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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix


This breastfeeding thing is stressful. Takes forever for the little guy to latch on. Hope it gets easier for the wife. Anyone have any tips?

Our health care provider sent a " lactation specialist" after 4 days. She helped with tips for my wife. However, it was never " easy". We ended up renting a breast pump and just did that for 2 months before finally giving in and moving to formula.

Our daughter was so fussy for the first three months- probably cuz she was so hungry!

It's like we needed "permission" (from ourselves?) to abandon breast milk. Formula and a binky made life so much easier!

She is 4 now and is amazing. Books need to tell you the first 6 months to 1 year are the absolute hardest. Easier every day, tiny bit by tiny bit. Try to take a little time alone each day. Even if it's the daily restroom/ library like was for me.
This breastfeeding thing is stressful. Takes forever for the little guy to latch on. Hope it gets easier for the wife. Anyone have any tips?

Keep trying but don't be afraid to ditch it for formula. The breast feeding crowd can be pretty intense sometimes. My wife had a really hard time with my son, ended up switching over to formula.
My wife has made it six months so far exclusively breastfeeding (and pumping for bottles when she is at work). Her plan is to make it through the first year without formula.


Our health care provider sent a " lactation specialist" after 4 days. She helped with tips for my wife. However, it was never " easy". We ended up renting a breast pump and just did that for 2 months before finally giving in and moving to formula.

Exactly the same thing we did. We saw a Chinese lactation expert and she wisely told us, "big nipples, small baby mouth, bad combination". The pump was better so I could do breast-milk bottle feeds but it just started drying up and taking too long to get too little and bubs has been on S-26 baby formula ever since.

In a perfect world she would have breastfed to at least 1 year but I did my best to make her feel better about not being able to as she felt a bit guilty.
This breastfeeding thing is stressful. Takes forever for the little guy to latch on. Hope it gets easier for the wife. Anyone have any tips?

Just be prepared to let go of it and not beat yourselves up over it. In a lot of ways it's way easier and less stressful. Although before you resort to formula, you may easily be able to pump breast milk and use that instead. We did that for the first 7 months and once we did it was pretty smooth sailing. We switched to formula once the well dried up.


This breastfeeding thing is stressful. Takes forever for the little guy to latch on. Hope it gets easier for the wife. Anyone have any tips?

You might know some or all of this (or she does) but here's what works for us.

"Squeeze the breast like a booby sandwich" is what they told me at the hospital lol Depending on the position the baby is in, it might be one crazy looking sandwich, but as long as the booby sandwich is offered to the baby the same way you would eat a sandwich - long ways rather than tall.

Tilt back the baby's head just a bit, aim the nipple for the roof of the mouth, and as soon as the baby opens wide, pull the head in fast. Very fast. It scared me the first time they did it at the hospital, but our baby nursed immediately. Once latched, lightly curl the upper lip outward with your finger. If his mouth isn't opened wide enough once he latches (nipple + lots of arreola in the mouth, almost to the point where it looks like too much is in there), break the suction with your finger and try again. If he learns how to latch incorrectly, it's so hard to teach him the right way. And it's very painful, which will make her want to switch to formula even more. I can't emphasize how freaking painful an incorrect latch is. Ugh

Before it gets too hard, contact a lactation specialist. It might be an easy fix. They can also figure out if a nipple shield is needed, which is a pain to use, but if needed, can be the difference between nursing or not.

Not sure if she wants to boost her milk supply, but if she needs to supplement with pumped milk, she'll appreciate the excess. She'll never get quite as much milk from pumping as what a properly-latched baby would get so it's best to keep nursing if possible, but if he doesn't latch, keep pumping and bottle feeding! Pumping after she feeds him, whether or not he ever latches, will help tremendously. Its all supply and demand. The more you pump/nurse, the more your body will produce. To boost supply more, she can pump until there is hardly anything left, and then pump an additional 5 minutes. It tells her body that she didn't make enough last time, and it will start producing more and more. It's common to only get an oz or two at a time from pumping, so don't be discouraged. It takes many women two or so sessions to get enough milk for one feeding. I eat as healthy as possible, eat oatmeal every day, drink tons of water, pumped a few times a day while nursing exclusively, and I can now nurse the baby and still pump enough immediately afterward for at least 1.5-2 more feedings.

It's all possible with some work and support, so it depends on how much time and energy you want (and have) to spend. If she really dedicates herself, she'll be exhausted for a few days, but it's totally rewarding when she starts seeing improvements. If she's already defeated, switching to formula will be the most satisfying feeling in the world. I wouldn't recommend formula though until she gets to the point where she won't regret it. Good luck!


Going to bookmark this thread. My wife is due in November.

I suspect this is going to be a real asset on some of those long nights!
my daughter willow was born todayvia an emergency c section. she was 15 days overdue and no induction method seemed to work. baby became distressed in early hours of the morning so for safety of all c section was offered. very emotional and scary for myself and my girlfirned, who deserves a medal for all she went through in the 48 hours of induced labor. had to leave them in hospital tonight as my girlfriend lost a lot of blood in the opeartion. baby weighed 9lb 3oz and came out of her mother raging and gripping hold of the surgical apparatus hulk style. very emotional day as she is my first born.


Another new dad here!

Our daughter Ebony-Elizabeth was born on July 27th at 05:05 after a long drawn out affair. Her weight was 7lb 14oz. My partner was in induced on the 25th and had contractions for about 14 hours before a quick 30 min labour. She said the birth itself was a lot less painful that the contractions. I found the experience to be awful ha I can only imagine what it felt like for her!

It's hard to believe that this precious little thing is ours!

I will post pics soon.

Congrats to all other parents old and new in this thread. It has been the most amazing 10 days of our lives so far and it's so exciting thinking about the future.
my daughter willow was born todayvia an emergency c section. she was 15 days overdue and no induction method seemed to work. baby became distressed in early hours of the morning so for safety of all c section was offered. very emotional and scary for myself and my girlfirned, who deserves a medal for all she went through in the 48 hours of induced labor. had to leave them in hospital tonight as my girlfriend lost a lot of blood in the opeartion. baby weighed 9lb 3oz and came out of her mother raging and gripping hold of the surgical apparatus hulk style. very emotional day as she is my first born.

Congrats and quite a big baby too. I'm surprised they waited 15 days though. We were told that if the baby wasn't out after a week of being overdue, they would induce for the safety of the baby. I just assumed a week was standard protocol.
Congrats and quite a big baby too. I'm surprised they waited 15 days though. We were told that if the baby wasn't out after a week of being overdue, they would induce for the safety of the baby. I just assumed a week was standard protocol.

First congrats on the baby Lonesome. And on the overdue protocol it's 2 weeks here in Sweden until they start it, including some extra checkups to see if they need to do so sooner. Had a few friends go through that a couple of days ago.

Hopefully my second son, due 2nd sep, will come out on the planned date :)


my daughter willow was born todayvia an emergency c section. she was 15 days overdue and no induction method seemed to work. baby became distressed in early hours of the morning so for safety of all c section was offered. very emotional and scary for myself and my girlfirned, who deserves a medal for all she went through in the 48 hours of induced labor. had to leave them in hospital tonight as my girlfriend lost a lot of blood in the opeartion. baby weighed 9lb 3oz and came out of her mother raging and gripping hold of the surgical apparatus hulk style. very emotional day as she is my first born.

Congrats! Glad everything is ok get some rest enjoy the little one!


Awesome advice lennedsay! Thanks! Finally got him to latch. He's drinking like a fiend now.

That's great! Congrats!

Now if you really want your mind blown, google "lactation cookies." Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with lots of supply-boosting goodness. Sooo freaking delicious... I even saw some recipes with peanut butter. Mmm
Congrats and quite a big baby too. I'm surprised they waited 15 days though. We were told that if the baby wasn't out after a week of being overdue, they would induce for the safety of the baby. I just assumed a week was standard protocol.
Yeah, my wife was 4 days overdue and the doctor told us if he went a week they'd induce labor. Luckily she went before then. We got scared though since he was taking a while to come out and the doctor said a c-section might be necessary. They were able to get him out with the vacuum though.
I am from England. They waited 14 days but when we got on the ward it was so busy we ended up being stuck in their for a day. i found it very difficult seeing my girlfriend go through such a difficult labor by the end she was so tired that she could barely stay awake through the c-section. they tried everything on her to get willow out but as the baby was getting increasingly distressed there was no real options left. i have just slept for 12 hours now at home and feel slightly guilty as my girlfriend has been up most of the night with Willow in hospital.


Alright folks, I need a stroller recommendation between $400-$500...baby is due in November and wife is stressing out about what we're going to get and our registry so I told her I'd start doing some research on the bigger items.

Any help? Any books geared towards fathers to get ready (serious ones tho, not the baby manual one).


Alright folks, I need a stroller recommendation between $400-$500...baby is due in November and wife is stressing out about what we're going to get and our registry so I told her I'd start doing some research on the bigger items.

Any help? Any books geared towards fathers to get ready (serious ones tho, not the baby manual one).

Wow, $400-500 if a ton of money for a stroller. Are you have twins or something? Have you bought your car seat yet? If not, just use the stroller that's made for your car seat. It's so much easier to just click the car seat to the stroller the first year.

Picking a car seat


Welcome Logan Drew born Last Wednesday, August 1st!!!




My wife asked me to post this for the other parents to read and maybe help us with. I may have mentioned this before, but it's been getting really bad lately.

Our eighteen month old son is underweight, and is in the third percentile for his age. (He's in the 70th percentile for height, so it makes him look really lean and he doesn't have that "baby fat" look that most toddlers have.) The doctor has simply told us to feed him more food. The thing is, we try that every day and almost every time our son simply will not eat more than a tiny bit, if he eats at all. Here's a rough example of his schedule:

*Sippy cup of milk when he wakes up
*Breakfast, usually french toast
*Snack right before his nap, usually yogurt and applesauce
*Sippy cup of milk after his nap
*Lunch (this is his worst meal by far and almost never eats anything)
*Another snack, usually yogurt
*Dinner (two jars of food, he typically eats all of it but he fights us about it a lot)
*Another sippy cup of milk around 7:30 pm
*Finally, another yogurt before bed

The only thing he'll take pretty consistently is his milk and yogurt, but not always. Here's the thing: he had really bad acid reflux for the first year of his life and ever since then he's been hesitant to eat because of the pain he used to get. There are LOTS of times when we're feeding him something he loves and we have to force the first bite into his mouth before he realizes it's okay to eat. IN ADDITION: he is also teething and, of course, some days it's worse than others. Yesterday, for example, he barely ate anything because he was hurting so badly, even after taking medicine.

My wife is feeling worse and worse about this because he's not gaining any weight and she's spending most of her day trying to get him to eat. She's hoping to start working full-time soon and is freaking out about not being around to make sure that all of these meals and snacks are at least attempted each day.

So, do any of you parents have any experience with getting a toddler to eat? It's not even that he doesn't like the food, he often won't eat his favorite things and it's now a health concern. When we get really stressed out about it, we like to watch this Louie CK clip where he's frustrated with his kid not eating and saying "I'LL GO TO JAIL IF YOU'RE TOO SKINNY!"


Is there something she can mix into the food/milk to boost his nutrients and calories, like Carnation Instant Breakfast? Especially if he likes milk and yogurt, it might be easy to add some kind of supplement to those without him realizing it. That way if he doesn't end up eating lunch, at least you know he got calories and vitamins. It's not the best thing in the world, but it's better than no calories and vitamins.

We only have a 7 week old, so I'm pretty hopeless in the toddler department.


Is there something she can mix into the food/milk to boost his nutrients and calories, like Carnation Instant Breakfast? Especially if he likes milk and yogurt, it might be easy to add some kind of supplement to those without him realizing it. That way if he doesn't end up eating lunch, at least you know he got calories and vitamins. It's not the best thing in the world, but it's better than no calories and vitamins.

We only have a 7 week old, so I'm pretty hopeless in the toddler department.

We've tried giving him Pediasure, which his doctor recommended, but he HATED that. So, we tried adding a little bit to his milk in an attempt to get him gradually used to it... but even a tiny amount made him reject the whole sippy of milk and he was apprehensive the next time we gave him just plain milk.

Oh yeah, he's also way behind with talking. He only recently started babbling with "mama", "dada" "ki" (kitty), and a few other things, and by now he should be saying a ton of words. The doctor said that this could be a sign of autism, which is making my wife fret even more. So things are pretty stressful lately.

My wife asked me to post this for the other parents to read and maybe help us with. I may have mentioned this before, but it's been getting really bad lately.

Our eighteen month old son is underweight, and is in the third percentile for his age. (He's in the 70th percentile for height, so it makes him look really lean and he doesn't have that "baby fat" look that most toddlers have.) The doctor has simply told us to feed him more food. The thing is, we try that every day and almost every time our son simply will not eat more than a tiny bit, if he eats at all. Here's a rough example of his schedule:

*Sippy cup of milk when he wakes up
*Breakfast, usually french toast
*Snack right before his nap, usually yogurt and applesauce
*Sippy cup of milk after his nap
*Lunch (this is his worst meal by far and almost never eats anything)
*Another snack, usually yogurt
*Dinner (two jars of food, he typically eats all of it but he fights us about it a lot)
*Another sippy cup of milk around 7:30 pm
*Finally, another yogurt before bed

The only thing he'll take pretty consistently is his milk and yogurt, but not always. Here's the thing: he had really bad acid reflux for the first year of his life and ever since then he's been hesitant to eat because of the pain he used to get. There are LOTS of times when we're feeding him something he loves and we have to force the first bite into his mouth before he realizes it's okay to eat. IN ADDITION: he is also teething and, of course, some days it's worse than others. Yesterday, for example, he barely ate anything because he was hurting so badly, even after taking medicine.

My wife is feeling worse and worse about this because he's not gaining any weight and she's spending most of her day trying to get him to eat. She's hoping to start working full-time soon and is freaking out about not being around to make sure that all of these meals and snacks are at least attempted each day.

So, do any of you parents have any experience with getting a toddler to eat? It's not even that he doesn't like the food, he often won't eat his favorite things and it's now a health concern. When we get really stressed out about it, we like to watch this Louie CK clip where he's frustrated with his kid not eating and saying "I'LL GO TO JAIL IF YOU'RE TOO SKINNY!"
My wife says that's a banana baby. Ours is the same. We are slowly getting her on more solids because she is slowing down on milk, but she doesn't really want solids either. It's becoming a pain to get her to eat more than a few bites/sips before she closes up shop. My wife would cry every single day about it. It's a horrible feeling to wake up at 3am and see your wife crying in the bathroom becasue the baby won't eat and it was pretty stressful. Our doctor told us the exact same thing yours told you.

She still has a pudgy Sonic belly, puffy creased wrists and fat cheeks so I guess it's not so bad, but she is in the lower percentile. If you discover some trick that works for you post it here and I'll do the same.


We've tried giving him Pediasure, which his doctor recommended, but he HATED that. So, we tried adding a little bit to his milk in an attempt to get him gradually used to it... but even a tiny amount made him reject the whole sippy of milk and he was apprehensive the next time we gave him just plain milk.

Oh yeah, he's also way behind with talking. He only recently started babbling with "mama", "dada" "ki" (kitty), and a few other things, and by now he should be saying a ton of words. The doctor said that this could be a sign of autism, which is making my wife fret even more. So things are pretty stressful lately.

I know they have a vanilla flavor CIB, so you might be able to add a tablespoon to yogurt or milk without him realizing it... Did a quick google search and some people couldn't get their kids to drink Pediasure but they would do CIB or vice versa. CIB is definitely the "junk food" version of Pediasure, so it might taste better.

I saw online that people would add butter or olive oil to their baby food to increase the fat intake, and they switched to whole milk (and even heavy or whipping cream) and fattier products. Will he eat oatmeal for breakfast? You can hide quite a bit in there as well, and a lot of hot and cold cereals are fortified with nutrients. Not the healthiest thing in the world, but...

As far as talking... Good luck with that man as we haven't had to deal with that yet... I know that's common for many kids to be developing in other areas and their communication skills to lag behind, especially for boys. My brother was the only boy I know of who was the opposite and had great communication skills early, but he was physically disabled so he wasn't focusing on walking, crawling, etc. I know a girl who just recently started talking at age 2, and she just wasn't interested in talking before. They had to take her to a speech therapist, which helped. Nothing wrong with her, just did not want to talk. Now she's 2 1/2 and is talking quite a bit, and she apparently learned all this Spanish from watching Dora and her family didn't realize she knew any.



I'm sure you've already tried this, but when we had trouble getting our guy to eat we found we could make him eat pretty much anything if we gave him a rapid succession of toys to play with (just like wooden spoons or empty cups or something) and just shovel the food into his mouth while he's distracted. It was only when he got bored with the toys that he started paying attention to the food, and by then he'd have eaten a decent amount.


Wow, $400-500 if a ton of money for a stroller. Are you have twins or something? Have you bought your car seat yet? If not, just use the stroller that's made for your car seat. It's so much easier to just click the car seat to the stroller the first year.

Picking a car seat

I guess I should update...wife would like one like that where you can use the car seat in the stroller I guess...would make it better.


Thanks for all the advice, I've forwarded it all to my wife for her consideration. :) I'm very glad that we're not the only people who have dealt with this type of thing.
Oh yeah, he's also way behind with talking. He only recently started babbling with "mama", "dada" "ki" (kitty), and a few other things, and by now he should be saying a ton of words. The doctor said that this could be a sign of autism, which is making my wife fret even more. So things are pretty stressful lately.

A couple of the toddlers that our little girl is friends with have been the same way with talking and their parents are worried because of how our girl talks so much more than they do and she's 3 to 4 months younger than they are. They've been told it's not something to be concerned about quite yet.
I guess I should update...wife would like one like that where you can use the car seat in the stroller I guess...would make it better.

Honestly, save the money. I highly recommend getting a good car seat, and then get one of these:


It's by far lighter, easier to deal with, more compact which means it'll fit in your car easier and still give you trunk space, insanely cheaper, has plenty of bottom storage, and will really be all you need in the beginning. Later maybe get something better but having been through the huge stroller thing, I'm so glad we ended up with this instead in the end. It doesn't seem like something that would be appealing from the outside, but from experience I think it's the better way to go.


Alright folks, I need a stroller recommendation between $400-$500...baby is due in November and wife is stressing out about what we're going to get and our registry so I told her I'd start doing some research on the bigger items.

Any help? Any books geared towards fathers to get ready (serious ones tho, not the baby manual one).

City Elite by Baby Jogger. This site is really reliable and about $100 less than amazon. See a few pages back for an in depth discussion of this vs BOB.



Wow, $400-500 if a ton of money for a stroller. Are you have twins or something? Have you bought your car seat yet? If not, just use the stroller that's made for your car seat. It's so much easier to just click the car seat to the stroller the first year.

Picking a car seat

$400-500 for a good stroller is nothing I reckon but it's all relative I guess...

I guess I should update...wife would like one like that where you can use the car seat in the stroller I guess...would make it better.

Peg Perego make some nice seat/stroller combos. Don't skimp on the stroller, I have a few friends who went cheap and ended up having to buy another one soon after because the cheap ones were shit to push around and fall apart. Get big chunky wheels and suspension if possible to make it smoother for bubs when you go up/down steps.
BOB and City Elite are both great strollers, you can't go wrong with either.

I think it's funny that we've had Stroller Wars lite in this thread. :lol


BOB and City Elite are both great strollers, you can't go wrong with either.

I think it's funny that we've had Stroller Wars lite in this thread. :lol

Yep they are both pretty great and I would probably choose BOB if I actually intended to jog with it but I have been known to bite it on trails so not so sure I'd trust myself with a little one in tow XD.

Also not sure if this is new or not but after I signed up for Amazon Mom recently I noticed they're offering diaper subscriptions again. Pretty awesome 20% discount right there. Now I'm debating whether or not Organic Chlorine free diapers are really worth it or if it's just sandal wearing hippie propaganda to put Procter and Gamble out of business. Also out of curiosity, how many diapers do you go through on month on average for newborns and up? Either going with a Pampers subscription, 7th Generation organic, or Honest.com Jessica Alba's company.


We added some butter to my son's two jars of spaghetti tonight and he LOVED it. By the time we gave him his bedtime yogurt, though, his medicine had long since worn off and we hadn't given him his final dose, so he was hurting a lot and didn't want to eat.
Oh yeah, he's also way behind with talking. He only recently started babbling with "mama", "dada" "ki" (kitty), and a few other things, and by now he should be saying a ton of words. The doctor said that this could be a sign of autism, which is making my wife fret even more. So things are pretty stressful lately.

Speech delays are pretty common but you could/should call the county and have him evaluated. Early intervention can make a huge difference. My son is on the Autism spectrum (high functioning) and we had him evaluated early and started therapy. He's 7 now and doing really well. It's tough making that call though. Again, a speech delay does not mean Autism.

PM me if you'd like.
Good luck!

My wife asked me to post this for the other parents to read and maybe help us with. I may have mentioned this before, but it's been getting really bad lately.

Our eighteen month old son is underweight, and is in the third percentile for his age. (He's in the 70th percentile for height, so it makes him look really lean and he doesn't have that "baby fat" look that most toddlers have.) The doctor has simply told us to feed him more food. The thing is, we try that every day and almost every time our son simply will not eat more than a tiny bit, if he eats at all. Here's a rough example of his schedule:

*Sippy cup of milk when he wakes up
*Breakfast, usually french toast
*Snack right before his nap, usually yogurt and applesauce
*Sippy cup of milk after his nap
*Lunch (this is his worst meal by far and almost never eats anything)
*Another snack, usually yogurt
*Dinner (two jars of food, he typically eats all of it but he fights us about it a lot)
*Another sippy cup of milk around 7:30 pm
*Finally, another yogurt before bed

The only thing he'll take pretty consistently is his milk and yogurt, but not always. Here's the thing: he had really bad acid reflux for the first year of his life and ever since then he's been hesitant to eat because of the pain he used to get. There are LOTS of times when we're feeding him something he loves and we have to force the first bite into his mouth before he realizes it's okay to eat. IN ADDITION: he is also teething and, of course, some days it's worse than others. Yesterday, for example, he barely ate anything because he was hurting so badly, even after taking medicine.

My wife is feeling worse and worse about this because he's not gaining any weight and she's spending most of her day trying to get him to eat. She's hoping to start working full-time soon and is freaking out about not being around to make sure that all of these meals and snacks are at least attempted each day.

So, do any of you parents have any experience with getting a toddler to eat? It's not even that he doesn't like the food, he often won't eat his favorite things and it's now a health concern. When we get really stressed out about it, we like to watch this Louie CK clip where he's frustrated with his kid not eating and saying "I'LL GO TO JAIL IF YOU'RE TOO SKINNY!"

My son is 20 months, and we go through the eating battle almost every day. One day he loves mac n cheese, the next he wants nothing to do with it. It's weird. We've asked our doctor about it, and he told us that he will eat when he is hungry.

He gets whole milk at breakfast and dinner, almond milk at lunch time. Usually won't eat breakfast. Hit or miss at lunch when he is with our sitter, and at dinner it is also hit or miss. We don't really give him too many snacks, unless we are out and about. When we try to feed him, he isn't interested, but give him a utensil or let him go at his own pace, and its usually better.

I will ask my son what is in his mouth, and he will open up and show me, and ill stick some food in and he'll eat it. Maybe try something like that?


Still curious about the diaper thing, anyone have insight into organic (ie 7th Generation) vs traditional chemically treated diapers? The 7th generation stuff seems to be a decent deal I'm just wondering if green diapers are hype or if the types of chemicals found in Pampers and Huggies really are that toxic for growing infants. Part of me calls anti-corporate green BS the other half sees rising rates of childhood illnesses and wonders if there could be something to it?
Still curious about the diaper thing, anyone have insight into organic (ie 7th Generation) vs traditional chemically treated diapers? The 7th generation stuff seems to be a decent deal I'm just wondering if green diapers are hype or if the types of chemicals found in Pampers and Huggies really are that toxic for growing infants. Part of me calls anti-corporate green BS the other half sees rising rates of childhood illnesses and wonders if there could be something to it?

I think a lot of stuff is overblown. Most of us grew up with that stuff and we turned out fine. My gut feeling, and I may be wrong on this, but the rising rates of certain childhood illnesses is partially because of how we shield kids these days so they lack exposure that builds up their system to be able to deal with it.

A common known example of this being applied is allergies to animals. It's known that if you expose your child to say a cat, it's better to continue to expose them to cats afterward than just having the initial exposure experience because it will build up a resistance to a cat allergy. Another example is exposing kids to illnesses at a daycare results in a stronger immune system than if you shelter your kid from it.


Still curious about the diaper thing, anyone have insight into organic (ie 7th Generation) vs traditional chemically treated diapers?

I used chlorine free diapers (Earth's Best) for our daughter, just because she has particularly sensitive skin and they were the only ones that didn't give her a big red rash. She also had a bad case of eczema for her first year.

I use standard Pampers with our son and his skin is fine. Don't worry too much, and just use whatever diaper fits well/doesn't leak and doesn't cause rashes. You may have to try a couple different types.


Deep into his 30th decade
I have been going half and half, between cloth diaper and disposable. No particular reason, I am allergic to a lot of chemicals figured my son might have inherited some of that.

Here he is! 3.5 weeks old. He has had a pretty bad diaper rash lately, finally got him calmed down last night and took this photo.

He is half chinese, quarter mexican, quarter white. Super baby.
I think a lot of stuff is overblown. Most of us grew up with that stuff and we turned out fine. My gut feeling, and I may be wrong on this, but the rising rates of certain childhood illnesses is partially because of how we shield kids these days so they lack exposure that builds up their system to be able to deal with it.

Spot on. Our daughter loves our cat, but I'm not sure what the cat thinks now that Addie wants to eat her. Also, I'd rub peanuts all over my daughter if my wife would let me. :)

Somewhat related, there's actually a bad Whooping Cough outbreak up here in Washington state that they think is partially due to families not immunizing kids.
Here he is! 3.5 weeks old. He has had a pretty bad diaper rash lately, finally got him calmed down last night and took this photo.

Try regular ol' petroleum jelly, it cleared up my sons diaper rash very quickly, and it's a lot cheaper than butt paste and the like


Spot on. Our daughter loves our cat, but I'm not sure what the cat thinks now that Addie wants to eat her. Also, I'd rub peanuts all over my daughter if my wife would let me. :)

Somewhat related, there's actually a bad Whooping Cough outbreak up here in Washington state that they think is partially due to families not immunizing kids.[/QUOTE

Yep, industrial solvents close to the skin and saving the environment with corn fiber is one thing but immunizations are another all together; I think I'll trust our OB, Pediatrician, and the CDC over Jenny McCarthy.
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