it's all part of the google experience.this is so fucking stupid. still shows Pre-ordered and people who ordered hours later are getting shipped :l
it's all part of the google experience.this is so fucking stupid. still shows Pre-ordered and people who ordered hours later are getting shipped :l
this is so fucking stupid. still shows Pre-ordered and people who ordered hours later are getting shipped :l
People are already getting shipping confirmations?! I was one of the first ones to order and I still no get nossing! NOSSSSSINGGGGGG!!
I was going to say it is more than likely mostly people from Europe... then I saw your avatar.
I'm just hoping Google is basically saying screw it with the updates via Play Store for now and is just starting to ship these things out ASAP.
If I buy a nexus from Tmo couldn't I just pay the ETF and get the nexus 4 for basically $399?
Yes and no. The $200 price tag is after a $50 mail-in rebate. So, you'd have to get that processed first before canceling. Otherwise, you'd end up paying $450.
Activation fee, too.
i hope they will ship it todayi dont wanna wait any longer!
Sen²;44360438 said:And hopefully they won't start shipping in the evening like the representatives keep claiming :/.
really? -____-
Wonder how long it will take from Dublin to Germany. Would be awesome if i get it by Saturday...![]()
Google Germany said:hr Paket wird innerhalb von 3-5 Werktagen nach Ihrer Bestellung zugestellt.
Meinen Unterlagen zufolge wird Ihre Bestellung voraussichtlich am Abend des 15-11-2012 versandt.
Die E-Mail-Versandbestätigung enthält eine Paketverfolgungsnummer bei DHL, mit der Sie den voraussichtlichen Liefertermin Ihres Pakets ermitteln können. Geben Sie diese Paketverfolgungsnummer auf der Seite https://www.dhl.de/en.html ein.
Es kann einen Werktag dauern, bis die DHL-Paketverfolgung Informationen zu Ihrer Verfolgungsnummer bieten kann.
Sen²;44360715 said:That's what I'm hoping as well but if what the representatives keep telling is true, I don't see it happening :/.
Kinda glad it didn't ship before the 15th because now I won't have to pay for it on my credit card bill until the first week of January. Misses this months cycle.
My bill is already big enough this month with school costs.
Edit: come to think of it, that January bill will be even more painful with the nexus and all the holiday gifts I have to buy soon on it. ~_~
ahem inb4 I get kicked out of the thread and burned at the stake
anyone sitting pretty with there 4.2 Galaxy Nexus ?
Sen²;44360438 said:And hopefully they won't start shipping in the evening like the representatives keep claiming :/.
Because their retail results speeds are far behind their search engine result speeds.Why the fuck am I paying 10 for shipping if they need 4-5 days?
Shhh. Because the phone is so cheap you have no right to cry about having to pay for shipping. Don't you know that? *rollseyes*Why the fuck am I paying 10 for shipping if they need 4-5 days?
Shhh. Because the phone is so cheap you have no right to cry about having to pay for shipping. Don't you know that? *rollseyes*
I wouldn't mind paying for shipping if it would take 1-2 days.
maybe the actual shipping will only take 1-2 days. so far we are just waiting for the preparations to endjust imagine it will be here by saturday.
Funny reading about problems here.
If you didn't know what ordering direct from Google direct is like, now you know. If you knew how they handled the Nexus 7 and other stuff why would you willing let yourself get burned again?
I'll wait until the phones are plentiful and shipping in a day or two before I make a decision on whether or not to order...
First impressions: the box it came in was way too big for what it was, but it's alright.
The phone is fast, the screen is beautiful, that back cover picks up lint like a cheap duster, the phone is very light and thin, feels solid, photosphere isn't that easy to use (stay very fucking still), android is very very nice, and that's it for now I need to work.
man fuck this
Agreed. This is bull. Though I still need to receive my phone from the US to Germany.ordered 8:34 AM PST
nothing. :l
did anyone get one delivered without getting any kind of shipping confirmation from google?
Yes. 4.2 Galaxy Nexus runs just fine.
Shhh. Because the phone is so cheap you have no right to cry about having to pay for shipping. Don't you know that? *rollseyes*