Another prime time game for Rivers tonight? Excellent.
Bob knows that the Bears are not even close to the Packers level. He will stick around as long as the Bears are in the running for the playoffs.
When's the next Packers-Bears game so Bob can disappear from this thread for a few weeks?
I went to this place for the brisket, and it was pretty delicious. The ribs weren't bad either.Just to watch them dump. And maybe sample some of the local cuisine. What do you guys have? Barbeque?
Jets fans are obsessed with bashing offensive coordinators. Can't bring yourselves to question the greatest coach of all time.
We lost the game because we didn't score the most points.
It is what it is.
You think Josh McDaniel is a good coach? Ask squicken about what kind of a game planner he is.
You lost because your pansy ass defense couldn't stop the worst QB in the league and your head coach and your head coach think the only way to win football games is to score 83242423 points.
Just to watch them dump. And maybe sample some of the local cuisine. What do you guys have? Barbeque?
Taco trucks with authentic mexican food!
We have all kinds of food we are like one of the fattest cities in the country. Would explain why the Packers-age is so familiar with this town, or relocating here!
Meh, let Bretti puff his chest. I'm just happy we've shown the resiliency to win despite being so inconsistent/bad in the last three weeks. The Bye comes at the right time. Need the offense to be as consistent as it was in the early going.
I don't get the joke here...Oh look, more anti-American military hate from Texans age. I guess living in a dust bowl and eating cow pies has made you feel like you have a lot in common with Al Qaeda.
I've learned to be ever pessimistic about the outlook of my teams. It keeps me going every day.People want to talk about how we have only played scrubs, but if every team sucks then what else is there?
Four of their wins last season were by one score or less.Just thinking out loud:
When was the last time the Patriots won a game where they didn't run away with the score?
Just thinking out loud:
When was the last time the Patriots won a game where they didn't run away with the score?
I don't get the joke here...
I actually thought you were going to win yesterday. It was all set up for you but either the Giants have your number or your team peaked last year and are frauds this year. Leaning towards the latter.I would have settled for 82 yards passing and a win yesterday![]()
Ugh, don't remind me.Christmas Eve against the Dolphins.
Oh look, more anti-American military hate from Texans age. I guess living in a dust bowl and eating cow pies has made you feel like you have a lot in common with Al Qaeda.
Our logo is a bull with the American colors. Can't get more patriotic than that. Your QB hates cancer patients. Who is more anti-American and closest to Canada?
That's right Wisconsin, the same state where The Weasel resides. That alone should be enough shame for you.
Rick Neuheisel doesn't live in Wisconsin...Our logo is a bull with the American colors. Can't get more patriotic than that. Your QB hates cancer patients. Who is more anti-American and closest to Canada?
That's right Wisconsin, the same state where The Weasel resides. That alone should be enough shame for you.
You think Josh McDaniel is a good coach? Ask squicken about what kind of a game planner he is.
You lost because your pansy ass defense couldn't stop the worst QB in the league and your qb and your head coach think the only way to win football games is to score 83242423 points.
Our logo is a bull with the American colors. Can't get more patriotic than that. Your QB hates cancer patients. Who is more anti-American and closest to Canada?
That's right Wisconsin, the same state where The Weasel resides. That alone should be enough shame for you.
It's a shame the Bears had to clown the Cowboys. I do miss the yearly beatings the Bears normally give the Eagles. Especially this season when Vick can't hold onto the ball. 6 ints and 4 fumbles would be the betting line.
Our logo is a bull with the American colors. Can't get more patriotic than that. Your QB hates cancer patients. Who is more anti-American and closest to Canada?
That's right Wisconsin, the same state where The Weasel resides. That alone should be enough shame for you.
Our logo is a bull with the American colors. Can't get more patriotic than that. Your QB hates cancer patients. Who is more anti-American and closest to Canada?
That's right Wisconsin, the same state where The Weasel resides. That alone should be enough shame for you.
You're the most oddly bitter Dolphins fan ever. You've never even been relevant long enough to be anyone's rival, is that why you are trying to drum up some animosity here?
All the Jets winning the last century has really gassed up the fans apparently. Now giving advice on running an offense.
How's Liverpool doing?
Next week's thread will be up immediately following MNF.
Sorry Smokey. Fuck Texas. (you're cool though)
"The Jets have an amazing offense" said no one ever in the history of the franchise.
Oh that's right. Now I'm the asshole.You mean Aston Villa
Phins still beat the Packers during regular season.
And you're the one starting crap with your reply to my Flynn comment.
Tannehill is improving each game he plays. Hasn't thrown an interception in the last two games.
You're trying to compare a rookie QB to a benchwarmer like Flynn.
Have you heard of Don Maynard?
He means me, because is a bitter man over never being able to close out Madden and NCAA games against me.
Which state proudly declares their right to secede at any given time? What state practically believes they're their own country?
Hint: It isn't Wisconsin
First home game I was at (Seahawks) against the Texans, I think it was their first season. Was a cold fall day, the dudes walking through the stadium selling concessions have hot chocolate. There was this guy sitting next to me from Texas, and he says, "What kind of fucking pussy state sells hot chocolate at football games?"
I looked at him and said, "I don't know, what kind of fucking state executes mentally disabled people?"
He didn't even know what I meant.
Sorry Smokey. Fuck Texas. (you're cool though)
I had a Ferret. Those guys are so smart and adorable. Kind of like Rodgers.
If 1 win makes them do this or they do this to get one win
I shudder what the next level is...