so as a rooted user, are there different OS builds good enough for daily use? i have some ROM manager installed but don't mind getting rid of it and wiping the slate clean if necessary. in fact i'd probably prefer it, since i forgot what i did to root and backup the device to begin with.
I've been involved with the Android dev community for about three years, and I regularly compile kernels for a couple of different phones over on XDA. My advice on this would be that if you don't have a specific reason to use a different ROM on your Nexus 7, then don't do it. It's more hassle than it's worth.
Typically, a phone will have a custom ROM put on it for one of three reasons:
a) Provide functionality disabled by an operator / manufacturer
b) Provide an Android upgrade that the manufacturer no longer supports
c) Remove operator / manufacturer bloat
As the Nexus line of models are supposed to be as close to stock as possible, these points are mostly rendered moot. a) All functionality is provided; b) It's going to get the latest Jellybean (and post-Jellybean?) updates before just about any other Android device and c) There's no bloat - it's pretty much stock Android.
If you have it bootloader unlocked and rooted, you can already do a crap-ton of the really interesting things, such as USB OTG storage, full system backups, system app removal, CPU overclocking etc. Between this and the above, I would find it hard to find a really
good reason to jump on a custom ROM.
Remember this about custom ROMs: They rarely work 100%. 99% sometimes, but usually you'll have 90-95% functionality. Case in point: The Jellybean Xperia Play ROM builds I'm compiling at the moment are
almost fully working but still have weird glitches. Namely: Camera is fragile, Wi-Fi tethering doesn't work, sometimes strange graphical artifacts appear when browsing, and the keyboard appears and disappears randomly. At least when using an official ROM, you know that all these quirks are taken care of, and it's well worth considering if whatever perceived benefits you would gain from running an entirely custom ROM would outweigh the possible negatives.