TBF it's not him who mentioned the frame rate...
Thanks, but even though it wasn't me I do actually make a big deal out of framerate. GT nowadays gets upwards of 4 years of dev time, I'm not sure what their excuse for not having a solid framerate is at this point. PS2 gen was fine, PS3 gen they blamed the weird architecture, and now they've been singing the praises of the x86-based PS4, while not being able to get back to the locked rates they used to be famous for.
Even if it's a drop of 1-2 frames, there's a noticeable judder. There was quite a big hustle about Mario Kart 8 having some kind of 59FPS issue, I'd argue in a game that strives to be a simulator that having a solid 60 is even more important than in MK.
EDIT: Also, isn't this the performance/1080p mode we're talking about on Pro? If
that's what's dropping to 58FPS then we can only assume that quality/4K/normal PS4 are going to run worse than that. If the 58FPS is on base PS4 then my bad, but still it shouldn't be dropping after such a long dev cycle.