never smell. And the blockage....oh....the blockage. The day you pray to whatever deity you worship (ain't no atheists in a foxhole, son) for a fountain of shit to squirt from your child's butt and you thank said deity when it happens?

That's when you can't come back. You're already too far gone.
Welcome to the club!

My iPad's volume buttons are a bit sticky now when pressed.

And yeah, poop. Is there enough of it, is the consistency right, is the colour right. You'll be glad after the addition of solid food when it hardens a bit, as it makes cleanup a lot easier.
I got a poop-tracker app! It lets you keep track of the frequency, consistency and color of baby poops!

Learning how to smile. Took this a few days ago (sorry for iPod photo quality)

Really hard to get pics of those first smiles since they come and go so fast.

Regarding nicknames, we worked hard on thinking of names that couldn't easily be mocked, but the other day our second born peed all over the place and I realized that if he ever wets his pants at school, he will inevitably be known as "Peein' Ian"


Just posting a little update. Brandon is almost 2 months now and is doing great. He sleeps for longer periods of time so that's a plus. He's also starting to make more random sounds at us. Here's some pics of him making odd faces at me while we were out today.




It tracks feedings, sleep, weight and other stuff too.

That looks great (and the price is right).

We've been using Total Baby for a few years, it's worked well. It's almost overkill in some situations, but it's been pretty handy. Only thing I wish it did was prenatal stuff, but that doesn't matter so much now that the kid's out.

We just did an export of our first kid's feeding and shitting routine for the first month, so I'll save that in a spreadsheet and give it to her when she's older.

After a month or so you stop taking such detailed records as you fall into a routine and worry less about the little stuff.
That looks great (and the price is right).

We've been using Total Baby for a few years, it's worked well. It's almost overkill in some situations, but it's been pretty handy. Only thing I wish it did was prenatal stuff, but that doesn't matter so much now that the kid's out.

We just did an export of our first kid's feeding and shitting routine for the first month, so I'll save that in a spreadsheet and give it to her when she's older.

After a month or so you stop taking such detailed records as you fall into a routine and worry less about the little stuff.

Heh ya, I was about to ask if anyone really keeps up with that? We did it for like maybe a week at the most before it became more of a chore. Never even really used the data =)
Yeah it's a cool app but even after a few days it seems like something that only super OCD types would really keep up with. I don't need to know exactly how many milliliters of formula/breast milk baby has drunk every day. Feed her when she's hungry, feed her 'til she's full. What more is there?


Update on Christopher.

He had to go into surgery to get tubes placed into his ears for chronic ear infections. Even the doctor told us his ears were pretty nasty with pus and were inflamed.

My son has a high pain tolerance, so we don't know when he has an ear infection.

He went through surgery just fine, and was back to his typical non-listening self within a few hours (and driving me crazy).


Deep into his 30th decade
My wife is out of the hospital, got out of the pre-term labor scare. She is 36 weeks, and ready to pop. Yesterday the Doctor took her off of her medication, so this could happen anytime now. I never leave my phone while at work.


Hey linkboy, glad to hear the surgery went smoothly and Christopher is okay.

I love getting parenting advice from people who won't buy their son a play oven because they're worried it might turn him gay.

Lol, I've already decided not to buy my daughter any domestic chore toys (toy ovens, irons, washing machines etc) until she's old enough to ask for them herself.


Update on Christopher.

He had to go into surgery to get tubes placed into his ears for chronic ear infections. Even the doctor told us his ears were pretty nasty with pus and were inflamed.

My son has a high pain tolerance, so we don't know when he has an ear infection.

He went through surgery just fine, and was back to his typical non-listening self within a few hours (and driving me crazy).

Hey my son is going in this friday to have tubes put in his ears for chronic infections and also to have his adenoids removed. He gets chronic croup more than anything and I think its all inherited from my wife. She had the same problems growing up.

Dr told us quick recovery, out-patient and all. But how long was your son 'not himself' or should I say, take to recover?

Hope things are going well.


Hey my son is going in this friday to have tubes put in his ears for chronic infections and also to have his adenoids removed. He gets chronic croup more than anything and I think its all inherited from my wife. She had the same problems growing up.

Dr told us quick recovery, out-patient and all. But how long was your son 'not himself' or should I say, take to recover?

Hope things are going well.

He was back to himself right as soon as the drugs wore off. However, he has a really high pain tolerence, so even if he was still hurting, he wasn't showing it.


He was back to himself right as soon as the drugs wore off. However, he has a really high pain tolerence, so even if he was still hurting, he wasn't showing it.

Thanks, poor little guy, little tough guy. I appreciate the input, talking to another parent thats been through it makes it a little easier than just talking to the Dr's.


Thanks, poor little guy, little tough guy. I appreciate the input, talking to another parent thats been through it makes it a little easier than just talking to the Dr's.

Yea, its really a simple procedure, your son will be fine. He might have a little bleeding the next day (Christopher is in his left ear), just keep that in mind.


We've got a ton of toys - some hand me down stuff that's a bit more pink/domestic than I'd like but hey.

My oldest daughter's favourite toys at the moment are the Brio knockoff trains and tracks we got from Ikea, although the concept of magnet polarity still frustrates her from time to time while putting the trains together on the track.

She's also obsessed with Cars, and cars in general, which is okay by me as that means I get to pick up cheap Matchbox and Hot Wheels cars of models I like occasionally, and they're only a buck each.

The two sisters together the other day (two weeks and 27 months):


While she is holding an iPhone there (watching Wallace and Gromit most likely) she's obsessed with the iPad and the various kids apps we have for it. Makes me glad I picked up a relatively sturdy case that protects the thing from every angle if it's dropped, though she's been careful enough with it so far.


Never too early!


awesome :)

Love the matching shirts. nerd.

(also love the 'From the writer of The Book of Eli' just sneaking in there :p)

I'm not going to introduce TV too early I think. More social interaction is meant to be beneficial. As for iPad... Gotta imagine that's different, seeing as it's so interactive. seriously, all out kids are growing up in an entirely different world. They may not even know physical keyboards.
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