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NFL 2013 Divisional |OT| Don't Call It A Comeback

So I've had Battlefield 4 erase my single player campaign data like 3 times now. Funny enough, I've had no problems with multi-player.

I was actually able to finish the SP, it crashed twice, but I could just continue at my checkpoint. Looks like I got lucky.

Not a single problem with the MP just like you though. Which is great.



It begins.....sigh

He'll be the best QB the Texans ever had.



Houston anchor completely blasts Kubiak on a Detroit sports radio show. Calls him the "least imaginative coach" out there, etc.

Somebody has some sore stones...

I don't think Kubiak would be a bad option, per-say. He's a former QB, and he had decent success with the Texans overall. That's not saying he's a bad option, but I'd say he's far from the worst, even with what happened with the Texans this year.

Kubiak as an OC would be fine as long as there is a strong HC to make him make adjustments. "We have a gameplan and we will stick to it"--so tired of hearing that


A bunch of people in my PoliSci class kept heckling me about this weekend's game, and kept bringing up the Arizona game. I swear, all it took was ONE DAMN LOSS to completely throw away the evidence of our home performance over the last two years.

People are starting to sleep on the Hawks, but they gonna attack the Saints like



I'll let her dominate me anyday...


Fear of a GAF Planet
I had a gf that looked a lot like JFF's. Minus the massive...tracts of land. Dumb as a rock and boring in bed.


The Houston Texans have relieved John Benton of his duties as offensive line coach, it was announced today.

There ya go Deacon
A bunch of people in my PoliSci class kept heckling me about this weekend's game, and kept bringing up the Arizona game. I swear, all it took was ONE DAMN LOSS to completely throw away the evidence of our home performance over the last two years.

People are starting to sleep on the Hawks, but they gonna attack the Saints like

I hear you man. Feel like people are doing the same thing with the Broncos. Hope ya guys do well this weekend.


Tomodachi wa Mahou
I think the Chargers have the best shot. They've already beaten the Broncos in Denver this year and when they're playing well they're really good.

Also its the playoffs so Peyton will choke.

Hunter S.

Hunter did you get divorced or something, where is the Thompson!!

I feel sexier this way.

I was sick of people assuming I am a smoker and other things because of what H. S. T. was like in real life. Our in house mod Wes did me a favor I had been thinking of doing for some time.
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