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NFL 2012 Week 4 |OT| Dewey Beats Truman


iPhone5 stuck in Korea and two days away according to UPS.

The one gadget I actually use. Though I never have time to play stupid games on it anymore. Most of my free time is reserved for education through NeoGAF.


iPhone5 stuck in Korea and two days away according to UPS.

The one gadget I actually use. Though I never have time to play stupid games on it anymore. Most of my free time is reserved for education through NeoGAF.

Is it too late to cancel?

You should sell it to some homeless hipster for a pair of skinny jeans.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Rodgers going for the kill on this podcast.

Love it.

Normally I'd say he's getting fined but I think that the NFL knows not to play with fire.

Packers-GAF check out the show Aaron does with Wilde. It's amazing.

I love the real Aaron Rodgers. Bitter, angry, hates everyone.

:lol at having Cary Elwes with him in the locker room as he watched the replay for the 1st time.
(for the new page)

The Rodgers commentary in full:


Rodgers' comments Tuesday need no translation.

"Some stuff just needs to be said," Rodgers, who was more diplomatic during his postgame press conference, told the show's host, Jason Wilde. "First of all, I've got to do something that the NFL is not going to do: I have to apologize to the fans. Our sport is a multi-billion dollar machine, generated by people who pay good money to come watch us play. The product on the field is not being complemented by an appropriate set of officials. The games are getting out of control."

He continued: "My thing is I just feel bad for the fans. They pay good money to watch this. The game is being tarnished by an NFL that obviously cares more about saving some money than having the integrity of the game diminished a little bit."

Rodgers read the NFL's statement in a sarcastic tone and noted how it read "the officials determined both Tate and Jennings had possession of the ball" when the players hit the ground.

"I call bull on that because they say 'officials,' " Rodgers said. "No, there was zero communication between them, there was zero communication between the guy who was responsible for the phantom first-and-25 pass interference call on (Packers cornerback) Sam Shields and the other referee who was responsible for calling a offsetting personal foul against (Packers receiver) Greg Jennings for a one-handed pushing of (Seahawks cornerback) Brandon Browner, who'd just punched him and thrown him to the ground.

"Those two guys have zero communication, zero eye contact. One of them is signaling over his head, meaning the clock's stopped, game's over, I'm about to signal touchback. And the other, from who knows what angle as he's looking at M.D. on top of Golden Tate, and he's going to say that's a catch by the receiver while M.D. has the ball to his chest, which is usually the association with simultaneous possession rule: Who has the ball on their chest first?"

Rodgers was irate.

"That's garbage, obviously," he said.

Of the lack of a replay reversal and the NFL's saying there wasn't conclusive video evidence, Rodgers read the explanation and said, "They're still covering their butt here. ... I mean, come on. That's embarrassing."

Though it took Rodgers a half-day to start firing at the NFL and the officials, some of his teammates wasted no time posting venomous tweets about the outcome of the game. Rodgers also said a few of the officials went into the Packers locker room to pull out players for the meaningless extra point and "got kind of a rude welcome."

Rodgers also wasn't pleased about the crowd on the field that included Yahoo! Sports NFL writer Mike Silver walking up and asking Rodgers what had just happened.

"How did all those people get on the field? It was a mob scene over there," Rodgers said, adding, "No idea how Mike Silver's on the field, but Mike's there and we're both in disbelief of what's going on. I never ..."

After trailing off, he concluded, "It's unbelievable. It was chaos."

Rodgers saw the tweets from his teammates and said the emotion that fueled them is reason he doesn't post on his account during the season.

"We put so much into this, we put our bodies and livelihood on the line, and you can't possibly tell me the way things are going right now that player safety is being held to the same standard it was and the integrity of the game isn't what it (should be)," he said. "We put a lot in this. We put our reputations in this, we put our livelihood, our families are invested in this, and it's frustrating."

Much as he wanted to move on, Rodgers is already looking at what the impact could be down the line for the 1-2 Packers.

"If we have to get in a situation where we make the playoffs but we're a (No. 5) or (No. 6) seed and this game makes a difference in home-field advantage, you might just say, 'Well, you (won the Super Bowl) a couple of years ago as a No. 6 seed,' and that's fine. But football is so much bigger than what happens on the field. It affects a lot of areas of life," Rodgers said. "I'm talking about the economic impact that happens in Green Bay. If we don't get to host a game, you're talking about a lot of money that's not going to come into this city. And when you start thinking about it in those terms, it affects economies of different areas.

"To have a game like that when the officials take away a win like that can directly affect certain communities ... especially in Green Bay where you have such a tight-knit bond between community and team, and obviously the local businesses and hotels rely on us having home games."


iPhone5 stuck in Korea and two days away according to UPS.

The one gadget I actually use. Though I never have time to play stupid games on it anymore. Most of my free time is reserved for education through NeoGAF.

Mine got delivered, but to my parents' house in NC.

I live in NYC.




Oh no!!!

I am a bit worried about Aaron Rodgers though. His frustration levels are starting to crack, and that's not a good sign. Last week he called out his own WR. In yesterday's game the first half was surreal. I swear at times Rodgers refused to throw the ball away and wanted to be sacked. And now I'm afraid The Call will just increase that level at a time they need to buckle down and instead concentrate on the Saints.


"If we have to get in a situation where we make the playoffs but we're a (No. 5) or (No. 6) seed and this game makes a difference in home-field advantage, you might just say, 'Well, you (won the Super Bowl) a couple of years ago as a No. 6 seed,' and that's fine. But football is so much bigger than what happens on the field. It affects a lot of areas of life," Rodgers said. "I'm talking about the economic impact that happens in Green Bay. If we don't get to host a game, you're talking about a lot of money that's not going to come into this city. And when you start thinking about it in those terms, it affects economies of different areas.

How bout your get to .500 before you start talking Super Bowl darlin'?
Do the Cardinals have an incredible pass rush or something? The Dolphins have a great o-line, the Jets didn't sack Tannehill even once.

EDIT: Wait, I'm remembering some highlights of the thrashing Vick took... Hopefully Tannehill will see the blitzes coming and get rid of the ball in time.

The best part about our pass rush is that it literally comes from every defensive player on the field at any given time. You can't just assume it's our OLB's that's coming your way. Remember when Peterson nailed Ridley for a loss of yards? Our front line constantly breaks through and of course our LB's get plenty of action. Horton mixes the schemes up, it's truly a team effort and we are the better for it. Expect Tannehill to get sacked on Sunday. I'm licking my chops at the buffet the Dolphins will be.
Micheal Lombardi just said that there were 32 calls overturned by replay this week, by far the most in any week since they added replay.


Week 4 and still undefeated, WTF is this shit

Don't question it. Just it enjoy it while it lasts. That's what I'm doing.

iPhone5 stuck in Korea and two days away according to UPS.

The one gadget I actually use. Though I never have time to play stupid games on it anymore. Most of my free time is reserved for education through NeoGAF.

Same here, well I use the family iPad too when I get a chance. I think you will love it coming from the 4. I do anyway.
Per Mike Jurecki via twitter:

#NFL Top 5 QB rating's after 3 games Matt Ryan 113.9 Ben Roethlisberger 109.2 Kevin Kolb 108.6 Andy Dalton 105.0 Christian Ponder 104.9

WTF? Who is this Kolb that runs forward through the pocket instead of backwards? Actually stays on the field and isn't turning the ball over? Keep it up and we just might not feel fleeced anymore.

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep





Last Week



Is it too late to cancel?

You should sell it to some homeless hipster for a pair of skinny jeans.
Can't cancel. I would be kicked out of the country club without a modern smartphone. I don't want to be associated with the poors with some common Android phone.

Also why would I need another pair of skinny jeans? The one I have still fit perfectly.


Don't question it. Just it enjoy it while it lasts. That's what I'm doing.

Same here, well I use the family iPad too when I get a chance. I think you will love it coming from the 4. I do anyway.
Upgrading from 4S which I hated. Shit battery life. Supposedly better on 5 so if that is true I will be happy just with that.
Can't cancel. I would be kicked out of the country club without a modern smartphone. I don't want to be associated with the poors with some common Android phone.

Also why would I need another pair of skinny jeans? The one I have still fit perfectly.

I have this amazing mental image of how you look now.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man

9. New England 391
16. Pittsburgh 349

BTW the Steelers are averaging 65 yards per game on the ground. The lack of balance is going to be a problem for you guys.
Man, if that's a run first offense, I would hate to see the rushing numbers if they were actually pass first.


Jets sign RB Grimes off Texans practice squad. Guy can run and plays hard he was just the odd man out with Foster/Tate/Forsett there. Was hoping no one would notice him.
good for him. He wouldn't have gotten a shot with the texans this year unless someone got hurt.


In other news I just saw End of Watch. It was pretty good, though I don't get the training day comparisons, other than it being a cop movie.
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