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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix


So Brandon got his first round of vacations today. It was so heartbreaking to hear him cry when they put the needle in his leg, then he had to get two more. Luckily he seemed to get over it quick and passed out as soon as we drove off in the car.


So Brandon got his first round of vacations today. It was so heartbreaking to hear him cry when they put the needle in his leg, then he had to get two more. Luckily he seemed to get over it quick and passed out as soon as we drove off in the car.

That's the worst, they get all red then start to cry. Glad he fell asleep for you.
I always found that bringing a bottle and giving it to my kids right after shots was good at getting them to fall asleep too.


Vaccinations were kinda scary, but as it turned out, the heel prick tests (which our baby had 5 of) was much worse. Maybe I was just emotionally more vulnerable then. During one prick though, she was feeding and didn't feel a thing!

Sugar acts as an analgesic for babies (not recommended to try at home though, some research says it's not effective!).

And just to show that I'm a raging nerd as well - my mobile I made for our wee one:



Vaccinations were kinda scary, but as it turned out, the heel prick tests (which our baby had 5 of) was much worse. Maybe I was just emotionally more vulnerable then. During one prick though, she was feeding and didn't feel a thing!

Sugar acts as an analgesic for babies (not recommended to try at home though, some research says it's not effective!).

And just to show that I'm a raging nerd as well - my mobile I made for our wee one:

omg you should make these and sell them. amazing!

My boss is having a 2nd child and got this...decided to bring it in to the office so I could try it out. It's a pretty impressive video baby monitor.

We've got that exact one, it's fantastic. Night vision mode is superb, picture quality is excellent, only thing we've noticed is that the temperature indicator always reads exactly 2 degrees above the actual temp in the room (we verified with another thermometer).

Made such a difference in our nights, you can check when they are just having a small stir and making some noise as opposed to actually awake.

Only problem is the green light on the front of the camera when it's switched on, have flicked on the monitor screen to find my daughter has crawled down the bed and has jammed her face in the camera trying to chew it!!


My son isn't a newborn -- he's 18 months -- but we've been having some sleepless nights lately because he's teething really bad. He started getting three of his molars at the same time last month, and only one has finished coming in. Now he has a couple other teeth slowly coming in along with the two molars and he's hurting a lot. Baby motrin works pretty well, but we don't want to overdo it.

This is making it even harder to feed him. He's always had trouble eating, because he had awful reflux during his first year. Even though that's gone now, he's apprehensive about eating just about anything. He even puts up a fight with his favorite foods most of the time, but only for the first bite or two -- after that he's totally fine. Now that he's hurting a lot on top of that, he's eating less than ever and it's really stressful.
My son isn't a newborn -- he's 18 months -- but we've been having some sleepless nights lately because he's teething really bad. He started getting three of his molars at the same time last month, and only one has finished coming in. Now he has a couple other teeth slowly coming in along with the two molars and he's hurting a lot. Baby motrin works pretty well, but we don't want to overdo it.

This is making it even harder to feed him. He's always had trouble eating, because he had awful reflux during his first year. Even though that's gone now, he's apprehensive about eating just about anything. He even puts up a fight with his favorite foods most of the time, but only for the first bite or two -- after that he's totally fine. Now that he's hurting a lot on top of that, he's eating less than ever and it's really stressful.

How much Motrin are you giving him? When my daughter was teething we basically kept her on Motrin constantly for two or three days.


How much Motrin are you giving him? When my daughter was teething we basically kept her on Motrin constantly for two or three days.

For a while, we were giving it to him right before bed, and once or twice during the day if he seemed to really need it. We've been cutting back because this has been going on for about a month and some nights he won't have his milk right before bed so he can't have motrin on an empty stomach.
Vaccinations were kinda scary, but as it turned out, the heel prick tests (which our baby had 5 of) was much worse. Maybe I was just emotionally more vulnerable then. During one prick though, she was feeding and didn't feel a thing!

Sugar acts as an analgesic for babies (not recommended to try at home though, some research says it's not effective!).

And just to show that I'm a raging nerd as well - my mobile I made for our wee one:
Shut up and take my money! This looks fantastic really nice work.

My son isn't a newborn -- he's 18 months -- but we've been having some sleepless nights lately because he's teething really bad. He started getting three of his molars at the same time last month, and only one has finished coming in. Now he has a couple other teeth slowly coming in along with the two molars and he's hurting a lot. Baby motrin works pretty well, but we don't want to overdo it.

This is making it even harder to feed him. He's always had trouble eating, because he had awful reflux during his first year. Even though that's gone now, he's apprehensive about eating just about anything. He even puts up a fight with his favorite foods most of the time, but only for the first bite or two -- after that he's totally fine. Now that he's hurting a lot on top of that, he's eating less than ever and it's really stressful.
Yeah having a teething baby sucks. There isn't much you can do until the teeth cut the gums. What we did was give our son Little Teethers, it's basically Orajel for babies. It worked well enough for us but it wasn't perfect. My son still would fuss and cry until the tooth cut and then he was fine.
Yeah having a teething baby sucks. There isn't much you can do until the teeth cut the gums. What we did was give our son Little Teethers, it's basically Orajel for babies. It worked well enough for us but it wasn't perfect. My son still would fuss and cry until the tooth cut and then he was fine.

Our girl just doesn't care for teethers or pacifiers. Fortunately, she handles teething really really well. If it wasn't for the constant flow of drool, we probably wouldn't even realize she's going through it. I don't know what we'd do if she didn't take to teethers and it bothered her so much.


Our girl just doesn't care for teethers or pacifiers. Fortunately, she handles teething really really well. If it wasn't for the constant flow of drool, we probably wouldn't even realize she's going through it. I don't know what we'd do if she didn't take to teethers and it bothered her so much.

My son doesn't like teethers at all, but likes his pacifier, and when he doesn't have it he'll chew on whatever he can. Except, of course, on a teether. I'd be able to deal with the teething better if he would just eat like he's supposed to. We're going to take him to see the doctor once my new job's health plan kicks in next month.
My little one has swolen top gums. Two bottoms have already popped out about a month ago so now we are waiting on the top. She is really fussy latley. We used the desolved Oragel (I think) tablets and put on her gums and that seems to help a little.
For a while, we were giving it to him right before bed, and once or twice during the day if he seemed to really need it. We've been cutting back because this has been going on for about a month and some nights he won't have his milk right before bed so he can't have motrin on an empty stomach.

A month? Ugh. Poor kid. Yeah, ours was bad for a week, maybe 10 days at the most. We hit both pretty hard with Motrin during it but a month? No wonder you're a bit concerned about giving him more. I'd probably back off as well.

Soon it'll be over and you can move on to potty training!

My wife and I found out what we're having yesterday. It's a boy!!

We're almost at the halfway mark. It'll be 20 weeks next week I think.

I can't wait to meet my little dude :)


My wife and I found out what we're having yesterday. It's a boy!!

We're almost at the halfway mark. It'll be 20 weeks next week I think.

I can't wait to meet my little dude :)


Deep into his 30th decade
My wife and I found out what we're having yesterday. It's a boy!!

We're almost at the halfway mark. It'll be 20 weeks next week I think.

I can't wait to meet my little dude :)

Congrats! Is it your first? Our first is coming any day now, and I don't think I really know what I am in for, but I am excited!
Sophie the giraffe is the world's best teether.

Out 7 week old rolled over for the first time yesterday. We put him in the floor for some tummy time on his play mat, looked away for seriously less than five seconds, looked back down, and he was on his back.


Just looking at the toy, I can see how a baby could get one of those legs too far down their throat, it was even recalled from Babys R Us for a while:


Just sayin, it might be worth making a mental note about it and not leaving your kid with it unsupervised for too long.

Ooh, the Bugaboo Cameleon just got a big upgrade too!


One hand opening system and a fully flattening seat. I want one, I wonder how much I can get for our old one... Hmm...
Baby's first bathtime!



Got that look like

What the hell is happening, why are you doing this to me.

My son loves to throw things into the bath tub. No matter what it is, its going into the tub.


Well my daughter arrived yesterday, in fact I'm still at the hospital so I hope sleepless Gaf has room for one more.


And yeah, we're definitely sleepless. I've been going on two years with very few nights of solid rest, though take heart in that my daughter's probably been as difficult a baby as a person could possibly get.

Beth Cyra

Well this number three, some I'm hoping I will be use to it.

Me having sleep apnea is probably going to be a pretty Nasty double whammy though haha.
Baby's first bathtime!
That's a lean baby. Mine was the same, born at 5.7 pounds. Now she has those chubby creased wrists and cheeks. Did the hospital try and hold her long? They tried to keep us for over a week even though she was healthy and showing that she was eating and her wieght drop (which is normal) slowing down dramatically.

Well my daughter arrived yesterday, in fact I'm still at the hospital so I hope sleepless Gaf has room for one more.
Congrats man, I was where you are 6 1/2 months ago and it feels like just yesterday AND a long time ago at the same time. I think because they change so much in a short period of time. That "WTF is going on" look that Gary's baby has will soon turn into smiles, acceptance and a confident trusting calm. It's a really cool thing to experience.
That's a lean baby. Mine was the same, born at 5.7 pounds. Now she has those chubby creased wrists and cheeks. Did the hospital try and hold her long? They tried to keep us for over a week even though she was healthy and showing that she was eating and her wieght drop (which is normal) slowing down dramatically.

Yeah baby was 6lbs 7oz at birth and dropped to about 5lb 11oz before she finally started to gain weight - she was in the hospital for five days.

As of yesterday she is 6lbs 12oz so she is gaining nicely!


Baby's first bathtime!


interesting. Our first bath time was at the hospital. A very nice midwife demonstrated to me what we had to do. We filled a small tub and basically cradled her with one arm under her neck grasping her opposite arm. Our baby goes all calm in the warm water, it's cute.

But dark octave is right...real smiles are the awesomest thing ever. Before she arrived, as a dad, I was all concerned about whther I'd feel a connection. Like i know people put on a face, but not REALLY feel it. When that first smile came (at about age 6weeks), I actually got a bit choked up. It's like it was that moment was worth all the tiredness up until that point. It's gonna be all right. Amazing.


My wife recently went back to work after maternity leave #3, and because I spend much of my week on the road around the province, her mom has had to come in and give us a hand.

Last night, wife sent me an email at 3am saying baby has been up for two hours and she has to work in the morning. I feel bad I can't step in and assist, but I'm hundreds of KMs away. :(

Not sure why he's being fussy now though, he's almost one year old, and has always been a dream child when it comes to sleep patterns. The two girls before him, however... >.<
interesting. Our first bath time was at the hospital. A very nice midwife demonstrated to me what we had to do. We filled a small tub and basically cradled her with one arm under her neck grasping her opposite arm. Our baby goes all calm in the warm water, it's cute.

Our girl didn't have her first bath until she was over 2 and a half months old. We could only give her towel baths because her cord wouldn't fall off.


Deep into his 30th decade
He's out! Over 24 hours in the hospital, my son was born at 10:01 pm on July 13th!

Now the fun part begins.

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