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NFL 2013 Preseason/Training Camp thread - Doritos Locos



Also, jesus fuck Bulaga is going to try and play through the torn ACL?!!

As the article above said, Mankins did it:

Mankins' problems only multiplied in the playoffs. In the Patriots' postseason win over the Denver Broncos, Mankins tore the medial collateral ligament in his left knee, leading him to play the Super Bowl against the New York Giants with torn ligaments in each knee.

Bulaga needs to grow an awesome stache first, though.

Also, I still like the Falcons Anus Stadium.


No reason to rush JPP. Maybe it may be best for him to rest on the PUP for six weeks.

Use Kiwanuka, Tuck, Tracy, and Moore.


How did I miss this from last year? I think we found Freeman's soulmate:

Conan on TBS: Anna Kendrick's shameful Taco Bell drive-thru secret

"I love Taco Bell...it's like a dirty thing that I love Taco Bell so much...I cannot eat Taco Bell before midnight. It's just so filthy...it has to be under cover of darkness in my car."

"It is a shameful thing...but it's so good! I'll drive out of my way to one with a drive-thru so I don't have to go inside, and then I'll just eat it in the parking lot in my car."


How did I miss this from last year? I think we found Freeman's soulmate:

Conan on TBS: Anna Kendrick's shameful Taco Bell drive-thru secret

"I love Taco Bell...it's like a dirty thing that I love Taco Bell so much...I cannot eat Taco Bell before midnight. It's just so filthy...it has to be under cover of darkness in my car."

"It is a shameful thing...but it's so good! I'll drive out of my way to one with a drive-thru so I don't have to go inside, and then I'll just eat it in the parking lot in my car."


"I don't know if I'm horny or hungry."




Peelback blocks are now illegal anywhere on the field. Previously, peelback blocks were allowed inside the tackle box. “Illegal peelback blocks are dangerous and have no part in our game,” the video’s narrator says. “Violations will result in 15-yard penalties and potential discipline.”

– Players are reminded that they can be suspended for committing a clear violation of the rules on hits to the head, especially when a player took a clear path to hit an opponent whose position was not affected by another player, and the contact was clearly avoidable. Repeat offenders are particularly subject to suspensions.

– All players with the exception of kickers and punters will be required to wear thigh and knee pads at all times, including in pregame warmups. The first time an official notices a player isn’t wearing pads, he’ll be told to leave the field and put them on. If he comes back on without the pads, it will be a five-yard penalty. If he still doesn’t put the pads on after that, he will be ejected.

– The tuck rule has been eliminated.

– Coaches who throw their challenge flags on plays that were going to be replayed automatically (such as scoring plays and turnovers) will not lose the challenge, but they will lose a timeout or get a 15-yard penalty if they are out of timeouts. (Video of Jim Schwartz throwing his challenge flag was played during this portion of the officiating video.)

– Late hits after the play is over will be strictly penalized.

– Game officials are being reminded to blow their whistles at the end of every play. That may seem obvious, but in the past sometimes officials didn’t bother to blow their whistles

– All players are reminded that they are not allowed to grab opponents’ facemasks — including runners. Runners are not allowed to grab the facemask any more than tacklers are, and runners who grab opponents’ facemasks will be given 15-yard penalties.

– “Sportsmanship is always a point of emphasis,” the narrator of the video said. “Directing verbal abuse at an opponent has no part in our game.” Throwing, spiking, or spinning the ball in the direction of an opponent is a form of taunting that “will not be tolerated.”



Hunter S.

Because it's a funny picture in the same vein as Greg's old sad Rodgers avatar.


The Atlanta Falcons!

You're lucky the Falcons got Peyton when he was new to the offensive system here. If you played him later during last season I see an a lot closer game. I am pretty sure he will make your falcon into fried falcon this year. So fucken delicious. and greasy.


Santonio Holmes is out the first 4 games right?

The Jets have no offensive threats even with him in the line up and certainly none without him. Why rush Geno to start on such a terrible offensive team? Let Mark take the bumps and bruises. You can't break him down any further.


GREEN BAY—Mike McCarthy didn’t close the door on Bryan Bulaga’s season.

“We’re still waiting on a medical opinion. Bryan is still hopeful of giving it a go. Nothing has been finalized. He doesn’t even look like he’s injured,” McCarthy told reporters following the Packers’ Tuesday morning practice.
News reports on Monday claimed the Packers’ left tackle sustained a knee injury in Saturday night’s Family Night scrimmage, and that the injury would end his season. According to McCarthy, there is still hope Bulaga could play this season.

“We always do what’s in the best interest of the player. Bryan is fully aware of what it would take to play this season,” McCarthy said.

Meanwhile, wide receiver Jordy Nelson will not return to action in this training camp, the result of a knee injury he had been nursing through the first week of training camp. “Jordy Nelson had a procedure done on his knee (on Monday),” McCarthy said. “He won’t be available for the rest of camp. We hope to have Jordy ready for the start of the season.”

In other injury news, tight end Ryan Taylor and running back Alex Green missed practice on Tuesday due to knee injuries. First-round draft pick Datone Jones was absent from practice due to illness.
Rookie fourth-round draft pick David Bakhtiari replaced Bulaga at left tackle in Tuesday’s practice. Marshall Newhouse remained at right tackle. Meanwhile, the experiment with Don Barclay at center appears to have ended. “He’s very smart,” McCarthy said of Bakhtiari. “He’s had one error in all of training camp. I’m excited about his opportunity.”

“We know what those two guys can do,” McCarthy said of Barclay and Newhouse, who were the Packers’ right and left tackles respectively when last season ended.
“Our young players are going to factor into the makeup of our 53-man roster. Players have to step up and win jobs.”
Kind of confused that they didn't move Newhouse back to the left immediately, but hey, I'm not the coach...they must really see something in Bakhtiari and that's a good thing!


The NFL vid on the crown rule, whoever made it, reads this forum. As the guy says elite, it shows Flacco throwing the football :O


It means that Brady is still a God.

1 on 1s are always tough for the CBs but yeah the Eagles beat writers tweeting how Brady looks amazing. Like a cyborg putting on a clinic. Our secondary can only tackle! No great cover men.

Found this tweet hilarious:

Jeff McLane ‏@Jeff_McLane 24s
Can be painful watching Tim Tebow throw the football.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man


I really don't know any of the rules in football but I've seen this gif posted a lot - can anyone tell me what's going on here? What'd Brady get called on and why is he so incensed?

I think this was when the Pats were making their huge comeback after the 49ers got up big, and they were trying to run no huddle and keep the 9ers D on their heels. Brady was pissed that the refs stopped play after the snap (looks like for a timeout or review or something).
texans radio just went over the celebration rules. No pointing, taunting, spinning the ball, military salute, sack dances, "choreographed" team celebrations, no props, and some other stuff i forgot. I wonder how much of that they are going to enforce.

No way.


Looks like amendola turned Chung around 3 times on the same play. I see things haven't changed. Would haved loved to see this


It was getting out of hand. Guys were dancing and pointing after every little thing. This isn't soccer where players run to the corner and start crying b/c they scored a goal. Do something good? Go high five your teammates on the way back to the huddle



texans radio just went over the celebration rules. No pointing, taunting, spinning the ball, military salute, sack dances, "choreographed" team celebrations, no props, and some other stuff i forgot. I wonder how much of that they are going to enforce.
So the watt salute after a sack is illegal now?
texans radio just went over the celebration rules. No pointing, taunting, spinning the ball, military salute, sack dances, "choreographed" team celebrations, no props, and some other stuff i forgot. I wonder how much of that they are going to enforce.
Not my Mile High Salute.....
texans radio just went over the celebration rules. No pointing, taunting, spinning the ball, military salute, sack dances, "choreographed" team celebrations, no props, and some other stuff i forgot. I wonder how much of that they are going to enforce.



He doesn't get double teamed every play so why isn't he even a top 15 WR in the league?

Maybe not on every play but teams often play with a safety over the top against DeSean. He's easier to neutralize in 11-on-11 situations than he is 1-on-1. Although his presence on the field helps open up space for his teammates. But he doesn't have the combination of size and speed of someone like Megatron or even Mike Wallace. That's why he's not a top 15 WR.


texans radio just went over the celebration rules. No pointing, taunting, spinning the ball, military salute, sack dances, "choreographed" team celebrations, no props, and some other stuff i forgot. I wonder how much of that they are going to enforce.
No fun allowed


texans radio just went over the celebration rules. No pointing, taunting, spinning the ball, military salute, sack dances, "choreographed" team celebrations, no props, and some other stuff i forgot. I wonder how much of that they are going to enforce.




texans radio just went over the celebration rules. No pointing, taunting, spinning the ball, military salute, sack dances, "choreographed" team celebrations, no props, and some other stuff i forgot. I wonder how much of that they are going to enforce.

No of this effects the Might Detroit Lions.

And you know why :(


Miami Dolphins

Tannehill has all the tools to be a good QB in the NFL. Size, Speed and a strong arm. He is able to make every single throw on the football field but he needs to improve his accuracy. For now he is getting by with the excuse that his receivers and offensive line were horrible last year and he had to hurry his throws too much. He throws better on the run, something the coaches have noticed and are trying to exploit by adding more rollout out and play action to this years offense. He has poise, is patient in the pocket and is not easily rattled. His huge glaring weakness is that common of rookies. He locks on to his #1 read most of the time. He would constantly lock on Hartline or Bess in the slot last season, something that was still apparent in the first preseason game when he was constantly locking on his #1 receiver to the right side. In his defense, the offensive line is so weak that he only has enough time to go through his first read before having to get rid of the ball or scramble to gain some yards. I look for him to slightly improve this year, but he doesn't have the offensive line to help him make a huge jump in stats this year. He should place on the tail end of top 20 quarterbacks this year.

Lamar Miller has an explosive first step coming out of the back field. He can turn it outside the edge or bang up the middle. He will be getting the majority of the carries but needs to take care of the ball. He also has to improve his reads blocking and know when to swing out of the backfield to become a receiving threat. Daniel Thomas is a bruiser up in between the tackles. He takes care of the ball pretty well, but lacks explosiveness for big gains. He is mediocre coming out of the back field for receptions. I see him dropping from #2 on the depth chart to #3. Jonas Gray has all the things you look for in a running back. He is a bruiser with good acceleration and patience for holes to open. He is also a good run blocker and has soft hands coming out of the backfield to gain some yards receiving. He will eventually compliment lamar millers explosiveness an elusiveness by being a RB/FB hybrid in the backfield. He is coming off an injury season, so his hunger is there and showed enough in the pre-season game to place himself in the running for #2 running back.

Javorskie Lane is a good run blocker, good to average coming off the back field. However in Philbin's offense he will be used springy. Most likely in power formations.

Wallace is the main pick up and should help stretch the field. He will be a decoy #1 receiver and most likely play #2 most of the time, with Brian Hartline getting most of the receptions and glory. Hartline has good route running and gains good YAC. Hartline needs to work on not getting jammed up at the line by more physical defenses. He should improve his TD's in the end zone this year being that the WR roster has grown. Gibson came from St. Louis this year. He is a very good #2 but will most likely be used as a #3 slot receiver. He has good speed and size for the position and good hands as well. Bumphis will most likely be used as a TE.

Dustin Keller is your average to good Tight End. Decent route running and good hands. He should be our plain tight end who mostly blocks and is often the 4th read on dire needs for catches. Sims will be a blocker first and receiver second. He doesn't have the speed to become a Jimmy Graham or Dennis Pitta. He will be good for those yards you have to grind for in the 5-6 yard range. Chad Bumphis is a Wide Receiver who seems destined to be our #1 Tight End in this offense. Our offensive line being so weak means that we will most likely be lining up with 3 Wide Receivers at the line of scrimmage at most. No 4 or 5 WR sets are feasible even on 3rd and 20 situations currently. I see Bumphis having the size, speed, hands and route running to be a great fit at tight end. Getting under defensive backs and burning line backer coverages on inside or outside routes. He showed great promise in the first pre-season game and hope the coaches see that he would be wasted as a WR in our offense.

Outside of Mike Pouncey this offensive line is mediocre. Just like every year! Injuries to our veterans especially John Jerry have really hurt this team. Martin is the weakest link, he has absolutely no punch when it comes down to blocking. He bites on fake outs and can't read the shifts from the D line. This is not on him though, he is playing a position that is not his native position. This falls on the coaches and Ireland especially. Letting go of Long is understandable, passing on Albert maybe, but not getting a journeyman OL during the off season for this position is a straight up mess of epic proportions. And the front office knows this, being as we just picked up an undrafted rookie from West Virginia (Jeff Braun) to band aid this line and shift everyone again. This is the biggest weakness on offense for the last 10 years, and I'm tired of it.

This defense will be average in pass coverage but great in everything else. The addition of Dion Jordan who looks to be the absolute real deal has me hyped! If the coaches are willing to make the defense the star and put the offense in a position to just not make turnover, we have a chance to go 10-6. I believe the DL is stacked with Wake, Vernon and Jordan. Jordan can also drop back as a LB and cover those pesky #4 receivers and Tight Ends like Gronk and Graham. He has the speed and size. Hard hitting safety Reshad Jones seems to be in for a great season just signing a 4 year extension. Our cover corners will do great if they stick to pressing at the line of scrimmage and using their size to be physical. Especially our rookie Jamaar Taylor.

Look for Dion Jordan to make highlights, Tannehill to improve a bit, Wallace being an average 68 receptions, 4 Touchdowns and 750 yards. Our offensive line costing us those tight games and the playoffs. Best case scenario 11-5, worst case scenario 7-9.
It was getting out of hand. Guys were dancing and pointing after every little thing. This isn't soccer where players run to the corner and start crying b/c they scored a goal. Do something good? Go high five your teammates on the way back to the huddle


Just seems funny since they advertise the hell out of those unique celebrations in commercials, even their own branded ones.
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