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NFL 2013 Divisional |OT| Don't Call It A Comeback

I don't really like the Niners buts it pretty damn impressive to make the championship game 3 years in a row and especially after losing in the SB.

SB losers usually suck ass the next year. Only slightly better than most recent SB champs seem to do...

Yeah that's super impressive. Wonder if some other team made it to the Championship game 3 years in a row so recently after losing the Super Bowl.
Broncos-GAF, I have obligations this evening. Probably won't get to watch most of the game and will make it, probably, back for the end of the 4th Q. I'll either be back to celebrate, or take my licks.

Let's go Denver!


I gotta give Tammy credit for at least not doing shitty commercials.

Only the best



Only thing that worries me is that if we lose, I might have to root for the Pats in the Super Bowl.

Or maybe I could root for a meteor.


I get being frustrated but it's just a front bro. No one as seemingly intelligent as yourself can be so bitter over the genius of Bill.

I dont work for thr mouse anymore and I never worked in Bristol anyway. I would rather live in Bangladesh.
Not sure if I am intelligent. I am smarter than Gata and Lunchbox but that is not really the kind of accomplishment you can brag about.

But whatever intelligence I have is what allows me to see through the fraud that is your coach and your franchise. Just looking at this like an objective rational person I can see that everything behind you 2001 SB run was fueled by cheating, bought off refs, and devilry. The Pats could play the Steelers in that game 1000 times and they would never come within 10 in any of the other games taking away the cheating and bullshit special teams nonsense.

That said about Bill's genius. Fuck him. He sucked ass with the Browns. He is a known and disgraced cheater. He is a known mother fucker (the married kind). He is objectively the biggest douchebag in all of sports. Just watch a single press conference of his after any kind of loss. I will say that he is smarter than Mike Tomlin and a lot of NFL coaches but so is my 2 year old daughter. Fuck Bill and fuck the Pats.

Congrats for getting out of ESPN. I would rather be one of eznark's field hands than work for them.
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