I’ve been in the software development industry for 30+ years now - and while not specifically in game development - there’s a common basic question asked:Because even when the game is completed, there's still the polish time that may take some times too, and some devs rather start communicating about their games once they feel it advance enough or even completed, which actually i don't think it's a bad idea at all, quite the opposite. This apply specially for big huge scale games.
And i mean look at Cyberpunk 2077, It's a finished game when it comes to content, but when it comes to polish that's another story, it's out already, but in a sens it's still need like 6 months to a year at least to be called a finished completed game. Also Elden Ring a Japanese game and Japanese usually are more serious into polishing their games compare to western devs. TWW3, Skyrim, remember how those games were buggy retard too at launch, while games like Sekiro, Nier Automata, Dark Souls 3,FF15 and other were working just normally fine, with minors bugs (that got fix super fast too) and not some crazy buggy stuffs like TW3, Skyrim, Fallout or recently Cyberpunk.
When is done, done?
At best - CP2077 is “mostly” dev complete, in that the basic mechanics of the game are there, etc. - it still has a ways to go before it’s dev complete and it’s certainly far from being finished (full QA testing, etc) and truly done.
If you’re playing the game - you’ve essentially paid for the opportunity to test a pre-release Alpha version of the game.