Wow that is so cool looking!!! The eyes light up too!!! I"m going to tell my dad about this he'll probably order all 3 colours!!!
So 4-5 weeks means that I will have it on Friday? I'm fine with that!
edit: I ordered yesterday ~48s after it was available.
back in stock @ T-Mobile but they bumped the contract price
Yeah it seems to be affecting everyone. Weird. I hope that thing doesn't blow up in my face when I'm using it *knocks on wood*.
I'm still waiting on my damn case from China. I ordered it back on the 16th and it's still not here. Should've just ordered a more expensive one from the US or something...
.... So, it's not even a subsidy anymore.. $50 charge for being able to get it immediately, I guess.
back in stock @ T-Mobile but they bumped the contract price
No buzzing here squire. Either that or I'm deaf.
T-Mobile has already confirmed it is a typo. It's still $199 on contract.
Same here, and I've had it for weeks now.
they confirmed its a typo but didnt fix the typo?
they confirmed its a typo but didnt fix the typo?
Yeah it seems to be affecting everyone. Weird. I hope that thing doesn't blow up in my face when I'm using it *knocks on wood*.
I'm still waiting on my damn case from China. I ordered it back on the 16th and it's still not here. Should've just ordered a more expensive one from the US or something...
I asked my dad about this he said there's no buzzing noise on his phone at all. *shrugs*
Not really a buzz. It's more of "the speaker is still on" sound.
And once you turn on the screen and try it again, you'll hear something.
My phone is dead silent. Had it next to my ear for a full power down and back on cycle and all I heard was the vibrate notification.
Any Canadians here that ordered theirs on Monday get theirs shipped yet?
I love how Google cant reply back to a support message within 48 hours....I`m about to flag the transaction with AMEX and have them deal with Google....seriously I dont care if I have to wait for my phone but dont charge my card and say its shipped when it obviously has not.
Do you have a charge or an authorization? If it is an authorization, it should fall off in a few days. Maybe longer depending on the bank/CC company.
If an actual charge, then yeah. Raise hell.
It's a charge...there lack of communcation is the worst part of this whole thing
Yup, an actual charge went through on my card on Friday. I have an automatically generated ups tracking number/email but it hasn't changed status in 6 days.
Bumper prices are anywhere from $50-$100 USD too.
Speaking of bumpers, how hard is it to make those? :lol
I'm shocked that they're still unavailable.
Sorry if this has been previously asked but I couldn't find it in the thread: my phone is meant to arrive tomorrow. I currently have an iPhone 4 with At&t as part of a family plan, and I'm assuming my data plan is the iPhone one. When the nexus arrives tomorrow, if I switch the SIM in will it work straight away? Or am I going to have to go to AT&T and inform them of my intention to switch and get them to do what they gotta do for me?
Just wondering because I hope I can just get straight to using it rather than having to drive out and have them set me up and make changes to my account. Cheers
Came in here to find out if I was alone in this. The tracking number for my phone that supposedly shipped on the 30th is still on the "A UPS shipping label has been created" stage, whereas a second order that shipped this morning is set to arrive tomorrow.So I finally got a call and after hearing the yea its a known issue let me send this to our shipping support team ..... so I asked the guy at that point so what really happened...he kinda paused and said they would take care of us....yea thats a statement Im sure wont come true but oh well......if I dont get an answer by friday i`m canceling the whole damn thing and i`ll write to Larry telling him if they need help running their retail channel I got enough experience to make sure this never happens again
Uhh, unless AT&T is weird, it should work just fine. With pretty much all GSM phones, you just pop the SIM card in while the phone is off, turn it on, let it search for the network and you should be golden. If not, see if the APN is there.
I got the shipping email with tracking last Friday. it just updated. and is now showing a scheduled delivery tomorrow. I think they upgraded shipping to 1 day.
When did you order?
Really? In what ways is it better than the S3? Is it smoother? How are the screens?
I ordered on the 27th of November with an estimate of 4-5 weeks and I just received shipping confirmation. I was expecting my phone around Christmas, but this might turn out to be a pleasant surprise.
I ordered on the 27th of November with an estimate of 4-5 weeks and I just received shipping confirmation. I was expecting my phone around Christmas, but this might turn out to be a pleasant surprise.
So Google is actually doing not terrible? Way to go el goog!
Same here. In fact it says the phone is already near me arrived in Oak Creek Wisconsin at 5am just after being shipped at 4:48 in Kentucky.I got the shipping email with tracking last Friday. it just updated. and is now showing a scheduled delivery tomorrow. I think they upgraded shipping to 1 day.
Was surprised to see that my 4-5 weeks estimate ended up amounting to little more than 2 days in the UK. I guess they are being ultra conservative with the numbers to avoid upset. Pretty cool anyway, and the phone is awesome... I don't know why it's downloading everything installed on my nexus 7 though.