I just upgraded to a data plan, $39 for 400mb, unlimited text, call display, voicemail, 450 minutes.
Anyway, I have a chance to sign a 2 year agreement and get a Nexus 4 for $100 to replace my Nexus S. The problem is I really have my heart set on this year's Nexus. I want a 1080p screen, LTE, a better camera, a bigger battery and possibly a Snapdragon 800.
Should I sign a 2 year agreement and get the phone now, and then buy the Nexus 5 (or whatever it'll be called) unlocked from Google in the fall? I would give the Nexus 4 to my sister.
What would you do? Does paying $100 and signing a 2 year agreement worth using a phone for 6 months? Only to buy one unlocked from Google later?