Boy, a brand new account was made just to show how "inferior" Forza is. Yikes......
The graphics of the cars themselves are at a point which they are all good. I feel the tracks in all the games could be better, but we will see next gen I guess.
At the end of the day, content is king, which Forza (Motorsport and Horizon) does supply tons of. Forza didn't need to release a separate "e-sports" variant when they already have multiplayer locked down. With Chris Esaki now heading Motorsport, I look forward to all the incoming updates.
So you are a new poster yourself, but somehow you have something against a new poster, who may hold a different view than you.....Yikes indeed....
In any case, content is indeed king, great content which has been flowing with GTS from the time of release. Speaking of content, update 1.29 just gave GTS owners some more cars and yet another track.....There's no need to remove lootcrates, it was never there, hell, getting access to cars in GTS is easy peasy....The best driving model in a racer, the best online racer atm, the smoothest menus, the best music and in-game features. Kaz just won another award for sound/audio for GTS. That's a game that excels at everything...Yes, it's not a mainline GT, but the amount of content and improvements since launch has seen no equal, except maybe Driveclub.....Come back to me, when Forza has proper pit crews, lighting and replays like GT, come back to me when it has a driving model like GT......Concede that Forza has to catch up to GT in ATD and online features too, where Forza is currently playing catchup to online features GT had from day 1 and will never match GT-Online this gen with it's crashfest type affair.......It doesn't matter if Forza has a million cars copy pasted across two studios, with a worse driving model, less ATD, inferior graphical tech...Come back to me when Forza has Toyota Road Cars, when it has SuperGT/Motorsport cars galore and caters to petrolheads and all others, by class systems etc.....GTS actually has a system in place that teaches you to drive and makes you want to improve, unlike just wanting to play another bout of (wreckfest the game).......
Driver86 = emula (Banned from GTPlanet)
gtwin = Akbizzy (Banned from NeoGAF)
You've been here since 2017 and you only have two posts and one of those you decide to call out two posters or former posters here or elsewhere. So what exactly is your contribution here? To silence posters who bring good comparisons and perhaps have a different take from you? Why don't you disprove what Driver86 and GTwin is saying here through your own shots and comparisons...Isn't that what this thread is for? or would you like this thread to be an echo chamber with no proof or disingenuos comparisons by Hage Kamo et al....I've told folk, if you want to sing Kumbaya to your favorite racer, you can do so in the respective OT and perhaps many persons of a similar persuasion will agree with you, but this here is a comparison thread, not everyone will have the same opinion or take...but this thread calls for some technical backup and evidence to weigh out the chaff opinions....So if a poster is presenting a case of what's superior with screens and video (non-disingenuos), he is actually more in-line with the focus of this thread, because he is proving his point as to what's superior. Which becomes more-inline with fact than just an opinion.....
Fact: GT has superio graphics (Cars, Foliage,Lighting, General Tech)
Fact: GT has superior ATD (Pit Crews, 3D Crowds, Particles effects, Course accuracy)
Fact: Forza has access to a higher resolution (4k etc)
Yet the truth is, high resolution is not great graphics and you will see that even clearer in future GT's when Forza and GT are at the same resolution, it's clear even now, but if you can't see it for some reason, it will get much clearer.....For the moment, Even DF, which I'm not the biggest fan of btw, said that GT has superior graphics over Forza and they were comparing a PRO to Forza7 running on an i7 8700k + Titan XP Pascal..............