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NFL 2012 Week 5 |OT| Bucket's Creamy Goo


I'm kind of jealous of you Texans fans who have been there from the beginning. The idea of being a fan of a team from the very start of their existence is very cool to me.


I was there for Carr
I was there for Mario v Reggie v Vince (we got that right tho)
I was there for Ahman Green
I was there for Chris Brown HB Pass on the 2 yard line
I was there for Rosencopter
I was there for the 2010 season. 6-10. Worst defense in modern era. I was almost at a breaking point here.
I was here for you fucks and your TEXANS CYCLE

It's been a lonnnnnnng road bruh. Try sharing a state with Cowboy fans and your team being garbage. It was rough. But now dem tables a turnin.



I was there for Carr
I was there for Mario v Reggie v Vince (we got that right tho)
I was there for Ahman Green
I was there for Chris Brown HB Pass on the 2 yard line <--- thanks for reminding me. -jmdajr
I was there for Rosencopter
I was there for the 2010 season. 6-10. Worst defense in modern era. I was almost at a breaking point here.
I was here for you fucks and your TEXANS CYCLE

It's been a lonnnnnnng road bruh. Try sharing a state with Cowboy fans and your team being garbage. It was rough. But now dem tables a turnin.


Nothing like Watching Vince Young walk into the END ZONE (the one I'm sitting at) on the final play while a crowd full of UT fans with VY jerseys mock the Texans at Reliant Stadium.


I was there for Carr
I was there for Mario v Reggie v Vince (we got that right tho)
I was there for Ahman Green
I was there for Chris Brown HB Pass on the 2 yard line
I was there for Rosencopter
I was there for the 2010 season. 6-10. Worst defense in modern era. I was almost at a breaking point here.
I was here for you fucks and your TEXANS CYCLE

It's been a lonnnnnnng road bruh. Try sharing a state with Cowboy fans and your team being garbage. It was rough. But now dem tables a turnin.

I'd take Reggie bush over Mario williams



Nothing like Watching Vince Young walk into the END ZONE (the one I'm sitting by) on the final play while a crowd full of UT fans with VY jerseys mock the Texans at Reliant Stadium.


Real talk i blocked that out of my memory until you just brought it up. I don't consider that a dark moment though but more of a troll moment by VY and the Titans.

I'd take Reggie bush over Mario williams

Yeah the way he's playing now. Not back then though and the couple of years after the draft. Also before MW became fat and lazy.

oh AND the very first game beating the Cowboys the tears were so delicious even if we were awful for years to come.


Real talk i blocked that out of my memory until you just brought it up. I don't consider that a dark moment though but more of a troll moment by VY and the Titans.

Yeah the way he's playing now. Not back then though and the couple of years after the draft. Also before MW became fat and lazy.

Fucking Mario. Damn.
He ain't stupid though. Laughing all the way to the bank.

I'm sorry Bills fans.


come in my shame circle
lol kave_man getting trolled by derrek anderson

Honestly it's the thing that hurts the most out of this.




I was there for Carr
I was there for Mario v Reggie v Vince (we got that right tho)
I was there for Ahman Green
I was there for Chris Brown HB Pass on the 2 yard line
I was there for Rosencopter
I was there for the 2010 season. 6-10. Worst defense in modern era. I was almost at a breaking point here.
I was here for you fucks and your TEXANS CYCLE

It's been a lonnnnnnng road bruh. Try sharing a state with Cowboy fans and your team being garbage. It was rough. But now dem tables a turnin.

You're going to need to add a few more "I was there"s before the Texans get a chip. So get comfy. :p


Fear of a GAF Planet
Nick Saban said:
I think that the way people are going no-huddle right now, that at some point in time, we should look at how fast we allow the game to go in terms of player safety. The team gets in the same formation group, you can’t substitute defensive players, you go on a 14-, 16-, 18-play drive and they’re snapping the ball as fast as you can go and you look out there and all your players are walking around and can’t even get lined up. That’s when guys have a much greater chance of getting hurt when they’re not ready to play.

I think that’s something that can be looked at. It’s obviously created a tremendous advantage for the offense when teams are scoring 70 points and we’re averaging 49.5 points a game. With people that do those kinds of things. More and more people are going to do it.

I just think there’s got to be some sense of fairness in terms of asking is this what we want football to be?



I really hate the NFL coverage TV rules.

Living in NYC and instead of showing the Eagles Steelers game on FOX while the Giants game is on CBS this weekend, we only get the Giants game and then only a 4pm FOX game which this week is Jags and Bears. WTF? Show the NFC East rival game FOX you assholes.


Texans fans being optimistic will only make the fall that much sweeter for the rest of us

After 10 years of bitterness and alcohol we deserve this. Cant wait for our defensive front 7 to get a hold on that swiss cheese o line of the Packers.

Hey there is no pressure in October:

They have never won a prime-time game on the road.

They have never beaten the New York Jets.

They have never been 5-0 before.

They have never played on NBC's Sunday Night Football.

They have never beaten the Baltimore Ravens.

They have never had three straight marquee games worthy of national attention.


No pressure....



I HATE no huddle. I think there should be a 15 second clock at the end of every play before the offense can snap the ball (excepting end of halves). College games are 12 hours long now. That WVU-BU game is nothing I want to see with any frequency. Bob Stoops mentioned this awhile back. Teams can run their WRs down the field, just have them trot off, while the defense's secondary usually has to stay on the field. DL run more than OL. It's a huge advantage for an offense, in a sport that does too much to benefit offenses anyway



Kyle’s hit on Brady draws $15K fine
Posted by Chris Brown on October 3, 2012 – 12:37 pm

Kyle Williams got an unwanted mailing from the NFL for his attempted tackle of Tom Brady last Sunday. He was fined $15K by the league for his attempted sack of Brady in the third quarter.

It was a 2nd-and-6 play at the Bills 32 with 4:49 left in the third quarter. Williams on his pass rush disengages from his blocker Donald Thomas as Brady steps up in the pocket. He lunges toward Brady in an effort to tackle him around the ankles and makes contact with Brady’s calf with his forearm and shoulder pad. Brady was throwing the ball when contact was made. Williams was flagged for unnecessary roughness on the play, but isn’t sure what else he’s supposed to do on that play.

“I don’t know,” he said. ”Other than let him throw the ball I don’t know. I could understand if I dove at him head first and hit him, or hit him behind the legs and dove at him with my shoulder. But I hit him with my arm and I get a $15 thousand-dollar fine for hitting him with the ball. I don’t get it.”

Having drawn the flag in the game, Williams surmised a league fine might soon follow.

“I figured it was (coming), but I mean at the same time I asked the official during the game, ‘What do you want me to do?’ He didn’t say anything. Of course I wasn’t exactly calm when I asked him. But I’m trying to figure out, you get blocked down, you’re going down and the guy still has the ball. I didn’t dive into the side of his leg. I didn’t spear him in the side of the leg. I hit him with my forearm in his calf and he went down. You’ve got guys up there hitting Fitz in the chest with their helmet when he’s going to down. I don’t know what you’re supposed to do.”

What likely drew the flag was the way Brady’s left knee bent awkwardly inward on the play. Knowing Brady’s status in the league and the fact that he tore his ACL on a similar play a few years ago when then Kansas City DB Bernard Pollard hit him as he was throwing, a fine was likely whether the hit was legal or not.


Everyone laughed at the start of the year when I said I was worried about the Browns. I still am. Richardson might beat our shit D by himself.

Savannah St would put 30 on our D and yes this means in threeball logic that Savannah St>>> Jest and Mark Sanchize


Savannah St would put 30 on our D and yes this means in threeball logic that Savannah St>>> Jest and Mark Sanchize
The worst part is how bad the tackling is. I get jealous watching the Niners and other good defenses this year that have superior tackling.

Of course we learned through ESPN that the Steelers invented good defense coupled with a run game so they (Niners, Texans, etc) are obviously copying us. I think we should sue them.


Ok, I'm going to break my rule of asking for fantasy advice in here since I really am having trouble deciding.

which 2 out of these 3 RBs should get starts


I'm thinking Lynch and Richardson, but I'm worried McCoy may abuse the Steelers catching passes out the backfield.
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