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NFL 2013 Preseason/Training Camp thread - Doritos Locos


I was never good at NES games, or really most games for that matter. I just never wanted to sink the time into playing levels over and over. I always figured there was some trick to Top Gun that my brother and I just couldn't figure out. I subscribed to Nintendo Power for years, and I really feel like they should have at some point let you know that Top Gun was cheap shit and impossible to beat


The thing is, since you recently graduated iirc, they know that you don't know shit. If they are giving you an interview for a position that might be above your current skills now, they are seeing if you have the potential (rather than the know how at the moment) to fill that position. Or you could very well be fodder, which sucks. Either way all you can do is be yourself.

I've flat out blown interviews before, largely because of nerves and the pressure to code on whiteboards. If anything blowing an interview allows you to stop caring, and just be yourself. It always feels better being rejected when you go in and just be yourself, rather than a bundle of nerves that doesn't show them who you are. Good luck!

Oh no doubt. I'm just more nervous than usual because this is not even the position I initially applied for. This seems quite bit less entry level.
I find that if you line up 10 different gamers and ask them about Battletoads 8 of them say they never got past the bike stage.

Think that was me. Though, I never owned the game, used to borrow my friend's copy and I just remembered I returned it rather quickly, what a pain in the balls.

I actually got pretty good at landing the plane in Top Gun, but I never beat the game, the later levels got pretty crazy. The second game was even harder.

Ikari Warriors was fucking impossible without the code and with it, the game went on forever and a had a total shit ending.

And one year for xmas, I got that total piece of shit, Deadly Towers. There are no words for that.


Oh no doubt. I'm just more nervous than usual because this is not even the position I initially applied for. This seems quite bit less entry level.

Well, even if you met all the requirements, they would still have to train you according to the way they do business. Meaning every job is entry level at the beginning in some ways.

If you've come this far or they give you the job, then they have faith in your potential, so you should too.
“First and foremost, I just want to say that I did not take a performance-enhancing drug,” Dunbar told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “I mistakenly took something that prompted a failed drug test. I want to say that I sincerely apologize to my teammates, the organization, Coach [Jeff] Fisher, [General Manager] Les Snead, my family, and friends. I’m deeply saddened by this but I plan to serve my four-game suspension and get back to playing football as soon as possible.”

Asked what banned substance he tested positive for, Dunbar refused to answer.

“I just don’t want to get into that right now,” Dunbar said. “That’s something we don’t want to talk about — we just want to move past.”



Oh man, all this NES talk is bringing me back.

There are a few games from my childhood that I never beat that I should finish now. Off the top of my head - Milon's Secret Castle, Shadowgate, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Castlequest...


Setec Astronomer
A bunch of NES games required you to sit down with them before you could really take full enjoyment. It's amazing how many people ragequit after the dam in TMNT when it's really not that hard. You're just not allowed to muddle through somehow and still advance.


Oh man, all this NES talk is bringing me back.

There are a few games from my childhood that I never beat that I should finish now. Off the top of my head - Milon's Secret Castle, Shadowgate, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Castlequest...

You're an olds.


Nes games. Blaster Master. Bump n Jump. City Connection. Mappyland. Burger Tyme. Little Nemo Dream Master. Contra. Predator...

I need to dig out my Nes again...
I say we start an internet petition that Brady can't play/practice during the pre-season anymore and should be wrapped in bubble wrap for the next couple of weeks.
I say we start an internet petition that Brady can't play/practice during the pre-season anymore and should be wrapped in bubble wrap for the next couple of weeks.
Brady's frail old body couldn't take that much inactivity, though. He's like an old car, you can't leave it sitting for too long or it won't run when you need it to. Do you want Brady's arm to fall off during his first pass attempt of the regular season?



“Brandon’s taking all the first-team reps, so take it for what that is,” Thomas said, via Nate Ulrich of the Akron Beacon Journal. “I don’t know. I’m not evaluating the quarterbacks. I think Jason’s had a great camp, so I wouldn’t necessarily say that they’re not both playing well because they both are. So I don’t know how you evaluate which quarterback is going to be the starter or not. But, I mean, I’ve got eyes just like everybody else does, and Brandon’s taken all the first reps.”
Lacey Update
JS Online said:
Lacy said he got through practice Wednesday without his hamstring tightening up, but he also was cautious about how hard he pushed it and attentive to any messages the injury was sending. The decision on whether he will play against the Rams inside the Edward Jones Dome will be left to the medical staff.

Can't fucking wait to see him in action. So excite.


Fuuuuuuuuuuck. I missed out on the NES talk. Damn that was such a great system. Most gamers are too young to remember it, but Super Mario on the NES was a jaw dropping game for its time. Going from Atari to that was mindblowing back then.

A lot of NES games have aged badly, though they were cutting edge at the time, a lot like the 32 bit era.

oh and since im up getting a snack. Whoever made this game can get punched in the mouth.

This was the one NES game that I tried to beat and was never able to. I could never clear the stage right before the last one where you have to go from the bottom to the top and beat like every fucking demon in the game.

Oh man, all this NES talk is bringing me back.

There are a few games from my childhood that I never beat that I should finish now. Off the top of my head - Milon's Secret Castle, Shadowgate, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Castlequest...
I don't remember Castlequest of Milon but Shadowgate is easy and TMNT is hard, but doable. It just takes a lot of patience.

Yeah, I remember having to rent it from Blockbuster all the time. It was one of those deals where I would only get games on my birthday and Christmas. I just remember it kicking my ass over and again. That and Ninja Gaiden.
I fucking loooooooved Ninja Gaiden. I remember it being really hard as a kid but we busted out our NES during one winter break at college and I remember after a few days of playing the game obsessively being able to beat it without getting hit.

The crazy thing with NES games is that if you were good at them most of them could be beat in like 20 minutes or less.

Someone mentioned Rygar too. That game was easy, but like a lot of NES games the hardest part is the beginning. Getting a 10 year old spazz to calm the fuck down for 15 minutes and figure out which way to go at the start when there is no map or hints is hard! It took me like 6 months before I was able to do that and then it was pretty easy to get through it. I am not even sure that game was good, but something about it seemed awesome at the time. Is it my bad memory again or was Karnov a boss in that game? Or am I thinking of something else?


Oh man, all this NES talk is bringing me back.

There are a few games from my childhood that I never beat that I should finish now. Off the top of my head - Milon's Secret Castle, Shadowgate, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Castlequest...

I'd love to see video of someone beating Milon's Secret Castle without slow mo.


I remember that awesome episode of NOVA on PBS where they proved that scientifically, Mike Tyson's Punchout was the best game on the NES. At least I'm pretty sure it was NOVA


I remember that awesome episode of NOVA on PBS where they proved that scientifically, Mike Tyson's Punchout was the best game on the NES. At least I'm pretty sure it was NOVA
There were millions of kids whose balls dropped the second they knocked tyson the fuck out after hours of getting their ass kicked.

Kids these days don't have challenges like that!


oh and since im up getting a snack. Whoever made this game can get punched in the mouth.


How could I forget. First game I owned outside of Mario Bros packin. Such an awesome game. Never truly beat it (second run), but so many memories with this game. Genesis and Snes versions weren't even close in terms of difficulty, and I would tear through them. PSP version was tough though.
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