Brady's losses in playoffslummer,Flacco,Sanchez,Manning,E.Manning,E.Manning
Rapist's losses:Brady,Garrard,Rodgers,Tebow
Rapist's 14 games: 20-17
Brady's 23 games: 41-20
Ben sucks in the playoffs.
Brady's losses in playoffslummer,Flacco,Sanchez,Manning,E.Manning,E.Manning
Rapist's losses:Brady,Garrard,Rodgers,Tebow
Who is worse to lose to between Garrard and ButtF?Brady's losses in playoffslummer,Flacco,Sanchez,Manning,E.Manning,E.Manning
Rapist's losses:Brady,Garrard,Rodgers,Tebow
Rapist's 14 games: 20-17
Brady's 23 games: 41-20
Ben sucks in the playoffs.
And yet he seems to be able to beat the great qb's that Tammy can't! Names like Sanchez, Plummer and Flacco!Rapist's 14 games: 20-17
Brady's 23 games: 41-20
Ben sucks in the playoffs.
And got carried for two SB.
And yet he seems to be able to beat the great qb's that Tammy can't! Names like Sanchez, Plummer and Flacco!
Want to settle this argument once and for all? What era was harder on a qb, now or the 80's? Who is 4-0 is Superbowls? Who never threw a pick in a super bowl game?
I remember when Peyton used to be in conversations with Brady and Montana...those will never happen again. I think Brady needs 5 rings or 4 and a ridiculous 7 SB berths. He would have been GOAT but the stupid Tyree thing happened. It is what it is.
I'm sorry the grownups are talking.
Who is worse to lose to between Garrard and ButtF?
I honestly can't decide!
Ben scored more points than Tammy and has a better record on the road.Neat page to see some QB's playoff records
Wow Peyton's home record is 6-5.
Brady cheated his way to most of his playoff success. I'm still waiting on Brady's first Super Bowl.
Patriots fans have the gall to compare that cheater in New England to Joe Montana?
The world is in a place of great turmoil. Teams are discarding the Tim Tebows of the world for immoral, cheaters like Tom Brady.
It's a good thing we still have men who play with integrity in this league like Joey Flacco. He didn't have the talent, but he had a lot of heart. That's what should be valued in the NFL, not prima donna, crooks like Tom Brady.
Flacco beat Brady with like 4 completions. Wonder how many he'll have this week.
Brady cheated his way to most of his playoff success. I'm still waiting on Brady's first Super Bowl.
Patriots fans have the gall to compare that cheater in New England to Joe Montana?
The world is in a place of great turmoil. Teams are discarding the Tim Tebows of the world for immoral, cheaters like Tom Brady.
It's a good thing we still have men who play with integrity in this league like Joey Flacco. He didn't have the talent, but he had a lot of heart. That's what should be valued in the NFL, not prima donna, crooks like Tom Brady.
Wow Buttfumble scored more points in the playoffs per game than Eli.
I am wearing a Ngata jersey and hoping he pulls a Siragusa. When in doubt cheer for injuries!Must really make you sick to have to cheer for a division rival but 2001 still hurts.
fixedPhilly fans would roast Santa Claus on a spit if it meant they could make it to three Super Bowls.
I'll give you the Seattle game cause that was shit. But 21- 30 - 256 1 td 1 int and that drive isnt bad by any stretch of the imagination
Montana had hall of famers all over the place and one of the best coaches of all time.
Brady cheated his way to most of his playoff success. I'm still waiting on Brady's first Super Bowl.
Patriots fans have the gall to compare that cheater in New England to Joe Montana?
The world is in a place of great turmoil. Teams are discarding the Tim Tebows of the world for immoral, cheaters like Tom Brady.
It's a good thing we still have men who play with integrity in this league like Joey Flacco. He didn't have the talent, but he had a lot of heart. That's what should be valued in the NFL, not prima donna, crooks like Tom Brady.
First 2 SBs: 4 HoFers (Montana, Lott, Dean, Walsh)
Next SB: 5 HoFers, with 1 primarily just a backup (Montana, Lott, Rice, Young, Walsh)
4th SB: 4 HoFers, with 1 primarily just a backup (Montana, Lott, Rice, Young)
Yeah, they were ALL over the place.
Do buttfumble seriously have to be mentioned on every fucking page?
Want to settle this argument once and for all? What era was harder on a qb, now or the 80's? Who is 4-0 is Superbowls? Who never threw a pick in a super bowl game?
There would be no burnings involved in our Super Bowl championships. Maybe a few cars, but I can guarantee you there would be no tape burned to protect institutionalized cheating with the supervision of the commissioner himself.Philly fans would roast Santa Claus on a spit if it meant they could win three Super Bowls.
You must embody pure evil before you can vanquish it from this world.
Kurt threw for like 300+ and 3 TD that game.
Santonio Holmes also made some WTF catches too. There's a reason Homes was MVP.
bubububububububububububu Jerry Rice! Wait, Montana won a SB without Rice? I call bullshit on that! It's not possible! bubububububub Jerry Riiiiiice!!!!!!!! Asterisk on all Montana SBs!
First 2 SBs: 4 HoFers (Montana, Lott, Dean, Walsh)
Next SB: 5 HoFers, 3 who were carryovers from before, with 1 primarily a backup (Montana, Lott, Rice, Young, Walsh)
4th SB: 4 HoFers, all carryovers from the last SB, with 1 primarily a backup (Montana, Lott, Rice, Young)
Yeah, they were ALL over the place.
I never mentioned Rice. But thanks for interjecting with that strawman!
McRib has the same amount of wins as Peyton and Philly fans couldnt get rid of him fast enough.
Elway and Sharpe are the only two HOFs on Denver's SB wins.
McNabb is working at NFL Network while Peyton Manning is challenging for NFL MVP. I believe the fans were right about McNabb leaving when he did. He had some great seasons with Eagles though. His wide receivers were even shittier than Brady's receiving corps.
And if in 10-15+ years if you end up inducting 1 or 2 more? You'll be right in the same range. Having a bunch of HoF players doesn't mean anything - see the 90s Buffalo Bills.Patriots only have two.
Didn't stop other teams from getting to multiple SBs during the same time. If anything, it made it more competitive at the top end, as the Giants regularly gave the Niners fits. In SBs, the Redskins went 3-1, Giants went 2-0, Raiders were 2-0, Steelers were 2-0 all during Montana's 49er years.So yeah point stands. Not to mention the salary cap.
McNabb is working at NFL Network while Peyton Manning is challenging for NFL MVP. I believe the fans were right about McNabb leaving when he did. He had some great seasons with Eagles though. His wide receivers were even shittier than Brady's receiving corps.
You don't think Shanahan will get in as a coach?
The Steelers won four Super Bowls before any other team even won three.Bradshaw did it first!
If Shanahan gets in so does Belichick. So that puts Denver and the Pats at 3.
Wait just a minute! That's guy's not black! I CALL BULLSHIT
All he has to do is win 2 and he's better than Brady, assuming Brady stays were he is at. A tie in terms of Super Bowl rings goes to Manning.