Obviously he is talking about the crowd in Forza 5. Didn't you know 2D crowds take up a lot of processing power and bandwidth?What is "advanced simulation"?
Sarcasm, obviously, but just in case someone couldn't tell
Obviously he is talking about the crowd in Forza 5. Didn't you know 2D crowds take up a lot of processing power and bandwidth?What is "advanced simulation"?
Not that I mind DC's sci fi tracks, they're awesome.
Well, this is a user made track for a 2006-released game, why the fuck don't we have tracks like this in games today:
You said Driveclub graphics. Last I checked, fps is an important part of graphics. Driveclub is 30fps, which is not at all suited for simulation and good physics (but sometimes ok for sci-fi arcade racers, like Driveclub), so no thanks to that as well. It does have good weather effects, I give it that, but let's be honest here, for "the perfect car racing game" everything else is quite a few steps back.
That's 1.8 Tflops vs 1.3 TFLops difference right there.
More like 30 vs. 60 fps.
Well, this is a user made track for a 2006-released game, why the fuck don't we have tracks like this in games today:
More like both. More so the flops though.
A 7 minute plus single lane point-to-point through a forest, devs don't make it because no one would play it.
Speak for yourself. That track looks great! I would love a narrow track through the forest in Driveclub!A 7 minute plus single lane point-to-point through a forest, devs don't make it because no one would play it.
DC made P2P viable with 3 minute long tracks wide enough to put your foot down.
GTX 780 has more processing power than PS4 and XBox One put together.
Take into account that Forza 5 has 16 cars on track and has to run advanced simulation on all of them, also was a launch title and has 320 cars to DC's 50 or so. Oh and runs at twice the framerate obviously.
A GTX 780 has 1.5 Teraflops more processing power than a GTX 680, yet only yields 15 fps improvements. Its engine design, art direction, and the goals of the developers that yields the greatest results. 500 gigaflops isnt that much power, GTX 780 has more processing power than PS4 and XBox One put together.
A GTX 780 has 1.5 Teraflops more processing power than a GTX 680, yet only yields 15 fps improvements. Its engine design, art direction, and the goals of the developers that yields the greatest results. 500 gigaflops isnt that much power, GTX 780 has more processing power than PS4 and XBox One put together.
Puts the power of these "next-gen" consoles into perspective.
Agree, AC is awesome, I love driving cars in it, feels much better than PCars. But it's missing much, the graphics are just okay, it lacks weather, it doesn't have many cars and tracks, the menu could be much better designed and it lacks controller support to navigate.
And speaking about sims: the perfect sim would be: Driveclub's graphics and sounds, AC's physics and Gran Turismo's features. (not saying non-sims suck, love the others just as much, DC's car handling is great).
Assetto Corsa will likely come to PS4 in the near future, Kunos receveid ps4 dev kits earlier this year.
You said Driveclub graphics. Last I checked.
You should learn to be more subtle if you want people to take you seriously. I know this thread has the purpose of vacuuming up shit posting so that it doesn't contaminate other threads, but I mean, come on
Not viable for multiplayer races, though.Speak for yourself. That track looks great! I would love a narrow track through the forest in Driveclub!
What is "advanced simulation"?
Something he heard the devs say one time.
Obviously he is talking about the crowd in Forza 5. Didn't you know 2D crowds take up a lot of processing power and bandwidth?
Sarcasm, obviously, but just in case someone couldn't tell
By default all these games suck. 1st to get Porsches wins in my book.
ShhhhhhI highly doubt the next NFS will beat any of these, but alright! EA it is!
Let's ignore NFS for now...lol
That is cool, more people need to experience this game. Goddamn Sony, step up your shoddy wheel support on PS4 please.
I also just saw on Facebook that Kunos got the Lambo license. And they just patched the RUF Yellowbird into the game. Can't wait for the Ring to be included.
I don't care what you last checked, I said graphics only, fps was not my point. It goes without saying the perfect sim would have 60fps. Not sure what you're even trying to argue.
You're the one shitposting with replies like this. If you can't counter my criticism, don't try to ridicule it with 0 content driveby posts.
Na the thread should be kept open, just for the Lulz. Every 2 to 3 weeks a new challenger pops up with a screenshot of "insert game name here" and claims said game looks better. From then on you hear things like DC road is uncanney valley, DC is a corridor racer etc etc. Then the usual DC is 30fps when the title of this thread is "Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off" and then the obligatory unquantifiable "insert game name here" runs advanced physics which of of course is "better" than DC. And then comes the bargain "well they both look great" after several previous post claiming "insert game name here" looks more real.This thread should be closed already. DC wins end of story. PCars look nice and so do FH2 but it's really not seeing DC visually.
I love the take-downsWe are really splitting hairs now. Both look amazing, and DC was longer in development. In fact two main Forza and two Horizons came out between MS:A and DC.
VsGameplay photomode
Driveclub in-game
Got bored.
I really like this thread because I like looking at the pretty pictures and .gifs, and I'll preface this by saying that all of these games have rubbish weather effects compared to Harvest Moon on the SNES, but DriveClub's lighting has always looked dramatically enhanced for mood rather than realism, thus I would agree that it looks "gamey".
As for Forza, it's a lot more subdued and "realistic" for lack of a better term, but that doesn't mean it's more or less appealing.
Jesus this post is really pathetic..
Driveclub wouldn't have these graphics if it was 60fps+ and wasn't a closed circuit arcade racer, that was my point. I'm sorry for mentioning Driveclub when it wasn't to go down on my knees and praise it. Now, continue circle-jerking and have a happy new year.
um, wow. O_O
I play the game all the time, and I don't remember racing in this setting.... just WOW.
By default all these games suck. 1st to get Porsches wins in my book.
Driveclub wouldn't have these graphics if it was 60fps+ and wasn't a closed circuit arcade racer, that was my point. I'm sorry for mentioning Driveclub when it wasn't to go down on my knees and praise it. Now, continue circle-jerking and have a happy new year.
Na the thread should be kept open, just for the Lulz. Every 2 to 3 weeks a new challenger pops up with a screenshot of "insert game name here" and claims said game looks better. From then on you hear things like DC road is uncanney valley, DC is a corridor racer etc etc. Then the usual DC is 30fps when the title of this thread is "Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off" and then the obligatory unquantifiable "insert game name here" runs advanced physics which of of course is "better" than DC. And then comes the bargain "well they both look great" after several previous post claiming "insert game name here" looks more real.
Not likely, they have said on more than one occasion that they have no plans.Assetto Corsa will likely come to PS4 in the near future, Kunos receveid ps4 dev kits earlier this year.
I strongly disagree, it is one of the best implementations of VR in a driving game right now.playing AC in VR atm is AWFUL
There are no headlights in the rear to light up the snow particles.No snow in the rear mirror..
Still amazing though.
To be fair, rain doesn't show up in the rear view mirror as well. I'm not even sure if wet roads show up too.There are no headlights in the rear to light up the snow particles.
As someone who develops games, not really.
More like 30 vs. 60 fps.Nah.
More like both. More so the flops though.
Honestly Horizon 2 really does not look that much better than GTA5 next gen:
And it has way less going on and seemingly worse environment textures. Pop-in and non player cars also look pretty bad. The game is cool, but not much of a contender in this thread.
Sorry, but I can't take that seriously. FM5 is plagued with jaggies.The funny thing is I was most impressed by forza 5 the IQ just looked better, there was no obvious jaggies, like there were in FH2 and DC, I guess maybe 60fps really does make a difference.
The funny thing is I was most impressed by forza 5 the IQ just looked better, there was no obvious jaggies, like there were in FH2 and DC
Finally got a chance to play FH2 and driveclub at my local GAME,
and while driveclub did have some good lighting and effects its seem to have got them at the expense of IQ (and fifa 15 had pristine IQ so the tv was not that badly calibrated) and at times the lighting did not seem that great at all. I was really underwhelmed.
Same go's for FH2 the IQ on the trees and stuff looked bad, though when playing the game going from driveclub to FH2 I dont think the lighting was that different really, also when it stated raining on the FH2 demo, that did look quite impressive.
The funny thing is I was most impressed by forza 5 the IQ just looked better, there was no obvious jaggies, like there were in FH2 and DC, I guess maybe 60fps really does make a difference.
Finally got a chance to play FH2 and driveclub at my local GAME,
and while driveclub did have some good lighting and effects its seem to have got them at the expense of IQ (and fifa 15 had pristine IQ so the tv was not that badly calibrated) and at times the lighting did not seem that great at all. I was really underwhelmed.
Same go's for FH2 the IQ on the trees and stuff looked bad, though when playing the game going from driveclub to FH2 I dont think the lighting was that different really, also when it stated raining on the FH2 demo, that did look quite impressive.
The funny thing is I was most impressed by forza 5 the IQ just looked better, there was no obvious jaggies, like there were in FH2 and DC, I guess maybe 60fps really does make a difference.