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NFL 2013 Preseason/Training Camp thread - Doritos Locos



No one wants to play with that "guy" on your team. The team knows who fucked up. But in the media you are supposed to stick up for your guys and the captain is supposed to take it all on himself.

Does Rodgers run around and point fingers all the time in the media? I can't honestly recall him ever doing so. He certainly has gone to great lengths to try and cover for HoFinley over the past two years.

I think a lot of this comes from guys like Jennings and Driver jealous that Rodgers has been praising younger guys like Cobb, James Jones (whom Rodgers essentially begged Thompson to re-sign) and Finley while just assuming veterans could be treated like adults.

Moral of the story, wide outs aren't adults. They are fucking toddlers who need to be shipped out prior to their 30-ish year old expiration date.


Manning used to call out the OL all the time after losses though.
I don't know about all the time, but he definitely did it when Pittsburgh came in and bounced them at home.

And Manning took a ton of shit for doing that.

The stars are just not supposed to throw their players under the bus, even if it is true. You stand up like a man and say you have to play better and that the team has to play better, but that you take this one on yourself. And then after the journalists are gone you and the players hold am meeting where you rip the lineman to pieces and then management and coaching decides if they want to keep those bums or try and upgrade.


I have to post this because it is hilarious.


Alex Smith doesn't have small hands. When it comes to American males, his 9 3/8-inch mitts are rather large. And he's right around the average for NFL quarterbacks. Joe Flacco's, for instance, are 9 5/8 inches. Aaron Rodgers' measure in at 9 3/8 inches just like Smith's.

But things like "facts" and "measurements" and "data" have not sunk the myth that Smith has teeny, tiny porcelain doll's hands because, well, because it's hilarious. Even his family thinks so.

"It's still a family joke," Smith said Wednesday. "My little sister still calls me 'small hands.' It won't ever die. If hands come up as a topic, someone's going to make a crack."

The small-hands myth dates back to Smith's rookie season when he fumbled 11 times in nine games. There were several instances -- especially in Seattle and Washington -- when he lost the handle without even getting hit. He simply couldn't maintain his grip through the throwing motion. Which begged the question, "Does this guy have the hands of an otter or what?"

Back then, however, the opposing team handled all footballs used in games. And they would send in, perhaps strategically, balls straight out of the box that still had a sheen of waterproofing that made them hard and extremely slick. The following offseason, a group of veteran quarterbacks led by Peyton Manning and Tom Brady petitioned the league to allow both teams to supply balls that had been scuffed up, worn in and had a better grip.

"I haven't had any slip out since -- knock on wood," Smith said. "But ever since that all came up it's been this 'hands' thing."

Further proof that Smith has a good sense of humor: He let me take the above photo. I told him I'd caption it: 'Wow, look how much Smith's hands have grown since he left SF!'

Read more here: http://blogs.sacbee.com/49ers/archi...yth-is-born-and-never-dies.html#storylink=cpy

Does Rodgers run around and point fingers all the time in the media? I can't honestly recall him ever doing so. He certainly has gone to great lengths to try and cover for HoFinley over the past two years.

I think a lot of this comes from guys like Jennings and Driver jealous that Rodgers has been praising younger guys like Cobb, James Jones (whom Rodgers essentially begged Thompson to re-sign) and Finley while just assuming veterans could be treated like adults.

Moral of the story, wide outs aren't adults. They are fucking toddlers who need to be shipped out prior to their 30-ish year old expiration date.

They are also bet welching douchebags who talk a big game but then don't show up in the playoffs. Oh wait that is erron


Manning used to call out the OL all the time after losses though.

Yeah I remember the end of Mario's tenure, he would publicly berate WRs when plays didn't work. It was crap and was a black eye on his career. I'm not sure where Jennings and Driver had issues with Rodgers. If he embarrassed them publicly or if it was behind the scenes. If it was in a meeting or in practice, then it's a little silly for them to whine about it


Does Rodgers run around and point fingers all the time in the media? I can't honestly recall him ever doing so. He certainly has gone to great lengths to try and cover for HoFinley over the past two years.

I think a lot of this comes from guys like Jennings and Driver jealous that Rodgers has been praising younger guys like Cobb, James Jones (whom Rodgers essentially begged Thompson to re-sign) and Finley while just assuming veterans could be treated like adults.

Moral of the story, wide outs aren't adults. They are fucking toddlers who need to be shipped out prior to their 30-ish year old expiration date.

I don't know much about what the atmosphere is like in Green Bay, but from an outside perspective it all seems to stem from the bitterness of not being wanted. Jennings, Driver, Favre- the criticism always seems to come from a player that wanted to remain in Green Bay but Thompson was ready to move on from.



No one wants to play with that "guy" on your team. The team knows who fucked up. But in the media you are supposed to stick up for your guys and the captain is supposed to take it all on himself.
I don't think I recall Rodgers ever calling someone out in a presser though. He'd say something like there was miscommunication between me and so and so, but that's about it. And I've heard QBs be unaware of things when specific plays are referenced, but Rodgers is quite detailed about his own mistakes when he makes them.

Not saying you guys are wrong about whiny WRs, but I've never heard any of Brady, Brees, or Manning's WRs complain about their leadership.
That's because they didn't have a Greg Jennings who is salty he was shown the door in GB because they didn't need him. And Driver was obviously asked about the Jennings situation, so it's not like he brought it up out of the blue.
I have no doubt Fox1 will do the exact same thing. What really disappoints is that NFLN does the same thing. I don't watch MLB or NBA, but I wonder if their networks look at the rest of the league more than the NFLN does? Seems when I watch NFLN it's just terrible parodies of First Take

Yep, I don't follow the NBA and the extent of my MLB coverage consists of me checking the standings on yahoo every now and then. I do watch NBCsports NHL stuff sometimes and it's pretty hit and miss. They do what they can I suppose, but they also hire guys like Mike Milbury whose sole purpose is to just make irritating and argumentative statements. As for NFLNet, it started out kind of promising, but my god, it's been in a total nosedive the last few years. I caught their NFL AM program a couple times, and wow, what a total mess of a show. And after hearing about what people Fox has hired, my hopes aren't very high.


The stars are just not supposed to throw their players under the bus, even if it is true.

The only instance I can think of Rodgers throwing someone under the bus is when he screamed in James Jones' face after Jones ran the wrong route and got picked off. In the post game press conference Jones essentially said he deserved much worse and was glad to be held accountable.

I can't really think of Rodgers calling anyone out, other than McCarthy.

I don't know much about what the atmosphere is like in Green Bay, but from an outside perspective it all seems to stem from the bitterness of not being wanted. Jennings, Driver, Favre- the criticism always seems to come from a player that wanted to remain in Green Bay but Thompson was ready to move on from.

Pretty much. Though it's absurd that Driver would be bitter considering he was not even close to an NFL caliber receiver last year and Thompson gave him a pity/nostalgia roster spot.


Lol is this sarcasm? I hate GTAIV but it is still in the top 20 games on Live every week.

The game is wildly popular but it never seemed to me that the online portion ever caught on. Being in that Top 20 list just means a lot of people are playing the game in some form.
The game is wildly popular but it never seemed to me that the online portion ever caught on. Being in that Top 20 list just means a lot of people are playing the game in some form.
I can't imagine anyone is still playing the sp this long after release though.


The game is wildly popular but it never seemed to me that the online portion ever caught on. Being in that Top 20 list just means a lot of people are playing the game in some form.
Nah the online was huge, even though there wasn't really anything to do besides race/explore/fight cops it still had a pretty big following on XBL.

GTAO is going to be incredibly popular.


I'm sure it will be incredibly popular. So is Adam Sandler.

Isn't there some GTA IV web portal that could tell us exactly how many people actually do play it online?

I know it got kind of interesting on the PC once people started modding it into a good game but that obviously didn't happen on 360.


Ultimately, I think this whole Donald Driver thing really tarnishes his reputation as a great leader and team mate. I mean, if Donald Driver were a leader he would take the heat for Aaron Rodgers not taking the heat for Donald Drivers mistakes instead of calling him out in public like this.
I agree! While others proclaim different games from the series to be the best, I still love the first one the most. Third one is good, but one seals the deal.

Speaking of which, most of the Konami silver box games were the bomb. Rush n Attack, Gradius, Life Force, Jackal, Blades of Steel...all great.
Castlevania is one of my most beloved series of all time and well if we're talking about best Castlevania, there is only one!


The music in that game is still amazing, IMO.
I'm sure age has something to do with it but I've always felt like the SNES was the ultimate gaming machine for nostalgic awesomeness. The NES had its time and place but the SNES just raised the bar to a whole new level.

SNES games on my 3DS, Nintendo! Get on it!


I'm sure age has something to do with it but I've always felt like the SNES was the ultimate gaming machine for nostalgic awesomeness. The NES had its time and place but the SNES just raised the bar to a whole new level.

SNES games on my 3DS, Nintendo! Get on it!
Yeah I want the DKC games on 3ds, how are they not on VC yet? Crazy.


Ultimately, I think this whole Donald Driver thing really tarnishes his reputation as a great leader and team mate. I mean, if Donald Driver were a leader he would take the heat for Aaron Rodgers not taking the heat for Donald Drivers mistakes instead of calling him out in public like this.
I think it all comes down to Ted Thompson being incompetent. He should issue a statement apologizing for every bad route, missed block, interception, and Jermichael Finley.


come in my shame circle
I'm sure age has something to do with it but I've always felt like the SNES was the ultimate gaming machine for nostalgic awesomeness. The NES had its time and place but the SNES just raised the bar to a whole new level.

SNES games on my 3DS, Nintendo! Get on it!

I'm always conflicted on this. For as much as I loved the SNES I may have to say the Playstation 1 was the shit when it came to games.

I think my view is skewed because by the time the PS1 came out I was old enough to be able to actually buy 1 or 2 games a year with my own money as a kid.
Ultimately, I think this whole Donald Driver thing really tarnishes his reputation as a great leader and team mate. I mean, if Donald Driver were a leader he would take the heat for Aaron Rodgers not taking the heat for Donald Drivers mistakes instead of calling him out in public like this.
Clearly Rodgers should take the heat for Driver not taking the heat for him not taking the heat for him originally.

Kave Saturn was so much better then PS1.


Guess Im the only one has been bored to tears by Nintendo games most of my life.

Last Mario game I played was SMB 3 and I only owned an N64 for WCW vs NWO.


I'm sure age has something to do with it but I've always felt like the SNES was the ultimate gaming machine for nostalgic awesomeness. The NES had its time and place but the SNES just raised the bar to a whole new level.

SNES games on my 3DS, Nintendo! Get on it!
I never had SNES as a kid. My parents were awesome and rented one for us for a weekend, and it came in this huge briefcase. I remember they had to put a 50 dollar deposit down, and I thought that was insane at the time.
Simon's Quest is the only one I truly played when I was a kid and man some of the dungeons were so obscure. Thank god they went with the more Metroidvania approach in later iterations.
Simon's Quest in general was obscure as fuck. Some of the solutions needed to finish that game were out there.:) Still, it was an interesting first take at the more "open world" style of game that Symphony of the Night made popular.

I go back and forth though on classic Castlevania. While I love the Iga Metroidvania games, I'm much more partial to the level based structure of 1, 3, Super IV, Rondo and Bloodlines...(amongst many others)

I never had SNES as a kid. My parents were awesome and rented one for us for a weekend, and it came in this huge briefcase. I remember they had to put a 50 dollar deposit down, and I thought that was insane at the time.
I'm truly sorry, Greg. I'm surprised your as well adjusted as you are given that piece of information.;)


Guess Im the only one has been bored to tears by Nintendo games most of my life.

Last Mario game I played was SMB 3 and I only owned an N64 for WCW vs NWO.

I mostly played sports games before the XBOX, but Nintendo was making great games until the Gamecube era


come in my shame circle
Name all the systems you've own you poors!

Turbo Graphx16
Sega Genesis
Playstation 1
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
Xbox 360
Gameboy Colour
Gameboy Advance
Nintendo DS
Nintendo DSi
Nintendo 3DS XL
Guess Im the only one has been bored to tears by Nintendo games most of my life.
I can't even understand...

The SNES was an incredible machine. Another favorite:


I remember the top down Mode 7 scaling levels blew my mind back in the day. Another game with incredible music, too!
I never had SNES as a kid. My parents were awesome and rented one for us for a weekend, and it came in this huge briefcase. I remember they had to put a 50 dollar deposit down, and I thought that was insane at the time.
Sadly enough I never owned one either (the original Game Boy was the only system my parents would let me have at the time other than our family PC) but my neighbor did so I practically lived at his house. Summers were amazing. The SNES had awesome multiplayer games too, like Tecmo Super Bowl, Mario Kart, the DKC games, Street Fighter II... the list goes on and on. I also remember my neighbor's dad coming home with games he'd rented on the way home from work. The first time I played Yoshi's Island... oh man. Then there were other days when you got stuff like that Power Rangers fighting game. Can't win 'em all, I suppose!

Throughout the years I've been close to going back and buying a SNES many times but at this point it's just not worth the trouble (and money). I'll just stick to the Virtual Console, flawed as it may be.
Name all the systems you've own you poors!

Turbo Graphx16
Sega Genesis
Playstation 1
Playstation 2
Playstation 3
Xbox 360
Gameboy Colour
Gameboy Advance
Nintendo DS
Nintendo DSi
Nintendo 3DS XL



I owned a Dreamcast, I'm better than you.
Kave Saturn was so much better then PS1.
If you were a fan of 2D sprite based stuff, my god yes. (fighting games in particular)

On the 3D front you had stuff like Burning Rangers and Panzer Dragoon (*hugs copy of PD Saga* but the variety of titles available on the PSX puts the Saturn to shame. My Sega fanboyism can't deny that.
I stuck with the NES until 91 or 92 and then skipped the SNES and got a Genesis because I loved stuff like Golden Axe and Streets of Rage and of course the sports games. Though my good buddy at the time also had an SNES so I got to game a bit on that as well, but nowhere near as much as I played Genesis.


Sadly enough I never owned one either (the original Game Boy was the only system my parents would let me have at the time other than our family PC) but my neighbor did so I practically lived at his house. Summers were amazing. The SNES had awesome multiplayer games too, like Tecmo Super Bowl, Mario Kart, the DKC games, Street Fighter II... the list goes on and on. I also remember my neighbor's dad coming home with games he'd rented on the way home from work. The first time I played Yoshi's Island... oh man. Then there were other days when you got stuff like that Power Rangers fighting game. Can't win 'em all, I suppose!

Throughout the years I've been close to going back and buying a SNES many times but at this point it's just not worth the trouble (and money). I'll just stick to the Virtual Console, flawed as it may be.
Renting games back then was the best when you had little to go by and made some awesome discovery.

The lady that owned the local pizza shop across the street used to rent out NES games, and she liked me so much that she let me pick one game out every Friday after school for free. They were on this big spinning rack, and I'd stand there forever trying to decide.


come in my shame circle
Y'all making me nostalgia like crazy.

I remember ripping on my little brother for somehow giving up 10 home runs in a row in Sports Talk Baseball back in the early 90s.

Had to have been a glitch but it was amazing to see.


Renting games back then was the best when you had little to go by and made some awesome discovery.

The lady that owned the local pizza shop across the street used to rent out NES games, and she liked me so much that she let me pick one game out every Friday after school for free. They were on this big spinning rack, and I'd stand there forever trying to decide.

NES game box covers were some deceptive shit back in the day. You got like 10 bad games to the one that was good. Every kid had that "HOLY SHIT look at the cover!" moments


NES game box covers were some deceptive shit back in the day. You got like 10 bad games to the one that was good. Every kid had that "HOLY SHIT look at the cover!" moments
Yeah, and the games with the questionable covers were the good ones too. That's some bullshit.
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