Says 3 hours on battery with 52% being screen time. My battery is at 50% now since my last post. Its draining slower now because I haven't used it since my last post. It seems the drainage comes rapidly only when I'm using it. So doesn't seem to be a background process or anything. Its just whenever the screen is on it sucks the battery dry rapidly. Too quickly. Still trying to figure out what is going on.
Turned off location reporting a few days ago and my sleep battery time has gotten better. It was losing like 20% over night now its better. But I still see maps always running in my process screen. And the service running is called "GoogleLocationService" so I'm not sure why that is always on. As well as Google services which I assume is the sync of my contacts and calendar that is 24/7 running. Facebook is also running 24/7 and Nike+ for some damn reason. Cant seem to turn that off.
Edit: battery at 45% a mere 7 minutes after making this post pre-edit. 5% in 7 minutes of just having the screen on and looking through my settings. Something is F'd up here.
There should be battery stats (or an app like that I think called Better Battery Stats) which shows that processes are draining the battery. For your case, I expect Android OS to be the highest?