Got mine tonight. Definitely feels more substantial in your hand than the gnex, that's for sure. Slippery back is gonna annoy the fuck out of me, but I'm determined to go bumperless (I hate the aesthetics of them, and this is a pretty phone).
This is my first time migrating to a new android phone. For fuck's sake google needs to step up their game on that front. Migrating from one to the other is a hell of a chore. And you need to be rooted to do a proper backup no less. How people who are scared of doing that manage it I can't even imagine.
This is my first time migrating to a new android phone. For fuck's sake google needs to step up their game on that front. Migrating from one to the other is a hell of a chore. And you need to be rooted to do a proper backup no less. How people who are scared of doing that manage it I can't even imagine.