I was requested to take some gameplay pics because "bullshots". It turns out I take pics with my gameplay settings and suddenly the problem is the angle. It's fun because two of the pics say "Manual Control", which means, no matter the angle, I have full control of the car, which means those are gameplay shots.
As I've said many times now in this thread, people like to invalidate all the things that are not convenient to their argument.
This is simply not true. Just looking for a fairer and more transparent set of comparison parameters. Poster shots vs gameplay shots is certainly not that. I find it amusing that there is a reluctance with people to post ProjectCars gameplay shots and more importantly, gameplay videos, I think that says a lot in itself.
Notice that in the OP of this very thread, every single GIF posted is a direct gameplay GIF. If you post a birds eye shot of a car and it's grass textures from ProjectCars, how exactly are people supposed to compare that with gameplay or similar shots from DriveClub, NFS etc? They simply couldn't. Whereas gameplay shots that show similar angles, and thus vehicle geometry, car models, similar interiors, similar roadside views and surrounding foliage or tree's, mountains etc, can be compared, and the lighting, geometry, shader, shadow etc etc differences more easily gauged.
These are more easily comparable.
Video comparison.
ProjectCars vs DriveClub Video Comparison
GIF comparison.

Screenshot comparison.
My Comparison post comparing gameplay shots earlier.
These are not.
Anyway, none of this matters. Just a bit of fun. Spending a little too much time in this thread lol.