Woah. That GIF is extremely close to TV footage.
I thought it was real life footage ! :O
Woah. That GIF is extremely close to TV footage.
If Bethesda were showing off an Elder Scrolls game or Rockstar was showing a Red Dead game with this lighting, people would be losing their minds.
This truly is the best marketing gif for Driveclub, just put sound on and cut to Driveclub logo in the end, drop the mic.
Its crazy how Evolution who are new to real life car racing, have beaten the top dogs.
PD lets see what you've got.
That's due to the heavy downsampling happening when GIFfing. The original footage doesn't look half as impressive. :/Woah. That GIF is extremely close to TV footage.
I did an awful comparison of F5, PCars and DriveCLub in an earlier thread. Bare in mind, two of the ProjectCars shots and 1 Forza 5 shot are direct feed captures and not captures from video like the rest, including all the DriveClub one's. So be warned, there's compression artefacts galore lol.
Forza top.
Project Cars middle.
DriveClub bottom.
Its crazy how Evolution who are new to real life car racing, have beaten the top dogs.
If you put it like that, it's like you're suggesting that Evo were able to achieve what other studios could not, due to talent or hard work or something. There's no doubt that they are a talented, hard-working bunch, but the reason why they have created a game that looks like this is down to priorities. You can be sure that if the 'top dogs' were given a clean slate and a design brief to create a semi-realistic driving game with a focus on being a visual showcase for a new console and allowed to drop to 30fps, they'd all be able to create similarly-impressive games.Its crazy how Evolution who are new to real life car racing, have beaten the top dogs.
If you put it like that, it's like you're suggesting that Evo were able to achieve what other studios could not, due to talent or hard work or something. There's no doubt that they are a talented, hard-working bunch, but the reason why they have created a game that looks like this is down to priorities. You can be sure that if the 'top dogs' were given a clean slate and a design brief to create a semi-realistic driving game with a focus on being a visual showcase for a new console and allowed to drop to 30fps, they'd all be able to create similarly-impressive games.
The original footage doesn't look half as impressive. :/
Pretty much....I think Turn10, PolyphonyD, Slightly Mad could do serious stuff considering there's even a debate about which looks better when all three are pushing simulation physics, 60fps, mechanical damage.
I have noticed this before with Drive Club but its graphics style and 'look' remind me of the end train sequence in 'The lone Ranger' which was almost all cgi -
Now Drive Club doesn't look as good obviously but it has the same look and feel, everything looks really 'solid' and real world. It really does look like a step up for racing games while Project Cars just looks like a videogame if that makes sense.
He is talking about the hands/wheel being reflected in real-time. This is not present in DriveclubLooks great. But these reflections are present in literally every single driveclub gif out there. Not seeing what makes F5 stand out.
I like how people talk about graphics, binding them to the things their game does best, ignoring all the rest. So enviroments look prettier in one game? That game has the best graphics, ignore everything else.
What about resolution? What about framerate? what about AA? what about texture detail? Nah, enviroments are better, thus the game has better graphics. Why? Just because.
And BTW, DC doesn't have more advanced lighting than pCARS. It's better toned now, but the tech isn't better. pCARS is still tweaking the lighting, not the tech, but the tones. It's what gives a life-like image. For reference, check the AI lights in DC, tell me they work real time, like the player's do. Do they? No, they don't. Many of the effects are baked, it's easy to see. Is it the same for pCARS. No, in pCARS every light for every car works the same, be it AI or not. So, please, stop claiming the lighting in DC is far better, when it is not. You could perfectly tell: it looks more real, that's ok. But the tech is not better.
If DC wasn't exclusive, all the people supporting it wouldn't be so adamant about it. You want to defend your 400€ machine and believe that it sports a better looking game than one that requires a 1000€ machine to play with ultra options 1080@60? Ok, go with it, but keep in mind you're being silly.
I did some research and I think I know why Driveclubs lighting looks better than PCars despite both of them having time of day.
Image-based lighting is key to pCARS’ often photorealistic looks, a dynamically convolved cubemap driving its ambient lighting to avoid the flat, CG-like surfaces of mere mortal car games.
Ambient lighting is an approximation and is not a true form of global illumination. It is, however, significantly less intensive than true global illumination.
IBL is a capture of lighting conditions to simulate the lighting of objects in the world. It is an algorithm used in global illumination, but it is not what defines global illumination.
If Driveclub is using "true" global illumination, it must be using diffuse inter-reflection, which ambient lighting attempts to approximate.
There are many things that PCars is doing dynamically (that article talks about some crazy fucking sound dynamics involving wind/temperature/altitude) but in regards to the lighting, Driveclub is by all technical means a step above PCars and it shows.
And I'll say it again, light sources for headlights are baked for all the cars but the player's in DC. The point here is that people ignore whatever they want an claim some game has more advanced tech, just because one aspect is better.All of those things have been discussed in this thread, so I'm not sure why you're complaining.
I will refer to my post earlier in the thread to debate your claim that the lighting is not more advanced in DC.
And I'll say it again, light sources for headlights are baked for all the cars but the player's in DC. The point here is that people ignore whatever they want an claim some game has more advanced tech, just because one aspect is better.
There's a LOT going on in pCARS that people like to ignore. Things that condition the visuals in a big way. For istance, DC has no problem defining the ligthning. It's true there's a day-night cycle, but is there a season cycle, a year cycle? In pCARS there is. There're six different type of climates too, each one with its own tones and special visuals. Defining and fine tuning the lightining for all of them is much harder than defining one sky with one day-night cycle. The fine tuning comes last, but people jump to conclusions without taking into account all these aspects. Add dynamic weather and we're ready about ambient lighting.
The tech in pCARS is far more complex than most people are willing to understand. pCARS is a true sim, DC is an arcade racer.
Edit: BTW, that article is so old that it talks about the Galileo engine, when it's been months since it got a name change. Now it's called Madness.
Which of the top dogs for "real life car racing" are making 30fps games?
The ones that aren't doing baked lighting, paper cutout crowds, painted skies, and static backdrops.Which of the top dogs for "real life car racing" are making 30fps games?
That's due to the heavy downsampling happening when GIFfing. The original footage doesn't look half as impressive. :/
GIFs are not an adequate way to show off or compare graphical fidelity, goddammit!
The ones that aren't doing baked lighting, paper cutout crowds, painted skies, and fake backdrops.
Could be because FM5 is the first game I've seen it in or, that I don't see the reflection in DC other than parts of the dash. Which is great, but I haven't seen any steering wheels/hands/arms being reflected. Not saying it doesn't do it or that it can't... maybe it being more pronounced in FM5 just left me in awe when I play the game. Cockpit view is where FM5 looks next-gen most, to me.
He is talking about the hands/wheel being reflected in real-time. This is not present in Driveclub
Er there is a clear reflection of the driver, how can you not see it?.
He is talking about the hands/wheel being reflected in real-time. This is not present in Driveclub
Ohoho lol, do you even know what baking lighting means? I saw same dumb comments in Watch Dogs thread when people found out how bad it looked during bright day.And I'll say it again, light sources for headlights are baked for all the cars but the player's in DC.
Reflecting movements in real-time? Because thats the subject of discussion. So far Driveclub windshield reflections has been static like other games.That's not how reflections should work...
Reflecting movements in real-time? Because thats the subject of discussion. So far Driveclub windshield reflections has been static.
The guy said DC has it, and its incorrect.
I decided to look for a video of those Forza reflections and it seems like those reflections may actually be accurate. It seemed like they used screen space reflections on that gif to me so it seemed to reflect the same part of hands that driver sees, but I was incorrect. Sorry about that.Reflecting movements in real-time?
Test it out yourself. Next time you get in a car, look at the windshield reflections, you most likely won't see your own reflection, the reflection of the steering wheel, or your hands on the steering wheel. What you will see is the top of the dashboard, atleast that's how it is with every modern car with a slanted windshield.
Only cars with vertical windshields like those from the 20s-60s can show your reflection/wheel/hands, atleast that's what I'm guessing. I don't know for sure since I've never been in a car from those generations but that's the only logical way that you can see your reflection/etc. That GIF of the Ferrari 250 GT looks to be accurate since the car has a fairly vertical windshield.
You know extacly what I mean, why you discuss? Baked, faked, whatever the term you want to use, they don't work the same as the player's.Ohoho lol, do you even know what baking lighting means? I saw same dumb comments in Watch Dogs thread when people found out how bad it looked during bright day.
Baking lighting means baking light information into lightmaps during lighting build. Lightmaps are used for completely static lights in games that aren't very dynamic. Are cars static? I don't think so.
What?Reflecting movements in real-time? Because thats the subject of discussion. So far Driveclub windshield reflections has been static like other games.
The guy said DC has it, and its incorrect.
Thing is, those lights aren't baked or faked at all. They are dynamic lights just without dynamic shadows turned on. You can just say that from now on if you actually thought the same I'm thinking.You know extacly what I mean, why you discuss? Baked, faked, whatever the term you want to use, they don't work the same as the player's.
Reflecting movements in real-time? Because thats the subject of discussion. So far Driveclub windshield reflections has been static like other games.
The guy said DC has it, and its incorrect.
The thing is, that's not true. It's pretty clear that they don't iluminate the same way the player does. And yeah, they don't project shadows eiher. So, how can you people still say it's the best lighting engine?Thing is, those lights aren't baked or faked at all. They are dynamic lights just without dynamic shadows turned on. You can just say that from now on if you actually thought the same I'm thinking.
You know extacly what I mean, why you discuss? Baked, faked, whatever the term you want to use, they don't work the same as the player's.
The thing is, that's not true. It's pretty clear that they don't iluminate the same way the player does. And yeah, they don't project shadows eiher. So, how can you people still say it's the best lighting engine?
Its crazy how Evolution who are new to real life car racing, have beaten the top dogs.
PD lets see what you've got.
From the videos I've seen they do illuminate like the players car. They just don't cast shadows.
The fact that other cars headlights light reach other up is already something I've not seen before. Then add in the environmental lighting and the intra-car reflections and it is clearly a pretty special engine
As much as I'm looking forward to PCars on PS4 to get my console sim fix, the reflections in this shot are soooooo off.
The fuck is the Mitsu even reflecting lolol not to mention the painfully obvious broken reflection on the driver's car windshield, wut.
Driveclub is in its own league regarding especially lighting and reflections. The windshield reflections in Forza are also so off it's amazing, I can't believe they barely change at all depending on the lighting conditions the car is in and T10 thought that looked good.
A little birdie gave me a heads up about MotoGP 14 for PC/PS4. Some slow-motion replay footage can be found here , in particular if someone would be able/willing to put together some WebM clips.