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Newborn Baby-GAF: Sleepless Nights Deluxe HD Remix


Huh, they did change a bit more than I thought. Most of the features are the same but there are some interesting little things like the fabric and mesh top of the basket (mine must be a 2011 basket replacement, and I can completely see how a stretchable opening would be great). They got rid of one window on the top of the hood though, which is weird.

Also weird how she says the stroller has all-wheel suspension. Unless they changed something drastically I can't see that being the case. The only suspension on the back wheels is the slight give the frame itself has.

The new colours aren't quite as interesting as the previous ones either.

And yeah, the WiiU will probably be a good thing for me to own once it comes out as I sure can't play my traditional consoles much.

Yep looks like she was wrong about all wheel suspension. Still pretty stoked about he tires though ;)



Neo Member
I actually have three daughters. The oldest is 22 months old and my other two are 4 and a half-month old twins. Yeah...I have my hands full. I actually have quite a bit of time to game, as long as I sacrifice a bit of sleepy time. That actually works out pretty well as I'm able to get in a couple of feedings with the twins while my wife sleeps.


Less than two months away from joining this thread...nervous and excited (the order changes depending on the day)


My sister had a little girl this morning. So I have a new niece. We went to visit them today and I held her for a bit. it's really pretty crazy to me to think that my son (who is now 3) was once that tiny and delicate.

It all goes by so fast.
Today was our due date, but the baby isn't here yet. The doctor gave us another appointment on Friday and said if he isn't here by then they're going to induce labor. So I should have a son within a week or so!
Our little one is four weeks old and has been easy so far but suddenly she got much more challenging. She is crying her head off regularly (not normal for her) and seems to have trouble keeping food down, there is a LOT of spit-up. I'm wondering if it's some kind of tummy trouble or reflux or the dreaded colic. Gonna call the doctor today but I'll take any advice baby-GAF has too. It's just heartbreaking when they are miserable like this!
Well it's time for me to jump on-board the baby train I think, having really enjoyed this thread so far.

My wife is now in week 34 and is starting to get fairly uncomfortable. Sleep is an issue, she's feeling queasy a lot of the time, and I think is desperate to finish work. The final part isn't proving as easy as she'd hope as it's a family business. Soon I hope...

So I'm basically trying to be as supportive as possible, whilst at the same time trying not to be myself (a crabby arsehole).


I actually have three daughters. The oldest is 22 months old and my other two are 4 and a half-month old twins. Yeah...I have my hands full. I actually have quite a bit of time to game, as long as I sacrifice a bit of sleepy time. That actually works out pretty well as I'm able to get in a couple of feedings with the twins while my wife sleeps.

I have my hands full with 18 month old twins with no time for gaming or anything else. I can't imagine what it will be like for you and your wife in the next year. Good luck!
Now at 14 weeks my little guy has taught himself to get on his side when he sleeps. Also, we purchased the "Dr. Brown" bottles and he drinks those real fast, probably two times faster than the regular bottles.


I feel you guys, my son was born late as well (Dec 2010) and my wife was more than ready to get him out. Especially because she had a case of PUPPS: a very rare (less than 1% of pregnant women get it, I think, and it seems to only happen during the first pregnancy) intense rash, and no one is completely sure what causes it! My wife's doctor said that some people think it has to do with my son's male DNA.

So, for the last few months of pregnancy, my wife had a horrible, itching, rash that slowly spread over most of her body and caused her constant irritation. She had a lot of trouble sleeping, too. The doctor gave her some medicine, but the only thing that eased her pain was taking an oatmeal bath, but that would only last as long as the bath.

Fortunately, it cleared up almost immediately after my son was born.


My little guy is almost 15 weeks old. He is trying his butt off to get the giggle/laugh thing going but he keeps scaring himself. Mom and dad get quite the chuckle out of this :) Can't wait until he really "finds" his laugh/giggle. Also, he's smiling a ton now. New parents, don't friet! Hold on for a few months and then the little one gets interactive. Not just eat/sleep/poop.


Our little one is four weeks old and has been easy so far but suddenly she got much more challenging. She is crying her head off regularly (not normal for her) and seems to have trouble keeping food down, there is a LOT of spit-up. I'm wondering if it's some kind of tummy trouble or reflux or the dreaded colic. Gonna call the doctor today but I'll take any advice baby-GAF has too. It's just heartbreaking when they are miserable like this!

We went through the same thing about the same time. Ended up just being a growth spurt. I got to the point where I was looking into colic calm and gas drops (and places to accept donated babies...) and then it just went away. Now she's 5.5 weeks and wakes up once in the middle of the night to eat, minimal fussiness throughout the day. But I'm sure I just jinxed myself. :p


My son is going to turn 2 in a week and a half (8/11). We just found out my wife is pregnant again. Still very, very early. I haven't told anyone but my mother yet so you're amongst the first to know GAF. I think the baby is due in March. I'm honestly not that looking forward to the beginning again.

Sye d'Burns

Our little one is four weeks old and has been easy so far but suddenly she got much more challenging. She is crying her head off regularly (not normal for her) and seems to have trouble keeping food down, there is a LOT of spit-up. I'm wondering if it's some kind of tummy trouble or reflux or the dreaded colic. Gonna call the doctor today but I'll take any advice baby-GAF has too. It's just heartbreaking when they are miserable like this!

Has she been having bowel movements? Our youngest daughter went through something very similar. She is breastfed, so it isn't too uncommon to go 3 or so days with little, or any, bm. Friday was the fourth day and we were taking notice. We thought surely she'd go over the weekend so we held out. That weekend she started spitting up more and was quite gassy. She was keeping little, if any, down and by Sunday the spit-up was getting forceful (not quite projectile.)

On Monday, she still had not had a movement and we were quite concerned. By the fifth child, you think you've seen pretty much everything so we were feeling at a complete loss and concerned almost to the point of panic. We made a doctors appointment, then sent to a children's ER for xrays (on a two week old), The x-rays came back fine, she was given a suppository, had a movement about an hour later and we were on our way.

A week later, we were back in the doctors office with the same symptoms. This time we were referred to an infant GI, he did some testing and ultimately, she was fine. It was just a period of constipation. We learned, though, that some infants are born with underdeveloped intestinal muscles, which can be life threatening if not treated.

tl,dr Has your daughter been poop? If so, carry on.

Sye d'Burns

Yeah her plumbing seems to be fine.

My oldest son was colicky. I remember the only thing that would work calming him down was to lay him where he was straddling my arm, with his head in my hand, and softly bounce. It may help with the colic.

As to spitting up: Is the baby bottle fed? It might be the formula if so... then again it may be the mother's diet if she is breastfed.

I'm just throwing things out there at this point. I'm sure you've thought of them already.


My son is going to turn 2 in a week and a half (8/11). We just found out my wife is pregnant again. Still very, very early. I haven't told anyone but my mother yet so you're amongst the first to know GAF. I think the baby is due in March. I'm honestly not that looking forward to the beginning again.

I don't think any guy looks forward to beginning again. You could get a vasectomy and never do beginning again after this one.


Yeah our second's now just over five weeks old and she's definitely grumpier and more prone to crying than she was before.

I'm getting horrible flashbacks of our first daughter, who was colicky, and how insane it drove us. But I also know that it might just be tiredness from growing, as she only really seems to cry after she's fed and before she falls asleep, with the falling asleep being the tricky part. Once that's done she's okay.

And my girlfriend was baptized last night with a nice anal explosion. While she was off changing her shirt I almost got shit on too, but quickly held up the diaper as soon as I heard a second round of warning farts. Sure enough, another torrent of bubbling/frothing coupled with that hilarious little determined face babies get.

We're also trying to start toilet training our oldest, though she currently has no interest in such a thing so it's going pretty slow for now.
Our issues are (7-month old) that she's alergic to eggs and non-soy formula we believe. Her whole body turns beat red and her lips turn white. I'm sure as she matures she will grow out of that.

When my wife hits her cycle I guess it changes the taste of her milk and baby doesn't want to eat anymore. We got soy formula and my mom called me to tell me it's harmful for babies. I told my mom "ok" and now my wife pumps and we use the reserves for when she is on her cycle.

So far so good.


Yeah her plumbing seems to be fine.
I think a growth spurt happens about then so they instantly change and become more fussy. Then they settle into a routine just before they get fussy again for anothe reason!

Constanty changing. So chances are she's fine, but it doesn't hurt to get professional advice. In NZ childhood doctor care is completely free, and we get regular visits from plunket nurses to make sure we're on the right track. Lots of free services, such as family centre who helps with teaching you to settle, free lactation consultants and so forth. We even got a free car seat to use from 6 months!

Anyway, my understandin is babies don't have a fully developed valve or muscles to keep food down. We had a colicky baby, but a good portion of that went away after she started spitting up. Changes changes changes.

It's still kinda rough, we're nearly 2.5 months in now, she scatters from 2,3,4 hourly feeds, but we do get a couple of four hour sleeps now. The advice we've been given from family services has been great.

And it's ok fr your baby to cry a little so long as they don't get super idstressed. The other day she woke in the middle of a sleep, started crying. My wife was a bit anxious, but we recalled that we can try leave her for 5 minutes before reacting. So we I'd and nearly on th dot of 5 minutes, she fell back asleep!
Our little one is four weeks old and has been easy so far but suddenly she got much more challenging. She is crying her head off regularly (not normal for her) and seems to have trouble keeping food down, there is a LOT of spit-up. I'm wondering if it's some kind of tummy trouble or reflux or the dreaded colic. Gonna call the doctor today but I'll take any advice baby-GAF has too. It's just heartbreaking when they are miserable like this!

Sounds like my daughter, she had reflux. Developed at about the same age as well. They put her on Zantac and she was fine, like a miracle drug. Apparently it tastes horrible but in a couple of days she would open up her mouth and swallow it right up. After a couple of months we didn't need it anymore.

Good luck!
Ok folks... I need some advice on how to enjoy TV while the baby is sleeping. My wife and I like to watch TV and movies on the living room TV (size and sound system). But the noise keeps waking up the baby. I'm trying to find a group/shared wireless headphone system for the living room? Is there such a thing? I only see single connection wireless headphones.
Sounds like my daughter, she had reflux. Developed at about the same age as well. They put her on Zantac and she was fine, like a miracle drug. Apparently it tastes horrible but in a couple of days she would open up her mouth and swallow it right up. After a couple of months we didn't need it anymore.

Good luck!
The pediatrician thinks it may be reflux but wasn't certain enough to prescribe anything. She recommended a small dose of probiotics mixed in with her feed to help with digestion. We'll also try gripe water. She actually seems much calmer today. We have another visit in a couple of weeks so we'll see where she is by then. Sheesh, what a life!
The pediatrician thinks it may be reflux but wasn't certain enough to prescribe anything. She recommended a small dose of probiotics mixed in with her feed to help with digestion. We'll also try gripe water. She actually seems much calmer today. We have another visit in a couple of weeks so we'll see where she is by then. Sheesh, what a life!

Great news! That what counts!

Yeah, being a parent is crazy, never get a break. Good times though.

Ok folks... I need some advice on how to enjoy TV while the baby is sleeping. My wife and I like to watch TV and movies on the living room TV (size and sound system). But the noise keeps waking up the baby. I'm trying to find a group/shared wireless headphone system for the living room? Is there such a thing? I only see single connection wireless headphones.
How old is the baby? She might just learn to ignore it and sleep through it, will likely happen in a couple of months anyway. I'd be too paranoid to wear headphones with a baby, would always be thinking that she'd be crying and I'd be missing it. I'm a worrier though.
9 month baby boy. Love him to death. Only negative thing we have is he has eczema and his eyes are watery most of the time. Trying our best and hoping it will go away. Any one here have experience with it?


The pediatrician thinks it may be reflux but wasn't certain enough to prescribe anything. She recommended a small dose of probiotics mixed in with her feed to help with digestion. We'll also try gripe water. She actually seems much calmer today. We have another visit in a couple of weeks so we'll see where she is by then. Sheesh, what a life!
Did you try feeding less at one time (with more feedings) and having her sleep on an elevated surface? That helped a lot with ours. Meant a lot less sleep but we did not want to put her on any meds.


I picked up the (RED) topping set for the Bugaboo the other day, it looks heaps spiffy against the black chassis. Bubs is rolling in style now!




Boy number three is eight weeks old today. He's not much of a problem, but our other two boys are fighting each other constantly. Things are much tougher when it's no longer man-to-man defense.


Ok folks... I need some advice on how to enjoy TV while the baby is sleeping. My wife and I like to watch TV and movies on the living room TV (size and sound system). But the noise keeps waking up the baby. I'm trying to find a group/shared wireless headphone system for the living room? Is there such a thing? I only see single connection wireless headphones.

I learned to enjoy subtitles. :p


Ok folks... I need some advice on how to enjoy TV while the baby is sleeping. My wife and I like to watch TV and movies on the living room TV (size and sound system). But the noise keeps waking up the baby. I'm trying to find a group/shared wireless headphone system for the living room? Is there such a thing? I only see single connection wireless headphones.

Most of the wireless headphones are capable of group listening. You only need to decide on analog ( noisier) or digital ( cleaner sound, but much more expensive).


Ok folks... I need some advice on how to enjoy TV while the baby is sleeping. My wife and I like to watch TV and movies on the living room TV (size and sound system). But the noise keeps waking up the baby. I'm trying to find a group/shared wireless headphone system for the living room? Is there such a thing? I only see single connection wireless headphones.

One thing we found that helps is a noise machine in the bub's room.
We have a heartbeat bear that simulates the noise the baby would hear in a mother's womb.
Once our daughter(s) were in bed we would crank the bear up and use it to drown out any noise we make around the house.

But yeah you do need to make compromises... I ditched any use of my surround sound system and only used my TV speakers. Also for games and movie watching on my own I always use headphones now. It makes it hard though if you're the only one awake and monitoring the baby as well, you can't hear a monitor over headphones!
Hello from 3:49am!

It gets better eventually!

(My daughter slept through the night from six weeks old.)

It's my little girl's first birthday next Saturday, it's a generic saying but time really does fly once you have a kid.

My daughter is so much more work than a normal baby, she has needs, can't suck-swallow correctly and has a battery of tests lined up over the next year to figure out what is wrong. (Barium swallow on Aug. 30th is first up, followed by geneticist in Nov.)

She hadn't shown too much delay early up until recently where now she is really starting to show her slow progress when it comes to speech and gross motor skills. (Personal-social, fine motor and stuff seems, so far, to be okay.)

It helps that we've had dietician, physiotherapist, occupational therapists, one of the best pediatricians in Ontario, infant development etc. since pretty much birth after spending the first two weeks of her life in hospital. I'm sure that's why she's as 'advanced' as she is.

Even with all the extra drama that comes with havin' a daughter with special needs is totally worth every smile.


Hello from 3:49am!

You lie! It's only 23:09!

Bah, I'll probably be up at 4am.

I knew someone who has had middle of the night wakes still on at 15 months in. So yeah, it doesn't necessarily get better.

You will have good days and you will have bad days. Try to remember what it's all about. And DO realise that parenting has two sides: there's baby's attitude and behaviour, and the PARENTS' behaviour and attitude. That is, how you as a parent approach issues and react to problems is just as important. Know that you CAN choose to react how you want.


My little 8 month old girl finally sleeps in untill 6:30! Celebrations are going around and coffee-intake has been brought down.

Since a few days, she's been crawling. Like a cheetah. Seriously, I had no idea babies can move this fast. One second she's sitting by the table, the other she's wrestling with her favorite toy on the other side of the room.
My 2 year old daughter doesn't want to sleep at the moment so she's crying and claiming her finger is sore and she needs to go to the doctors. This is after I read 4 books, brushed our teeth and gave her a bottle. It's like that book go the f@ck to sleep

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Angelina is now two months old, we celebrated by taking her to the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Tournament in Austin this past weekend!



Our little one is four weeks old and has been easy so far but suddenly she got much more challenging. She is crying her head off regularly (not normal for her) and seems to have trouble keeping food down, there is a LOT of spit-up. I'm wondering if it's some kind of tummy trouble or reflux or the dreaded colic. Gonna call the doctor today but I'll take any advice baby-GAF has too. It's just heartbreaking when they are miserable like this!

Not saying this is the case, but I've had 2 friends now in the past year who have had newborns with pyloric stenosis.



Vomiting is the first symptom in most children:

Vomiting may occur after every feeding or only after some feedings

Vomiting usually starts around 3 weeks of age, but may start any time between 1 week and 5 months of age

Vomiting is forceful (projectile vomiting)

The infant is hungry after vomiting and wants to feed again

Other symptoms generally appear several weeks after birth and may include:

Abdominal pain


Constant hunger

Dehydration (gets worse with the severity of the vomiting)

Failure to gain weight or weight loss

Wave-like motion of the abdomen shortly after feeding and just before vomiting occurs

Pyloric stenosis is a narrowing of the pylorus, the opening from the stomach into the small intestine.

Requires a small surgery to fix but both babies came out great.

Just something to keep in mind.
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