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Next-Gen PS5 & XSX |OT| Console tEch threaD

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Shader bound means AMD should have better performance. Because more compute power. But that's not the case and there are all these silly "AMD vs Nvidia teraflops" arguments.
Teraflops are teraflops, doesn't matter who makes them.
Games on PC are usually CPU bound. That's why all the resolution race: artificially bump up amount of work for GPU.

There really is no such thing as CPU vs. GPU bound since it's a moving target. I don't believe for a second that games on PC (today) are CPU bound. That would mean you can run a game at it's maximum settings and 4k or higher and the FPS wouldn't move on the same GPU.

You can make a game CPU or GPU bound depending on what settings you play at.

Going to 4k will most certainly put you in a GPU situation as all pixel shader code has to run 4x with doubling the resolution. 1920 > 3840 = 2X more shader calls. 1080 -> 2160 = 2X more shader calls. Total of 4X.
Here’s where that quote come from. All you had to do was scroll down a couple more posts to see it. I guess that would’ve been too much work or it didn’t fit your agenda. Doofus.

lol stupid, the first sentence proves i was right:
"The forthcoming PlayStation 5 is the easiest Sony console to code for, according to publishers and developers."

what understand you not?

"... easiest #Sony console# to code for..."

this liar has written:
"easiest console" =
this will be included next xbox

easiest #Sony console# to code for..."
= easier then the old Sony consoles.........

tricky liar...
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Nope Teraflops are not Teraflops, Nvidia's are not Navi, navi is not Gcn, think of it as power, and vram as space where you can add more stuff (details), run higher fps...


Why can't ps5 or next Xbox be close to the 2080ti considering that card will be 3 years old when the new consoles are released.

They don't have to build the GPU yet,they can wait till much nearer the release date,only dev kits would have them anyway.


Why can't ps5 or next Xbox be close to the 2080ti considering that card will be 3 years old when the new consoles are released.

They don't have to build the GPU yet,they can wait till much nearer the release date,only dev kits would have them anyway.

Are you serious? Do you know what all is involved with manufacturing and design? The chip is already been made and the hardware finalized. I'm willing to be that software support is what's taking this year long wait.

In answer to your question, no. How do you get a 2080Ti into a simple board @ $500 per box? AMD has never shown an RTX GPU and you expect them to enter the fray at the top end of what Nvidia has now?
Shader bound means AMD should have better performance. Because more compute power. But that's not the case and there are all these silly "AMD vs Nvidia teraflops" arguments.
Teraflops are teraflops, doesn't matter who makes them.
Games on PC are usually CPU bound. That's why all the resolution race: artificially bump up amount of work for GPU.
This statement is false to an extent. Teraflop power can fluctuate based on design. AMD expresses this in a few of their slides when unveiling RDNA and Navi even.


Are you serious? Do you know what all is involved with manufacturing and design? The chip is already been made and the hardware finalized. I'm willing to be that software support is what's taking this year long wait.

In answer to your question, no. How do you get a 2080Ti into a simple board @ $500 per box? AMD has never shown an RTX GPU and you expect them to enter the fray at the top end of what Nvidia has now?

probably right, but Su is crushing Intel right now which people thought was never going to happen. there were alot of RIP AMD posts and threads pre zen....so maybe nvidia‘s turn is next year?
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probably right, but Su is crushing Intel right now which people thought was never going to happen. there were alot of RIP AMD posts and threads pre zen....so maybe nvidia‘s turn is next year?
I dont think so BUT doesnt mean it wont happen in 4 years, either way AMD did a fantastic job bringing good products with a low cost, competition is good, intel forced to make good products and lowering their prices, the same goes for nvidia, without AMD intel would still be milking those 4 cores i7's, that alone would suffice intel fans to stop buying their products, unfortunatly some dont, they like to be sodomized 😳.


Some quotes from RS:

Matt said:
Anyone investing emotional weight or faith in being fans of “the most powerful console” is going to have a bad time.

They will both be great machines. It really doesn’t matter.

Matt said:
They are very close to each other. This isn’t like PS4 vs. XBO.

It literally doesn’t matter.

kleegamefan said:
I 100% back up everything Matt says, for what it's worth.

And if anyone is wondering, nothing has changed to my knowledge concerning PS5 Or Xbox Scarlett or PS5 Vs Xbox Scarlett

2020 isn't going to be nearly as much fun as 2012/2013. Booo.


Gold Member
Secret saurce plus acessories will be the differencial this time, not specs.
Unless one of two are running against time to change that, but very unlikely.

Anw, Playstation Switch when?


More quotes because i am bored:

microsoft updated their scarlett page with
Project Scarlett will set a new bar for console power, speed and performance, arriving Holiday 2020 alongside Halo Infinite.

klee responded with
No problem.

You may or may not have noticed, the phrase is normally stated as.....

Will set *the *bar for console power, speed and performance


Will set *a* bar for console power, speed and performance

Read in that what you will.

and one more from klee

This will probably start a shit show but....

I think the architectural design of Stadia with encourage new and unique types of games.

Although xCloud is often compared to Stadia, all Xbox games are multi platform (PC/XBO/Scarlett/xCloud).

I feel that as long as Microsoft adheres to this policy, it could ultimately limit the design potential of xCloud, sadly.

For better or worse, Stadia customers won't ever have access to Client hardware since it's server-side design will always and only exist in the cloud.

Google's Stadia architecture design is total madness(micro-services based) and I really hope they talk more about it soon. Their messaging stinks.

So to all the people who claim games are becoming stale and want to see something BRAND new, Stadia can, because of it's intrinsic design, actually deliver these new types of games we seek.

Not what any of you want to hear, I'm sure.


Nope Teraflops are not Teraflops, Nvidia's are not Navi, navi is not Gcn, think of it as power, and vram as space where you can add more stuff (details), run higher fps...
Yes it is it's a measurment the reason why it differs in performance at same tflops because of different architectures, so only tflops doesn't describe how powerfull gpu are, you have take arch into account to.
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Secret saurce plus acessories will be the differencial this time, not specs.
Unless one of two are running against time to change that, but very unlikely.

Anw, Playstation Switch when?

No secret sauce hardware.. more like software secret sauce (i.e. drivers) but even that won't matter dramatically. Basically if you want the most powerful, buy a PC.
Yes it is it's a measurment the reason why it differs in performance at same tflops because of different architectures, so only tflops doesn't describe how powerfull gpu are, you have toke arch into account to.
Since Nvidia arch and AMD GCN & NAVI arch are different it's quite obvious but thanks for specifying that (y).


Gold Member
No secret sauce hardware.. more like software secret sauce (i.e. drivers) but even that won't matter dramatically.
I agree with your first statment, but can be a dedicated hardware as well if you remember PRO have a dedicated cb hardware for reach 4k and I can see they using to reach 8k via checkerboard render.
Besides, hardcore are too attach to specs and even the Operation System will be different between Scarlet and PS5.

Basically if you want the most powerful, buy a PC.
Now, about the PC, well, its obvious. I don't even know why bring to table. Was since the begining, but people still can get the best one for run an exclusive in the best 'possible way' just like base PS4 vs PRO.
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No secret sauce hardware.. more like software secret sauce (i.e. drivers) but even that won't matter dramatically. Basically if you want the most powerful, buy a PC.
i can tell you already that proprietary ssd is one of the secret sauce and it's a hardware, also term custom gpu means it will have features added to it which means more secret sauce.
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GAF's Pleasant Genius
No secret sauce hardware.. more like software secret sauce (i.e. drivers) but even that won't matter dramatically. Basically if you want the most powerful, buy a PC.

Even if it did not have HW customisations, a very very revamped file I/O software stack built for fast low latency storage instead would make huge differences and an area any OS vendor should invest in.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Why can't ps5 or next Xbox be close to the 2080ti considering that card will be 3 years old when the new consoles are released.

They don't have to build the GPU yet,they can wait till much nearer the release date,only dev kits would have them anyway.
You should refrain from making statements from which you are clearly ignorant about. You clearly have no idea how much lead up time and development is needed to to get something to manufacturing.
Now, about the PC, well, its obvious. I don't even know why bring to table. Was since the begining, but people still can get the best one for run an exclusive in the best 'possible way' just like base PS4 vs PRO.
Most of them are console ports anyway so.......


Is the old idea behind ps5-vr where the breakout box is included in the console itself still looking likely? What's the likelyhood of a wireless VR headset, or haptic gloves that I believe Sony patented years back?
Is the old idea behind ps5-vr where the breakout box is included in the console itself still looking likely? What's the likelyhood of a wireless VR headset, or haptic gloves that I believe Sony patented years back?
I hope Sony doubles down as VR as an accessory, I would rue the day they force it like Kinect.
Is the old idea behind ps5-vr where the breakout box is included in the console itself still looking likely? What's the likelyhood of a wireless VR headset, or haptic gloves that I believe Sony patented years back?
Someone suggested that if Sony released a portable device it could be used as vr headset.



Some quotes from RS:

2020 isn't going to be nearly as much fun as 2012/2013. Booo.

Microsoft has brought this upon themselves, they were the only major console manufacturer who takes every opportunity to fuel console warring whenever they achieve anything. Their attitude was rampant during X360 era, do you remember Aaron Greenberg tweets at every NPD sales victory over PS3? Or every line of resolution over PS3 at DF comparison?

They gone quite a little after PS4 humiliation and stopped reporting sales until that one month on NPD when XOne outsold both PS4 and WiiU by a few units 🤣? It doesn't stop at that, since they released X1X they have been spouting Powah...POWER ! at every chance they have . of course they also have an army of astrsurfers along with some bought up media to help mitigate the harm and inflate the victories.

I only feel bad for their fanboys because such attitude has given them the impression that MS will ultimately destroy Sony this time ! They have uncle Bill unlimited cash, they can create dGpus inside the powerbrick! They can use the mighty Azure to solve everything, they must be using Zen 3 and Arcturus 🤣 ... they must be ahead of Sony somehow! Notice how these fan tales are always coming from the green camp.

And when reality hits and Playstation is ahead of the mighty Xbox...fans retreat into a defensive state of " Power doesn't matter" " I own all consoles but..." "Gamepass is the shit"...etc

Sony is not innocent of such behavior, but they only did it prior to PS3 launch, then stopped and let their work speak instead of shouting meaningless crap like MS.
Unless you're seeking a console war list you're right.
Just like thinking about why people want a Switch PRO as well. Wonder why...
No war, i don't understand it anyway.
I never saw a (foolish) developer release a game for high tier (is high tier a therm ?) PC owners, and will never happen. (might be an exeption that i ignore), these Devs just want to sell to the masses, now here come's someone bragging about PC (i'm like boy you play console ports, what are you talking about), even PC exclusives doesn't target that audience, smh.
Concerning the switch pro, i don't see it happening, next gen around the corner why set yourself for a failure.
I think Nintendo should use AMD Navi 14 (24 CU) or +, wich would allow Devs to port their game with ease.
Happy Devs = more games = success.


No war, i don't understand it anyway.
I never saw a (foolish) developer release a game for high tier (is high tier a therm ?) PC owners, and will never happen. (might be an exeption that i ignore), these Devs just want to sell to the masses, now here come's someone bragging about PC (i'm like boy you play console ports, what are you talking about), even PC exclusives doesn't target that audience, smh.
Concerning the switch pro, i don't see it happening, next gen around the corner why set yourself for a failure.
I think Nintendo should use AMD Navi 14 (24 CU) or +, wich would allow Devs to port their game with ease.
Happy Devs = more games = success.

Haven't you seen the biggest PC channels on YT, all they care about is shaving seconds from Cinebench and rendering that BMW image 🤣
Never seen a game on PC that blows anything on console, those PC high end PC gpus are brutally underutilized (understandably so)


Can't explain why Ryzen 4xxxx APU would use Vega cores.
As if someone at AMD said "lol, our 3000 series APU was 12nm, unlike the rest of the offering, why don't we slap older GPU in 7nm 4000 series chips.

Imagine if next gen consoles are Vega based, <evil laugh>...



Gold Member
lol stupid, the first sentence proves i was right:
"The forthcoming PlayStation 5 is the easiest Sony console to code for, according to publishers and developers."

what understand you not?

"... easiest #Sony console# to code for..."

this liar has written:
"easiest console" =
this will be included next xbox

easiest #Sony console# to code for..."
= easier then the old Sony consoles.........

tricky liar...

Dude you are arguing semantics here. But we get it. All this amazing PS5 talk must be getting to your head. That tends to happen to insecure, feeble minded fanboys such as yourself. Here’s a suggestion; Go out for a stroll in the desert or swamp or whatever soothing environment they have in your country. It might make you feel better. ✌😎


Microsoft has brought this upon themselves, they were the only major console manufacturer who takes every opportunity to fuel console warring whenever they achieve anything. Their attitude was rampant during X360 era, do you remember Aaron Greenberg tweets at every NPD sales victory over PS3? Or every line of resolution over PS3 at DF comparison?

They gone quite a little after PS4 humiliation and stopped reporting sales until that one month on NPD when XOne outsold both PS4 and WiiU by a few units 🤣? It doesn't stop at that, since they released X1X they have been spouting Powah...POWER ! at every chance they have . of course they also have an army of astrsurfers along with some bought up media to help mitigate the harm and inflate the victories.

I only feel bad for their fanboys because such attitude has given them the impression that MS will ultimately destroy Sony this time ! They have uncle Bill unlimited cash, they can create dGpus inside the powerbrick! They can use the mighty Azure to solve everything, they must be using Zen 3 and Arcturus 🤣 ... they must be ahead of Sony somehow! Notice how these fan tales are always coming from the green camp.

And when reality hits and Playstation is ahead of the mighty Xbox...fans retreat into a defensive state of " Power doesn't matter" " I own all consoles but..." "Gamepass is the shit"...etc

Sony is not innocent of such behavior, but they only did it prior to PS3 launch, then stopped and let their work speak instead of shouting meaningless crap like MS.

No, it never stopped. If they beat the PS4 somehow, you can bet your ass Greenberg will brag about it.

"According to Microsoft’s head of Xbox marketing, Aaron Greenberg, the Xbox One has outsold Sony’s PS4 in the US the last month.

Sales numbers are based on NPD data from December 2017, and include Xbox One X sales. While Microsoft’s Xbox One console managed to outsell the PlayStation 4, the Nintendo Switch sold the most overall units in the States."
PlayStation Cartridge Patent Registered in Brazil by Sony Interactive Entertainment:


Any thoughts?

I'm guessing this is their proprietary memory for expanding storage on PS5. The title in portuguese says it is some kind of storage device, and can be roughy translated as "(54) Title: Configuration applied to a recording device and data storage device"

Fucking shit here comes Sony with proprietary hardware. 1TB SSD for only $299. :messenger_angry:

Their excuse will be that their tech is faster (when in actuality it'll probably be 10% faster at most).
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Can't explain why Ryzen 4xxxx APU would use Vega cores.
As if someone at AMD said "lol, our 3000 series APU was 12nm, unlike the rest of the offering, why don't we slap older GPU in 7nm 4000 series chips.

There are certain non-gaming workloads where Vega based GPUs perform better than Navi, maybe that's the reason. But more likely is that the Vega cores are smaller and with these low tiers APU's, using Vega core saves die space and thus costs.


I agree with your first statment, but can be a dedicated hardware as well if you remember PRO have a dedicated cb hardware for reach 4k and I can see they using to reach 8k via checkerboard render.
Besides, hardcore are too attach to specs and even the Operation System will be different between Scarlet and PS5.

Now, about the PC, well, its obvious. I don't even know why bring to table. Was since the begining, but people still can get the best one for run an exclusive in the best 'possible way' just like base PS4 vs PRO.

Every console has some hardware that's not quite the "standard", but that doesn't mean it's going to have an advantage in gaming that would make a big difference in visual quality. Current gen proves this. Next gen will be even more PC-like hardware. The SSD is a good addition, but it's not going to be like developers will design a game based on Sony's SSD and remove those features for the PC or Scarlett. So the game will load faster.. that's not such a big deal coming from a PC gamers' perspective.

Also, I very seriously doubt 8k would even be something to think about given that next gen consoles won't be powerful enough to even run 4k @ 60FPS with most games. The 2080Ti for example, can't run 4k60 with 100% of the released games and it is significantly more powerful than the next-gen GPUs.

When comparing wishlist items for next-gen consoles, it's always wise to see what the limit would be by looking at the latest hardware on the PC. It's a good gauge of what to realistically expect.


Never seen a game on PC that blows anything on console, those PC high end PC gpus are brutally underutilized (understandably so)

Are you saying this as troll bait? There are so many games that does blow away the console and has been since this generation started. And the PC isn't underutilized. Where are you getting that from? Because what do you expect the game to look like? Film quality?
Please help me understand im having a wtf moment.
Im not very good with eng, you will excuse me if i misinderstood you.
Every console has some hardware that's not quite the "standard", but that doesn't mean it's going to have an advantage in gaming that would make a big difference in visual quality. Current gen proves this.
The fuck ?
Consoles set benchmarks for devs to aim for, and pc is advancing at the same pace as consoles even with fancier gpu's, you are only getting higher fps, some extra details, higher resolution, but guess what the game still looks the same, so what are you talking about.
Next gen will be even more PC-like hardware. The SSD is a good addition, but it's not going to be like developers will design a game based on Sony's SSD and remove those features for the PC or Scarlett. So the game will load faster.. that's not such a big deal coming from a PC gamers' perspective.
I dont get this part, ps5, scarlet, pc has ssd why would they change/remove anything, exept hdd pc...
Also, I very seriously doubt 8k would even be something to think about given that next gen consoles won't be powerful enough to even run 4k @ 60FPS with most games.
Its possible, depends of devs, can you run grand turismo 8k no, tetris yes so.... depends on the game, same goes for 4k60, if they target that, they gonna tweak it till it runs 4k60.
The 2080Ti for example, can't run 4k60 with 100% of the released games and it is significantly more powerful than the next-gen GPUs
Customizatiooooooooooon, tell them to code games for 2080ti.
When comparing wishlist items for next-gen consoles, it's always wise to see what the limit would be by looking at the latest hardware on the PC. It's a good gauge of what to realistically expect.
Its wise to understand how companies operate to sell more candy bars.
Are you saying this as troll bait? There are so many games that does blow away the console and has been since this generation started.
God of war ? Horizon ?
And the PC isn't underutilized. Where are you getting that from?
You tell me

Because what do you expect the game to look like?
I dont know
Film quality?
Like those unreal engine crazy demos on the web.


Are you saying this as troll bait? There are so many games that does blow away the console and has been since this generation started. And the PC isn't underutilized. Where are you getting that from? Because what do you expect the game to look like? Film quality?

Yes, I expect a GPU and a CPU that are two generations ahead of consoles to look two generations better instead of having "console quality" ports running ultra high everything and max resolution.

PC peeps are waiting anxiously to PS5/Scarlett simply to have them forward the medium an inch despite having a more capable rigs that are simply wasted on benchmarks and cool looking coolers.
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Consoles set benchmarks for devs to aim for, and pc is advancing at the same pace as consoles even with fancier gpu's, you are only getting higher fps, some extra details, higher resolution, but guess what the game still looks the same, so what are you talking about.

Dude, look at every single multiplatform game that's been reviewed on Digital Foundry. You are not even close to making sense with that statement.

Its possible, depends of devs, can you run grand turismo 8k no, tetris yes so.... depends on the game, same goes for 4k60, if they target that, they gonna tweak it till it runs 4k60.

The point is why act like 8k is something no other platform would be able to do or act like a AAA game would be running at 8k?

Customizatiooooooooooon, tell them to code games for 2080ti.

Check out the RTX-enabled games. They are coded for 20XX series.

Its wise to understand how companies operate to sell more candy bars.

God of war ? Horizon ?

Those games have nothing technically advantageous to any other multiplat game. They are unarguably subjectively look good. They rely on artwork and great level design. But technically? No, they do nothing different and even do much less compared to other multiplat games like RDR2.

Like those unreal engine crazy demos on the web.

Done and done. What games have you even played in the last 4yrs that are based on UE4?


Yes, I expect a GPU and a CPU that are two generations ahead of consoles to look two generations better instead of having "console quality" ports running ultra high everything and max resolution.

PC peeps are waiting anxiously to PS5/Scarlett simply to have them forward the medium an inch despite having a more capable rigs that are simply wasted on benchmarks and cool looking coolers.

It can be perfectly explained though.
Consoles are the baseline gaming machines. Publishers don't want to make games for "master race" but when a new console comes tech is upgraded to provide at least some hardware utilization.
How current consoles are underutilized can be easily deduced from the known quantities for PS2 (age when developers actually used hardware and did not rely on easily digestible APIs). High end PCs are so underutilized it's not even funny. All the people that are happy with PS4 graphics in higher resolution, I really pity them.
Dude, look at every single multiplatform game that's been reviewed on Digital Foundry. You are not even close to making sense with that statement.
Do tell, i'm eager to know.
The point is why act like 8k is something no other platform would be able to do or act like a AAA game would be running at 8k?
Again you tell me how a AAA game would look like running 8k on a next gen machine, the details and the frames must be outstanding.
Check out the RTX-enabled games. They are coded for 20XX series.
You mean those console based games ports :pie_roffles: ?
What's the difference ? some extra grass popping or ray tracing, fps etc...(that i mentioned above) , still missed the point that it STILL looks like a current gen game, nothing special.
Those games have nothing technically advantageous to any other multiplat game. They are unarguably subjectively look good. They rely on artwork and great level design. But technically? No, they do nothing different and even do much less compared to other multiplat games like RDR2.
Like those Nvidia games you mentioned, nothing special, give me something that bests GOW.
Done and done. What games have you even played in the last 4yrs that are based on UE4?
You know i mentioned those Demos people post on youtube using Nvidia right ?
since you said
PC isn't underutilized. Where are you getting that from? Because what do you expect the game to look like? Film quality?
and i replied, they should look like those photo realistic Demos of unreal on the web.


Are you saying this as troll bait? There are so many games that does blow away the console and has been since this generation started. And the PC isn't underutilized. Where are you getting that from? Because what do you expect the game to look like? Film quality?

Nah, that’s not true.
Console still has the better looking games.
Higher framerate / resolution on multiplats doesn’t mean it’s better than exclusives with better overall graphics.
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