Still no backorder email and no shipping/tracking notification email. Shipping date still estimated yesterday. Limbo is fun! 
Coming from the gnex myself. It is noticeably faster and speakers are better. Screen quality or rather colors do not seem as vibrant but not bad by any means. Text looks crisper. Vibration feedback A LOT better. Will keep you updated. For the price you can't go wrong tbh. I'm happy with it.
Edit: actually auto brightness doesn't seem to work as well on my gnex...maybe just me?
Yep, these were all my initial thoughts too coming from a GNex. Gotta say, of course the software is exactly the same and well the novelty is already wearing off because of that. Obviously I expected that. The reason I made the jump was because the GNex still has good value while this phone is very cheap. Aside from that it is an improvement in pretty much every area. I really like the way the glass curves over the edge - I fear the bumper will ruin that element of it sadly.
Coming from the gnex myself. It is noticeably faster and speakers are better.
Lol no calls yet. I've just been playing videos. Much better than gnex anyway...at least from what I can tell.By this do you mean you can actually hear the damn thing ring? Battery life and ringer volume are my biggest problems with the gnex.
Shipping was 3-5 business days right? I believe Google says it takes 2 days to send out and 2 days to receive it. For those who did not receive the backorder email and still haven't got a shipping notice, I suggest you email Google and ask for them to credit you for shipping. In my opinion, they failed to deliver on something I paid $16.99 for if its not here by Wendsday and its looking likely that it won't be. Call me a cheapskate I don't give an F.
Lol no calls yet. I've just been playing videos. Much better than gnex anyway...at least from what I can tell.
BTW, I have an 8gb and after installing a few apps I had like 5.3 something GB left. I now have everything installed from my old phone and have 4.6gb left. Perfect size for me I suppose.
I don't feel anything and have been browsing for a few hours.Holding it in my hand and surfing the web it felt noticeably warmer than the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 I have to compare it against. Battery draining faster than those but it's not unexpected. Screen seems like the biggest culprit is the screen size
Holding it in my hand and surfing the web it felt noticeably warmer than the iPhone 4 and iPhone 5 I have to compare it against. Battery draining faster than those but it's not unexpected.
Why would you pay $900 bucks for a phone thats 300 >_<;
Which is why I'm not emailing them until Wednesday. I'm not angry I haven't received my phone yet. It hasn't been 5 business days, I know that. I think most of us are irked that google has completely failed in communicating with us.It hasn't been 5 business days since we ordered.
I don't feel anything and have been browsing for a few hours.
Which is why I'm not emailing them until Wednesday. I'm not angry I haven't received my phone yet. It hasn't been 5 business days, I know that. I think most of us are irked that google has completely failed in communicating with us.
To avoid not having enough stock of course.Sooooooooooo... why didnt they just let people pre order >_<?
How long ago did Gnex receive the 4.2 update? I thought it was very recent.Yep, these were all my initial thoughts too coming from a GNex. Gotta say, of course the software is exactly the same and well the novelty is already wearing off because of that.
Sooooooooooo... why didnt they just let people pre order >_<?
Which is why I'm not emailing them until Wednesday. I'm not angry I haven't received my phone yet. It hasn't been 5 business days, I know that. I think most of us are irked that google has completely failed in communicating with us.
How long ago did Gnex receive the 4.2 update? I thought it was very recent.
Battery definitely seems better than the gnex so far for meA quick battery report.
So I turned on my phone around 5pm. I believe it was at 60% out the box(could be wrong). It is now 10:12pm, and it is down to 14%. I have been connected to wi-fi this entire time. I was streaming google music, downloading apps, taking pics(not many), playing around with the phone, and having it sit idle for about 40 minutes or so.
I will report again when I have the phone on a full charge, connected to the network and all that jazz.
Any word on when they will replenish supply? I'd like to buy one =|
One thing I haven't seen talked about in here much which I feel isn't getting enough attention is the fact that the nexus 4 does have an LTE chip inside. It's been confirmed by the ifixit guys and talked about a bit over at XDA. Lots of theorizing and speculating. What do you guys think could be the reason google haven't mentioned this? It's obviously been the big negative factor in many of the reviews and comments about the phone.
Some saying Google waiting till this LTE crap with the carriers is figured out. Maybe not wanting to step on the carriers toes by having LTE. Waiting for tmobile to launch LTE next year for them to "activate" the LTE chip in the phone and make it public. Some kind of future proofing. Or maybe just keeping the chip dormant in there for Google's own mobile network launch that's been rumored?
So why haven't google made mention of this? The chip is in! It's obvious it wasn't a cost cutting measure then, right? Really fascinating. I personally don't care for LTE at the moment but knowing its possible one day is a bonus at least.
IIRC, it's probably just left over from the Optimus G. It also doesn't look like it has an antenna for the radio.
Fucking ghetto. Setup a pin code to lock the device, confirmed it too. Now it says the pin code is wrong and I can't use my fucking nexus. Recovery mode doesn't work either. So frustrated.
Anyone know how to do a factory reset on this thing?
VOL UP + POWER = Doesn't work?
this generates more hype / demand for the product. even if accidental.
people will get mad, but so far.. there's a disturbing lack of coverage for what's going on.
How long ago did Gnex receive the 4.2 update? I thought it was very recent.
It's not got any coverage at all from The Verge, only when it first sold out. But I guess everyone is not gonna shit talk Google for obvious reasons
It's a shame really...weirdly not eve John Gruber has said anything!
It's not got any coverage at all from The Verge, only when it first sold out. But I guess everyone is not gonna shit talk Google for obvious reasons
It's a shame really...weirdly not eve John Gruber has said anything!
The Verge was the first (that I saw) to report on it - http://www.theverge.com/2012/11/15/3650750/google-nexus-4-backorder-delay
There is some really strange bias going on here, though. Tech sites everywhere were putting up "Nexus 4 sells out in 20 minutes!!1" but no-one is writing "Google really fucked up" articles. Had Apple had a launch as poor as this one, we wouldn't hear the end of it, but everyone seems to be giving Google a free pass.
This 'editorial' was particularly bad, too -
Yeah, we hear a lot about the Nexus 4 sold out, but nothing about how a majority of those orders have gone unanswered or placed on back order for up to 3 weeks
For anyone that has owned the ip5 and are currently on the N4 would you rather have this or the ip5?
Still undecided whether to sell my N4 when it arrives and go back to ip5.
The Verge was the first (that I saw) to report on it - http://www.theverge.com/2012/11/15/3650750/google-nexus-4-backorder-delay
There is some really strange bias going on here, though. Tech sites everywhere were putting up "Nexus 4 sells out in 20 minutes!!1" but no-one is writing "Google really fucked up" articles. Had Apple had a launch as poor as this one, we wouldn't hear the end of it, but everyone seems to be giving Google a free pass.
This 'editorial' was particularly bad, too -