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NFL 2012 Week 6 |OT| The C-Word Is For Lovers


Remember how I told you Germans have conditioned themselves into forgetting the 30's and 40's?

Real talk: that's the very real, very serious danger with outlawing history and its discussion.

It's hard to forget something that happened in the 30's and 40's when you weren't born until the 80's. That's like implying Americans conditioned themselves to forget segregation and busing and the civil rights movement.

Edit: I don't agree with outlawing the history either but you can't blame Milchjon for something he wasn't even alive for.


It's hard to forget something that happened in the 30's and 40's when you weren't born until the 80's. That's like implying Americans conditioned themselves to forget segregation and busing and the civil rights movement.

It's like that exactly if you are some twisted relativist, yes.

Edit: I don't agree with outlawing the history either but you can't blame Milchjon for something he wasn't even alive for.
I demand reparations. All of Milchjon's post for the rest of the week shall be pro-Packers.


Weren't people pointing to the multicultural German men's soccer team as "not really German" because they weren't all white?

Well, first things first, soccer fans are horrible, as a rule of thumb.

And yeah, for almost every European team you get these arguments. Whether it's France, the UK, Holland, Germany or even Italy, they all have a disproportionate amount of immigrant players. About half of our team has some foreign roots, I think. Polish, Turkish, some African I think. But most of them have lived here all their life.

But I think this usually isn't an argument within any of these countries really. It's more among the others competing countries who claim that it's unfair that some team's best players "aren't really Dutch/British/French/German."


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Well, first things first, soccer fans are horrible, as a rule of thumb.

And yeah, for almost every European team you get these arguments. Whether it's France, the UK, Holland, Germany or even Italy, they all have a disproportionate amount of immigrant players. About half of our team has some foreign roots, I think. Polish, Turkish, some African I think. But most of them have lived here all their life.

But I think this usually isn't an argument within any of these countries really. It's more among the others competing countries who claim that it's unfair that some team's best players "aren't really Dutch/British/French/German."

Germans being Germans, in other words.
Well, first things first, soccer fans are horrible, as a rule of thumb.

And yeah, for almost every European team you get these arguments. Whether it's France, the UK, Holland, Germany or even Italy, they all have a disproportionate amount of immigrant players. About half of our team has some foreign roots, I think. Polish, Turkish, some African I think. But most of them have lived here all their life.

But I think this usually isn't an argument within any of these countries really. It's more among the others competing countries who claim that it's unfair that some team's best players "aren't really Dutch/British/French/German."

Your naivety is very cute.
Make sure to stop in Kalamazoo, MI at the Bell's Brewery.
Bells? Bitch please. It's all about Founder's in Grand Rapids. They are doing a limited release on a new ale right now, and it's sooo good.

If you are coming to Detroit for a game, make the extra 2 hour trip north to Grand Rapids to check out Founder's. You will never regret it


Oh, definitely a good win for you guys, not trying to take anything away from it, but seeing as the Packers play the Rams next week I'm kind of focused on what the fuck happened on their end.

Those are the types of wins that are huge for team trying to grow and coaches trying to build. You don't get to keep your job with many 2-14 seasons, but win 5-7 and people will let you kind of build your vision a bit without too much immediate pressure.

I'm just catching up to the thread but I'll help

1. STL has no RZ offense, and haven't for 5 years. The combo of Bradford and bad WRs means the middle of the filed gets packed. So they can't throw to Amendola and can't run. They have no quick TE who can create separation for those PA tosses. Bradford can't throw a fade

2. Also just killer penalties. holds, false starts. They must lead the league in RZ drives that go 20 yards backwards

3. Zuerlien masked a rather bad ST unit. Nothing from returns and weak coverage.

4. Fisher is a good coach, and I think he'll make them a perennial playoff contender, but never a SB contender. I thought he had learned the league had changed, but he clearly hasn't. The offense gets incredibly conservative once it gets in FG range. He views TDs as bonuses instead of FGs as failures.

5. They drafted and spent all their money on defense, and it's clear there's been great improvement. But defense doesn't win consistently. I can see why he kept his job so long. A great defense is great job security. It's perfect for always being around 8-8

6. My guess is he doesn't want Bradford. If you would rather take a 66 yd FG w/ a rookie who had just missed his previous two over attempted to convert a 4th and 7, then you don't trust your QB. The last drive was all pre-defined throws. For instance, on the sack, every WR ran a clearing route for Pettis to work 1v1 on a LB. Pettis is awful and got stuffed at the line, and there were no other receivers actually running routes. All the decisions were taken out of Bradford's hands. He'll bring in his QB next year or the year after, once he gets the OL settled
My guess is he doesn't want Bradford. If you would rather take a 66 yd FG w/ a rookie who had just missed his previous two over attempted to convert a 4th and 7, then you don't trust your QB.
I completely agree and honestly that call blew my mind. The Rams had one timeout with a good 20 seconds or so on the clock; plenty of time to call the timeout, pick up a first, and spike the ball even if you don't get out of bounds. That's what I was expecting because I thought, like any rational viewer of football, that the Rams were out of FG range. When I saw Zuerlien come in I was completely stunned (and terrified of him making history on us, haha).

Fisher definitely has no faith in Bradford. Then again, maybe it was justified considering the crucial sack Bradford took on the previous play. Fisher was probably so pissed at him.


No matter what you think you're actually doing, I recommend stopping now. I say this with utmost sincerity and respect.

Haha, yeah, I risk to be totally misunderstood here.

Remember how I told you Germans have conditioned themselves into forgetting the 30's and 40's?

Real talk: that's the very real, very serious danger with outlawing history and its discussion.

I know we're joking about this stuff here all the time, but let me be serious for a moment:

This is totally, a hundred percent untrue. I'd say about 50% of our history classes, which are mandatory pretty much from 3rd grade to graduation are in some way or other related to the Third Reich and WW II. We are indoctrinated from very early in our lives to assume our historical guilt. No one wants to risk this is ever forgotten. Nazi jokes are a big no no within most contexts, jokes mentioning Jews are a no no in any context.

So yeah, there's no risk of (most) Germans ever forgetting about this episode of our country's history.

This also means we have a very ambivalent relationship with patriotism. Some people are proud of German products or the economy or whatever, but you won't find many Germans who are "proud of their country." You'll see very few German flags anywhere except during international soccer cups. Most countries have some kind of war they feel good about, Germans have nothing like that. Our biggest national accomplishment, the one we're actually proud of, is the reunification.

That being said, I'm impressed that Europe as a whole has been peaceful for that many decades now. You have 2 or 3 generations of people who grew up without war. Almost everyone I know is pacifist to the bone.

I hope it stays that way. I like people. Even some Ravens fans.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
Just checked, Germany has 1.0 percent Afro-Germans or Black Africans.

The ironic thing is, that probably actually means we're less racist historically. No slave owners and colonists in Germany! (Well, not none, but way less).

And yes, by "less racist" I mean against Africans.

On a historical scale, Americans are probably less racist against Turks if we get to cherry pick our racial groups.


Packers fans feeling Super Bowl blues

GREEN BAY - The excitement and the pure exhilaration from last year seem like a distant memory now. There's no victory party and no Super Bowl pandemonium this year for Packers fans.

"This year, it's just another Sunday," said Tricia Knaus of Oconto Falls.

Last year at this time, the streets were filled with Packers fans rallying. But now, everything is quiet in downtown Green Bay.

Psychologists say it's not just the lack of Packers being in the Super Bowl that is getting people down.

"There were very high hopes and they came crashing down,” said Dr. Frank Cummings, a psychologist with Fox Valley Psychology Associates. “It's probably a triple edged sword in that you really cannot go outside to do fun things like sledding, snowmobiling, ice fishing, because it’s been so warm. But, it's still too cold to do other outdoor activities."

So what can a fan do? Folks shopping at Festival Foods fought off their funk as they planned half-hearted Super Bowl parties this Friday.

“Everybody's just kind of in the dumps because they're not in it this year," said Joshua Jacques from Green Bay.

"I can't even tell you who's playing in it," said Knaus.

Pizza places like The Glass Nickel say the Packers early post-season exit is a downer for people's moods, and it's put a damper on business.

“At the end of the day, it's still the Super Bowl. People are still going to get together and watch it, so we're still hoping for good sales but not quite as good as last year's numbers," said co-owner Don Calhoun, who says sales increase 50 to 75 percent on Packer game days.

And while psychologists say it's good for football fans to try to enjoy the Super Bowl, some fans say they're refusing to tune in.

"It's not easy to watch a football game without the Packers in it," said Jerome Anderson of Green Bay.

Psychologists say big losses like the Packers had a few weeks ago against the Giants can trigger depression in people who are prone to it. Cummings says if you’ve noticed yourself feeling down for more than two weeks, you might want to consider seeking help.

Luckily Eznark is immune...


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
On a historical scale, Americans are probably less racist against Turks if we get to cherry pick our racial groups.

I was going to let that one pass, but yeah, I literally laughed out loud at that one.

A couple things each country really isn't allowed to talk shit about. Americans don't get to call others fat, and Germans don't get to call other countries racist.

It's just the way the world works.


Remember how I told you Germans have conditioned themselves into forgetting the 30's and 40's?

Real talk: that's the very real, very serious danger with outlawing history and its discussion.

To be fair, Germany treated black athletes better than the United States during the Olympics.


On a historical scale, Americans are probably less racist against Turks if we get to cherry pick our racial groups.

No question.

The whole guest worker issue has been handled very poorly through the years.

1960s: "Hey, we have too much work, come over and help us!"
1970s: "Hey, why aren't you leaving again? What do you mean your whole family and life is here?"
Cowboys Update:

Adam Schefter @AdamSchefter

ESPN Dallas reports Cowboys RB DeMarco Murray suffered ligament damage in his foot but not a season-ending Lisfranc injur

Adam Schefter @AdamSchefter

Cowboys CB Mike Jenkins, who had off-season right shoulder surgery, is undergoing an MRI on his right shoulder today.


Haha, yeah, I risk to be totally misunderstood here.

I know we're joking about this stuff here all the time, but let me be serious for a moment:

This is totally, a hundred percent untrue. I'd say about 50% of our history classes, which are mandatory pretty much from 3rd grade to graduation are in some way or other related to the Third Reich and WW II. We are indoctrinated from very early in our lives to assume our historical guilt. No one wants to risk this is ever forgotten. Nazi jokes are a big no no within most contexts, jokes mentioning Jews are a no no in any context.

So yeah, there's no risk of (most) Germans ever forgetting about this episode of our country's history.

This also means we have a very ambivalent relationship with patriotism. Some people are proud of German products or the economy or whatever, but you won't find many Germans who are "proud of their country." You'll see very few German flags anywhere except during international soccer cups. Most countries have some kind of war they feel good about, Germans have nothing like that. Our biggest national accomplishment, the one we're actually proud of, is the reunification.

That being said, I'm impressed that Europe as a whole has been peaceful for that many decades now. You have 2 or 3 generations of people who grew up without war. Almost everyone I know is pacifist to the bone.

I hope it stays that way. I like people. Even some Ravens fans.

Interesting post. I find it odd that Germans aren't proud of their country. They have been a part of that peace, are an economic force, and output plenty of products, athletes, and the like to the world. Not to mention their cultural contributions to the world.

I understand that it is important to be shameful of the past things that happened under the government of that time. The US shares having a shameful past as well. But that's just what it is the past. You learn your lessons, and base your pride on the good things that your country does. The future it is working towards. The pride in continuing to be a beacon of freedom, and the hope that it can be a place free of oppression. The past is great as a lesson to what not to do, but your pride should ultimately reside in the present and future of the country. IMO.


I was going to let that one pass, but yeah, I literally laughed out loud at that one.

A couple things each country really isn't allowed to talk shit about. Americans don't get to call others fat, and Germans don't get to call other countries racist.

It's just the way the world works.

That post was poorly worded, I know.

What I was trying to say is that having a low number of members of a certain ethnicity in your country/state/city doesn't necessarily correlate positively with the amount of racism against that group, as implied by Dragon's post about Green Bay's black population. (I'm not trying to attack Dragon here). Sometimes it's just that for whatever historical reason, not many of them made it to that place. In Germany, blacks aren't a big group because unlike Holland, Britain, France or others, we had very few African colonies.


Speaking of, Bradley Cooper would make a pretty awesome Jesse Owens, don't you think?

I'm not sure he has the facial bone structure to pull it off, but with today's make up capabilities, it's definitely a possibility. As long as he's the best man for the job!


Bells? Bitch please. It's all about Founder's in Grand Rapids. They are doing a limited release on a new ale right now, and it's sooo good.

If you are coming to Detroit for a game, make the extra 2 hour trip north to Grand Rapids to check out Founder's. You will never regret it
Bells > Founder's, homie.

Two-Hearted Ale and Hopslam. I'm about dem hop life.
I was going to let that one pass, but yeah, I literally laughed out loud at that one.

A couple things each country really isn't allowed to talk shit about. Americans don't get to call others fat, and Germans don't get to call other countries racist.

It's just the way the world works.

America can't call other countries racist or fat though.


was thinking the same thing

Just making a point in general about fan depression.
I was actually looking for another article, but couldn't find it. They did a scientific study on cities after big sports loses and how it affected it's citizens. If I ever find it I'll post it.


Just making a point in general about fan depression.
I was actually looking for another article, but couldn't find it. They did a scientific study on cities after big sports loses and how it affected it's citizens. If I ever find it I'll post it.

You have so much to live for.


Well, first things first, soccer fans are horrible, as a rule of thumb.

And yeah, for almost every European team you get these arguments. Whether it's France, the UK, Holland, Germany or even Italy, they all have a disproportionate amount of immigrant players. About half of our team has some foreign roots, I think. Polish, Turkish, some African I think. But most of them have lived here all their life.

But I think this usually isn't an argument within any of these countries really. It's more among the others competing countries who claim that it's unfair that some team's best players "aren't really Dutch/British/French/German."

You fuckers stole all our forwards. I'm surprised Lewandowski and Kuba ain't playing for Schwarz-Rot-Gold :D


You have so much to live for.

Christ do you have to have the last word on everything? How about you just ignore me from now on. I'll do the same. I won't even reply if you have something shitty to say about me.
Thought we just having fun here.... whatever dude.


Remember how I told you Germans have conditioned themselves into forgetting the 30's and 40's?

Real talk: that's the very real, very serious danger with outlawing history and its discussion.
Can we make an exception for the years the Ravens and Pats won the Superbowl?

I feel like the world would be a better place if they were wiped from the pages of history.
Well, first things first, soccer fans are horrible, as a rule of thumb.

And yeah, for almost every European team you get these arguments. Whether it's France, the UK, Holland, Germany or even Italy, they all have a disproportionate amount of immigrant players. About half of our team has some foreign roots, I think. Polish, Turkish, some African I think. But most of them have lived here all their life.

But I think this usually isn't an argument within any of these countries really. It's more among the others competing countries who claim that it's unfair that some team's best players "aren't really Dutch/British/French/German."

Why you gotta drag us down into this man? We just got a Brazilian player who will now play for the Dutch squad. But remember our best player is 100% Dutch and super bald(a real Dutch thing).
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