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NFL 2012 Week 3 |OT| Good Luck

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I heard on the radio that Cortland Finnegan was going to get every cheap shot he could while the replacement refs are around...

I don't have an actual quote though.

Smartest cornerback in the league.

That's also more time for a loss to the Raiders to fester within the player's minds

I'm glad for that, but it's a talent problem we have. The D-Line, depending on who you're talking about, is either old and slow (Hampton) to underperforming (Hood/Keisel) to inexperienced (Heyward).

Then there's the linebackers - who have been completely nullified. All teams we've faced keep everyone in to eat the blitzes (which have no push anyway - no one fears Carter and Worilds) to throw to our soft underbelly, usually on Mundy's side since he's no Polamalu. Don't see this problem improving, even with two weeks to think about it.


I heard on the radio that Cortland Finnegan was going to get every cheap shot he could while the replacement refs are around...

I don't have an actual quote though.

Oh man, look out. Next thing you know he'll be engaged in a fistfight on the field. That will really force the leagues hand.
yankeehater said:
Glad I am hear to brighten your day. I still think the Cards have a terrible offense but sadly we never got to find out.
*bro hug* It's all in good fun man.

You have to admit you so completely underestimated the Cardinals prior to Sunday!


I heard on the radio that Cortland Finnegan was going to get every cheap shot he could while the replacement refs are around...

I don't have an actual quote though.

He said he liked the replacement refs b/c "they let us play". Said it tongue in cheek. Also was jawing all game with Cutler. Even after the game still yapping

After gaining 77 yards on 19 carries in the first half, for a 4.1 average, the Bears managed just 26 yards on 15 carries in the second half. Bears quarterback Jay Cutler was underwhelming in his own right; just ask Rams cornerback Cortland Finnegan.

When asked what he thought of Cutler's play, Finnegan replied: "Not much. I think he had 190 yards passing and no TDs. So typical him."
*bro hug*

You have to admit you so completely underestimated the Cardinals prior to Sunday.

Totallly. I watched them against the Seahawks and they couldnt even get a first down until Kolb came in, and the D looked good against the Pats but Kolb looked terrible. He looked like he was afraid to throw the ball. I thought that the Eagles would eat him alive but the ST turnover et the Cards up to get a lead and the offense never stood chance. The Cards D dominated the Eagles like I have never seen another defense do. Twice the Eagles tried called roll outs to the left side and both times the LE end as in Vicks face before he could even take a step. It was like watching a JV offense go against one of the D-1 powers. Eagles could have played 8 quarters against that D and not gotten a touchdown.
Are you fucking kidding me? It wasn't just that it was a loss.

ITS HOW THEY FUCKING LOST. And its always the same thing. How dumb of a coach do you have to be to go into that game, with those injuries, and do the exact same thing you always do only to have the Cardinals punch you in the mouth?

What is the goal here? SB right? How do you expect to win the SB when the OLINE is completely garbage and Vick is getting beat up almost every play. Any fucking imbecile can see you need to counter by running the ball. But no not Reid.

If they lost a close hard fought game it would be one thing but they lost the game from the beginning thanks to terrible playcalling. And by even mentioning "evaluating Vick" Reid has opened the idea of benching Vick only after 3 games.

How about instead of creating any QB controversy, you work on the OLINE? Get that great OLINE coach you had to have to make adjustments and coach those guys up?

And oh yeah that McCoy fella? He might need to carry more than 4 times in the first half when at most you are down by is 3 to 10 points.

Swallow your pride, run the fucking ball, and sign Plaxico for redzone purposes only. Give up on your delusional fantasies of a high scoring deep passing offense and run the ball. Play to your strengths. The last time any team fell for the play action deep pass to DJAX was two full seasons ago. Now all teams know to just cover the deep routes and blitz non stop to beat the shit out of Vick. Make some fucking adjustments because I haven't seen any in what seems like forever.


"So what you're saying is we need to switch to more exotic passing plays."
As much as I love getting the thread up right after the MNF game, I'm going to have to post it late tomorrow morning.

For quality control and for my own sanity.


Francesser is right about one thing, and one thing only: the replacement refs are all anyone (including fatty) wants to talk about, it seems.

I want the regular refs back just to end the non-stop bullshit complaining about the replacement refs every single decision or non-decision, so we can revert back to the status quo of similarly awful officiating but without the handwringing over the fact it's done by scabs.


Innegan is my new favorite player

I loved it when AJ beat the crap out of him, and he is a cheap player in after the whistle stuff. But he isn't a guy who head hunts like Dunta Robinson. Just a lot of shoving and pushing guys heads as he tackles them (like I said, cheap shot)

But he's a very smart guy, and I'm not talking about the personal foul stuff. He has three INTs, and he just is so good at baiting QBs into throws that they shouldn't make. Did to both RG3 and Fatford. He also is very good tackler and doesn't really get beat much in coverage. Hardly a shutdown guy, but very solid.

If they could ever get DTs the defense would be very interesting. Lauranitis often drops deeper than Finnegan b/c he can run with TEs. Finnegan will play slot CB but really he and Jenkins play a lot of that robber stuff that I sort of understand but mostly don't


Smartest cornerback in the league.

I'm glad for that, but it's a talent problem we have. The D-Line, depending on who you're talking about, is either old and slow (Hampton) to underperforming (Hood/Keisel) to inexperienced (Heyward).

Then there's the linebackers - who have been completely nullified. All teams we've faced keep everyone in to eat the blitzes (which have no push anyway - no one fears Carter and Worilds) to throw to our soft underbelly, usually on Mundy's side since he's no Polamalu. Don't see this problem improving, even with two weeks to think about it.

I think it will definitely improve with Harrison and Polamalu. Even if Harrison isn't as good as he's been in past seasons, his presence alone is going to force offenses to make a decision between focusing on him or Woodley, a scenario I think will make Woodley more of a factor than he's been thus far. And Polamalu has definitely lost a step, but Lebeau seems to dial up much more exotic defensive schemes when he's in the lineup.


Francesser is right about one thing, and one thing only: the replacement refs are all anyone (including fatty) wants to talk about, it seems.

I want the regular refs back just to end the non-stop bullshit complaining about the replacement refs every single decision or non-decision, so we can revert back to the status quo of similarly awful officiating but without the handwringing over the fact it's done by scabs.

Give me a break, no one anywhere complained about NFL officials until this year and as soon as these filthy scabs are gassed like rats no one will ever complain about NFL refs again.


Give me a break, no one anywhere complained about NFL officials until this year and as soon as these filthy scabs are gassed like rats no one will ever complain about NFL refs again.

I don't understand this post. What are you trying to say?

So no air time for them after they hit 23rd ranked in the nation? Haha.

If a caller doesn't bring up the Scarlet Knights, I doubt he touches on the subject unless it's a quick tangent after referencing Schiano v. Dallas yesterday.

No matter. Back in the top 25!

He's being sarcastic.;) (and agreeing with you in the process)

Quality sarcasm, because I was legitimately confused whether it was serious or sarcastic.


C'mon son. They played the Steelers who couldn't even beat the Tebow led Broncos last year.

I didn't know how to feel about that game, I hate Tebow more than anything in the entire world(except for maybe the Patriots) but it was kind of nice seeing the Steelers lose to him.
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