Motherfucker I'm blessed
You jelly I have time to get trophies, why you hating on that
Like somehow my opinions means shit like "Oh shit guys he earns trophies, looool, he doesn't know shit, his opinion is invalid"
Pokemon is amazing, don't knock that shit
(Even though last time I played it was Gold)
Alexis can do gangbusters numbers against the whole fucking league, improve himself to be record breaker r' us (sorry Breezy fans), if got no ring.. he's still a fucking chump
Motherfucker has been in the league for 7 fucking years, what does he have to show for it
Most QB's have surpassed and moved and won chips, your blue collar ho is still wearing name tag blue collar shirts to recognize his own name
Also how delusional of a SF fans are you, what does Charles Barkely have to do with anything? Jeff Garcia? Mariucci?
You prove my point, ya'll still live in the past