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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix

The first Popsicle and subsiquent brain freeze is something you want to record.
We've been giving our daughter taste of Otter-pops here and there but I always take it out of her mouth after a few seconds because I had no idea what would happen if a baby gets brain freeze. I did leave it for a few seconds on her chest, stomach and knee to see what would happen though. She gave me a horrible look of teary eyed betrayal, so I had to quickly picked her up and rubbed away the freeze. And then we got her immunity shots and her ears pierced all on the same day. lol I'm a horrible father.


Any recommendations for baby monitors? We're about to start looking.

We got this set because it got such good reviews:



It does video, sound, temperature and movement and the set we got came with two pressure pads. It works great, being able to see her is a huge help.
I have an angel care (Sans second pad and video monitoring) but I feel I need it because of my baby's special needs.

Not sure a normal baby would benefit from the set because the false alarms will have you up more than the baby does later on.

You can never be too safe though and it's a nice safety net. Just expect false alarms, quite frequently.


I found 2 to be much more of a challenge than just one. 3 didn't seem to add much more of a challenge. I think we hit a chaos ceiling with the first 2 that it just didn't really seem to be much more work. It'll be fine, though. I had 2 boys first, and the two of them together can be complete insanity at times. Having opposite sexes should be a bit more low key once she gets a bit older and you guys adjust.

Also, just found out number 4 is on the way. If you would have told me 9 years ago that I'd be married with 4 kids by the time I was 31 I'd have said how utterly crazy you were. 3 was our cutoff, but I guess both of us are just I incredibly fertile people. Oh well. Guess its vasectomy time.

The first was terrifying, but the second wasn't so bad since we knew what to expect. Number 3 was a game changer though. We needed a larger vehicle (3rd row seating) another bedroom (goodbye storage room, hello storage building!) and most places seem to assume you'll have 1 or 2 kids. They're now 8,3 and 1, all bouncing boys.


We live with a smoker, and we found out they were smoking inside. We couldn't have that, so I confronted them about it. I felt terrible, but it was super important to me. Nothing feels more important than our little one now. It has to black and white right? There can't be any "oh the windows were open...".... Am I wrong? Was I harsh? I'm not the bad guy am I?

Double D

The first was terrifying, but the second wasn't so bad since we knew what to expect. Number 3 was a game changer though. We needed a larger vehicle (3rd row seating) another bedroom (goodbye storage room, hello storage building!) and most places seem to assume you'll have 1 or 2 kids. They're now 8,3 and 1, all bouncing boys.

Yes, with respect to family size, 3 is the game changer. I already bought my wife a minivan after the second kid, so we were already prepared for that. Another thing I'd never thought I'd own, but there I was, buying a minivan when I was 26 years old. Kind of crazy. Definitely had to expand the house though. Fortunately we were able to add a room and do a bit of remodeling, and everything is working great now.

And I couldn't imagine all 3 being boys. The oldest 2 are boys, and they are crazy enough on their own. I feel like having a little girl brings kind of a balance to everything.


Just got a call from my wife...apparently she failed her gestational diabetes test. So what now? She's freaking out.

Anyone go thru this?


I have an angel care (Sans second pad and video monitoring) but I feel I need it because of my baby's special needs.

Not sure a normal baby would benefit from the set because the false alarms will have you up more than the baby does later on.

You can never be too safe though and it's a nice safety net. Just expect false alarms, quite frequently.

We have had 1 false alarm in 6 months, and I'm pretty sure it's just cause our girl had a little sleep apnea, for all I know it could have saved her life.

If you tweak the sensitivity right you should not have too many false alarms.

I can't imagine not having the sensor pad, it's the only thing that keeps my paranoid ass sleeping still.
Just got a call from my wife...apparently she failed her gestational diabetes test. So what now? She's freaking out.

Anyone go thru this?

I know someone that is going through it. She'll need to monitor herself and be pretty religious about her diet. It's not the end of the world at all, but it is lots more work. Just follow directions, and she'll be AOK.


I know someone that is going through it. She'll need to monitor herself and be pretty religious about her diet. It's not the end of the world at all, but it is lots more work. Just follow directions, and she'll be AOK.

I guess they want her to schedule a secondary and longer test where they take several vials of blood to make sure...after that I guess we will go from there.
I guess they want her to schedule a secondary and longer test where they take several vials of blood to make sure...after that I guess we will go from there.

Exactly. Your wife can get through this with work and attention, and not massive amounts. Read up, listen to the doc and all will be well.


I guess they want her to schedule a secondary and longer test where they take several vials of blood to make sure...after that I guess we will go from there.

My wife failed her first GD test as well. It was the short one, right? Like only an hour or something?
We had to go back and do a three hour test. Where they tested her every hour.

That was an extremely boring morning. Sitting in the waiting room waiting for all three hours.

She passed the 2nd test just fine.

EDIT: oh, and first post! My son was born in December of 2011. So he's 8 1/2 months.


My wife failed her first GD test as well. It was the short one, right? Like only an hour or something?
We had to go back and do a three hour test. Where they tested her every hour.

That was an extremely boring morning. Sitting in the waiting room waiting for all three hours.

She passed the 2nd test just fine.

EDIT: oh, and first post! My son was born in December of 2011. So he's 8 1/2 months.

Yes, it was the 1 hour test where she drank that sugar solution.

It was also the day after her birthday where she ate pie/ice cream and other sugary stuff.

She has to schedule the 3 hour test now.

Thanks for the reply.

edit: Congrats!
Any recommendations for baby monitors? We're about to start looking.
We got the Summer baby monitor with the portable video screen. I want to say it's this one. We recently stopped using a monitor but this thing was working pretty much every night and at nap time for close to three years. The video monitor was great just to see if our son was asleep or just sitting there quietly. It also gave my wife piece of mind when he was just an infant. She would be able to look in on him through out the night without getting out of bed.


Just got a call from my wife...apparently she failed her gestational diabetes test. So what now? She's freaking out.

Anyone go thru this?

My wife had this, make sure as others have said that she watches her diet, and listen to the doc. She'll be unhappy because of the OMG cravings that she can't have but in the end it's worth it. My wife had to go in for 3 tests all together spanning different hours. In the end they told her what she needed to do, she did it and all is well!

In other news, little man is going for his 4 month Drs visit today! More shots, sadly but he's doing well. Sleeping 5-6 hours straight then goes for about 3 hours from that point. Normally asleep by 9PM and wakes up by 1:30 AM. Then the 3 hours starts from there. We're trying to get him to sleep longer and longer without waking up but it's pretty rough going so far.
In other news, little man is going for his 4 month Drs visit today! More shots, sadly but he's doing well. Sleeping 5-6 hours straight then goes for about 3 hours from that point. Normally asleep by 9PM and wakes up by 1:30 AM. Then the 3 hours starts from there. We're trying to get him to sleep longer and longer without waking up but it's pretty rough going so far.

Shots are rough, but he'll power through it! And hey, 9 PM - 1:30 is pretty crap, but it's better than nothing. Do you and your wife rotate feeding nights so at least one of you gets a good night's sleep?


Shots are rough, but he'll power through it! And hey, 9 PM - 1:30 is pretty crap, but it's better than nothing. Do you and your wife rotate feeding nights so at least one of you gets a good night's sleep?

Well we started off, she would goto sleep about 8-9 PM and I would watch him from that time until 2AM. But now that his sleep pattern is different we rotate and it seems to be getting easier for us. Hopefully though, he'll start sleeping through the night once we get some solid food into his belly.


We got this set because it got such good reviews:



It does video, sound, temperature and movement and the set we got came with two pressure pads. It works great, being able to see her is a huge help.

To piggy back on the baby monitor question from earlier, any comparison for the Angel care vs. The Summer monitor line? We got one for our baby shower but I've heard such good things about the angel care that I'm debating an exchange. The motion sensor seems like a great stress reliever.



Just had a week of annual leave, and during said week, my little one (10 months old on the 27th), gets up like clockwork between 5-5.30am, then again between 8-8.30am.

Drainer, but whatever.

Work week starts, and I normally get up at 5.30am anyway, so I thought, cool, as long as I go to sleep a touch earlier, I'll be all good, even if she gets up at 5.

So what does she do? Gets up at 3.45am.

Little. Fucking. Shit.

She's a classic though. Took her for swimming lessons last Friday which was fun. Stood her up on the side and sang Humpy Dumpty with the group. As soon as she heard the line "Humpty Dumpty had a great faaaaaaaaallllllll", she squats and tenses her face up ready to be dunked hahahahaha.

Couldn't stop laughing.
We live with a smoker, and we found out they were smoking inside. We couldn't have that, so I confronted them about it. I felt terrible, but it was super important to me. Nothing feels more important than our little one now. It has to black and white right? There can't be any "oh the windows were open...".... Am I wrong? Was I harsh? I'm not the bad guy am I?

Don't pull any punches, I sure wouldn't. I would think a person could wait until they weren't around a child before doing it. You're not asking for the world here, just some self restraint.

As an aside, I'm amazed how many people have little ones with asthma and both of the parents smoke. Furthermore, if parents smoke, chances are that their children will grow up and smoke too. It's not a good legacy to pass on.


We live with a smoker, and we found out they were smoking inside. We couldn't have that, so I confronted them about it. I felt terrible, but it was super important to me. Nothing feels more important than our little one now. It has to black and white right? There can't be any "oh the windows were open...".... Am I wrong? Was I harsh? I'm not the bad guy am I?

Screw them, I gave up weed entirely about 6 months before bubs was born and I give smokers a very wide berth out in public. Don't give them any sympathy, be firm.

To piggy back on the baby monitor question from earlier, any comparison for the Angel care vs. The Summer monitor line? We got one for our baby shower but I've heard such good things about the angel care that I'm debating an exchange. The motion sensor seems like a great stress reliever.


No idea sorry, I didn't see the Summer range anywhere in Aus when we were shopping so I got the Angel Care.


We live with a smoker, and we found out they were smoking inside. We couldn't have that, so I confronted them about it. I felt terrible, but it was super important to me. Nothing feels more important than our little one now. It has to black and white right? There can't be any "oh the windows were open...".... Am I wrong? Was I harsh? I'm not the bad guy am I?
You live with a smoker? is this person family? If they are they better damn fucking sure accommodate if they care about that baby whatsoever.

If it's not family are you living with a roommate? Do they pay rent? If so advice is to get the hell out of there and into your own house where you can control your surroundings for the safety of your baby's health. Get a second job if you have to.

But I'm curious who lives with you if you have kids?


Don't pull any punches, I sure wouldn't. I would think a person could wait until they weren't around a child before doing it. You're not asking for the world here, just some self restraint.

As an aside, I'm amazed how many people have little ones with asthma and both of the parents smoke. Furthermore, if parents smoke, chances are that their children will grow up and smoke too. It's not a good legacy to pass on.

Screw them, I gave up weed entirely about 6 months before bubs was born and I give smokers a very wide berth out in public. Don't give them any sympathy, be firm.

No idea sorry, I didn't see the Summer range anywhere in Aus when we were shopping so I got the Angel Care.

You live with a smoker? is this person family? If they are they better damn fucking sure accommodate if they care about that baby whatsoever.

If it's not family are you living with a roommate? Do they pay rent? If so advice is to get the hell out of there and into your own house where you can control your surroundings for the safety of your baby's health. Get a second job if you have to.

But I'm curious who lives with you if you have kids?

Thanks guys. It's my brother. I guess I'm more disappointed than any thing, because you know, you would think he'd know better.

It's bugged me all day. I mean WHY? I don't get it. He's not stupid. Or maybe he is. I just don't know anymore. Maybe he feels that we are impacting his life by having a baby, so he feels entitled? Who knows.

I mean I've already confronted him and said, dude, WTF? There's a baby in the house. You can't do this.

edit: had more of a chat. I'm gonna trust he's not going to do this again. I still will not understand the mind of a smoker. It's like politics, religion, abortion, gun-control, death penalty and tipping. It's just one of those things you fall on a particular side on, and no amount of discussion will convince you of the other side.


I've already had one but I forget how fast they grow! Two months already.


As for diapers, we're moving into a place that actually has a washer and dryer so we're transitioning back to cloth diapers. We did it for a few months with our first as my aunt paid for diaper service, but once that ended I didn't feel like paying the $100 a month or whatever it was, and washing them myself was out of the question as tokens cost $1.25 apiece meaning one wash/dry would be $2.50, completely negating any savings from using cloth.

(Yeah there is the whole environment aspect but hey, convenience rules)

But for the couple of years we bought disposables, always had the best luck with Costco's Kirkland brand. Only slightly cheaper than Huggies, but they fit our daughter better and were less prone to blowouts around the legs and back crack.


Thanks guys. It's my brother. I guess I'm more disappointed than any thing, because you know, you would think he'd know better.

It's bugged me all day. I mean WHY? I don't get it. He's not stupid. Or maybe he is. I just don't know anymore. Maybe he feels that we are impacting his life by having a baby, so he feels entitled? Who knows.

I mean I've already confronted him and said, dude, WTF? There's a baby in the house. You can't do this.

edit: had more of a chat. I'm gonna trust he's not going to do this again. I still will not understand the mind of a smoker. It's like politics, religion, abortion, gun-control, death penalty and tipping. It's just one of those things you fall on a particular side on, and no amount of discussion will convince you of the other side.

I hear you there. Having a little bit of a difficult time with vaccines myself. In the Northwest region of the U.S there is literally an epidemic of Whooping cough going on so my wife and I were vaccinated but our OB recommends that anyone coming to see the baby also get the vaccine since it's particularly deadly to infants. Somewhat awkward to ask someone to pay money to get a shot or not get to see the baby.
We live with a smoker, and we found out they were smoking inside. We couldn't have that, so I confronted them about it. I felt terrible, but it was super important to me. Nothing feels more important than our little one now. It has to black and white right? There can't be any "oh the windows were open...".... Am I wrong? Was I harsh? I'm not the bad guy am I?

Not at all. I've had that conversation with in-laws when they were outside and I could SMELL the smoke. Your baby, your rules. If they don't like it, they can roll, man.


Not at all. I've had that conversation with in-laws when they were outside and I could SMELL the smoke. Your baby, your rules. If they don't like it, they can roll, man.

My father in law smokes like a chimney but we've settled on letting him smoke in the front yard when the baby is born since the nursery is in the back of our house.


Just got a call from my wife...apparently she failed her gestational diabetes test. So what now? She's freaking out.

Anyone go thru this?

My wife failed this too and I'm not going to sugar coat it too much. It sucks for her. She had to watch what she ate and thus voided one of the greatest perks of being pregnant. Eating whatever you want. Sticking her finger over and over for blood tests got on her nerves too.

It's also a very arbitrary diagnosis. When you delve into the details you'll see that they toss you on that list in a heart beat. Don't be afraid to get a second opinion and test. One bad day on your diet and they toss you on the plan. For my wife it turned out to be an accurate diagnosis but several people we know didn't end up having it.

Impact on the baby? Zero. Our daughter came out perfect. As a husband you'll be powerless to help. Try to eat health like she does and don't wolf down an ice cream Sunday in front of her. Not if you value your fleshy husk.
To piggy back on the baby monitor question from earlier, any comparison for the Angel care vs. The Summer monitor line? We got one for our baby shower but I've heard such good things about the angel care that I'm debating an exchange. The motion sensor seems like a great stress reliever.


You have no idea. SIDS will get pounded into you as a new parent (as it should). This will help with that anxiety, as a new parent you'll have plenty of chances to pick up ones to replace it :).

We had both btw but our Angel Care didn't have video so we actually used both...Summer for the video, Angel Care for our nerves. If you can do an easy exchange I would get the Angel Care with the video.


You have no idea. SIDS will get pounded into you as a new parent (as it should). This will help with that anxiety, as a new parent you'll have plenty of chances to pick up ones to replace it :).

We had both btw but our Angel Care didn't have video so we actually used both...Summer for the video, Angel Care for our nerves. If you can do an easy exchange I would get the Angel Care with the video.

Thanks for the tip, I think they just got it at Babies R Us and I believe they can look up an item without a receipt if need be.


I hear you there. Having a little bit of a difficult time with vaccines myself. In the Northwest region of the U.S there is literally an epidemic of Whooping cough going on so my wife and I were vaccinated but our OB recommends that anyone coming to see the baby also get the vaccine since it's particularly deadly to infants. Somewhat awkward to ask someone to pay money to get a shot or not get to see the baby.

We only got advised that it was for people who have regular contact with the baby, so me and the missus got both sets of our parents to get the whooping cough shots, but we wouldn't ask friends to get them unless they're coming over all the time and handling the baby.
We only got advised that it was for people who have regular contact with the baby, so me and the missus got both sets of our parents to get the whooping cough shots, but we wouldn't ask friends to get them unless they're coming over all the time and handling the baby.

Same here. Wife and I got the vaccine, as well as my parents who watch her during the day when we're at work. We didn't force anyone else to get it.
Anyone have any good suggestions for good white noise CDs? Seems my little guy loves it. As soon as I turn on the vacuum he goes right to sleep!


We only got advised that it was for people who have regular contact with the baby, so me and the missus got both sets of our parents to get the whooping cough shots, but we wouldn't ask friends to get them unless they're coming over all the time and handling the baby.

Lol tell that to my wife, we hang out with her best friend all the time and she wants to come visit day one. I'm going to try to gently press the doc into telling her she's overly paranoid at the next OB appointment.


My brother just had his second little girl this morning, on my way to the hospital now.

My little girl is due in about 4 weeks. Excitement is building


I think I'm beginning to have an unhealthy obsession with the female hosts on Sprout.

Stretching time, being my favorite part of the day.


For me it's all about Lazy Town. Those rock hard Sportacus buns and Stephanies songs are too fun.


Oh yeah and bubs likes it too, although she far prefers In The Night Garden, that show hypnotises her:

For me it's all about Lazy Town. Those rock hard Sportacus buns and Stephanies songs are too fun.


Oh yeah and bubs likes it too, although she far prefers In The Night Garden, that show hypnotises her:


Ugh Lazy Town. Show creeped me out a bit, kids kind of dug it though for a couple weeks.

Yeah, Nina on Sprout is good stuff. There was another one my kids liked on Sprout, Dragon something? Dragon Land? Two kids find a crystal and can travel there. I just remember a big dumb purple one.


Well looks like we're having a C-Section since we're 37 weeks and the kiddo's breach. Anything I should look out for? Wife's oddly happy about it since she's got a low pain tolerance and finds it cool that she can chose the birthday while I don't know what to expect lol.


My missus had to have a C as well because she had placental praevia. Expect for your missus to spend a few extra days in hospital as a result, and if you want to help out ask if you can sleep in the room with her and bubs. Our hospital put in a little fold out chair/bed thing so I stayed every night and it made a big difference to the missus as she really couldn't do much at all for the first few days. I was able to look after her and bubs without her having to wait for the nurses to come in every time.


My missus had to have a C as well because she had placental praevia. Expect for your missus to spend a few extra days in hospital as a result, and if you want to help out ask if you can sleep in the room with her and bubs. Our hospital put in a little fold out chair/bed thing so I stayed every night and it made a big difference to the missus as she really couldn't do much at all for the first few days. I was able to look after her and bubs without her having to wait for the nurses to come in every time.

Thanks for the tip no way I'm leaving her side either. Good thing I engaged in a bit of retail therapy and bought a 3DSXL!
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