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NFL 2012 Week 2 |OT| The Replacements


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
About the victory formation, it was college, but Texas did fumble a victory formation snap this last Saturday. The Quarterback fell on it, and that was that, but it can happen.

Don't see anything wrong with what Tampa did.


So now there's no respect in the NFL.

You can't tell me it doesn't make it any worse when you're the new coach in town and you're calling cheap shots against the defending super bowl champions.

You can't be a real, actual human. You're some bizarro goof who pretends all the world conforms to some weirdo mafia movie stereotypical notion of "respect", right?

"Whos dat waitress think she is making me wait 20 minutes for some watah, I make one phone call, one phone call! and poof, she disappeahs. I sweah if there isn't a lemon on that fuckin' watah...."


Yesterday could have been the first.

If you go into the game thinking "there's no way that will work" then you've already lost. Try it and fail instead of second guessing yourself out of it.

What if one of the Giants linemen had fallen onto the ankle of a lineman? Players getting injured is something that might actually happen and that could negatively affect your chances of winning in the future. Bullshit machismo can only go so far.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
So now there's no respect in the NFL.

You can't tell me it doesn't make it any worse when you're the new coach in town and you're calling cheap shots against the defending super bowl champions.

These are grown men on the job. Not a schoolyard with freshmen and seniors. What you're describing is beyond childish and nobody over the age of 18 thinks like this.


I've seen teams go after the kneel down a LOT, the difference is the other team usually offers some sort of resistance so it leads to a bunch of guys pushing and shoving at the line. The Giants acted like the Bucs were just going to lay down so they got steamrolled and it looked worse. You play til the clock says 0:00. It's not the Bucs' fault that the Giants didn't.

Absolutely agree. Usually ends with a short skirmish in the trenches. That's it.

Being a good sport and not wanting to injure players from either side are relevant things as well. The chance somebody gets injured there is real, the chance that that they recover is infinitesimally small.

Yes, you don't want to injure intentionally. But you dive for the ball and the sidesteps into you and you break his leg then it's just coincidence. The line is there to block. You have a bunch of big bodies there, they just didn't pay attention. Coughling should be angry at his center for almost rolling up Eli's leg.
You can't be a real, actual human. You're some bizarro goof who pretends all the world conforms to some weirdo mafia movie stereotypical notion of "respect", right?

Do 99% of kneel-downs not end in the defense conceding? Respect.

Do coaches not use their final timeouts when they're down more than a score or two and the other team has the ball with less than two minutes? That's conceding the win... Respect.

There's a point at which you take your medicine as a coach and accept the loss, out of respect.
So now there's no respect in the NFL.

You can't tell me it doesn't make it any worse when you're the new coach in town and you're calling cheap shots against the defending super bowl champions.

Idk if your posts are just to brag that the Giants won the Super Bowl or what but as a professional coach you can't not do something just because it's your first year. Herm Edwards said it best, 'you play to win the game'.


Do 99% of kneel-downs not end in the defense conceding? Respect.

Do coaches not use their final timeouts when they're down more than a score or two and the other team has the ball with less than two minutes? That's conceding the win... Respect.

There's a point at which you take your medicine as a coach and accept the loss, out of respect.

hahahahhaha, you really do think you're living in some Tony Soprano dream world. This is awesome! You are 100% my new favorite poster.

And you are correct, there is a time you accept the loss.

When da fuckin' game is ovahhhh

also...what happened to that fucking Russian in the woods!!!!??? gahhhhhhhhh


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
If it's a multiple score lead, sure, concede the loss.

One score lead? Stranger things have happened.


This is the best New Jersey has to offer us?

He's at least typing some complete sentences. For Jersey, he's practically a genius.

I like you guys.

I'm kinda new around here and I forewarn you that I'll go off on some tangents every once in a while.

Anyways, against the Giants or not I think it was a cheap shot. And I don't think Schiano, or most any other coaches for that matter, would feel okay if Eli or someone else got seriously hurt because he had his D-Lineman take a stab at the ball during the kneel-down.

Thats it, I'm done with this topic.

also...what happened to that fucking Russian in the woods!!!!??? gahhhhhhhhh

He lived but nothing came of it, he did not kill Tony at the end
What is going with Welker, anyway? Is he in the doghouse for the contract situation? I haven't followed the Pats game but I've read he's barely been on the field.


What is going with Welker, anyway? Is he in the doghouse for the contract situation? I haven't followed the Pats game but I've read he's barely been on the field.

They have (well, had) actual human sized targets to go over the middle now and since he is slow as fuck and shorter than a midget hobbit, he's kind of useless as an outside/deep threat.
What is going with Welker, anyway? Is he in the doghouse for the contract situation? I haven't followed the Pats game but I've read he's barely been on the field.

McDaniels is back as offensive coordinator and I'm pretty sure they're trying to get away from the predictability of Welker-centered offense (short downs). Now that Hernandez is out Welker will probably get more catches though.


A couple of thoughts about the Skins/Rams

- Jeff has really inspired the Rams. I think they'll definitely improve, well they already have. It's amazing how a coach can change the culture of a team.
- RGIII is the real deal. I'm thankful that we have him. Sure, it's 2 games in but his traits aren't a fluke. He's composed, he's mature and intelligent.
- I believe that Mike should have gone for it on 4th down, having Cundiff kick is basically quitting, especially from that distance.
- The Redskins defense is in shambles.
- The referee's in week2 became a danger to player safety.
- While the Redskins could have won, they didn't. Congrats to the Rams.
He didn't earn it for what he did the past several years?

I'm sure what he did for the pats in the past was great. But you don't think he might be declining? He was awful week 1 and if they just make Edelman the new slot receiver on cheap, they can use that cap room to sign a better player in a spot they need it in.

But hey, I'd rather the Jets don't deal w him twice a year as well.


That's not what the chick he molested said.

And there's that too.

What is going with Welker, anyway? Is he in the doghouse for the contract situation? I haven't followed the Pats game but I've read he's barely been on the field.

Conventional wisdom is that they're phasing him out to replace him next year. The stupid thing is, it's not working. At the end of the game, after they were forced to put him in more, he still led the team with 95 yards, and incidentally, the offense picked up, too.


And there's that too.

Conventional wisdom is that they're phasing him out to replace him next year. The stupid thing is, it's not working. At the end of the game, after they were forced to put him in more, he still led the team with 95 yards, and incidentally, the offense picked up, too.

Here's the thing, I wouldn't put it past Belichick to just play him less so he doesn't have to sign him for top 5 WR money.
DeaconKnowledge said:
Belichick is purposely reducing hhis worth.
Seems like trading him would be the more Belichik thing to do if that's the case. He generally has very little indecision in getting rid of players he doesn't think are going to help.


Why not take the opposite tactic, and treat him like an expiring commodity you need to squeeze every last drop of ability from?

My fantasy team demands it.

I actually traded Welker last year after I saw how many targets GronkGronk and Hernandez took away from him. Wait for a good game by him and trade his ass.


Players are ok with paying each other to injure one and other. I don't give a flying fuck about their injury chances since they clearly don't.

Buc players ratted on the coach immediately, saying it was him, so I think they clearly do care, they don't want olinemen going at their knees.

But let's be real here, NFL owners aren't going to appreciate the fact, that $50 million + assets have a chance at being taken out in a kneel down.
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