Ok guys, got my Nexus 4 late last week and thought I'd post here with my impressions.
So, I think I actually have a little different perspective than most users because I am coming from a Samsung Focus Windows Phone 7 which was my first smartphone over to Android which I obviously have little to no experience with. Usually, most people have had either Android or Ios and have no experience with WP. So, "Great!" you say, "you're going to be blown away by all the awesomeness you've been missing out on!". Well, kind of. It's been a mixed bag so far but with some help I think it can be better than my old phone. I keep reminding myself that I had that WP for 2 years and I've had this phone for one weekend so I have a lot to learn about it
Here's the stuff I used most on my old phone and how I am using it now on the Nexus 4.
1. People hub
My old WP: I touch the people tile and there was basically my facebook news feed and people's posts who I follow on twitter integrated in one list. I could like facebook posts, or retweet right from the hub. This was so nice I actually very rarely used the actual facebook or twitter apps.
My current Nexus 4 setup: I swipe to my left home screen and have a facebook widget and twitter widget that each share half the screen. I can cycle through the posts but to be able to interact with them such as liking a fb post it launches the app :/
Potential better setup: ???
2. Email
My old WP: My Hotmail and Gmail accounts are added to the Email app where I link the inboxes. Touching the tile launches into the shared inbox. I can easily delete junk and trash from both accounts.
My current Nexus 4 setup: Whoo boy. Hopefully there is something I'm missing here. Two separate apps, one for gmail, and one for my Hotmail. Gmail app is a bit slow checking conversations all the time and I cannot delete mail that's in the trash bin? The Hotmail app is shit. Getting around to each folder is cumbersome. I have since switched my Hotmail to the stock email app and that is way better. It seems totally fine but I wish I could link the two inboxes and have the app automatically go there when I open it.
Potential better setup: Help me
3. Sports scores
My old WP: I had a very bare bones sports score app which is what I liked about it. Pick the sport and it listed
every upcoming game in a super easy to see format.
My current Nexus 4 setup: ESPN Scorecenter and a widget with my teams on it......I don't think I need to go into how bad this app is.
Potential better setup: Save me! Just need a really simple scores app. Let's me bring up every game all the scores for a given sport. Like the college football bowl games coming up in a few weeks. Bam, a list with all the games of that week and who's playing and the scores. No fluff. It's gotta be out there

Bonus if it includes lockscreen widget functionality.
Those were the big things I used all the time on my old phone. Little stuff is like the neogaf link on my WP was that nice custom tile that's provided for the start screen. My android link is a bland looking bookmark icon, is there a way to spruce that up? No biggie if not.
Battery life is about the same. It can last me a full day's work about ~10 hours or so but only after I disabled all the location GPS services stuff which disables google now and that is bit of a bummer but I hear there is a bug causing extra battery drain with that stuff so maybe I can re-enable it in a later firmware update. I bought an LG qi wireless charger and I really like that feature on this phone. Not having to plug in that usb cord and then unplug it in the morning and having to set it down a certain way to keep it from falling behind my desk, ugh, the rage lol No more cords
Also, there are a lot of things this phone does better or things that I couldn't do before:
I can use my bank's app now, I can play popular games, I even setup dropbox!
I downloaded instagram and pinterest! (although I haven't used either at all yet lol) And I love, love, love, that giant HD screen! Camera is waaay better lol The web surfing experience between Chrome and Internet Explorer is about the same except when it comes to tabs. Chrome does it so much better and I'm very happy about that.
One more small quibble, I use the heart symbol when messaging a lot and there doesn't appear to be a shortcut symbol for it in the smileys. How can I add it? Having to create one manually using <3 is too many keypresses compared to how I used to do it.