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NFL 2012 Week 6 |OT| The C-Word Is For Lovers

Bledsoe is Mallett. Mallett is Bledsoe.

My dad might start to watch football again.


Was out all day yesterday and don't even care to go into detail anymore with this crappy team.

At this point I don't see us winning the next two games (Atl at home and then NO in NO).

Lurie should fire Reid if this team is at 3-5 but he won't. Hell I am now worried that he won't get fired even at 8-8. They always come up with some BS reason to keep him around. Last year it was because "oh they won their last 4" but completely over looking the competition in those final games.

Congrats to Detroit. You guys were dumbfounded for 3 quarters but our coach, D, and O let you guys back into the game.

2 carries for McCoy in the fourth LOL LOL LOL

Fire this clown already please.

The Eagles RB's had 29 carries for only 71 yards. McCoy is not a good RB this year. You cant just feed him the ball at the end of the game because he is way more likely to lose yards then he is to get positive yards. I dont see how you can complain about the coaches after yesterdays game. If Celek holds onto the first TD that he dropped, or the refs dont call that bullshit OPI, that game is a huge blowout. Eagles D played great for 3 quarters and then they were stuck on the field the whole 4th. The Lions had a long drive for no points, then punted. Vick threw a pick on the first play, when DJax was wide opne, Lions then go down the field for a TD. Eagles get the ball back and Vick hits Maclin for a TD. Lions get the ball back and march down the field again for another TD. Eagles get the ball and go 3 and out. Lions drive down to the 1 and settle for the field goal. The D was on the filed for all but 5 plays. No many D's can hold up to be on the field for that much time.


Slept good last night after dat Rodgers medicine. Them dudes were as rabid as the elk eznark shoots for "sport". If they lost that game their season would be in trouble. We got punched but hopefully it will help in the long run before they started feeling too good about themselves.

Id rather smash the Ravens this week. Don't give a fuck who's out need to handle up.
I'm going to level with you DK. Can I call you DK? Cool. Thanks.

So DK, here's the deal, your team is garbage. Your defense is old and busted. Your offensive line is still putrid. You have to count on Rashard Mendenhall as your running back who is about as reliable as a five year old with ADD. And your QB is an accused rapist.

It makes sense that you have to take pleasure in seeing the Patriots playing the way they're playing. I would too if I had nothing else to root for. But don't be surprised when I mouth off to you, you can't run your mouth and not bear the consequences. Just ask Tom Brady.

Dear Dragon,

First off, yes, the Steelers are playing like garbage. I can come to terms with this, as the team has been dominant for years now and all good things must come to an end. I'm satisfied to know that when it mattered, the Steelers prevailed, and as such I can put of with a few years, or even decades, of mediocrity if that's what it takes.

On the flip side, I know that you being a Patriots fan means that your interest is tied to their success. Sure, you may stick around for a season or two of poor play, but once its certain that the cheaters aren't going 19-0 or even scraping into the playoffs on their usual piss easy schedules and trash defenses then you'll find something else to occupy your time, like the Sawx or the local Boston Klan meeting. Even when that happens you'll have to bite your tongue because even at the apex of the Patriots "greatness" they still had to cheat to win.

In conclusion, fuck the Patriots.




Our drafting sure has become a liability in recent years, particurally on the defensive side. It seems like we're only capable of drafting small, speedy receivers that amount to anything now:
PITTSBURGH -- A Pittsburgh Steelers rookie defensive lineman was arrested early Sunday on charges of leading police on a chase while driving drunk and crashing into parked cars, injuring a woman, authorities said.

Alameda Ta'amu, 22, of Kent, Wash., was driving a sport utility vehicle the wrong way on Pittsburgh's South Side at about 2:30 a.m., police said. The 6-foot-3, 348-pound Ta'amu fled officers and crashed into four parked cars, injuring a woman, then tried to flee on foot before he was restrained by four officers and arrested, police said.

Charges against him include felony fleeing police, aggravated assault and aggravated assault by vehicle, as well as misdemeanor accident causing damage, resisting arrest, escape and DUI charges, along with summary counts, according to court records.

"We are disappointed to hear about the situation regarding Alameda Ta'amu," Steelers General Manager Kevin Colbert said in a statement. "We will gather more facts before providing any further comment."

According to the criminal complaint, an off-duty detective called police to say the SUV was swerving across double yellow lines and passing several vehicles at a time, running red lights and speeding in an area that had many pedestrians. Several police officers ordered the driver to stop but he refused, causing them to dive out of the way to avoid being run over, authorities alleged.

The SUV then crashed into a parked vehicle, injuring the driver, who was treated at UPMC Mercy and later released, police said. After crashing into several other cars, the vehicle was disabled, and Ta'amu then fled on foot, taking off his shirt in what authorities say was an attempt to evade the pursuing officers.

Finally, the officers caught up to him in a parking lot and ordered him to the ground, but he resisted being handcuffed and appeared to be reaching toward his waistband, which the officers feared was an attempt to draw a weapon, so one officer punched him twice, police said. Ta'amu was then handcuffed and transported in a police wagon "due to (his) extremely large size," authorities said.

Police said in the criminal complaint that the defendant's breath smelled of alcohol and a breath test indicated a blood-alcohol content of .196 percent, more than twice the legal limit of .08 percent.

Ta'amu was drafted in the fourth round out of Washington. He has yet to play this season.


That is not the "dumbest play of the season".

For one the offsides on a fucking punt was dumber.

1. It's incredibly dangerous
2. It's not like it was an accident or a mental lapse, guy is just a box of rocks
3. It's about as blatant a penalty as you can get
4. Hyperbole


Way ta go Connor! LOOK HOW HIGH HE CAN JUMP! That will help us win a lot of games.


Needs to qut trying to be emo, driving his Prius, living in downtown, riding his bike and writing for the Houston Press and get his mind back in the damn game!


So they were the laughingstock of the league from 1994 through 1999 when they were basically .500? It's been almost 20 years since they could be considered laughingstock. Get your facts straight instead of regurgitating the same bullshit and cliches that you always do. You're almost as tired as the Steelers D after playing a high school team.
Oh shit.

I forgot the glory years of 1994 when the Pats were a .500 team!

My sincere apologies and congratulations on your return to glory!


Needs to qut trying to be emo, driving his Prius, living in downtown, riding his bike and writing for the Houston Press and get his mind back in the damn game!

Nothing wrong with living downtown, but he needs to figure out what the fuck is wrong.


Don't forget Daniel Manning. We almost made of for that mental lapse, only to be greatest with another.

Not defending manning but NBC showed that punch by Manning and his leg was wrapped under his own body in the dogpile. Not excusable but it must have hurt something fierce.


Don't forget Daniel Manning. We almost made of for that mental lapse, only to be greatest with another.

Meh, his leg was bent backwards and that's why he did that. Horrible timing but I think he just had some panic. His leg looked like it was literally almost at a breaking point.


This is old hat harson.

That said, you have to cut him. Aggravated Assault against a police officer? Serious dude?

Dayum, I forgot how salty Florio is over the Steelers:
Complicating matters for Ta’amu is the fact that he fled from police who were trying to pull him over. It’s an open secret in Pittsburgh that the cops have a tendency to look the other way when it comes to Steelers players. If Ta’amu had simply complied, there’s a good chance he would have gotten a ride home and a talking to.


Apparently losing to the Packers in the Superbowl is now the greatest accomplishment a team can achieve.

So that means our 2010 season was a success. We did it guys!

Not every team has our rich and glorious history, bionic. For teams like the Patriots and Vikings that have never actually won a Super Bowl, just getting there is revered.


Not defending manning but NBC showed that punch by Manning and his leg was wrapped under his own body in the dogpile. Not excusable but it must have hurt something fierce.

My boss was telling me that, but I didn't know if it was legitimate or not. Not obvious while at the game. Guess I can understand. Some shit happened to Antonio Smith though.


The Eagles RB's had 29 carries for only 71 yards. McCoy is not a good RB this year. You cant just feed him the ball at the end of the game because he is way more likely to lose yards then he is to get positive yards. I dont see how you can complain about the coaches after yesterdays game. If Celek holds onto the first TD that he dropped, or the refs dont call that bullshit OPI, that game is a huge blowout. Eagles D played great for 3 quarters and then they were stuck on the field the whole 4th. The Lions had a long drive for no points, then punted. Vick threw a pick on the first play, when DJax was wide opne, Lions then go down the field for a TD. Eagles get the ball back and Vick hits Maclin for a TD. Lions get the ball back and march down the field again for another TD. Eagles get the ball and go 3 and out. Lions drive down to the 1 and settle for the field goal. The D was on the filed for all but 5 plays. No many D's can hold up to be on the field for that much time.

Holy crap dude do you go out of your way to defend this coach and team.

McCoy isn't a good RB this year? Are you fucking serious? Most all teams would in an instant trade for him right now. And actually use him! WHAT A CONCEPT!

How would we know he isn't a good RB this season? THEY NEVER RUN THE BALL. He single handedly jump started the offense against the Giants. Vick is struggling. OLINE is struggling. And you are going to make the statement that its McCoy who isn't a good RB this season?

Newsflash he always dances around and loses yards. But he also hits the big run. Actually more often than not he does hit the big one. You just have to keep going to him. Of the 29 carries you mentioned ONLY FOURTEEN were to McCoy. Let that sink in. Your absolutely best player on offense only got 14 carries. In a game that was never out of hand and a game in fact they held a lead for most of the 2nd half.

How in the world can you justify them not feeding him the ball? They were up 16-6 in the fourth quarter. Isn't Reid's plan to run when they have a lead?

Even if McCoy is having no success you have to keep feeding him the ball. What kind of stupid ass logic is this? Detroit couldn't get Stafford to Megatron going. Did they stop throwing him the ball? Or did they keep going until they finally cracked through?

And why was the D on the field so much in the fourth? Why weren't the Eagles sustaining drives? Could it be that they went pass pass pass again? Detroit scored to make it 16-13, Reid decides instead of putting together a solid time consuming drive, he was hell bent on getting a big play for a TD. Vick throws the INT when the wind took the ball. Detoit has the ball again. D can't stop them for shit. Eagles get the ball and throw another bomb. This time they connect.

Now you have another 10 point lead. IT SHOULD BE ON THE DEFENSE TO FUCKING STOP THEM! This whole time I have been harping on Reid and the offense, but how the fuck did the D give up a 10 point lead twice in the fourth? For all of Vick's mistakes he at least put the team in position for two 10 point leads in the fourth and the D completely gave up. And in response Reid decided to go pass pass pass instead of realizing the momentum was changing and they needed to eat some clock. Again 2 carries in the fourth and OT combined for McCoy.

Yes Celek dropped a TD and had a BS opi against him. But you know what that happens and I am sure Detroit got BS calls against them too. Who cares? That is not why they lost. They lost because the offense is struggling again and the D for a 2nd week in a row gave up a fourth quarter lead. The same D that Juan "offensive line coach" Cuastillo was supposed to have fixed.

Nothing is working in sync. The draft has produced nothing. The D line has regressed. We have 7 sacks in 6 games where we had 50 all of last season. We don't force turnovers. The specials team is an abomination. No punt return or kick off return game. Starting field position is always deep in our own territory. Banged up OLINE to which Reid never adjust his game plan.

Yet with all that you claim McCoy isn't a good RB this year? THE DUDE FUCKING DOESN'T GET CARRIES.

Isn't it time now for once to just try something different? And run the ball? Why is it so hard with this team to do the basics?

1st and goal from the 2 yard line? SHOTGUN QB DRAW with a QB who can't hold onto the ball! LOL Reid play calling.

2 picks, 2 fumbles, no blame.

Must be nice.

Last I checked Vick would be under O.


Well, it was.
Are you referencing the destruction of the Pats at home by the Ravens or the subsequent defeat of the Ravens at the hands of the Steelers?

Because yeah, they were both pretty awesome but I don't know if I would make a banner about it or anything.


Fuck the Texans and the NFL! Im gonna go hardcore and support the Astros and Rockets!

Rockets are a joke. Sad when the GM is the most recognizable name on the team. And the first round draft pick is afraid of planes so he'll be taking the bus on road trips.
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