It wasn't? What did they announce at I/o then?
Oh yea they're announcement got killed cause of the hurricane. Oops.
Nexus 7.
It wasn't? What did they announce at I/o then?
Oh yea they're announcement got killed cause of the hurricane. Oops.
So I liked Android coming off of an iphone but felt the build quality on this phone was atrocious compared to what I got from Apple.
I also found the downgrade from lte to HSPA was quite a bit more brutal than I expected.
So I sent the Nexus4 packing. Grabbed a Note 2 and couldn't be happier. This thing puts the iphone to shame.
I hope Google goes with a company other than LG for any future devices.
You found the build quality of the Note 2 better than the Nexus 4? I had an iPhone 5 for a bit before I went back to Android and the Nexus 4 is the most "premium" Android phone I've used to date (history of Galaxy Nexus, Galaxy S3, HTC Thunderbolt/EVO/Hero). The non-plasticy design is a first for me with Android phones.
Unless you meant sporadic problems like volume rocker squeakiness I hear about from others on here.
I'm still using the phone with the factory screen protectors that it was shipped with. I kind of like the the power and volume up-down signs on the front screen guard.
Haha, that's what annoyed me enough to take the protector off.
speaking of which, can someone link me to a root guide?
XDA link Pretty much just unlock bootloader with fastboot command, then install SU utilities.
I went over to xda the other to try and fine a wireless charger. I ended up looking for a long usb cable I had.
All this talk about the next Nexus being in May... No chance. Why? What would it improve? Nothing special.
The X Phone will be the main phone device. I suspect the Nexus 7 will be updated.
The x phone will be such a disappointment.All this talk about the next Nexus being in May... No chance. Why? What would it improve? Nothing special.
The X Phone will be the main phone device. I suspect the Nexus 7 will be updated.
Well I finally RMA'd my phone after dealing with battery issues basically since launch. I always dealt with not so great battery life and concerning rapid drops in battery % but I kinda just toughed it out because I didn't want to RMA. Now with my charger sometimes not even charging the phone I had to get a replacement.
Very easy process. No where near how long it takes with Apple and all their diagnostic shit they do over the phone.
Google didn't ask for my credit card info or anything. So are they trusting me to return the old phone or what? Apple would put a hold on my credit card. I don't have a card on my Google Play account at the moment. And I asked the guy and he said its not a refurb and Google doesn't have refurbs. True or not? If the refurb is apple quality then I do not care, but a refurb from LG and I'd have major concerns.
Bonus is the buzzing I've had since launch as well (never bothered me) and maybe I'll get one that doesn't buzz.
Edit: nvm about the payment. They sent me an email with instructions to issue a credit card hold.
Cm10.1 has that feature built inFinally took time out of the day and upgraded to a 4.2.2 rom.
Quick question, is there any type of app that can add more quick settings to the taskbar? I would love to add an autorotate toggle, since I prefer that to be off 99% of the time.
Congrats!Guys! I think it's finally happened!
Nexus 4 number 5 is perfect! Holy shit! I can't believe that it might be true. No more weekly replacements!
Guys! I think it's finally happened!
Nexus 4 number 5 is perfect! Holy shit! I can't believe that it might be true. No more weekly replacements!
Nexus 4 # 5
Nexus 5
*drip* *drip*Welp after my gf broke my n4 I picked up a s3 the other day for $350. Only one month old and came with everything + some cases. Can't complain although I'm no longer in club nexusAdmittedly, I do like the s3 better though. Expandable storage, better screen and sounds etc etc.
When will the Nexus 5 come out? My iPhone contract ends at the end of August.
I don't really want to buy a Nexus 4 in August if the Nexus 5 is coming out soon after. Well, I would buy a Nexus 4 instead of a Nexus 5 only if they hike the price. The low unlocked price of the Nexus 4 is the main reason I'm looking at the Nexus 4/5 instead of the Galaxy S4.
You could buy a Nexus 7 - it's 2 more than 5!
How do I know if I have a defective phone because of poor battery life?
A 45minute phone call drained over 30% of my battery and caused my Nexus4 to get extremely hot. Has anybody experience super battery drain with pure voice calls? I took a 10minute phone call this morning and it drained 15% battery.
Upgraded to 4.2.2, adjusted APN for maximum HSPA+, turned off all location/GPS/BT and have screen to very low brightness.
Over the past few days I've gotten 2hours screen time averaging about 8hours battery life of not much usage besides surfing, text, and email.
sorry about the bump, buuuuut I feel so super dumb right now.
today I've decided top copy some music onto my nexus. so I've plugged the cable in the USB port and into the phone.
low and behold... nothing happened.
Windows XP here.
so what's the matter? I can register it as camera, no prob. but turning it into a Stacy l standard USB-Drive... Nope!
MTP is built in on at least win7, and maybe vista. Probably something you can download for XP. Ironically the situation for MTP on Linux (the platform android is built on) is extremely awful.
MTP is built in on at least win7, and maybe vista. Probably something you can download for XP. Ironically the situation for MTP on Linux (the platform android is built on) is extremely awful.
It's really sad that adb is probably the best way to transfer files right now...
I just use Airdroid over wifi. More convenient than transferring via usb.