Now you're the one blowing it out of proportion. I'm not frothing at the mouth, this is the stuff I'm arguing, the gross over exaggerations, the misconceptions, and the misreading of my posts. On the page where the Ridley gif was posted, and I don't mean to call anyone out, someone openly said "I had to rewind and watch Ridley walk into the wall 6 times"... wtf? We know what this is now, this is awful news for Ridley. On top of that all of a bunch of posts start talking about how awesome Bernard Pollard is, and posts a picture of a shirt with exed out names. It's a bitch move for 2 reasons- 1 it's rooting for the other teams best player to be out, similar to how when Peyton was supposedly down, Brady won by default and people were happy about this. and 2. this is a game at the end of the day, and nobody is going out there, hoping to seriously injure or ruin somebodies life. ACLs are definitely tough to watch go, knowing the road they'll have to battle back through, but head injuries are a permanent long term injury. Not that he's a big name, but Jahvid Best's career is done, and his quality of life is probably half of what it would've been had it not happened.