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Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off | (Next-gen means current-gen)

Mod of War: Remastered

Staff Member
Thank you for showing that:

1. My screenshot was 100% real, so who has accused me of editing the image with photoshop should be ashamed and log out for 1 year

2. All the images that you produce are the result of shabby tricks to misepresent the game. For what reason in a racing game I should sit still in the middle of the track like an idiot? when you play the aliasing is minimal, thats the reasons you didn't show the speedometer in your first image, now your trick is clear haha

Please relax on these types of posts. There are better ways on engaging without resorting to antagonizing other members of the community.

If this persists, a time out action will be warranted for this thread. This goes for all parties involved with similar attacks.

Debate the content without attacking one another personally.
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G gtwin

This blue car looks so bad, flat and bland lighting, weak materials, no proper occlusion, weaker textures on pavement et al...If it wasn't for the orange jumpsuit guy, the GTS shot would full many that it was real.....The Forza shot, you see it's a game right away......You don't even have to blink..


Great lighting and materials.......Just amazing what PD has done this gen on 1.84TF....

I have no idea if there is a size limit per post. I know the screenshot threads are limited but didn't read anything for this thread, so hopefully when I wake up tomorrow this post still exists. I could have just PM'ed a mod... too late now...

There is nothing wrong with the material shaders in FM7 or FH4 really, FH3 is a bit dated now, but i's also not the newest Horizon game. You're comparing a straight blue color to a metallic grey. You're also not using the 1.84tf machine to get your images.

This is the car in game in FH3:

Right away, it's missing the extra bloom from GTS. The tires in FH3 don't look like plastic either unlike in your GTS shot. Orange shirt guy in your shot isn't really too bad other than it looks like he has a full diaper. Cars in FH3 have damage modeling and can get dirty, wet, muddy, covered in snow, etc. The trees are fully modeled (and can be knocked over), the people on that porch are walking around, the grass and bushes are moving in the wind, the weather can be anything from a drizzle, to a wind storm, to blue skies. Puddles form in the rain just like they did in Horizon 2 and in Horizon 4. The headlights are poorly modeled though so I guess there's that.

Your top shot of FM3 isn't exactly indicative of how the game looks by the way, it's a photomode shot pulled out and zoomed in full. I can do that trick too. Just fly the camera so far away the occlusion is no longer rendered and the surrounding textures are reduced, then zoom in as much as you can.

Exact same shot if I zoom the camera back to 1% :

But that's Horizon 3, which isn't in contention in this thread anymore.

Forza 7 does a better job than FH3 did. I'll keep using this car despite the fact it really is about as bad as the car models in the game get. I could pull a better model from the 700 car roster but that's fine. There are still a lot of things about this image I prefer to your GTS image.

Forza 7 doesn't let me fly a drone for some unknown reason but your shot is a photomode shot so it's fair game. Race shot for reference and with everything set to low or off. Headlights are still poorly modeled, but they actually cast light at night. Material shaders took a big step up in FM7, and texture resolutions did too. The car's paint has the orange peel effect the Scape cars in GTS have, the rubber looks like rubber, reflections are better, materials like flecking on dashboards is high resolution enough to make it out. Overall lighting is definitely better in GTS (minus that bloom they always add in) and the model quality in Scapes and replay modes get a win, but GT models in-game are not the same models. This FM7 shot is how the game looks with TOD changes, a ton of tire smoke and particle effects, weather effects, and 24 other cars on the track running at a completely stable 60fps+ at all times. Overall I give the win to Forza 7 despite all my numerous gripes I have with the game. This game runs on anything from a base Xbone or a Potato PC to a full-out gaming rig.

Horizon 4 takes it another step. Again, every one of these shots are in-game taken from the drone running at 60fps, everything is directly captured using Chronolapse which grabs direct screen shots. Keep in mind this is only a small fraction of how different one season can look at any given moment.








Snow packs in the tire treads, shadows are crisp up close and feather out the further they are from their source. Weather is just as unpredictable as in FH3, but there are four seasons now and each cause big changes to the world (In the winter, the sun never raises to the top of the sky just like in the real northern hemisphere, lakes freeze over changing possible race routes, places flood, foliage and fields completely change). Dozens of other online players are scooting around, puddles fill, snow can melt or build up in spots, the cars change appearance even when parked because depending on temperature in the game, frost can form or melt away. I can look into the windows of every building on the map. Pretty much every texture in the game is altered for the winter season. The big roster is full of cars that get dirty (or clean again if you drive through a lake), have damage modeling, body modifications, working headlights, tons of smoke and particle effects, and run the same 360Hz physics engine the Motorsports games use. The game actually runs better now than it did at launch too. As good as the lighting in GTS is, I honestly have to say it's not as good as in Horizon 4, the over-use of bloom is detrimental to GTS and not having a time cycle means the lighting engineers were kind of playing on easy mode. The new storm system (lightning strikes can hit trees and knock them down) and aurora borealis effects in the Fortune Island expansion will widen the gap some more.

It might seem unfair to post shots taken from a PC which is more powerful than the PS4 Pro, but it's not T10 or Playground's fault Polyphony won't release GTS on the PC. It's also not really that far off from the X1X version anyways. I'm sure the PS5 will be more powerful than the X1X but by then T10 and PG will still be making PC compatible games while PD is still stuck to $500 budget hardware. They are amazing programmers, but it only goes so far. As much as they future-proof the models, it doesn't mean much if the platform can't use them. With real time ray-tracing becoming a thing finally, the $500 box is going to need to make some compromises to run it unless PD plans to keep using baked lighting. Hopefully PD proves me wrong, releases a full GT title and gives me another game to buy Playstation for just like GT1, 3, and 5. Given the massive leaps Playground seems to make each game, I'm pretty excited to see their next game and that they are hiring more staff for car modeling. I'm also excited to see what T10 can get done with the extra dev time they are getting now for the Motorsport series.

bonus: Forza 7 now available on Switch! I know all the best bad picture spots!
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Why are we posting Forza Horizon 3 screenshots? Forza Horizon 4 is miles ahead of gt sport in almost every aspect. Its running on much better hardware for starters. Are the screenshots of FH4 from the xbox one or x? The one X has far superior car modeling and detail.

What truly enlightened me though, Forza 7 as a sim is actually miles ahead of GT sport. The tyre model alone is enough to put it ahead. The cars under steer and over-steer as they should and each car feels unique. Above all else though, I can actually feel the torque of each car and boost is simulated correctly. Unlike GT sport where boost is a on and off switch and the driving model is stiff and sterile.
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The whole "sitting still" argument doesn't matter one bit. Of course a racing game is mostly going to be seen in motion, but standstill shots are still a valid representation of the game.

And besides, it seems that most Forza pics posted in here are also taken standing still. They're the same situation so the comparison is valid, so what's the problem?

All you passed from saying that my image was false and manufactured with Photoshop because it looked too perfect (look that god-tier anti-aliasing, it's clearly a fake!!!!) to say that the new trick of sitting still (in a RACING GAME!) to make the IQ worse doesn't change anything.... LOL.... It's increasingly clear that this thread is just a bunker for forza fanboys by now, posting here is only a big waste of time.

What a bad end for neogaf :(
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All you passed from saying that my image was false and manufactured with Photoshop because it looked too perfect (look that god-tier anti-aliasing, it's clearly a fake!!!!) to say that the new trick of sitting still (in a RACING GAME!) to make the IQ worse doesn't change anything.... LOL.... It's increasingly clear that this thread is just a bunker for forza fanboys by now, posting here is only a big waste of time.

What a bad end for neogaf :(
When did I say anything about your image?


All you passed from saying that my image was false and manufactured with Photoshop because it looked too perfect (look that god-tier anti-aliasing, it's clearly a fake!!!!) to say that the new trick of sitting still (in a RACING GAME!) to make the IQ worse doesn't change anything.... LOL.... It's increasingly clear that this thread is just a bunker for forza fanboys by now, posting here is only a big waste of time.

What a bad end for neogaf :(

I actually find GAF immeasurably more tolerable now in the pursuit of fairness. Before it seemed to me that it was a hub for Sony fanboys frothing at the mouth for anything PlayStation and any mention of a game, regardless of platform, that dared to better an example on the Sony box was immediately shouted down and kicked out the door.

It's just now that more open comparisons are being presented the remaining Sony diehards that didnt jump ship are having a very hard time coming to terms with it that there favourite box is being shown not to be the all singing king in every aspect.
For what reason in a racing game I should sit still in the middle of the track like an idiot?

Is this a new requirement for all games and pictures in this thread now, or just for GT? Don't you think it's a tad funny that it hasn't been an issue until now?

What a bad end for neogaf :(

Yeah it sucks when people get caught red handed doing the very things they accuse others of (cherry picking), continue to dodge questions they know have a negative answer (interiors), constantly move their goal posts around or simply be able to say a single good thing about something else. The site would be a better place if people could just admit or own up to certain things, right?

Look, I do believe there's a little bit of a Forza preference with some people in this thread, but at least most of it is justified, proven and nobody is reaching desperation levels like you have. It's not going to hurt you and nobody is going to think less of you if you said "You know what, Forza does do a better job at so-and-so, good job, however...", and then you could throw in something from GT as a counterpoint?

For me, what GT does with their lighting/shaders/materials has always been better than Forza (Motorsport), but as for everything else, GT falls short in the same areas like it always has done. Ever since GT5, GT's graphical consistency has been all over the place, during gameplay some moments look stunning, and on the other hand, it can also look horrid. And again since GT5, GT's graphics during gameplay and replays are two entirely different beasts.
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In the interests of civility, all the "Forza 7 / Horizon 4 crowd" should say something positive about GTS that it does better than Forza.

Then those who prefer GTS should mention something they think Forza does a better job.

If the answer to either is "nothing" then kiss goodbye your credibility as neither franchise is perfect. g

Both games have their strengths and weaknesses. To not acknowledge anything of worth on a "rival" platform is the essence of fanboyism and stands in the way of the reasoned debate that this thread is capable of.

I personally prefer Forza but think GTS has better lighting than F7 and superior online. And GT2 and 3 are my favourite racing games ever.

Whose next?!

Anyone unable to commend something about both series' isn't taking part in a "face off" discussion. Those digital foundry vids have plenty of good and bad things to say about both franchises.
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I don't think anyone has an issue with reasoned opinion along the lines of "GTS does a good job of XYZ, Forza does a good job of AB, overall I personally feel GTS is the better looking game". That's great discussion in this thread and makes for good reading.

But too many posters here basically say "everything on Forza is rubbish be that on pc or Xbox, GTS and Driveclub are untouchable".

I've looked back at the posts of (most) people accused of being "Sony haters" and they've actually said lots of positive things about GTS and are multi platform gamers who you'll find in other threads complimenting games on other platforms. However, if they conclude that they personally think FH4 is the best looking racing game they're "stupid Forza fanboys". And vica versa.

And yet the worst of the bunch for this behavior, Driver86, TheLastWord, GtWin - (interestingly all have had previous bans on this forum for fanboyism but are definitely not fanboys ok... They just choose to only game on Playstation cuz everything on Xbox is terrible... But they're not fanboys), all of them game on Playstation only and between them all none have ANYTHING positive to say about Forza. Ever. Nothing. Seriously.

So despite their lengthy posts their opinions are null and void. Sorry fellas. People have given up countering their posts and have taken to attacking them personally because it's no longer the contents of the post they have issue with.

It's these posters' whole fingers in their ears "LaLaLa no Playstation is best at everything full stop and anyone who says otherwise is an Xbox fanboy even if they also own a ps4" persona.

I mean, the thought of ANY fan of videogaming as a creative medium and racing games in general watching some Horizon 4 gameplay vids and then posting "meh, the graphics aren't great" is borderline hilarious/ridiculous /out and out bannable trolling.

Ditto anyone saying GTS has shit graphics.

I've been gaming since 1984 and trust me - the visuals in GTS, Driveclub, Forza 7 and Horizon 4 are all staggeringly good. Porsche, Ferrari, Lambo are all great car makers, just because you prefer one doesn't make the others "rubbish". Unless you're 11 years old arguing with your mates. Which is what this thread feels like thanks to about 5 posters, 3 of which I've already called out.


Sit-still-gate...lol. Nobody is moving goalposts. Point is, that horribly aliased screenshot of GTS is an actual gameplay screenshot whether you like it or not. No lies told by either side - glad we got there in the end.
All you passed from saying that my image was false and manufactured with Photoshop because it looked too perfect (look that god-tier anti-aliasing, it's clearly a fake!!!!) to say that the new trick of sitting still (in a RACING GAME!) to make the IQ worse doesn't change anything.... LOL.... It's increasingly clear that this thread is just a bunker for forza fanboys by now, posting here is only a big waste of time.

What a bad end for neogaf :(

For the record, although I used the term god-tier, it was in reference to the rest of the image. The rest of the image was still horribly aliased as I pointed out. You could have just said "It's only like that when you're sitting still" but instead you removed your speedometer from the HUD. Turk1993 sitting still wasn't a trick, that's what the game looked like when he stopped his car to take a shot. As soon as he figured it out he told everyone here about how it works when he could have hidden it. He exonerated you from my accusation, and you still attack him.

I'm a fan of racing games, and I assume everyone here is too. I want all the games to be good, not just one. That's why I pick on Forza's crappy headlight tech and paper trees, PCars crappy IQ, GTS' crappy in-game visuals, and F-Zero's crappy not existing anymore. I think we should be shitting on games that do something wrong so it'll light a fire under the dev's asses to improve them. It took 5 releases for Polyphony to replace the vacuum cleaner sounds in the game with car sounds comparable to FM1, and it's taken T10 7 releases and they still haven't implemented pits, a flag system, or ironed out the wheel support right. I give PCars a pass on a lot more because it's a small team with no money and they still have the best physics engine, a great weather and TOD system, proper wheel support, and the best damage system by far.


I like all these games, except maybe Corvette, that was pretty awful. Burger King Pocket Bike Racer and Big Bumpin' were true masterpieces, ahead of their time.

Missing are all my digital and PC titles. Assetto Corsa, PCars, PCars 2, Burnouts, Midnight Club, Flatout 2, Dirt Rally, BeamNG Drive, Grid 2, and Hentai Tentacle Bicycle race,


FH4 looks best ingame for sure. It doesn't have any one area which is a severe crutch to its visuals (although it could use better materials and occlusion). gt sport and driveclub on the other hand have theirs (gt sport with poor track details, and driveclub with poor IQ which destroys any detail that game actually has). if there ever were a pro patch for driveclub, this would be a lot closer but unfortunately we'll never know.

To be honest i believe that after 300 pages people that don't really care about either game have drawn their own conclusions.

Being mostly a PS4 Player (but having an Xbox One X aswell) i think Forza is the better game. Yes GTS has some amazing lighting but the game is inconsistent and in all honesty out of the two, i prefer PC2.

One thing i want from FM8 is to completely change it's "campaign" and go towards something more close to PC, and from FH to become a CRPG, because i think it's starting to become repetive but on different locations. As for GT, all i want is for the game to return to it's roots. Kazunori's madness with perfection doesn't help the series anymore.


What i thought was a nice touch here was the different type of headlights

in game FH4


And the sky at night... Shepherd delight indeed....

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FORZA's lighting and material quality will not beat the GT forever.


GTS Race photo vs Real-life


I don't think anybody has argued the headlights are better looking in GTS, even out of photomode the rendering method PD uses is simply better. But your own shots just confirmed to me that in GTS paint doesn't show the metal flakes well or any orange peel outside of scapes mode. Even your photomode shot has simple gray paint with a gradient and more of that awful bloom which hides the small amount of flake that's even visible. What a shame.

Quick rundown of what materials look better in GTS so far includes clear plastics and... hmmm... that's it I guess.

In FH4 it's paint, rubber, other plastics, metals, chrome, stainless, anodization, glass, trees, water, dirt, gravel, sand, about 50 different types of asphalt, animals, the entire sky... you know what, lets just stop there and say everything else looks better. Compared to these Horizon 4 in-game visuals, everything in your shots other than the head and tail lights looks like a plastic model kit. Also, if you don't pick from the absolute worse models in the game's 450 car roster, the headlights don't look nearly as bad. Again, this is in-game vs your replay and photomode shots.



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jesus whats going on with those tyres to the right in game vs replay

To be fair, Forza's are somewhere in between those two images. Forza's tire walls do explode when you hit them hard enough and a lot of the tire walls in the game are literally a wall of loose tires with bouncy fun physics that can really mess up a race. What's going on with the tail lights in those shots btw? Do the tail lights really just turn solid red like that in the game when you brake?


photo mode trick (all 4k Resolution)

photo mode (before output)


real photomode before output on PRO


PS the fake "unbiased" neo members created specifically to approve the operate of the forza fanboys and attack who try to defend GTS are very funny
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both images are 1080p... strange that you have notice that only for my image... LOL

Not really. I could tell that the other one wasn't supersampled because of the aliasing. Yours looks like it is supersampled, though, which eliminates aliasing. I'd rather see a native framebuffer, which the other image was, but yours appears not to be.

So, what's the answer? Is your image supersampled?


Not really. I could tell that the other one wasn't supersampled because of the aliasing. Yours looks like it is supersampled, though, which eliminates aliasing. I'd rather see a native framebuffer, which the other image was, but yours appears not to be.

So, what's the answer? Is your image supersampled?

both native 4K before photomode output..... and both looks tons better than that fake bullshit posted by antinoise


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I don't think anybody has argued the headlights are better looking in GTS, even out of photomode the rendering method PD uses is simply better. But your own shots just confirmed to me that in GTS paint doesn't show the metal flakes well or any orange peel outside of scapes mode. Even your photomode shot has simple gray paint with a gradient and more of that awful bloom which hides the small amount of flake that's even visible. What a shame.

another fake sentence

not scape mode

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Holy triple posting batman!

How about instead of simply calling something fake, at least explain why it's not the case? There is clearly no metal flake in the example you quoted, so it's obviously not fake.


Holy triple posting batman!

How about instead of simply calling something fake, at least explain why it's not the case? There is clearly no metal flake in the example you quoted, so it's obviously not fake.

the gtwin user image isn't fake, it's simply a paint without flakes... the game have tons of different kind of paints...

the fake is to say that GTS shows the flakes only in scape mode
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I think the best looking racers were decided ages ago.....Some persons are just a bit upset by it all, so here they are in 2018, still trying best to prove newer racers or older ones look better than these titles...Pretty much everyone has moved on. For now, we just wait till next gen for PD to raise the bar again.....A shame about Evolution though.....

So all in all, it's like this for best visuals;

Arcade/Semi-Arcade= DC

That is visual quality and rendering complexity: Lighting, materials, shadows, car rendering and PBR, occlusion, 3d elements, ATD etc...

Now, what you see here are many guys taking their PC's, maxing out everything, forcing some creazy IQ and they believe this means better visuals....That's like saying Sega Rally Revo has better visuals than Motorstorm 1, because SRR is available on PC, that's how lunacy laden this is.......

Rez does not make a game look better if the underlying tech is inferior, that's graphics lesson 101.....So if you take DC at 1080p and put it against Forza Horizon 4, DC crushes it in tech and in motion at the same rez....If you take GTS on base PS4 and put it against Forza 7 on XBOX-ONE, GTS crushes it because the tech and lighting and ATD is superior and even more pronounced in motion, there's no contest.....

Now if you want to play screen wars, to do so from a PC perspective, you can easily make a game supersample from 16k at 15fps to show great IQ, yes you can do that on PC, yet, the underlying game will never surpass games with superior tech in motion......That is why many of these screen wars are negligible and even then, some of these posters with beast PC's try to get the worse screens to show off GT.......For shame.....

So all you have here are IQ chasers, rather than persons who attest to superior visuals and underlying rendering and tech, ATD et al.....So I really want to hear from those guys when GT can render at 4k vs Forza 4k, they refuse to compare these games in motion, (which is how we play) but will post a million pics from their beast PC's etc...and try to get the worse GT pics they can find...It's sad really...
I haven't seen a single person here who refuses to compare the games in motion...

I always compare both stationary and in motion, and regardless of which is being used, I find FH4 looks better. How is that for refusal to compare?


I think the best looking racers were decided ages ago.....Some persons are just a bit upset by it all, so here they are in 2018, still trying best to prove newer racers or older ones look better than these titles...Pretty much everyone has moved on. For now, we just wait till next gen for PD to raise the bar again.....A shame about Evolution though.....

So all in all, it's like this for best visuals;

Arcade/Semi-Arcade= DC

That is visual quality and rendering complexity: Lighting, materials, shadows, car rendering and PBR, occlusion, 3d elements, ATD etc...

Now, what you see here are many guys taking their PC's, maxing out everything, forcing some creazy IQ and they believe this means better visuals....That's like saying Sega Rally Revo has better visuals than Motorstorm 1, because SRR is available on PC, that's how lunacy laden this is.......

Rez does not make a game look better if the underlying tech is inferior, that's graphics lesson 101.....So if you take DC at 1080p and put it against Forza Horizon 4, DC crushes it in tech and in motion at the same rez....If you take GTS on base PS4 and put it against Forza 7 on XBOX-ONE, GTS crushes it because the tech and lighting and ATD is superior and even more pronounced in motion, there's no contest.....

Now if you want to play screen wars, to do so from a PC perspective, you can easily make a game supersample from 16k at 15fps to show great IQ, yes you can do that on PC, yet, the underlying game will never surpass games with superior tech in motion......That is why many of these screen wars are negligible and even then, some of these posters with beast PC's try to get the worse screens to show off GT.......For shame.....

So all you have here are IQ chasers, rather than persons who attest to superior visuals and underlying rendering and tech, ATD et al.....So I really want to hear from those guys when GT can render at 4k vs Forza 4k, they refuse to compare these games in motion, (which is how we play) but will post a million pics from their beast PC's etc...and try to get the worse GT pics they can find...It's sad really...

Is Forza available on PC.

Answer: Yes.

Stop being a crybaby about it. It looks and runs better than GT sport could ever wish to. The lighting in GT is phenomenal sometimes. Other times it looks bad, flat and last gen.

FH4 looks consistently great across a wide variety of conditions and its open world to boot.

You should start another thread entitled:

The Last Words next gen graphics comparison opinion and how not to use et al in a sentence |OT|


I think the best looking racers were decided ages ago.....Some persons are just a bit upset by it all, so here they are in 2018, still trying best to prove newer racers or older ones look better than these titles...Pretty much everyone has moved on. For now, we just wait till next gen for PD to raise the bar again.....A shame about Evolution though.....

So all in all, it's like this for best visuals;

Arcade/Semi-Arcade= DC

That is visual quality and rendering complexity: Lighting, materials, shadows, car rendering and PBR, occlusion, 3d elements, ATD etc...

Now, what you see here are many guys taking their PC's, maxing out everything, forcing some creazy IQ and they believe this means better visuals....That's like saying Sega Rally Revo has better visuals than Motorstorm 1, because SRR is available on PC, that's how lunacy laden this is.......

Rez does not make a game look better if the underlying tech is inferior, that's graphics lesson 101.....So if you take DC at 1080p and put it against Forza Horizon 4, DC crushes it in tech and in motion at the same rez....If you take GTS on base PS4 and put it against Forza 7 on XBOX-ONE, GTS crushes it because the tech and lighting and ATD is superior and even more pronounced in motion, there's no contest.....

Now if you want to play screen wars, to do so from a PC perspective, you can easily make a game supersample from 16k at 15fps to show great IQ, yes you can do that on PC, yet, the underlying game will never surpass games with superior tech in motion......That is why many of these screen wars are negligible and even then, some of these posters with beast PC's try to get the worse screens to show off GT.......For shame.....

So all you have here are IQ chasers, rather than persons who attest to superior visuals and underlying rendering and tech, ATD et al.....So I really want to hear from those guys when GT can render at 4k vs Forza 4k, they refuse to compare these games in motion, (which is how we play) but will post a million pics from their beast PC's etc...and try to get the worse GT pics they can find...It's sad really...

Changing goal posts again i see, anyway your wrong on all accounts. Even ps4 fanboys woukd say FH4 looks miles ahead of DC
I think the best looking racers were decided ages ago.....Some persons are just a bit upset by it all, so here they are in 2018, still trying best to prove newer racers or older ones look better than these titles...Pretty much everyone has moved on. For now, we just wait till next gen for PD to raise the bar again.....A shame about Evolution though.....

So all in all, it's like this for best visuals;

Arcade/Semi-Arcade= DC

That is visual quality and rendering complexity: Lighting, materials, shadows, car rendering and PBR, occlusion, 3d elements, ATD etc...

Now, what you see here are many guys taking their PC's, maxing out everything, forcing some creazy IQ and they believe this means better visuals....That's like saying Sega Rally Revo has better visuals than Motorstorm 1, because SRR is available on PC, that's how lunacy laden this is.......

Rez does not make a game look better if the underlying tech is inferior, that's graphics lesson 101.....So if you take DC at 1080p and put it against Forza Horizon 4, DC crushes it in tech and in motion at the same rez....If you take GTS on base PS4 and put it against Forza 7 on XBOX-ONE, GTS crushes it because the tech and lighting and ATD is superior and even more pronounced in motion, there's no contest.....

Now if you want to play screen wars, to do so from a PC perspective, you can easily make a game supersample from 16k at 15fps to show great IQ, yes you can do that on PC, yet, the underlying game will never surpass games with superior tech in motion......That is why many of these screen wars are negligible and even then, some of these posters with beast PC's try to get the worse screens to show off GT.......For shame.....

So all you have here are IQ chasers, rather than persons who attest to superior visuals and underlying rendering and tech, ATD et al.....So I really want to hear from those guys when GT can render at 4k vs Forza 4k, they refuse to compare these games in motion, (which is how we play) but will post a million pics from their beast PC's etc...and try to get the worse GT pics they can find...It's sad really...
There is no paragraph full of excuses long enough that makes DC and GT better than FH4, but you keep wearing out that keyboard.

worse GT pics they can find...It's sad really...

The only thing sad is your fixation on making Playstation better than Xbox any chance you get. Now you want to whine about beastly PC 's as you put it. Funny how that works where one day you suggest there's no reason to get an Xbox One X because the games can be found on the PC yet here you are not wanting to include it.

You've been called out multiple times, why you continue this charade is beyond me other than you think it's funny.



The 30fps Driveclub has better tech than the 60fps, 4K, PBR, fully open world Horizon 4? OK.

If you're going to insist GTS and DC have best in class visuals (funny that unlike many people here you've never actually played Forza 7/H4) at least have the decency to acknowledge the Forza games have great tech and visuals themselves, even if inferior (obviously) to the PS exclusives.

Go on, say something complimentary about a Forza game! The world won't end.


Out of interest, what games got better review scores across the board? DC vs FH4 and GTS vs F7?

My favourite thing here is the fact "best visuals" is pretty subjective. "best racing games" is much easier to "prove" with Metacritic. So, ok, let's agree that DC and GTS have the best visuals but Forza are the better games right? At least the latter is indisputable.

And for the record, I think PS4 is the better console this gen, more exclusives, better exclusives and better visuals on base versions.


TLW, youre a special guy.

"The best looking racers were decided ages ago".

"DC crushes FH4 in tech and in motion".

The only thing crushing in this thread is how much of a bore you are.

Blinkered and deluded.
Visually i prefer PC2. In my opinion they did a great job and that game is a multiplatform title, meaning no exclusive help from either console maker with engine tools and money.

Photomodes might look amazing but i prefer a game when i'm actually playing it not looking at it at a full stop and in my opinion, GTS in motion is the worse out of the three. With that said yes, i can cherry pick situations for every of the three racers and give amazing results but i only care for the dayly stuff i see while i regurarly play. I don't care about expensive technology or fancy terms if i can't see them when i just play the game.

As for DC, yes that game was an eye candy when it released, it still is, but has some serious graphic issues and compared to the other racers has some big advantages. 30FPS, closed circuit "maps", not sim physics. A graphics engine is not only the looks. Animation, physics, frame rate are all part of graphics.
I seem to have missed some drama!

I think the best looking racers were decided ages ago.....Some persons are just a bit upset by it all, so here they are in 2018, still trying best to prove newer racers or older ones look better than these titles...Pretty much everyone has moved on. For now, we just wait till next gen for PD to raise the bar again.....A shame about Evolution though.....

So all in all, it's like this for best visuals;

Arcade/Semi-Arcade= DC

That is visual quality and rendering complexity: Lighting, materials, shadows, car rendering and PBR, occlusion, 3d elements, ATD etc...

Now, what you see here are many guys taking their PC's, maxing out everything, forcing some creazy IQ and they believe this means better visuals....That's like saying Sega Rally Revo has better visuals than Motorstorm 1, because SRR is available on PC, that's how lunacy laden this is.......

Rez does not make a game look better if the underlying tech is inferior, that's graphics lesson 101.....So if you take DC at 1080p and put it against Forza Horizon 4, DC crushes it in tech and in motion at the same rez....If you take GTS on base PS4 and put it against Forza 7 on XBOX-ONE, GTS crushes it because the tech and lighting and ATD is superior and even more pronounced in motion, there's no contest.....

Now if you want to play screen wars, to do so from a PC perspective, you can easily make a game supersample from 16k at 15fps to show great IQ, yes you can do that on PC, yet, the underlying game will never surpass games with superior tech in motion......That is why many of these screen wars are negligible and even then, some of these posters with beast PC's try to get the worse screens to show off GT.......For shame.....

So all you have here are IQ chasers, rather than persons who attest to superior visuals and underlying rendering and tech, ATD et al.....So I really want to hear from those guys when GT can render at 4k vs Forza 4k, they refuse to compare these games in motion, (which is how we play) but will post a million pics from their beast PC's etc...and try to get the worse GT pics they can find...It's sad really...

You've repeated this post several times now. I have posted a GTS vid, and it showed exactly how far the quality drops when a race starts. MotogamesTV has dozens of GTS vids on Youtube and every single one shows the same thing. Beautiful scape car shots, the race starts with the replay LOD car, then a huge LOD drop in-game including turning the interior into pudding, the game literally relies of the DOF effects it uses in replays to hide the issues it can't hide during races. You cry screen wars now, but it's only because every time you post one, it gets mocked in some fashion because of how inconsistent GTS is.

I don't set everything to max btw, the game does it itself based on my specs. I'm running everything you see at above 60fps, limited only by my monitor which is a 40" 4K 60Hz monitor. On a 1440P/144Hz monitor I could run the game at that. You say IQ isn't everything, but to me being able to see my car's dashboard from outside while driving is important, weather effects are important, time changes are important, lots of cars on track are important. As far as sims are concerned GTS is at the bottom in every aspect but car modeling on the small roster it has, which gets tossed out the window when you start to actually play the game. Even the lighting engine, where GTS does excel, is far superior in FH4 despite GTS having a static time of day. It's too bad Kaz is so busy playing race driver he isn't giving Gran Turismo a proper full release this gen. He really did create some great games in the past. I'd say maybe next gen but I have my doubts since everyone bought this demo and there's no monetary gain in him making actual games anymore. I swear the FH4 demo had more content than GTS. PCars has more content and at times better visuals and it was made with donations.

I have to ask again. why is it not fair for me to use my nearly three year old PC hardware, but you're already comparing current gen X1X games to future games on a platform that doesn't even exist yet? Your argument is based in imagination and speculation and you have constantly ignored every issue that has been pointed out with GTS.

At this point I'm assuming you're simply not being allowed to concede to a single point here, which is fine. I'll just keep swatting down your posts. You've actually made me appreciate FM7 more than before I started posting here, I think this is the most I've played it since launch so thanks for that! Moving on...

both native 4K before photomode output..... and both looks tons better than that fake bullshit posted by antinoise



Those tires again... I don't get it. Every car in every racing game has rubber tires, yet Polypphony couldn't be bothered to put decent looking ones in the game. They only have to model one and ctrl+v them to the other 3 wheels! The tires from the tire wall you posted look better than the tires on the cars! Why?

So I take the game needs to be in photomode to produce this kind of shot? The paint in your second shot looks almost like a semi-gloss paint. BTW That Alfa-Romeo color (Rosso Competizione Metallic) is supposed to be a metallic, the paint you show appears to rendered using the technique T10 stopped using by the time FM5 was released. No visible flake and no orange peel. Here's a shot from FH4 showing the correct paint. It's a red base with a fine darker red metallic flake. Not immediately noticeable, but it pops when the sun hits it.




So in-game, the aliasing is so bad the rings on the tail lights are now an X pattern and OH MY GOD THE INTERIOR MELTED! The sad thing here, is GTS does this track much better than the version in FM7 but you post an image proving there is a huge LOD drop to the cars in-game and the IQ shits the bed. All that came out of this post was to prove that, at least on this track, the tire wall LOD stays the same. I'd say that was a net loss.

another fake sentence

not scape mode


Not scape mode, but processed photo-mode shots. Is that awful flake visible in-game? This is bad comedy at this point. I hope that Viper shot is a custom paint, because the actual Viper GTS blue is a pearlcoat, not a heavy flake metallic. Your shots remind me the paint used on Hot Wheels cars. A heavy metallic silver with a colored candy top coat. Not even close to how actual metallic paint works on a actual car, unless your car was on Xzibit's show. On the Viper GTS the flake in that paint is a lighter blue pearlescent. The Forza games let me use heavy flake paint like in your shots, I used it to paint my Pimp lowrider. It's one of the paint options put in the game by T10 as a joke along with wood paint, checker-plate paint, and anodized paint. From what you and TLW have shown, GTS can either have glossy in the sun/faded in the dark two tone gradient paint, or pimp car metallic joke paint.


The grey Nissan should be a metallic color as well, the GTS shot you say is a straight grey is clearly not, you can see a hint of the metallic where the light hits it just right. GTS just doesn't show metallic very well unless you force it out like you just did in your pimp paint shots. This is the proper grey for the R32 Nissan. Even this guy can't believe it! His cardboard friends in the background seem equally stunned.

I find it amusing PD gets all the names right for the paints in the games but they always drop the ball actually matching the colors.
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Tlw has to be trolling at this point right? I mean, he has to be laughing his ass off at people taking his bait. I would think it's beyond imaginable that he believes what he posts.


I think there's enough proof in this thread that a few things should be beyond obvious at this point.

• Forza Horizon 4 looks miles better than anything else out there at the moment. It's the current graphics king.
• While Forza 7 and GTS are comparable, they both have their strengths and weaknesses. GTS looks better in photomode, while Forza 7 pretty much looks better everywhere else.
• Next gen looks to push things even further. Turn 10 taking extra time on the next Forza can only mean that massive improvements will be made. PG has done an incredible job with the Forza Horizon series. All indications point to the next Forza Horizon to be even better. PD meanwhile has some catching up to do. The GT series has been outclassed over the past several years by Forza both graphically and critically. Hopefully PD can regain some of the mojo that made GT a top class franchise back in the early 2000's.
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I seem to have missed some drama!

You've repeated this post several times now. I have posted a GTS vid, and it showed exactly how far the quality drops when a race starts. MotogamesTV has dozens of GTS vids on Youtube and every single one shows the same thing. Beautiful scape car shots, the race starts with the replay LOD car, then a huge LOD drop in-game including turning the interior into pudding, the game literally relies of the DOF effects it uses in replays to hide the issues it can't hide during races. You cry screen wars now, but it's only because every time you post one, it gets mocked in some fashion because of how inconsistent GTS is.

I don't set everything to max btw, the game does it itself based on my specs. I'm running everything you see at above 60fps, limited only by my monitor which is a 40" 4K 60Hz monitor. On a 1440P/144Hz monitor I could run the game at that. You say IQ isn't everything, but to me being able to see my car's dashboard from outside while driving is important, weather effects are important, time changes are important, lots of cars on track are important. As far as sims are concerned GTS is at the bottom in every aspect but car modeling on the small roster it has, which gets tossed out the window when you start to actually play the game. Even the lighting engine, where GTS does excel, is far superior in FH4 despite GTS having a static time of day. It's too bad Kaz is so busy playing race driver he isn't giving Gran Turismo a proper full release this gen. He really did create some great games in the past. I'd say maybe next gen but I have my doubts since everyone bought this demo and there's no monetary gain in him making actual games anymore. I swear the FH4 demo had more content than GTS. PCars has more content and at times better visuals and it was made with donations.

I have to ask again. why is it not fair for me to use my nearly three year old PC hardware, but you're already comparing current gen X1X games to future games on a platform that doesn't even exist yet? Your argument is based in imagination and speculation and you have constantly ignored every issue that has been pointed out with GTS.

At this point I'm assuming you're simply not being allowed to concede to a single point here, which is fine. I'll just keep swatting down your posts. You've actually made me appreciate FM7 more than before I started posting here, I think this is the most I've played it since launch so thanks for that! Moving on...

Those tires again... I don't get it. Every car in every racing game has rubber tires, yet Polypphony couldn't be bothered to put decent looking ones in the game. They only have to model one and ctrl+v them to the other 3 wheels! The tires from the tire wall you posted look better than the tires on the cars! Why?

So I take the game needs to be in photomode to produce this kind of shot? The paint in your second shot looks almost like a semi-gloss paint. BTW That Alfa-Romeo color (Rosso Competizione Metallic) is supposed to be a metallic, the paint you show appears to rendered using the technique T10 stopped using by the time FM5 was released. No visible flake and no orange peel. Here's a shot from FH4 showing the correct paint. It's a red base with a fine darker red metallic flake. Not immediately noticeable, but it pops when the sun hits it.


So in-game, the aliasing is so bad the rings on the tail lights are now an X pattern and OH MY GOD THE INTERIOR MELTED! The sad thing here, is GTS does this track much better than the version in FM7 but you post an image proving there is a huge LOD drop to the cars in-game and the IQ shits the bed. All that came out of this post was to prove that, at least on this track, the tire wall LOD stays the same. I'd say that was a net loss.

Not scape mode, but processed photo-mode shots. Is that awful flake visible in-game? This is bad comedy at this point. I hope that Viper shot is a custom paint, because the actual Viper GTS blue is a pearlcoat, not a heavy flake metallic. Your shots remind me the paint used on Hot Wheels cars. A heavy metallic silver with a colored candy top coat. Not even close to how actual metallic paint works on a actual car, unless your car was on Xzibit's show. On the Viper GTS the flake in that paint is a lighter blue pearlescent. The Forza games let me use heavy flake paint like in your shots, I used it to paint my Pimp lowrider. It's one of the paint options put in the game by T10 as a joke along with wood paint, checker-plate paint, and anodized paint. From what you and TLW have shown, GTS can either have glossy in the sun/faded in the dark two tone gradient paint, or pimp car metallic joke paint.


The grey Nissan should be a metallic color as well, the GTS shot you say is a straight grey is clearly not, you can see a hint of the metallic where the light hits it just right. GTS just doesn't show metallic very well unless you force it out like you just did in your pimp paint shots. This is the proper grey for the R32 Nissan. Even this guy can't believe it! His cardboard friends in the background seem equally stunned.

I find it amusing PD gets all the names right for the paints in the games but they always drop the ball actually matching the colors.

the colors in FM / FH are disgusting, all the cars seem plastic made and those images you've posted confirm this fact .... after the fail of the "photoshopped image" another fail
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These 4k images are images that the GT fan boy output on PS4Pro.




the ultimate trick to misrepresent the game: when you pause the replay the game disable the anti aliasing.... on top of that those images are terribly compressed...

this topic is confirmed to be a meeting of frustrated forza fanboys

pray that PS5 goes out as late as possible, then your tricks will no longer serve any purpose

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