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NFL 2012 Conference Championship |OT| My Brother's Kaeper


Incredibly Naive
My advice would be to let it go.

When Brady went for the leg kick, he became free game in some people's opinions. I think that's where it all started to be honest.

As far as player health and safety, these guys choose to play the game, and rarely if ever regret doing so. They typically are cared for better than you or I ever will be.

Whatever though, I just try to enjoy the game with the understanding that they are grown men, who choose to play the game, and understand the risks that they take with their health. I know if I had the shot to play in the NFL, I would take it, even if it meant injury.

1 > 0

Math. How does it work?

Again I've covered this in my posts, it's not about Brady, it's Ridley, and hell brady or anyone for that matter. It all of a sudden becomes ok to cheer for their death when they're on a SPORTS TEAM they don't like... it's quite sick, and generally in the thread I would be part of a large crowd saying get this shit out of the thread.

I understand they are grown men, they know their risks, I'll still mourn them if they get seriously injured. I really felt for Kevin Everett when he went down for the Bills in 07, that was scary shit. I thought Darrius Heyward-beys injury was pretty damn scary as well. I know this is extreme, but Cops, firefighters, etc. put their life on the line for their job every night. They know the risk, but they do it anyway. Smokers take a risk when they smoke. Everyone knows dangers, but nobody thinks it'll happen to them. Just don't know when we became a group that just overlooked it and said "oh well he knew what he was getting into"

edit- PMed btw.


dude i was absolutely emotionally obliterated after last years loss to the giants. i didn't watch NFLN or espn until probably mid-march. i didn't watch the superbowl. i can't ever remember being more dejected than i was last year. you go through a whole season, you have a lot of things fall your way, you get a home playoff game with a chance to go to the superbowl, you are so close to getting there and then it just doesn't happen. there isn't a shittier feeling and i wish i could say you will get over it but you never will. you will feel better about it in a month or two or whenever but i am still pissed about last years NFC championship game and that is a day after we won this years!

football is a strange beast. i always think back to the speech from any given sunday that al pacino gives and although its kind of sappy and you can laugh at it with the dramatic music and so on it really does hold true in football. tough loss brotha and even with all my fuck you's to all the falcons trying to get a rise out of falcons-gaf i feel your pain and a lot of other fans do too

I remember this shit just last year. In 2011 we had the Niners on their heels after a really exciting tough game and with like 40 seconds left our defense went into total shit mode again and let Alex drive like 80 yards down the fucking field. Had we not lost that game, the giants would have had to face an explosive team in the Superdome, likely would have lost and gave us another berth in the super bowl. Fuck that game hurt. If you remember I shrugged it off like it didnt matter. Well it did matter. Ate at me all fucking year, and especially when the bountygate hammer slammed down, which tore a fucking hole in my heart and the heart of every Saints fan, because we knew this season was toast too. I just want to move on to next year, and a big fuck you to Roger Goodell from all of us Saints fans.



Patriots fans have no idea how to handle a loss. It's amazing and beautiful and I absolutely love them for it.

I know you have a penchant for flippancy and you're definitely right in my case regarding losing. That said cheering for concussions? Sorry I can't let people shrug that off. And yeah I got on a soapbox and preached. Comments like that shouldn't be pushed aside whenever they're said. It's important for people to know just how bad their casual comments can be.


The whole idea that because it doesn't affect Ridley means you can say whatever you want about it is extremely misguided. You come off as a petty punk, hiding behind the Internet and would never say that to his face. You know why not? Because most people would want to kick the teeth in of a person using a serious head injury as a way of continuing an agenda of hating a football team.

If you do those sorts of things you're an immature child who'd rather be an asshole than a decent human being. All for the sole purpose of hating on a football team. Not that I think any person would do such a thing unless they have severe mental illness.

On the game: fucking ugh and Brady is a punk.

This might come as a shock, but not everyone believes everything they post on the internet. Some people post things strictly to piss other people off, even.

I don't really care whether you think it's immature or not. That's your opinion, that's fine. My opinion is that taking anything posted on the internet seriously enough to have it affect your day and your real life mood is immature.

I assume if you're that noble of a person that you lecture everyone you meet in real life that says an idea is "retarded" or disapproves of something by calling it "gay".

Yeah that makes sense... you know racism is just words right? It doesn't physically affect people does it? How could my racism being posted on the internet affect anyone?

(sad I gotta put a disclaimer, but I'm NOT racist, this is sarcasm)

I didn't realize black people were getting paid millions of dollars for making the choice to be black and opening themselves to the risk of racism. My mistake.


I remember this shit just last year. In 2011 we had the Niners on their heels after a really exciting tough game and with like 40 seconds left our defense went into total shit mode again and let Alex drive like 80 yards down the fucking field. Had we not lost that game, the giants would have had to face an explosive team in the Superdome, likely would have lost and gave us another berth in the super bowl. Fuck that game hurt. If you remember I shrugged it off like it didnt matter. Well it did matter. Ate at me all fucking year, and especially when the bountygate hammer slammed down, which tore a fucking hole in my heart and the heart of every Saints fan, because we knew this season was toast too. I just want to move on to next year, and a big fuck you to Roger Goodell from all of us Saints fans.

Did you see the goodell floats?


I know you have a penchant for flippancy and you're definitely right in my case regarding losing. That said cheering for concussions? Sorry I can't let people shrug that off. And yeah I got on a soapbox and preached. Comments like that shouldn't be pushed aside whenever they're said. It's important for people to know just how bad their casual comments can be.

What happened as a result?


The weird thing is that I never hated the 49ers even when were in the West. Oh God, I got tired of Jerry Rice rolling up 200 yards receiving on us just running post corner routes (literally, I think this is all he ever did against us), but Bill Walsh, Joe Cool and Steve Young were too cool to hate.
Speaking of starter jackets, you weren't shit in middle school unless you owned a Breakaway.


For whatever reason the Charlotte Hornets was second in popularity only to the Cowboys one.


These posts are meaningless. Someone pretending to cheer an injury on the internet doesn't make anyone more or less injured. Photoshopping RG3 into funny pictures using the image of him tearing his ACL doesn't add an extra 6 months onto his recovery time. Getting excited by a violent collision doesn't decrease the chances that a concussion just occurred.

You're getting offended by things posted on the internet.

So your on the side of fans who would make fun of Torrey Smith and his dead brother after he won a game. Sure words won't bring back the brother but it doesn't excuse people for acting like assholes.
The weird thing is that I never hated the 49ers even when were in the West. Oh God, I got tired of Jerry Rice rolling up 200 yards receiving on us just running post corner routes (literally, I think this is all he ever did against us), but Bill Walsh, Joe Cool and Steve Young were too cool to hate.

i never used to hate the falcons until 1995 when you beat us on the last day of the season and cost us the #1 seed. then we had to play the packers in the divisional and the rest is history :(

i remember got a psone for christmas that year with NFL gameday or whatever it was called and the first thing i did was thrash the falcons


This might come as a shock, but not everyone believes everything they post on the internet. Some people post things strictly to piss other people off, even.

I don't really care whether you think it's immature or not. That's your opinion, that's fine. My opinion is that taking anything posted on the internet seriously enough to have it affect your day and your real life mood is immature.

I assume if you're that noble of a person that you lecture everyone you meet in real life that says an idea is "retarded" or disapproves of something by calling it "gay".

I love this. On the one hand you make a point about maturity and on the other in the same post you say you post certain things to rile people up.

Then to make matters worse you mention completely irrelevant crap. Take responsibility for what you say and do. It's part of being an adult. Also the internet is real life. Pretending it's not to absolve yourself of guilt for acting like a jackass is about as immature as it gets.
The weird thing is that I never hated the 49ers even when were in the West. Oh God, I got tired of Jerry Rice rolling up 200 yards receiving on us just running post corner routes (literally, I think this is all he ever did against us), but Bill Walsh, Joe Cool and Steve Young were too cool to hate.

Not Steve Young. He-Who-Is-Not-Joe was plenty hateable.

I still hate Steve Young. To this day, when I see him on ESPN, I want to punch him in his smarmy face.


Incredibly Naive
So your on the side of fans who would make fun of Torrey Smith and his dead brother after he won a game. Sure words won't bring back the brother but it doesn't excuse people for acting like assholes.

This is a pretty good example, trying to get it across here, but I'm a pats fan so I'm just butt hurt apparently.
There were a lot of missed opportunities, and being so close yet so far hurts bad, but in the end I still feel good about the season.

I'm glad we finally got a playoff win. I know that people will still troll about how we almost lost that game, but at least we never have to hear the "Never won a playoff game" line ever again.

The only thing that feels really bad is Gonzales, but the guy is a millionaire, fuck it, I have better things to feel bad about.


So because they get paid, it makes it ok? Did you not read my last post?

YES. Because laughing about someone getting a concussion on the fucking internet or NOT laughing about someone getting a concussion on the fucking internet does not change a god damn thing - it is a combination of 0's and 1's. That's it. Celebrities of all kinds get shit on 24/7 every day on the internet. It's part of the deal and it's never going to go away.

You're confusing making a joke on the internet with actually believing something. If I make 30 jokes a day about Troy Aikman forgetting his name, but support every NFL initiative to research brain injuries and help to spread awareness, am I still a terrible person?

I love this. On the one hand you make a point about maturity and on the other in the same post you say you post certain things to rile people up.

Then to make matters worse you mention completely irrelevant crap. Take responsibility for what you say and do. It's part of being an adult. Also the internet is real life. Pretending it's not to absolve yourself of guilt for acting like a jackass is about as immature as it gets.

Like I said, opinions. I don't care whether you think that's immature. I think it's hilarious that you're white knighting for a millionaire who will never know you exist on the internet. You also didn't answer my question about lecturing people on the use of "retarded" and "gay". Playing holier-than-thou on the internet only is pretty immature if you don't back it up in real life.


I believe I can speak for all of Eagles GAF and say that we do not condone cheering for injuries or the results of those injuries. We believe that we are above the racists in Wisconsin and bounty hunters in New Orleans.

We have paid dearly for the attacks our fan base has made against symbols of gift-giving, mythological figures, and Michael Irvin. We have paid for our sins and would like to be out in the open about our support of msdstc's cause.

Today a line was crossed. The Patriots lost a home game in the playoffs. Everyone should be extra sensitive to New England and their fans' plight. They are not used to competing without the assistance of the other team's practice tape and game plan.

It is our job to cultivate an environment of understanding here. I believe us as Eagles fans can take the first step to that understanding.


Again I've covered this in my posts, it's not about Brady, it's Ridley, and hell brady or anyone for that matter. It all of a sudden becomes ok to cheer for their death when they're on a SPORTS TEAM they don't like... it's quite sick, and generally in the thread I would be part of a large crowd saying get this shit out of the thread.

I understand they are grown men, they know their risks, I'll still mourn them if they get seriously injured. I really felt for Kevin Everett when he went down for the Bills in 07, that was scary shit. I thought Darrius Heyward-beys injury was pretty damn scary as well. I know this is extreme, but Cops, firefighters, etc. put their life on the line for their job every night. They know the risk, but they do it anyway. Smokers take a risk when they smoke. Everyone knows dangers, but nobody thinks it'll happen to them. Just don't know when we became a group that just overlooked it and said "oh well he knew what he was getting into"

So you're telling me that you can't cheer for Brady? Let's say as a hypothetical that he kicks Reed just right, he falls on his neck and is paralyzed. Then what? It's the same reason why people hate Suh. It's one thing to get injured in the natural flow of the game. It's another when you have some shit head dick kicking, stomping in the chest, trying to rip your head off, or pulling a Daniel LaRusso while sliding. In some peoples minds it then becomes fair game for an opposing team to go after them.

Cops and Firefighters risk their lives to save lives. Smokers are dumbfucks. Athletes know the risks they take. If one was to live life thinking shit, I'm going to get shot if I'm a cop, get cancer if I smoke, or know that they are going to blow out their knees, then no one would do shit. They would lie around fearful of getting out of bed, knowing that they will break their necks in the shower, or die in a house fire from making toast.

I'm not trying to trivialize injury, but these guys have some of the best doctors in the world working for them. They have the money and the know how to come back nearly as good, or in some cases better. If you really want to feel sorry for someone, feel sorry for high school athletes that are injured, and if they don't have good insurance or help, are shit out of luck.


What happened as a result?

Not sure I understand where you're going with this. Intent is not something to just pass over like a fat kid being picked for dodgeball. Perhaps you can excuse such behavior when it happens to someone else. I can't. It's more cowardice than anything else.


Not sure I understand where you're going with this. Intent is not something to just pass over like a fat kid being picked for dodgeball. Perhaps you can excuse such behavior when it happens to someone else. I can't. It's more cowardice than anything else.

Then you must be lecturing people 24/7 on the internet. Or do you only do it in this thread?


Speaking of starter jackets, you weren't shit in middle school unless you owned a Breakaway.


For whatever reason the Charlotte Hornets was second in popularity only to the Cowboys one.

Ah memories. I remember wanting a starter jacket so bad. Sadly that was around the same time people were getting shot for them, so I could never have a starter jacket or jordans.
I actually have a 49ers Starter jacket (dad was a niners fan...maybe shouldve rooted for them instead of the Jets), and I must admit that thing was pretty boss.

One of the warmest jackets I've ever worn.


i never used to hate the falcons until 1995 when you beat us on the last day of the season and cost us the #1 seed. then we had to play the packers in the divisional and the rest is history :(

i remember got a psone for christmas that year with NFL gameday or whatever it was called and the first thing i did was thrash the falcons
Why would you bother hating us? We were one of the worst franchises in NFL history until Arthur Blank saved us from the miserable, racist hands of Rankin Smith.


Setec Astronomer
So, as y'all can imagine, my heart is broken.
Speaking as a Seahawks fan, it gets better. Losses like ours in 2005 also made later losses sting somewhat less.

I will say that, overall, for the season, the defensive personnel and scheme were built around containing Brees, Eli, and AGod - frustrating pocket passers. We just happened to run into the two guys that can make shit happen on their legs in the playoffs. That was shown clearly the last two weeks - we don't have enough difference makers in the front 7 to keep the opposing offense engaged. Peters played the game of his life for the first half, but Abe was ineffective with that ankle and having to keep the edge contained. Spoon has been overrated for two seasons - Nicholas does about the same job shedding blocks.
Except in both your games this postseason both of those quarterbacks mainly made plays in or near the pocket. There was an article posted earlier that pointed out how the Falcons D sat in Cover 3 leaving a seam midway down the field, and this was exploited badly in both games. Maybe the threat of a running quarterback influenced their game planning and made them overcommit to defending the run, but those games played out along different lines.


Like I said, opinions. I don't care whether you think that's immature. I think it's hilarious that you're white knighting for a millionaire who will never know you exist on the internet. You also didn't answer my question about lecturing people on the use of "retarded" and "gay". Playing holier-than-thou on the internet only is pretty immature if you don't back it up in real life.

Wait you actually laughed about Ridley? Seriously?

I didn't answer your question because it's pointless and talking about my actions. Which have nothing to do with yours. We're talking about you taking pleasure in seeing someone get knocked out. What the fuck does me telling someone to stop using the word retarded have to do with that?


I also laughed when Chris Rock said "you got knocked da fuck out!" Like, laughed my ass off. I'm sorry Dragon.

Why would you bother hating us? We were one of the worst franchises in NFL history until Arthur Blank saved us from the miserable, racist hands of Rankin Smith.

All I can think of is The Year Without Santa
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